Public Auction 60 / Philately / America and Caribbean / North America

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209615 - 1897-1972 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of used stamps on ca. 10
1897-1972 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on ca. 100 pages, from issue Victoria 1897, contains incomplete also complete sets, i.a. SG.188-195 (£375), 266-270, 357-367 etc.., color shades etc., supplemented with several entires; higher catalogue, various quality
Starting price: CZK
173185 - 1860-1863 TCP for SG.18, steamship Washington 12½C blue
1860-1863 TCP for SG.18, "steamship Washington" 12½C blue, pair in blue color and single piece in dark blue; on paper type India, ex. American Bank Note Company archives (sold at Christie´s 1990)
Starting price: CZK
211393 - 1857-1864 SG.1,5,11,16, 18, 19, 23; Coats of arms 1P-1Sh fro
1857-1864 SG.1,5,11,16, 18, 19, 23; Coats of arms 1P-1Sh from three issues; favourite classic stamps, cat. £1.170
Starting price: CZK
198145 - 1883 Sc.158, Washington 3C green with whole fancy cancel SKU
1883 Sc.158, Washington 3C green with whole "fancy cancel" SKULL AND CROSSBONES", certificate Westminster Stamp and Phil. Foundation; very rare postmark!
Starting price: CZK
211287 - 1985 Sc.2142a, Winter Olympic Games 22C, marginal block-of-4
1985 Sc.2142a, Winter Olympic Games 22C, marginal block-of-4 with omitted horiz. perforation; VF multiple, rare speciality with certificate PF NY, cat. $650, sought motive!
Starting price: CZK