1919 ITALY / 7. REGGIMENTOGENIO/ 144 COMPAGNIATELEGRAFISTI blue straight line postmark on/for blank form registered mailing, 1x with zaznamenanouzásilkou to Bratislava with CDS PADUA/ 10.6.19 - 1. day opening activity/-ies this unit!; good condition, rare document, ex Procházka
1918ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 - A, rarest FP-postmark Italian legions on FP card sent from Czechoslovakia to Italy, CDS PM 52/ 9.9.18 supplemented with CDS PM 52-A/ 12.9.18 and red straight line postmark Italian censorship, sent to member DepositaSp.C.S. in Folignu; very good condition, superb print all postmarks, rare offer rare postmark field post, known only several pieces, ex Procházka
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP to Modena, correspondence Czechosl. members, postal imprint PM 52/ 11.10.18, supplemented with line censorship postmark; superb condition, ex Procházka
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP to Modena, postal imprint PM 52 with asterisks/ 14.10.18, supplemented with round cancel. 2. REGGIMENTOCZECO-SLOVACCO/ AMMINISTRAZIONE with emblem, supplemented with line censorship cancel.; good condition, decorative, ex Procházka
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP sent from Spiazzi to Naples (Napoli), postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 20.8.18, supplemented with round cancel. COMANDO DEL CORPOCZECO-SLOVACCO IN ITALIA / COMANDO 6. DIVISIONE with emblem, supplemented with line censorship cancel.; good condition, decorative, ex Procházka
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP sent from Spiazzi to Rome, postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 26.8.18, supplemented with round bilingual cancel. VELITELSTVÍ SBORU ITALY/ CZECHOSL and straight line postmark COMANDO DEL CORPOCZECO-SLOVACCO IN ITALIA / COMANDO 6. DIVISIONE, passed through censorship; good condition, decorative, ex Procházka
1918ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, R service letter addressed to to Rome with sought postmark FP Italian legions PM 52 with asterisks/ 22.10.18, R label POSTA MILITARE/ 52, supplemented with oval FP cachet cancel. special postmark POSTE 3. Reggimento Speciale/ Comando, on reverse round military unit postmarks 33. REGG. CZECO - SLOVACCO; envelope on reverse with natrženou flap, otherwise without defects, superb print all postmarks, rare offer Reg mailing with postmark PM 52, ex Procházka
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, franked letter with sought postmark FP Italian legions PM 52 with dots/ 14.6.18 to Baronissi, with 2x 10c, on reverse sender 34. Reggimento Speciale C.S./ StatoMaggiore, passed through censorship; very fine decorative piece, superb postal imprints, rare offer letter with postmark PM 52, ex Procházka
1918ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, franked with. Express letter addressed to to Rome with 3 print hledaného postmark FP Italian legions PM 52 with dots/ 19.11.18, on reverse supplemented with round FP cachet bilingual cancel. VELITELSTVÍ SBORU / ITALY/ CZECHOSL; envelope on reverse with natrženou flap, otherwise without defects, superb print all postmarks, rare offer Reg mailing with postmark PM 52, ex Procházka
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 8 / 39. REGG. DI ESPLORATORI C.S. card Italian FP to Milan through/over Italian FP No. 8 with date 6.11.18, line and round military unit postmarks Czechosl. výzvědného regiment, on reverse else/yet supplemented with straight line postmark CORPOCZECOSLOVACCO IN ITALIA, passed through censorship; good condition, very rare usage MP 8 Czechosl. jednotkou, ex Procházka
