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1857 Mi.1, Coat of arms 10K imperforated with print of CDS; at top close margins, overall nice piece, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1857 Mi.1, Coat of arms 10K imperforated, hand obliteration; very fine piece with nice margins, cat. 500€ U:A5
1858 Mi.2x, 5-7; Coat of arms 10K perf 14½ / 15 with wmk "1" and with cancel. 38 - RIGA; then 10k 12½; with whole cancel. 71; 20k 12½; with cancel. 196 and 30k 12½; with CDS BJATKA (today Kirov); VF, cat. 675€ ++ U:A5
1858 Mi.5,6, Coat of arms 10K and 20K without watermark, horn without flashes; 20K new gum, as unused often missing U:A5
1866-1889 Mi.18X, 24X, 41yI, Coat of arms 1 K 1866 and 2 K 1875 in vertical marginal pairs + 10K 1889 corner block-of-10 U:A5
1875 Mi.24X, 25XII, 26X, 28XII, Coat of arms 2 K vertical pair, then 7K (plate variety in numeral 7, "M"), 8K and 20K U:A5
1884 Mi.32A, 34AI, 35A, 36AI, Coat of arms 5K, 14K, 35K, 70K with perf 14½:15, 14K and 35K marginal pieces U:A5
1884 Mi.39y, Coat of arms 7R; very nice piece with small hinge, VF, exp. Dr. Jem, cat. 950€; rare offer! U:A5
1908 Mi.63IAa-76IAa, 77AX Coat of arms 1 K - 1R, selection of corner blocks-of-4, wmk, margins; on two cards A4, valuable set U:A4
1912-1918 Mi.63-76, 77, Coat of arms 1 K - 70K, 1R, selection of bloks of four, i.a. 77CXB, 79CX, 80AX etc.. U:A4
1914 Mi.68, Standart 99ba, Coat of arms 7K, two joined vertical gutters with margin, yellow (!) background print; mint never hinged multiple, only as single gutters ca. $200 U:A5
1910 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.74IAa, Coat of arms 35K, complete sheet of 100 stamps incl. margins and control inscriptions, I. printing; very nice quality, rare occurrence U:A3v–
1909 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.76, Coat of arms 70K, complete sheet of 100 stamps; very nice quality, rare occurrence U:A3v–
1910 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.77AXa, Coat of arms 1R, complete sheet of 40 stamps incl. margins and control inscriptions, I. printing; very nice quality, rare occurrence U:A3v–
1913 Mi.82-96, 98, House of Romanov, without value 3R, value 2R lightly hinged, 5 K small bend in corner, sought U:A5
1913 Mi.82-98, House of Romanov, complete set 1 K - 5R, values to 70K (except 25K) as pairs, 3R repaired gum and minor fault, otherwise all mint never hinged, sought U:A5
1913 Mi.82, 85, 86 and 88, House of Romanov 1K, 4 K, 7K and 14K in blocks of four (!); rare U:A5
1914 Mi.99-102, War issue, selection of blocks with various perforation types, 11½;, 13½; etc..; mainly mint never hinged, interesting U:A4
1916 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.112, Emergency stamp 3 K, complete sheet of 100; only horiz. folded, overall nice quality, rare occurrence U:A3v–
1917 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.115, overprint Coat of arms 10K/7K, complete sheet of 100 stamps with plate number; loosen middle perf, hinges in margins U:A3s|
1917 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.120, provisional Emergency 2K/2K, complete sheet of 100 stamps; only horiz. folded, overall nice quality, rare occurrence U:A3v–
1863 TOWN POST / ST. PETERSBURG Mi.2, Coat of arms 5 K black / blue, block of four (!); upper pair hinged U:A5
1876-1879 KUBAŇ / Mi.13-15, 10R/1K - 10R/10K, complete set, cat. 330€ U:A5
1858 letter to Moscow with Mi.2, Coat of arms 10K, dotted numeral pmk "1" and oval pmk SANKT PETERSBURG 1858/22 MAR; good condition U:A5
1918 Mi.124YZS, 125XZS, 126XZS, 1K-10K, set 4-stamp gutter "Herzstücke"; MNH, value 1 Koruna minor faults, cat. min. 200€ U:A5
1918 Mi.127XI,127XII, 130, 133-137, set of 16 revenue stamps used for post. purpose, from that 10 with postmarks, included to sum only as listed in catalogue Michel, in addition 9 postal revenues The 2nd issue Mi.138-148; cat. min. 315€++, rare set! U:A5
1923 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.208C+208AI, Worker 10K dark blue, upper half PB - 2x 5x5 stamp., contains i.a. 5x horiz. gutter + plate variety - "double c" in "PCCP"; superb multiple, cat. min. 650€ U:A4
