Public Auction 60 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Philatelic Domains / Prisons, Work Camps

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207215 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - AUSTRIA / preprinted postcard -
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - AUSTRIA / preprinted postcard - thanks for parcel sent from ghetto in/at October 1944 to Vienna, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague and consequently předán to other transport, CDS PRAG 25/ 2.X.44; interesting, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
206917 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWEDEN /written  traffic between
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWEDEN /written traffic between ghettem neutrální cizinou: pre-printed PC with thank for parcel addressed to to Sweden (!), grey paper, with 50h A. Hitler, CDS PRAG 2/ 25.V.44, single circle blue cancel. international test centre postage post "A / b" and arrival postmark MALMÖ 1/ 31.5.44, redirected to Stockholm; mailing abroad are rare! and sought by specialists, good quality, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206888 - 1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWITZERLAND / written  traffic b
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWITZERLAND / written traffic between ghettem and neutrální cizinou: PC from July 1944 addressed to to Switzerland (!), with 15pf A. Hitler, transported courier SS to Prague, here cenzurována, cancel. international test centre postage post "A / and" + line other censor's cancel., additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur/ auf Postkarten ...../ über day Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag V./ Philipp de Monte Gasse 18." and from p. ú. BERLIN 62/ 31.8.44 sent to Zürich; is pictured in book Beneš-Tošnerová "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 121 and in/at Mo. 11, signs of usage., ex Hanzl, interesting!
Starting price: CZK
206757 - 1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - GERMANY / written  traffic betwe
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - GERMANY / written traffic between ghettem and empire územím was/were povolen 24.9.1942, mailing cenzurovány Gestapem in Berlin (Zentrale Prüfstelle des Reichspost - Ministerums-Amt 4). Card/Leaf to Vienna with 6Pf A. Hitler, MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 12.1.45 with distinctive characters "etc" (rare occurrence!) as censor, additional cancel. "Answer nur über die/ Reichsvereinigung der Juden/ Deutschland (Germany) Berlin N65/ Iranische Str. 2" (used from 10.6.1943 - to end war), on reverse 30 Slovak, dated 20.XI.1944; small tearing in upper margin, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
1943 HUNGARY - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / POSTAL EVIDENCE - mailing which/what nesplňovaly stanovená rules postal contact with ghettem was/were zvlášť evidovány: Hungarian PC 12Pf, Mi. P111, with incomplete address (!), CDS SZATMÁRNÉMETI/ 43 IV.26, framed pmk "P. E.", date-stamp 9. Juli 1943, censorship mark.; quite rare occurrence, entire is pictured in book Beneš-Tošnerová "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 121 and in/at Mo. No. 11, very good condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206771 - 1943 AUSTRIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Písemný traffic betw
1943 AUSTRIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Písemný traffic between empire územím and ghettem, in/at adresách prisoners place names former barracks zaveden kódovaný system, here konkrétně "L 122" (L 1=Langsstrasse, 22=číslo house). German PC Mi.P299 sent from Wien (Vienna), MC WIEN 1/ 21.8.43, censored in ghetto - still unknown (!) censorship mark (big letter Z in frame upright); on reverse obsáhlý text, good condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
1944 SUDETENLAND - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT German PC 6Pf A. Hitler sent from Sudetenland directly to ghetto, CDS MÄHRISCH SCHÖNBERG/ 20.5.44, framed pmk post Jewish self-government in ghetto "Jüdische Selbstverwaltung/ Theresienstadt/ Post and Verkehr" as arrival, date-stamp 6.JULI---, on reverse dated 20. MAI 1944; only light vertical fold, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206695 - 1943 AUSTRIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written  traffic betwe