1919 ITALY / comp. 6 pcs of cards sent on/for or from members Czechosl. legions in Italy, 1x postcard Foligna addressed to to Bohemia with cancel. POSTA MILITARE 52 with dots, 20.3.19, 2x franked with. postcard, other without franking; good condition
1919 RUSSIA / comp. 2 pcs of cards from members Czechosl. armies in Russia, 1x with violet cancel. in/at Russian alphabet OMSKIJČECHOSLOVAJKIJLAZARET/ DLJAPAKETOV and black FP-postmark CZECHOSL. VOJSK, Omsk 1.5.19, 1x card addressed to to Czechoslovakia and violet cancel. in/at Russian alphabet ŠTABČECHOSLOVACKOVOKORPUSA/ DLJAPAKETOV Irkutsk 12.6.19; good condition, toned
1919 35. REGIMENT CZECHOSL./ 6. TROOP red military unit postmarks on/for italském FP cards, supplemented with nationalized CDS HRANICE/ 2.I.19, according to text sent from Žilina in Slovakia, from start shift units to Slovakia, else/yet Un newly zřízenou field post; good condition, decorative, ex Procházka
1919ČESKO-SLOVENSKÝSTŘELECKÝ REGIMENT/ VELITELPLUKU big red French - Czech postmark supplemented with FP-postmark 22/ 7.VII.19 on envelope with content - light fold, nice postal imprint., supplemented with envelope from same sender with blue cancel. DÉPOTTCHÉCO-SLOVAQUE with FP-postmark 46/ 4.III.19 - only light imprints both postmarks
1919 CZECHOSL. FP 50 / comp. 4 pcs of Ppc and letter with various military unit postmarks as 33. CZECHOSL. REGIMENT/ VELITELSTVÍ, 33. CZECHOSL. REGIMENT/ KULOMETNÁ TROOP, ZÁKOPNICKÁ TROOP/ 7. DIVISE, VELITELSTVÍ CZECHOSL. 7. PLUKUPOLNÍCHDĚL, nice postcard Zlaté Moravce and Köhidgyarmant; very nice print, ex Procházka
1919 NAVY / comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with military unit postmarks KONTROLNÍ STATION FOR PAROPLAVBU V KOMÁRNĚ with CDS KOMAROM/ 919 Okt.6. and 3.SETNINAČESKOSLOVENSKÉHONÁMOŘNICTVA/ 1. BATTALION with CDS POZSONY/ 919.Mar.24. on/for nice postcard Bratislava - barracks; good condition, very nice postal imprints, ex Procházka
1919POSTA MILITARE 124 / letter sent from Kroměříž to Rome, franked with. pair Italian stamp. 10c, two print cancel. PM 124/ 23.1.19, on reverse through/over klopu blue round cancel. CZECHOSL. VELITELSTVÍ ARMÁDNÍHOSBORU Z ITALY, supplemented with oval cancel. 152, letter was/were transported courier to Vienna on/for Office Italian committee, then to Italy, where was/were in Vicenze equipped cancel. MP 124; only small tearing in margin envelope/-s, very rare usage cancel. MP 124, ex Procházka
1919 POSTA MILITARE 162 / letter sent from Kroměříž to Rome, franked with. Italian stamp. 2x 10c, two print cancel. PM 162/ 5.2.19, on reverse through/over klopu blue round cancel. Czechoslovakia VRCHNÍ VELITELSTVÍ ČESKOSLOV. VOJSK NA SLOVENSKU, on/for flap by hand sender Kroměříž, supplemented with censorship oval cancel. "152"; good condition, rare, ex Procházka
1919POSTA MILITARE 52 / Italian PC 10c uprated by. Czechosl. stamp. Hradčany 5h, sent from Kroměříž to Rome, 2x postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 5..3.19, supplemented with red FP cachet cancel. AUTOREPARTOAUTONOMOCORPO C.S./ 1114 AUTOSEZIONE; good condition, superb postal imprints, rare mixed franking on/for mailing to Italy, ex Procházka
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 / postcard sent Italian member unit from Rožňava to Ancony, franked with. Italian stamp. 5c+10c with two print cancel. PM 52 with dots/ 23.1.19, supplemented with violet FP cachet cancel. STRELECKY REGIMENT C.32/ POSTOVNIURAD/ CZECHOSL, arrival postmark ANCONA/ 13.3.19; good condition, ex Procházka
1919POSTA MILITARE 52 / postcard sent from Košice Italian member unit to Milan, CDS PM 52 with dots/ 14.1.19, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due with stamp. 10c and CDS MILAN/ 22.1.19, supplemented with address sender violet straight line postmark 6.bisAUTOSEZIONE and by hand additionally written "6. DivisioneCorpod'ArmateCzeco-Slovacco"; decorative mailing to Italy, ex Procházka
