1945 LIBČICE three-line black Opt ČESKO-/ SLOVAK POST/, set 18 stamps A. Hitler. 30h - 20K + Reg letter franked with. values 30h - 2 Koruna and p.stat A. Hitler. 60h with this overprint; interesting selection of
1945 PRAGUE - VOKOVICE black Opt SVOBODNÉ / CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA / 1945 complete set stmp with overprint on stmp A. Hitler, Pof.78-99, 122, total 23 pcs of stamp.; mint never hinged
1945 PRAGUE - VOKOVICE black Opt SVOBODNÉ / CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA / 1945 selection of Bohemian and Moravian postage stmp A. Hitler. 10K, 30K, 50K Pof.96, 98, 99, marginal 14-pásy, horseshoe, coupons, blocks of four, supplemented with blocks of four values 2,50 Koruna and 8K with overprint in lower margin, total 66 pcs of stamp. and coupon with overprint; mint never hinged, on stock-sheet A4
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA red Opt Czechoslovak Post. on/for Hungarian stamp. various issues 1f-1P, selection of 21 pcs of, from that 1x oblique overprint at value 30f and shifted overprint on/for 20f; 11 pcs of with label, other mint never hinged, all exp. Blaha
1945 ROŽŇAVA black Opt Czechoslovak Post with double line on/for 32 pcs of Hungarian stamp. various issues, 18 postage values + 30f Crown with inverted opt, Postage due stmp 13 values; all mint never hinged, all exp. Blaha
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA / Ex letter franked with. Hungarian postage stamp. 20+30f with red overprint Czechoslovak Post. and Slovak stamp. Predohnivýmdrakom 2 Koruna, Sy.117, CDS. KOKAVA N. RIMAVICOU 6.IV.45; missing back flap
1945 ROŽŇAVA letter in the place franked with. pair Hungarian stamp. 18f Mi.714 with black overprint Czechoslovak Post., Hungarian CDS ROZSNYÓ/ 19.II., supplemented with bicircular cancel. town; rare occurrence
1945 [COLLECTIONS] SKALICKÉ ISSUE, OLOMOUCKÉ ISSUE, NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL interesting comp. of stamps on 10 pages, contains i.a. Preissigův PB, Skalica issue in blocks of four creating miniature, then Olomouc issue in/at corner pairs and various newspaper provisory (part Czechoslovakia I.); interesting selection of
1945VYPLACENO CASH / comp. of 3 letters, 1x Reg letter with CDS RUŽOMBEROK, 1x window envelope with CDS ŽILINA, additional frame postmark, vyplaceno... and censorship, 1x service letter with straight line postmark POST ÚRAD (off.) ORLÍK; good condition
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 39 various entires with provisory postmarks, Reg label etc.., i.a. LOUKY N. OLZOU, STARÉ SPLAVY, MIROSLAV, VLČICE VE SL., HLUČÍN, ČERVENÁ VODA etc..
comp. of points of interest: Pof.354a brown-red D8/7, Pof.354 with plate number A1 C10/1, Pof.355 - block of four with plate variety 63/D (without gum), Pof.356 - block of four with lower margin and big kroužkem before/(in front of) value 6 Koruna, Pof.353 with plate variety B10/1 and shift pin hole above author's name, Pof.357 - marginal block-of-4 with three various plate variety and rough pin hole under the pos. 87 and 88, Pof.358 with plate variety 118/2 and omitted 1 pin hole
Pof.354-356, selection of vertical 2-stamps. and 4-stamp gutter., by/on/at 2-stamps. 6 Koruna R on edge 6mm long line pos. A2/4 (A14), 4-stamps. 2 Koruna with big white line above přilbou L and by/on/at 6 Koruna dull white stain after/behind "6" and white stain above helmou L
Pof.354-356Ms+v, selection of 2-stamps also 4-stamps gutter, contains i.a. 2-stamps. horiz. gutter 6 Koruna light blue, or pairs vertical 2-stamps gutter.; mint never hinged
A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to c.v.. Pofis), 2 pcs of, 1x combination 111, mark in/at LDR and 1x combination 112 (oblique bend), mark in/at PDR; mint never hinged
A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 6 (according to c.v.. Pofis), comp. 3 pcs of, 1 pcs of combination 112 and 2 pcs of combination 222, from that 1x mark in LL corner (LDR) and 1x in LR corner (PDR) - here 2x spot; mint never hinged
Pof.A360-362, Kosice MS, 3 pcs of with production flaw - 6/222 (retouch tail) with significant white oblique line L from values 5; 10/222 with significant red stain below "Š" (Košice), on/for major part printing only thin/light spots; 11/222 on/for 5 Koruna significant circle at top in the middle
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety - broken paw + production flaw - large circle near the head lion in emblem between stamps; perfect condition, rare and sought combination!
