1918 POSTAGE ISSUE 1916 money letter for amount 2.244K, bank envelope with additional-printing in front with Coat of arms 1 Koruna red and Charles 25h, on reverse stamp. Crown 10h, Mi.188, CDS DVŮR KRÁLOVÉ N. L. 20.XI.18; patina in envelope, part of seal, exp. Hirš, ex Pour
1918-1919 POSTAGE / SMALL CAOT OF ARMS comp. 3 pcs of entires franked with Austrian stmp Crown 12h, Mi.189, 1x simple franking with CDS CHTĚBOŘ 12.XI.18, 1x letter franked with. pair with CDS DAUBA 26.XII.18 and 1x letter franked with. parallel stamp. in three-colour franking Crown 3h+6h+12h, Mi.185, 187, 189 with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare franking rarely occurring stamp. Crown 12h, ex Pour
1919 POSTAGE 1916 money letter (!) for 1.955Kč franked with parallel stamps Coat of arms 60h blue, Mi.196, 2 pcs on front and back side of Austrian printed matter envelopes, cancelled by postmarks GROTTAU 27.2.19, 1 day before end validity; good condition seal, good condition, exp. Hirš
1916-1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK-catalogue 205IzU, 5x Coat of arms 4 Koruna light, thin, imperforated on grey paper; from that 1x pair and 2 marginal pieces with guide marks - pos. 50 and 95 - VZÁCNÉ; very fine, issued without gum, ex Postarchiv Wien
1916-1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK.204IzU-207IzU, Coat of arms 2K-10K light, thin, imperforated on grey paper; very fine, issued without gum, all marginal, 10K corner; certificate Kopřiva, c.v.. (*) 1.000€++, ex Postarchiv Wien; 10K from L bottom corner with complete sheet margins is evidently unique rarity!
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / improved/repaired and changed commercial money letter for 40.000K in/at obligacích, pre-printed envelope Böhmische Union Bank Brünn paid/franked mixed franking parallel Austrian stamp. Coat of arms big format 4 Koruna (additionally mounted), 2 Koruna 5x (1x additionally mounted) and Czechosl. stamp. Hradčany 10h and 5h (additionally mounted), Mi.204 wide, 206 close, Pof.3, 5, CDS BRNO 28/2 19, on reverse arrival postmark TROPPAU 2.III.19; fold, partially supplemented with postmark by/on/at dolepených stamp., after all interesting money letter from souběžného period, offered after/behind symbolical price for study purposes
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT - PŘEDBĚŽNÝFORMULÁŘ whole (!) half Austrian C.O.D. dispatch-note with revenue 10h franked with. Austrian forerunner stamp. Coat of arms large format 2 Koruna light blue, wide, Mi.204 and Coat of arms 50h green, Mi.195, CDS METILOWITZ 31/10 18, addressed to to Hungary, sent back with label Refusé; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare usage whole dispatch-notes, in addition from forerunner period
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / comp. 4 pcs of larger part/-s Austrian dispatch notes and 2 pcs of cuts with mixed frankings stamp. Coat of arms 2 Koruna blue high and landscape format, 3 Koruna red granite and 4 Koruna light close, Mi.200, 209, 206A, various CDS; good condition, part exp. by Karasek., Hirš, ex Pour
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.3(B); UNISSUED 7K/10K brown (for airmail linkuWien-Kyjev); imperforated; in perfect quality, issued without gum, certificate Soecknick, c.v.. 2.000€; very rare stamp missing in most collections, ex. Wiener Postarchiv
1908 COUNTER SHEET / NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1908 / ANK.157y, Mercure 2h blue on thin paper, complete sheet with ledges and plate mark; cat. only as blocks of 4 - 5.000€, unique sheet!