1922 OFFICIAL / Mi.4, Air 600M/3R; superb mint never hinged piece, exp. Mikulski, cat. Zverev $550, sought U:A5
1918 WEST ARMY/ AWALOFF-BERMONDT Mi.23-35, complete set with overprint; cat. for ** 600€, rare offer U:A5
1918-1920 KOLČAK, KUBAN, ROSTOV / selection of stamps from period of civil war on card A4, i.a. 2x block of four, overprints etc..; interesting U:A4
1919 NORTH-WEST ARMY / JUDENIČ Mi.15-19, selection of 26 stamps on stock-sheet A5, i.a. 5x pair, from that 2x corner U:A5
1920-1921 WRANGEL ARMY / selection of 46 stamps with overprint on stock-sheet A5, Soloviev 72-86 and 93-116, various values, i.a. on stamp with overprint PIASTRES or Ukraine trident stamps; interesting U:A5
1920 AMUR / Mi.1, 2-5, 2R, 5R, 15R and 30R + 2x pair of opposite facing pairs 30R U:A5
1918-1920 CIVIL WAR / selection of mainly unused stamps on two cards A4, Denikin, Wrangel, East Ukraine etc..; interesting set U:A4
1920 WRANGEL- ARMY / letter addressed to Istanbul, with the first issue, overprint "ПОЧТА РУССКОЙ АРМІИ" 5000r vertical pair on stamps Russian post in Levant 15K, red envelope, departure cancel. BELGRADE; good condition, very interesting U:A5
1923-1925 Mi.224C-227C, 267-270, 292-295, 298D-299E, 300-301; comp. of 5 sets i.a. Mausoleum; mostly lightly hinged, cat. * 135€ U:A5
1925 Mi.292Ay-295Ay, 292Bx-295Bx, Mausoleum 7K-40K, perforated and imperforated sets; hinged U:A5
1925-1927 Mi.302B-304B, 305A,B-307A,B, 311-312, 326-327; selection of 5 sets; lightly hinged; cat. * 135€ U:A5
1927 Mi.328A-334J, 10 years of Revolution 3k-28k; very fine set, cat. 190€ U:A5
1928-1931 Mi.354-357, 383-384, 397DY-401DY, 424X-426X; selection of 4 sets; cat. * 150€ U:A5
1930 Mi.390A-391A, Zeppelin 40K and 80K, set with line perforation 12½;; lightly hinged U:A5
1930 Mi.390B-391B, Zeppelin 40K and 80K, set with line perforation 10½; lightly hinged, sought U:A5
1930 Mi.390C-391C, Zeppelin 40K and 80K IMPERFORATED (!); wide margins, lightly hinged, rare and very sought stamps, missing in most collections, cat. ** 6.000€, rare offer! U:DR
1931 Mi.397BY, 398AX, 399DY, 400AXa, 401AY, Zeppelin 10K-1R, various perforation types; values 10K and 20K mint never hinged U:A5
1931 Mi.397CX-401CY, Zeppelin 10K-1R IMPERFORATED, value 10K double impression; hinged, sought set U:A5
1931 Mi.402B-405B, Polar flight 30k-20R; hinged, cat. * 100€ U:A5
1931 Mi.402B-405B, Polar flight 30k-2R, imperforated set; VF U:A5
1932 Mi.410A, 411B, Polar Year, 50k with line perforation 12½; + value 1R with line perforation 10½; hinged, cat. ** 270€ U:A5
1932 Mi.412U, Gorkij 15K, marginal IMPERFORATE stamp; hinged, cat. ** 300€+ U:A5
1932-1933 Mi.422AX-423AX and 427Y-428X; both set ALLUNIONS Moscow also Leningrad, i.a. rare horizontal wmk value 30K/15K; very fine, cat. 540€ U:A5
1934 Mi.483-487, Zeppelins 5K-30K; very fine, cat. 115€ U:A5
1935 Mi.494Y-498Y, 20th Anniversary of the outbreak of WWI.; complete set, lightly hinged, sought set, cat. for ** 850€ U:A5
1935 Mi.527X, overprint Flight Moscow-San Francisco 1P/10K, MARGINAL (!) piece, wmk upright; VF, guarantee mark "PhA USSR", cat. 1.100€+, rare offer U:A5
1937 Mi.549AUo, 550CX-553CX, 554AX, Pushkin 10K - 1R, set, 10K at top imperforated, 20K-80K perf 14:12½ and 1R perf 12½; mint never hinged, cat. min. 300€ U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Pushkin, 2x - on various papers; mint never hinged, interesting U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.3, Airmail exhibition, miniature sheet 4x 1R, size 164x89mm; minor faults, left two stamps MNH U:A5
1937-1939 Mi.584-587, 665-671, 709-713, selection of 3 sets - Nordpol, Building of Moscow, Day of aviation; very fine, mostly ** , cat for * 140€ U:A5
1938 Mi.602-612, complete set of 11 values, in addition Mi.606 20k green with marginal ledge; VF, kat.185€++ U:A5
1938 Mi.637-645, Air Sports 5K-1R; MNH, only 15K and 40K toned in tooth, cat. 240€ U:A5
1938 Mi.652-656, set 20K-80K; superb, cat. 200€ U:A5