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1868 Mi.21c, Coat of arms 7Kr "preussischblau" with fragmentem of CDS LICHTENFELS, cu to margins, at right repaired; certificate Peter Sem BPP 2009, this stam always missing, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1870 Mi.26X, Coat of arms 12Kr perforated, wmk "enge Rauten"; VF, certificate Brettl, cat. 450€ U:A5
1875 Mi.32c, Coat of arms 1 Kr "mattgrünn", block of four; very fine mint never hinged multiple, exp. Peter Sem BPP, cat. 320€ U:A5
1919 selection of 9 Reg letters with sets FREISTADT BAYERN Mi.136-151, 2½-5M, all CDS NEUSTADT / WALDNAAB 1 and used with arrival CDS BERLIN N.O.; very fine set U:A5
1861-1865 Mi.10B, Coat of arms ½Gr/5Pf black / green with perforation 16, cancel. BRAUNSWEIG; nice piece, mark Ruhland, cat. 4.000€ U:A5
1861-1865 Mi.11B, Coat of arms 1Sgr black / yellow with perforation 16; nice piece, mark Ruhland and Krüger, cat. 2.000€ U:A5
1853-1865 SELECTION / of 13 stamps and two letters, i.a. Mi.7, 8, 9, 12A, 19 etc, 1x letter with Mi.11A etc..; 4 pcs on cut-square U:A5
1862 letter with Coat of arms 3Gr carmine, Mi.12Ab to Papenburg, cancelled with rhombic cancel. "8", blue CDS BRUNSWICK 15.NOV.1862; on reverse exp. Kastaun, cat. 700€ U:A5
1885 Mi.17b, Coat of arms 2½F / 3Pf, left marginal strip-of-3 from printing sheet 10x1 stamps; at left toned, two stamps VF, cat. for ** 1.300€, rare offer! U:A5
1851 Mi.1, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. ½Sgr/6Pf, block of four (!), wmk "Lorbeerkranz"; very fine multiple, hinged on two stamps, two stamps MNH, cat. min. 1.200€! U:A5
1850 6 letters of 1. issue, 2x Mi.3 PUTLITZ, combination Mi.3+4 ERFURT, Mi.2+4 PUTLITZ, pair Mi.2 FORST, Mi.4 Reg letter BEESKOW; very fine, rarer postmarks! U:A5
1857-1867 9 letters i.a. pair Mi.6, 1Sgr "glatt", Mi.8, pairs Mi.10a,b; strip-of-3 Eagle 2Gr Mi.17a WOLDENBERG, ditto pair PERLEBERG, Reco-Rückchein to Tokaje Mi.17+18 and oths. very nice set, cat. min. 880€ U:A5
1862 letter with pair Mi.13a, Wilhlem IV. 6Pfg with CDS COELN BHF; very nice and rare letter, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1851 Mi.5, "Numerals" 18Kr black / dull violet; very fine piece, cat. 900€ U:A5
1857 Mi.6-9, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr with "Seidenfaden"; exp. Thoma and Heinrich, cat. 280€++ U:A5
1859 Mi.15, Coat of arms 18Kr blue without "Seidenfaden", very nice CORNER piece, exp. Pfenninger, cat. 1.500€ U:A5
1860 Mi.16xa-19xa, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr perf 13½; , strong paper; very fine, all expertized, cat. 450€ U:A5
1857 Mi.19, Coat of arms 18Kr light blue with "Seidenfaden"; very fine piece, exp. Thoma and Hacker, cat. 1.700€, rare stamp U:A5
1861 Mi.20y, Coat of arms 18Kr blue perf 13½;; nice piece, exp. Thoma, cat. 2.800€, rare stamp U:A5
1863 Mi.29, Coat of arms 18Kr orange, perf 10; at top short tooth, exp. Heinrich, cat. 500€ U:A5
1865 Mi.34, Coat of arms 18Kr orange; very fine piece, exp. Heinrich and Pfenninger, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1862 two letters: Mi.18xa, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer green stronger paper, CDS STUTTGART, before mounting damaged + Mi.18ya, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer green thin paper CDS REUTLINGEN in perfect quality; cat. 600€ U:A5