1918 NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1916 / Reg letter small format franked Postage due stamp 25h, Mi.P51 and on reverse 10 pcs of Newspaper stamps stamp. 2h with perf, Mi.212, all in function postage stmp, posting nationalized CDS PEČKY NA STÁTNÍDRÁZE 10/12 18; good condition, exp. by Karasek
1918 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK / letter with mixed franking express stmp triangle 2h, str-of-3 + 1 pcs of and postage stmp Crown 10h + 3h, Mi.217, 185, 188, CDS OBŘÍSTVÍ/ 2.XII.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek., ex Pour
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / TROJÚHELNÍK comp. 5 pcs of entires with mixed frankings Express 2h, from that 1x triangle and other Austrian postage stmp Crown 3, 5, 6 and 12h; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK comp. 3 pcs of entires with mixed frankings, Express 2h and 5h and stamp. Hradčany, 1x letter with Express stamp Mi.219B and 220B with line perforation 11½ uprated by. Hradčany 10h and 3h, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY/ 26.I.19, 1x postcard with Express stamp 5h and 5h Hradčany, 1x commercial letter franked with. pair Express stamp 5h and Hradčany 10h; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, ex Pour
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with fee after/behind delivery, paid Spěšnými stamp. rectangle 2h brown-red, Mi.219A used as postage-due in mixed franking with postage stmp Crown 3h violet with CDS CHOCEŇ/ 20.12.18 and Hradčany 3h violet (!) with nationalized CDS PŘEROV N. L./ 22.I.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, rare non-philatelic documents/attributes usage express stamps as postage-due, ex Pour
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK official card sent as Printed matter franked with. pair Express stamp. 2h rectangle, Mi.219A, CDS PRAGUE 3/ 6.XII.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek., overfranked by 1h, after all very interesting forerunner and decorative franking
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 2 pcs of commercial pre-printed letters franked with. express stamp. Rectangle used as postage stmp, value 2h str-of-5 with CDS TESCHEN A. D. ELBE/ 5.II.19 and 5h green in two pairs with railway pmk KOMOTAU - WEIPERT 136/ 3.II.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare multiple and parallel franking, ex Pour
1918 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / larger part Austrian post. dispatch-note, delivery fee paid Spěšnou stamp. 5h green rectangle, Mi.220 with red transcription PORTO used as postage-due, cancelled by postmark BRUCH/ in BOHEMIA/ 20.XII.18; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare příklad usage express stmp used as postage-due
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK comp. 4 pcs of entires with multiple frankings stamp. Express stamp 5h rectangle, Mi.220, 2x 1-násobná on/for cheque order of Postal saving bank and Tiskopisu, 2x double on/for commercial card and postcard; good condition, Karasek, Hirš, ex Pour
1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS larger cut-square from accounting sheet, where taxes were paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamps 9x 1 K, Mi.P55 and stamps with Opt PORTO 15/36h violet and Express stamp 2x 5h used as postage-due, cancelled by postmark KARSBAD 4.2.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
1918 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting sheet, taxes paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamp values 10K (!), Mi.P57 and pair of stamps with Opt PORTO 50/42h brown, Mi.P63, cancelled by postmark VYSOKÉ MÝTO 3/12 18; good condition, exp. Hirš, quite rare and rare franking, ex Pour
1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting sheet, where taxes were paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamps 2x value 5 K, Mi.P56 and block of four stamps with Opt PORTO 50/42h brown, Mi.P63, cancelled by postmark VYSOKÉ MÝTO 7.1.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
1908-1913 POSTAGE-DUE / VELKÉ ČÍSLICE, 1h-100h křídové, some more times and 1h-5K ordinary paper, some more times; much ** pieces, after all all (to on/for block of 6 14h) included to sum as hinged; like that catalogue 980€, extraordinary set for a very profitable price!
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / VELKÉ ČÍSLICE / commercial PC franked with. in/at I. postal rate pair Austrian parallel postage-due stamp. Big numbers 6h, Mi.P37 used as postage stmp, CDS LITOMYŠL 30.XII.18; good condition, exp. + certificate Pithart, usage postage-due stamp. Big numbers 6h used as postage stmp on/for commercial franking is quite exceptional, decorative piece!
