1922-1937 selection of 19 various entires with surtax or without postage, contains i.a. several official letters, as "Matter off., postage podrobena"; "Matter off.. Poštovnéhoprosta.", entires from abroad with postage-due etc..; as multiple interesting
Pof.SO5A joined spiral types, SO5D joined spiral types, SO5A IIp, Hradčany 15h bricky red, marginal block-of-4 Pof.SO5A with joined bar type (mint never hinged), vertical pair Pof.SO5D with joined spiral type (hinged), and piece Pof.SO5A with bar type II (label); 2x exp. by Karasek
Pof.SO8Is, Hradčany 25h violet with black overprint and unofficial perf. "L" line perforation 10½;, spiral type pos. 27/2; hinged, short teeth, exp. and marked Vrba
Pof.SO3C Pp, Hradčany 5h blue-green with comb perforation 11¾; and inverted opt, with R margin; mint never hinged, minor faults - thin place in/at 1 tooth perf, exp. by Kvasnicka., Vrba
Pof.SO7Pp, Hradčany 20h carmine imperforated, with very rare inverted opt "SO1920 (overprint)"; superb piece with certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Škaloud, špičková item missing also in big collections, extraordinary offer!
Pof.SO19, SO19ZT, Hradčany 200h, 1x 200h blue - shifted overprint with small paper crease, (mint never hinged), 1x 200h ultramarine - PLATE PROOF, black Opt with thin "O" (hinged); both exp. by Karasek
Pof.SO25, T. G. Masaryk 1000h brown with violet overprint with plate variety - big stain in hair, pos. 90; hinged and horiz. fold, exp. by Gilbert., see. article R.Květon in/at MR 2017/5
Pof.SO26, Express stamp 2h violet + Hradčany 1h imperforated, selection of two complete sheets of 100; 2h nepřeložen, only lower minor faults in margin
Pof.SO31ZT, Falcon in Flight (issue) 20h dark blue with lower margin and control-numbers, with trial printing overprint in blue color, thin throughshine paper, on reverse partial overprint offset; nice mint never hinged piece, exp. by Gilbert., interesting
1920 more/larger part parcel C.O.D. dispatch-note sent from Prague on/for plebiscitary Oravu, in the place delivering fee paid pair overprint Postage due stamp 10h, from that one stamp. as bisected, Pof.SO34, cancelled by postmark PODVLK/ 18.V.20 (this village/community was/were in 1924 postoupena Poland); good condition, similar piece vydražen in/at Aukci 34 after/behind 15.000CZK, rare occurrence
1919 Pof.PP2-PP4, Charitable stamps - silhouette 25K-1Rbl, comp. of 3 sets with line perforation 13¾;, line perforation 11½; and imperforated + complete set types I-VI with line perforation 13¾; + block of four 1Rbl dark brown, line perforation 13¾;;
PLATE PROOF Charitable stamps - Lion, comp. 5 pcs of in various colors and shades, various editions, i.a. 1x without center in zlato-černé color; hinged
1935 Pof.PD9-10B, Definitive issue, values 1CZK and 2CZK with line perforation 12½;, LR corner pieces with coupons and plate number 1; mint never hinged
1926 Maxa F34, letter sent Reg and Express to Prachatic, with Pigeon-issue 5h blue (4x), T. G. Masaryk 2CZK blue 1x and 60h Neotypie (gravure-print) violet 3x, all with perfin "F. K." f. Fritz Kubinzky, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 24.VI.26; toned, interesting
1919 FRANCE / 22. REGIMENTTCHECO-SLOVAQUE/ 1. BATALION blue round military unit postmarks on letter sent from Prague to Paris, supplemented with CDS PARIS/ 10.6.19; good condition, superb postal imprint, decorative entire, ex Procházka
1919 FRANCE / 22. REGIMENTTCHECO-SLOVAQUE/ 1. BATALION blue round military unit postmarks on letter sent from Prague to Paris, supplemented with frame cancel. CENSORSHIP/ MIN. NÁR. OBRANY, on reverse sender Kancelář legionaries Prague; good condition, very nice postal imprints, ex Procházka
1919 FRANCE / DÉPOT DES RÉGIMENTSTCHÉCO-SLOVAQUES/ FRANCHISE MILITAIRE violet round military unit postmarks on letter sent from Cognaku to Paris, CDS COGNAC/ 27.1.19; good condition, superb postal imprint, ex Procházka
1919 FRANCE / MISSIONMILITARIE FRANCAISE PRAGUE/ LA GÉNÉRAL red round cancel. on letter sent from Prague to Paris, arrival postmark PARIS/ 8.12.19, on reverse red straight line postmark CAPITANEPENDARIES/ MISSIONPELLÉPRAGUE; good condition, quite rare entire!, ex Procházka
1917-1919 FRANCE / selection of 25 pcs of cards sent to or from Czechosl. members legions in France, various cancel. as DÉPOT DES RÉGIMENTSTCHÉCO-SLOVAQUES, 21. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT/ PLUKOVNÍÚŘADOVNA, 22. CZECHOSL. REGIMENT/ VELITELPRAPORU/ 4. BATTALION, 3x prisoner card, 4x official postcard Czechosl. legions in France; good condition, valuable selection of