1850-1868 set of 10 better letters, i.a. Bavaria Mi.5, 10, Brunswick 3/4 Mi.9 with rare cancel. GANDERSHEIM; postcard Heligoland 10Pfg, TT Mi.9, Prussia Mi.3., Postbezirk (district) 4x Mi.3 and str-of-3 Mi.2; very fine set, high catalogue value! U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.11, miniature sheet A. H. Nürnberg 1937; right size, very fine, cat. 320€ U:A5
1936-1937 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.MH36.3, stamp booklet Hindenburg; complete, cat. 400€ U:A5
1937-1939 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.MH37.1, stamp booklet Hindenburg; complete, cat. 350€ U:A5
1941 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.MH.39.4, stamp booklet Hindenburg; complete, cat. 200€ U:A5
1937-1940 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.MH44 and MH47, selection of two complete stamp booklets Winterhilfswerk 1937 and 1940; cat. 260€ U:A5
1941 STAMP BOOKLETS / Mi.MH.48.1, stamp booklets A. H.; complete, cat. 130€ U:A5
1936-1941 STAMP BOOKLETS / set of 6 incomplete stamp booklets: 3x MH36.1, 38.1, 38.2, 48.1 (3x) U:A5
1923-1924 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION / selection of 40 entires with inflationary frankings, sent mainly to Czechoslovakia, various frankings, 4x as Registered etc..; various quality U:O5
1941 LITHUANIA, LATVIA, ESTLAND / complete set Mi.1-9, Mi.1-6 and Mi.1-3y, 4-9; VF and sought issue, cat. 360€ U:A5
1941 LITHUANIA / RASEINIAI service letter with Mi.1III-7III, 14 stamps, with Soviet CDS РАСЕЙНЯИ/ 14.7.41, cat. only stamps more than 400€, small tearing in margins, interesting U:A5
1941 BALTIC STATES / selection of stamps with overprint on stock-sheet A4, various local overprints for Estonia (PERNAU), Litvu (VILNIUS, LIETUVA) and Latvia (LATVIJA) etc.. U:A4
1941 LITHUANIA, Reg and Express letter with Mi.1-6, CDS VILINUS 30.8.41, arrival VILNIUS GELEŽINKELIO STOTIS/ 2.9.41; cat. min. 135€ U:A5
1942 PSKOV (Pskow) / 2 official cards sent from work office in Pskov, with Mi.10, resp. Mi.11, CDS PSKOV/ 22.1.42 and 11.4.42, official correspondence is rare, well preserved U:A5
1942 PSKOV (Pskow) / postal stationery cover of USSR for Reg letters with stamp 60k, used by German army, used by "611 V", Feldpost No. 37491, CDS FIELD-POST/ 04.3.42, addressed to Bavaria; interesting, good condition U:A5
1941-1842 PSKOV (Pskow), Mi.10x,y-11x,y; 12a,b; 14A,B, 15A,B; 16A,B, very fine, cat. 340€; stamp 16B is rare! U:A5
1942 PSKOV / Reg letter in the same place with Mi.14-16, CDS PSKOV 2.2.1942; very fine U:A5
1941 SERBIA - VIKTORIA letter franked with overprint stamp 2D, Mi.5, CDS KRUŠEVAC/ 9.VIII.41 with propagandistic label VIKTORIA with swastika on face-side, on reverse arrival postmark NIŠ/ 11.VIII.41, passed through censorship with label BELGRADE, hand written notice; envelope opened from 2 sides, fold and toned, after all rare usage of Victoria label! U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Lighthouse, Protectorate ** set, General Government **/raz., Elass, Lothringen , Luxembourg **, Estland, Ostland, Ukraine, Kanal Inseln; nice old collection U:Z
1933 Reg letter to USA franked with complete issue Volkshilfe, Mi.161-167, CDS BECKINGEN 15.2.33, on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK 2.22.1933; letter incl. content, cat. min. 1.200€++ U:A5