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VELKÉ ČÍSLICE / postcard franked mixed franking postage-due stamp. Big numbers 2h + 4h, Mi.P35, P36 and express stmp rectangle 2h as Pr, all in function postage stmp, CDS NEUGARTEN/ 21.II.19, sent to K. Rix; well preserved, exp. by Karasek., rare franking postage-due and express stamps used as postage, ex Pour
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Austrian and Hungarian credit notes, delivering fee paid mixed franking Austrian to exhaustion- Postage due stamp with overprint PORTO 15h/2h, Mi.P59, and Austrian postage-due 5h, Mi.P47, Austrian express 5h, Mi.220, Czechosl. postage-due 5h, Pof.DL1 and Hradčany 5h, Pof.3, various postmark; good condition, all exp. by Karasek., Hirš, nice decorative combination doplatků from transitional period, ex Pour
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS VE FUNKCI POSTAGE-DUE / comp. 6 pcs of larger parts of dispatch-note with delivering fee paid Výplatními stamp., 2x Crown 5h green with overprint PORTO, 1x with pair stamp. 10h Crown without přepisu, 2x mixed franking stamp. Crown 12h + 3h + Postage due stmp 5h Malé number and Charles 15h without přepisu + Postage due stmp 5h, 1x Charles 20h without přepisu; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
1919 FISCAL KOLEK 10h, cut Austrian parcel dispatch-note with additionally printed fiscal revenue 10h brown issue 1899, uprated with Austrian stamp Coat of arms 1 Koruna, Mi.199, nationalized CDS ZÁBŘEH N. O./ 18.II.19; torn off corner stamp. before/(in front of) usage, exp. Hirš, cut from very rarely used parallel Austrian p.stat, still known only this single piece!, UNIKÁT, ex Pour
1918TURUL / large cut square from celinového telegram franked with. blk-of-20 already invalidated stamp. Turul 6f olive, CDS KASSA/ 918 Dec.20; in the middle block yellowy perf after all very interesting příklad rare franking
1918 Pof.RV43-65, RV71-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) in/at ČERVENÉ color, postage stmp Coat of arms, Crown and Charles 3h-1K, Large Emblem 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna granite, 4 Koruna, 10K light violet, then Express rectangle and triangle, Postage due stmp PORTO and Postage due stmp small numerals, missing only Newspaper stamps; mainly with light label, all exp. Vrba and Gilbert, sought
Pof.1-26, 1h-1000h, complete basic set with control-numbers (without Pof.6, 9 and 13), i.a. 5h blue-green, 15h, 120h and 300h corner pieces; from that 11 pcs of hinged, mint never hinged i.a. 400h, 300h, 200h, 120h etc..
Pof.1-26, complete basic line (without Pof.6, 9N and 13N) in blocks of four (!), total 23 pcs of bloks of four; all mint never hinged, very nice selection of sought čtyřbloků!
Pof.1-26, selection of 46 stamp. 1h-1000h in various shades (does not contain Pof.6, 9 and 13), i.a. 200h blue (exp. Vrba), 1000h blue-violet (minor gum fault) etc..
Pof.1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15-17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, comp. 15 pcs of bloks of four, i.a. values 15h bricky red with lower margin, 20h blue-green and 60h after/around 2 pcs of with color shades, 50h blue and violet and 80h corner blk-of-4, 100h and 300h block of four with upper margin, 500h Is and 1000h; mint never hinged, only 5h with light label, 300, 500 and 1000h exp. Vrba
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.5 RE, 10h red, 100 stamps sheet, plate 4, RETUŠ clock in tower 91/4 II, 2. retouch - nůžky; mint never hinged, fold cross, cut upper and lower margin, wrapping Leuchtturm, exp. Vrba, retouch on/for čtvrté printing plate are very rare and sought - here on/for whole sheet!
Pof.5R, value 10h red, second RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 4, so-called. "nůžky", comp. 2 pcs of stamp. with retouch of plate flaw from that 1x corner piece + 3 pcs of entires i.a. franked by stmp with retouch of plate flaw; exp. by Karasek., Vrba, very interesting selection of retouch plate defects from čtvrté printing plate!
Pof.5R+DV, value 10h red, plate variety + RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 1, comp. 13 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety + 3 pcs of entires with with plate variety, 1x corner stamp. with RETUŠÍ plate variety + 1x maculature PLATE PROOF in/at corner pair with retouch + 2x entire with with retouch of plate flaw; very interesting selection of plate defects and her retouch from the first printing plate!
Pof.5R+DV, value 10h red, plate variety + RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 2, comp. 7 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety + 4 pcs of PLATE PROOF with plate variety + 2 pcs of entires with with plate variety, supplemented with RETUŠÍ plate variety - 2x stamp. + 1x maculature PLATE PROOF + 3x entire with with retouch of plate flaw; very interesting selection of plate defects and her retouch from other printing plate!
Pof.5R+DV, value 10h red, plate variety + RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 3, comp. 6 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety + 2 pcs of PLATE PROOF with plate variety + 2 pcs of entires with with plate variety, supplemented with RETUŠÍ plate variety - 1x corner used stamp. + 1x maculature PLATE PROOF + 4x entire with with retouch of plate flaw from that 1x exp. Vrba; very interesting selection of plate defects and her retouch from the third printing plate!
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.7 STs+p, 15h bricky red, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 2, 1x joined SPIRÁLOVÝ type pos. 15 and 3x joined PŘÍČKOVÝ type pos. 8, 75, 78; mint never hinged, superb without whatever folds, wrapping Leuchtturm, rare and sought complete sheet values 15h in a luxury state!