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, 3 pcs of, 1x white circle in red color, 1x white stain in blue color, 1v blue little lines in upper margin on "S"; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 5 pcs of with production errors/flaws in/at grey-black color, 3x "circle" in value 5 Koruna and 2x "circle" in emblem with lion; mint never hinged, interesting set
2 letters, 1x commercial with 2 Koruna with lower margin, CDS PREŠOV 2/ 7.IV.45 and censorship + 1x letter with 2 Koruna with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 19.VI.45 sent to Povereníctvo SNR; back lapel damaged
unpaid letter sent to Košice, MC PRAGUE 36/ 7.VI.45, in Košice burdened with postage-due paid pair 2 Koruna with lower margin, cancelled violet cancel. DOPLATNÉ (due), arrival postmark KOŠICE 1/ 8.VII.45 (transport whole month!)
comp. 2 pcs of letters addressed to Kremnice, 1x Reg and Express franked with. 3 pcs of Pof.354, provisional single circle cancel. VRANOV n. TOPĹOU, 1x letter with Pof.354 with straight line postmark VRANOV NA SLOVENSKU; good condition
[COLLECTIONS] quite exceptional study collection 96 pcs of Košice miniature sheets, all 15 MS pos. in/at 61 combinations printing plates, so-called. "full specialisation" (J. Čtvrtečka), contains rare combination 8x MS pos. 211 and 10x MS pos. 221, then exceptional defects, i.a. "plamen" (small tearing in margin, gum superb), big "thin place" through/over 1/4 stamps 2 Koruna, "clock in roof", shift red stamps, rings and stains in all stamp. also big emblem / symbol, guide, joined printed and montážní marks etc..; overall fine, owner odvodilkatalogovou value on/for 85.000Kč, (damaged souvenir sheets oceněnysymbolicky1,-Kč), major-part stated flaws, corner, montážních and soutiskových marks is stated in studii J. Čtvrtečka, extraordinary offer!
comp. 9 pcs of letters franked with. Košice stamp. 2 Koruna, 2x 3-tuple franking as Registered and Express letter with CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES, 1x simple franking, 6x mixed franking with various issues as Partisan, London-issue, Bratislava's, from that 3x Ex, 1x R with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 11.IX.45; good condition, valuable selection of
1945 Pof.381-382, Moscow 5h, the bottom marginal block-of-6 and upper marginal strip-of-4 10h (small fold on edge outside zn.), both with shifted perforation transport
1945 Pof.381, Moscow 5h, horizontal strip of 4 from plate 4, the third stamp. complete skidding print, čtvrtá stamp. skidding print in L middle (very well visible on/for year in upper part and value numeral); unusual, on request exp. by Arbeit
1945 Pof.384VV, Moscow 50h, vertical pair with R margin and production flaw - omitted horiz. perf between stamp. (in R part lightly naznačeny some holes, but neproraženy, at R margin naznačení slightly marked); very rare production flaw, teprve other known piece, unrepeatable chance!
1945 Pof.384 production flaw, 386 production flaw, Moscow 50h, LR corner blk-of-4 with omitted perforation hole on/for all four sides corner stmp + 2 Koruna grey-blue, upper marginal Pr, omitted upper horiz. perf and vert. perf with omitted perforation hole; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna, UL corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - double perf in margin counter sheet, in addition omitted perforation hole on/for upper 2 stamp.; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.387-402, War Heroes, comp. of 11 čtyřblokůlondýnského issue with flaw print, stains, smudges and rozmazáním, values 5h, 10h, 20h, 10CZK with plate number, 10h and 20h with plate marks, 1CZK on/for upper margin with lines and obloukem C napodobujícími plate značku, stamp. 1,50CZK with lower margin and inverted comb perf
1945 Pof.388, 389,393, War Heroes, selection of plate marks on 3 corner blocks of four, marginal block of four and corner 8-bloku: 10h - on/for right okraji"B", 2x 20h - above pos. 10/2 crossed out "C" and next to other "C" + letter "C" above pos. 10/2, 2x 50h - letter "C" + above pos. 7/2 letter "C" and through/over it inverted "V" (block of 8)
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, two blocks of four, 1x with upper and 1x with lower margin of sheet and plate number "1B", both with inverted comb perf and rozměřovacím cross in margin counter sheet; superb, c.v.. 3.500CZK
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, two blocks of four, inverted comb perforation, 1x with upper margin with dagger, 1x LR corner blk-of-4; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, comp. 4 pcs of bloks of four creating miniature, all inverted comb perforation; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 8.000CZK, in/at complete miniature rare offer!
1945 Pof.403 production flaw, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 1,50 Koruna, L marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - significant shifted perforation L-wards and up to picture of stmp.; rare usage!