1943 AUSTRIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written traffic between empire územím and protektorátem, PC sent from Wien (Vienna), with 6Pf A. Hitler, MC WIEN 107/ 28.12.43, from III. etapy "ghettoizace" town Terezín (from 1.8.1943), where was/were from propagandistic reasons in/at adresách prisoners place kódového systému uváděny konkrétní street in ghetto, here is konkrétně place "Qu 6" Rathausstrasse (= Town-hall street), which mělo vytvořit dojem, that it is not C.C., but about/by "Jüdisches Siedlungsgebiet"; on reverse rozsáhlý text, perfect condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206914 - 1943 SWEDEN - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Swedish PC to ghetto as
1943 SWEDEN - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Swedish PC to ghetto as Registered with return receipt (!), uprated with stamp 45ö, CDS STOCKHOLM 17/ 13.8.?, framed pmk "A. R." (Avis de réception), censorship, on reverse 30 Slovak; fold and stains in margin, entire is pictured in book Beneš-Tošnerová "Post in ghetto Terezín", registered mailing from abroad to ghetto are quite exceptional! ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206929 - 1943 SWEDEN - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Swedish certificate of
1943 SWEDEN - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Swedish certificate of mailing for Reg letter č.1659, CDS STOCKHOLM/ 11.10.43, recipient A. S., Theresienstadt; rare!, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
207244 - 1944 GERMANY - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT  PC sent from Germany di
1944 GERMANY - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT PC sent from Germany directly to ghetto, with 12Pf A. Hitler, MC WESERMÜNDE/ 3.1.1944, black framed pmk post Jewish self-government in ghetto "Jüdische Selbstverwaltung/ Theresienstadt/ Post and Verkehr" as arrival, date-stamp 19.APR.1944; obsáhlé message on both sides PC datované 1.1.1944; slightly toned, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
207256 - 1944 GERMANY - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written  traffic betwe
1944 GERMANY - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written traffic between work group in/at Empire and protektorátem, PC addressed to to Kuřimi, with 6Pf A. Hitler, censorship, MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ac/ 23.6.44, additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf/ Postkarten in deutscher (= German) Sprache", on reverse thanks for parcel, date 3.VI.1944; quite rare occurrence, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206934 - 1944 PORTUGAL - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / portugalský reply fo
1944 PORTUGAL - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / portugalský reply form on/for mailing sardinek (action International Red Cross), with Mi.655, CDS LISADA, takeover confirmed frame cancel. "Jüdische Selbstverwaltung/ THERESIENSTADT/ ABT. POST and VERKEHRSWESEN", 3x CDS BAUSCHOWITZ ad EGER/ 8.V.44 and returned sender; 3x vert. fold, return receipt from Portugal are exceptional!, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206745 - 1944 AUSTRIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / return receipt - comp.
1944 AUSTRIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / return receipt - comp. 2 pcs of German reply forms on/for mailing about/by weight 500g, takeover both mailing confirmed signatures 15.10.1943; 1 pcs of returned sender to Vienna, 2x CDS BAUSCHWITZ ad EGER/ 24.II.44, 3x vert. fold and 1 pcs of returned to Berlin, 1x vert. fold; 2 various types písma + 2 various cancel. Jewish self-government lišící with different text in 3 řádce frame cancel.; good condition, sought by specialists, on sheet from exhibit, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
207953 - 1944 SLOVAKIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Slovak pictorial PC 1
1944 SLOVAKIA - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Slovak pictorial PC 1Ks - Bratislava sent by air mail to ghetto, uprated by. airmail stamp 1Ks, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 30.V.44, Us censorship; mailing addressed to from Slovakia to Terezin (Theresienstadt) are exceedingly rare!