1948 Mi.1-20, black Opt "BERLIN" 2Pf-5M; only 3M lightly hinged, otherwise mint never hinged, cat. ** 360€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Berlin Relief Fund, size 109,5x65mm; mint never hinged, cat. 950€, sought U:A5
1898 Mi.1II-6II, "Krone / Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint CHINA 56°, 3Pfg in two shades 10Pfg "dunkelrosarot", in addition this stamp **, other *, cat. 400€ U:A5
1905 Mi.37A, 5RM without watermark with overprint 2½; DOLLAR CHINA, very fine marginal piece on cut-square with CDS SCHANGHAI/ DEUTSCHE (German) POST; cat. 380€++ U:A5
1897 DEUTSCH (GERMAN) NEUGUINEA / Mi.1a,1bX,2,3b-6, complete overprint set "Krone- Adler" 3Pfg-50Pfg, i.a. Mi.1b with plate variety I; cat. 420€ U:A5
1905-1920 OSTAFRIKA / Mi.30-39, Emperor´s Yacht 2P-3Rp; very fine set incl. 38IA,IIB, 39IAa,IIB; cat. 430€ U:A5
1900 DEUTSCH SÜDWESTAFRIKA / Reg letter with 4x Mi.1a + 4, with rarer CDS OTAVI/ 12.10.00, to GROOTFONTEIN; very fine, cat. min. 175€ (+ cancel.) U:A5
1915 KAROLINEN / Mi.22IA, 22IIB, Emperor´s Yacht 2x 5M, "Friedensdruck" also "Kriegsdruck"; very fine, cat. 280€ U:A5
1900 CAMEROON / Mi.16-19, Emperor´s Yacht 1RM-5RM without watermark, on cut-squares with CDS KRIBI; very fine cat. 920€ + ca. 20% U:A5
1938 GEHEIME FELDPOLIZEI Czechosl. card sent in time of occupation of Czech borderland from Pelhřimov to Česká Lípa, CDS PELHŘIMOV/ 3.X.38, supplemented with censorship line red cancel. Heeresgruppe 3/ Gehaime Feldpolizei/ Gruppe 540, German military secret police - "Gestapo of Wermacht"; nice postal imprints, good condition, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1941 NORWAY - VIKTORIA letter FP to Vienna with mounted propagandistic label Victoria with black "V", Mi. Vignetten A.2., CDS FP 24.10.41 and official violet FP No. 47 392; good condition, cat. - , - U:A5
1942 address card from parcel sent to Eastern frontline franked with Surtax stamp Eagle, Mi.2A and postage stamp A.H. 20Pf, imprint of machine postmark TÜBINGEN 1942, sent on FP 46646; certificate Mogler U:A5
1940-1946 selection of 22 war entires - FP , i.a. "Beutelfahne" from Belgian front 1940, 2x letter with cancel. Luftgaupostamt Dresden No. L11202 (Flak); tickets, rare passport BEREITSCHAFTSDIENST, P.O.W. mail from GB, Canada, USA etc..; interesting set! U:A4
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 entires with postmarks of German field post, part correspondence of Italian units with cancel. German FP, several entires with cancel. SS units, R-, redirected and returned mailing etc..; various quality, very interesting selection, ex. Procházka U:K
1930 SAF 1930, airmail letter to USA, forwarded by airship LZ 127, franked with 3x Mi.439, 4M, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 18.5.30 and then 6.6.30, red and violet flight cachets, on reverse arrival NEW YORK JUN.18; very fine U:A5
1931 3.SAF 1931, Sieger 133D, card with 2RM with deck postmark 18.10.1931, in addition atypical AN BORD DES L.S. GRAF ZEPPELIN, green cachet and arrival WIEN 7.11.31 U:A5
1931 3.SAF 1931, Sieger 133D, card with mixed of German-Brasil franking, 2RM with deck postmark 18.10.1931 and 2500R and 200R with MANHA - PERNAM(BUCO)/ 22.X.31 and arrival FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/ 28.10.31; VF U:A5