1919POSTA MILITARE 52 / postcard sent from Kroměříž to Italian Ravenny with mixed franking Italian stamp. 2x 5c, Czechosl. stamp. Hradčany 5h and parallel Austrian stamp. Charles 20h, 3x postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 14.1.19; good condition, quite rare mixed franking on/for mailing to Italy, ex Procházka
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, postcard to Bohemia, with cancel. PM 52 with asterisks/ 2.2.19, supplemented with line FP cachet cancel. 33. CZECHOSL. REGIMENT/ 1. TROOP; nice postal imprints, good condition, ex Procházka
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, postcard to Prague, with cancel. PM 52 with asterisks/ 12.4.19, supplemented with line FP cachet cancel. 33. CZECHOSL. REGIMENT/ VELITELSTVÍ.; nice postal imprints, good condition, ex Procházka
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52 with dots, card Italian FP to Genoa, postal imprint PM 52/ 18.1.19, supplemented with Italian FP cachet cancel. 6. SEZONESUSFISTENZA C.S. and line censorship cancel.; good condition, decorative piece, ex Procházka
1919PŘECHODNÝ occupation MAĎARSKÉHO TERRITORY Czechosl. army from period of fights with Maďarskourepublikourad, comp. 4 pcs of topographical Ppc from places II. demarcation lines, Miskolc, Sárospatak, Szerenca and Ozd, all sent members Czechosl. armies in time 5. to 15. May 1919, military unit postmark as Railway alternate batt./guidon, 31. Czechosl. Regiment/ Headquarters troop regiment, 11. Czechosl. infantry reg. I. batt./guidon, 32. Regiment V. troop, supplemented with CDS FP No.22 and 75, 1x CDS KASSA, in text popisované fight with Maďary; good condition, rare usage!
1919 selection of 18 pcs of cards sent members Czechosl. legions from Italy on a mission to fights in Slovakia, Italian or Czech - Italian military unit postmark., i.a. REGGIMENTOESPLORATORI C.S., COMANDO 35. REGGIMENTO, COMANDO BATTAGLIONE 34. REGG. C.S., home-defensive units etc.., postmark FP 22 or 75, nice postcard 33. Czechosl. regiment from Italy, interesting topographical views Levoča, Uzhhorod; good condition, valuable selection of
1919 comp. 9 pcs of cards sent members Czechosl. legions from France on a mission after/behind fights in Slovakia, various French or Czech - French military unit postmark i.a. 23. REGIMENTTCHECO-SLOVAQUE/ LE COLONEL, 21. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT/ 3. KULOMETNÁ TROOP, 21. CZECHOSL. STŘELECKÝ REGIMENT / POST OFFICE or 21. REGIMENTTCHÉCO-SLOVAQUE/ 3. CIE DE MITRAILLEUSES etc.. supplemented with FP-postmark No.75 or 22, then photo postcard Czechosl. legionaries near/in/at škrabáníbrambor in/at field kuchyni; good condition, valuable selection of
1919-1920AUTOKOLONY / comp. 5 pcs of entires (1x letter) with military unit postmarks as ČS.ŠTÁBNÍAUTOKOLONAČ.1, AUTOKOLONA Č. 16, 19, 24, 27, various FP-postmark 5, 22, 33, 44, 2x nice místopisná postcard; very good condition, very fine postal imprints, ex Procházka
1935-1937 comp. of 7 entires pneumatic-tube post, i.a. 5x Ex, various franking, posting and arrival postmark etc..; good condition, as multiple interesting
1919 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles uprated by. Austrian express stamp. rectangle 2h red, Mi.219B, with line perforation 11½;, as forerunner stamp. used as postage stmp, CDS FREIWALDAU/ 14.3.19, post wrong zatížila surtax 5h, Pof.DL1, nationalized CDS BRNO 2/ 15.III.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek
