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1936-1942 PROPAGANDA - 7 Ppc A. Hitler, some Us FP; show, portraits, especially favourite ex. Hoffmann, from that 1 atypical from y 1936 "Der Reichskanzler auf einer Fahrt durch (through) Deutschland (Germany)" - view from car near/in/at jízdě evidently on/for právě dokončené berlínské dálnici; rare! U:A5
1937 ŠPANĚLSKÁ FAŠISTICKÁ POROPAGANDA - Gen. Franco, 2 pcs of Us Ppc big format; good condition U:A5
1938 PROPAGANDA - view card with imprinted stamp UND IHR HABT DOCH GESIEGT, TESTER , SSt "Hauptstadt der Bewegung", luxury quality! U:A5
1938-1941 PROPAGANDA - view card with imprinted stamp UND IHR HABT DOCH GESIEGT, TESTER , SSt "Hauptstadt der Bewegung" + in addition DEUTSCHE (German) KUNST (art) 38 and 39; TAGE DER NSDAP in/at General Government; DENN WIR FAHREN GEGEN ENGELAND"; hodnotný set U:A5
1941 DAS ALLES SIND INFANTERIEWAFFEN, complete set of 9 pcs of original photo postcard from East front; i.a. with citátem A. Hitler "Over allem steht deutsche infantry" ; very fine U:A5
1941 INFANTERIE KENNT KEINE HINDERNISSE, incomplete comp. 8 pcs of original photo postcard from East front, No. 134 2x; i.a. with citátem A. Hitler "Over allem steht deutsche infantry" ; very fine U:A5
1941-1942 KRIEGSBERICHTE - 13 Ppc according to autentických skic from East front - authors: Hensel and Schneider, especially with motive of "tanks"; very fine U:A5
1943 FAŠISTICKÁ PROPAGANDA / Samuraj ničící britsko-americké loďtsvo and flag Empire, Italy and Japan, one of most sought propagandistic Ppc; in addition sent field post (15. kulometný batalion) from rare destination MENTONE - sole French town directly occupied Italy U:A5
1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FAŠISTICKÁ PROPAGANDA selection of 30 pcs of color drawn Ppc Italian field post, from that 2x Mussolini, war scenes, map/-s, part on/for cards Italian field post; various quality U:O5