Starting price: CZK
207353 - 1943 C.C. BUCHENWALD - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written  traff
1943 C.C. BUCHENWALD - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written traffic between koncentračními camps and ghettem, off. PC C.C. Weimar - Buchenwald with red pre-printing, without franking, addressed to wife to ghetto, censorship mark "Postprüfer" and signature, in/at printed form hand-made change in/at povoleném number sent mailing; minor faults - small tearing in margins PC, otherwise very sound condition, entires from C.C. to ghetto are quite exceptional!, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206776 - 1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS /  PC from ghetto to
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC from ghetto to work camp in Oslavany (mere 100 prisoners), censored in ghetto and transported German by courier mail, censorship mark "Z" in frame with additionally written number censor "4", sender F. E., Transport No. G 828; on reverse hand-made dated 30.4.42, on reverse numbered 30 Slovak; sound condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206709 - 1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC from ghetto to w
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC from ghetto to work camp in Oslavany (mere 100 prisoners) transported German by courier mail, red straight line postmark GHETTOPOST for inside traffic, blue 6-řádkové cancel. "Transport/ Name/ Vorname/ Gebäude/ Zimmer No./ Theresienstadt", odesílatelka E. J., Transport No. Ad; on reverse hand-made 16.2.43, sound condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
207191 - 1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS /  PC sent from ghett
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC sent from ghetto by Council of Jewish Elders in Prague to work camp for Jewish míšence in/at BYSTŘICI U BENEŠOVA, Sonderlager A, additional cancel. "Answer nur über day/ ...../Phillip de Montegasse 18" in blue color with signature, with 60h A. Hitler, CDS PRAG 2/ 22.II.45, on reverse 30 Slovak, dated 8.2.45; vertical fold, mailing from ghetto to work camps are rare!, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
207350 - 1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / written  traffic be
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / written traffic between pracovními camps and ghettem, PC 6Pf A. Hitler, Mi.P312b/ 09, sent from work camp in/at Postoloprtech (700 Jews from mixed manželství, mainly from ghetto) addressed to wife to ghetto, without CDS, only date-stamp arrival 14.IV.1945, on reverse dated sender 25/3-45 and signature censor; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
207267 - 1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS /  PC from ghetto to
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - WORK CAMPS / PC from ghetto to přeškolovacího (= internment) camp in/at Lípě by/on/at Havlíčkova Brod, transported German by courier mail through/over Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, cancel. "Rückantwort nur ...", (from September 1943 was/were in/at camp Lípa only 80 Jews from mixed manželství); podobná entire from y 1944 /same sender also recipient/ is pictured in/at publication "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 139 and in/at Mo. 11, sound condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
207354 - 1945 WORK CAMPS - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written  traffic be
1945 WORK CAMPS - GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / written traffic between pracovními camps and ghettem, Bohemian and Moravian PC 60h A. Hitler, CDV16, sent from work camp in Bystřice by/on/at Benešov, SS-Truppen Übungsplatz, Sonderlager "A", addressed to to ghetto, without CDS, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, red evidence cancel. with date 9.III.45, supplemented with 2-lines cancel. "Rückantwort nur/ auf Postkaten ..." with signature censor, arrival to ghetto date-stamp 21.III.1945, on reverse 30 Slovak; perfect condition, PC from work camps to ghetto are exceptional, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK
206474 - 1945 WORK CAMP POSTOLOPRTY - OT LAGER (camp)  comp. 2 pcs of
1945 WORK CAMP POSTOLOPRTY - OT LAGER (camp) comp. 2 pcs of German PC sent to Prague, CDS POSTELBERG/ 05.2.45, resp. 26.2.45, 1x with censorship cancel. "Frontführer" with signature; good condition
Starting price: CZK
1944 WORK CAMP BYSTŘICE U BENEŠOVA - HAGIBOR two PC A. Hitler 60h sent to same addressee to work camp for Jewish míšence, Sonderlager A and B, 1 pcs of with CDS BRÜNN/ 16.IX.44 with censor signature + 1 pcs of sent from Hagiboru with MC PRAGUE 25/ 20.XII.44 and with censor signature; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207258 - 1943 SPECIAL CAMP PRAGUE - HAGIBOR / Reg letter addressed to
1943 SPECIAL CAMP PRAGUE - HAGIBOR / Reg letter addressed to to shromažďovacího camp Jews from mixed manželství (covering address Prague XI, Schwerinstr. 1201) with 60h (2x), 3 Koruna A. Hitler, CDS LEITOMISCHL/ 6.XII.43, on reverse arrival postmark PRAG 36/ 7.XII.43 and signature addressee; Reg mailing on/for Hagibor are exceptional!, sound condition, ex Hanzl
Starting price: CZK