1918 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles sent as express, uprated by. Austrian express stamp. 2h triangle and Coat of arms 60h, Mi.217, 196, CDS PODĚBRADY/ 14.XII.18, supplemented with arrival těžším CDS PRAGUE TGF/ 14.XII.18 on face-side; good condition, exp. by Karasek., ex Pour
1919 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles sent without uprating, surtax paid express stamp. 5h green rectangle with overprint "T" with line perforation 11½;, Mi.220B, CDS EGER 2.I.19, surtax with CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 4.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., interesting postage-due provisional on/for express stmp with better perf, ex Pour
1919 CPŘ3, parallel Austrian PC Charles 8h, uprated by. str-of-4 Austrian Express stamp. 2h rectangle, Mi.219A, CDS MOHELNICE/ 8.X.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare multiple franking used after/around termination validity Austrian stamp., but post tolerated, ex Pour
1918 whole money postal order 2f, V. issue 1914, for amount of 40K, franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. Reaper 25f, Mi.197, CDS SZÓMOLÁNY/ 918 Okt.30. (Smolenice); only light fold, exp. by Karasek., decorative, rare usage whole blank forms, ex Pour
1918 comp. 4 pcs of whole (!) Hungarian dispatch notes with forerunner frankings, 2x big and 1x small p.stat dispatch-note 2f, supplemented with žlutým blank form international credit notes, with Reaper, 25 and 35f, Charles 10 and 20f, War 15f, CDS MAGYSZOMBAT, BEREZÓ and SZTROPKÓ; only folds, exp. Hirš, Karasek, ex Pour
1918 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in/at white color, where fee was/were paid on face-side (!) Hungarian stamp. Reaper 5f, Charles 20f and 10f, Mi.192, 215, 213, cancelled by postmark MEZOLABORCZ/ 918 Dec.12.; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare usage complete big telephone blank forms, ex Pour
1918 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in red color, where fee was/were paid on face-side (!) Hungarian stamp. Charles 3x 20f and 1x 10f, Mi.215, 213, cancelled by postmark TAKCSÁNY/ 918 Dec.12. (Stakčín); good condition, exp. Hirš, rare usage complete big telephone blank forms, ex Pour
1918 Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in/at green-blue color on reverse fee paid Hungarian stamp. Charles 10f 3x and Parliament 2 Koruna (!), Mi.213, 204, cancelled by postmark MEZOLABORCZ 918 Dec.4.; good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare usage big telephone blank forms, here in addition with decorative forerunner franking, ex Pour
1918 whole money postal order 2f, V. issue 1914, for amount of 1.000K, franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. Parliament 1 Koruna and Charles 20f, Mi. 203, 215, CDS NYITRABÁNYA/ 918 Dec.5. (Handlová); only light fold, exp. Hirš, complete and decorative p.stat blank form, ex Pour
1920 CDV22, Hradčany 20h sent as Registered in IV. postal rate from Slovakia to Slaného, CDS KRUPINA/ 12.XI.20, postal-charge 40h + 1,25CZK supplement for Reg mailing; additional franking 3 various issues, good srav
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection on hingeless sheets, from issue Hradčany, i.a. 10h green imperforated, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 - Coat of arms 4 Koruna with inverted overprint, Triangle 2h, Rectangle 2h and 5h with unoverprinted coupon, Small numerals 5 Koruna, TFM 1920 125h ultramarine, Festival, Prague–Tatras, T. G. Masaryk 1930 with coupons, Airmail, postage-due SO1920 (overprint) etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by 2 stockbooks A4 with duplication; mainly hinged, higher catalogue
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / very interesting estate mainly unused stamps after/around businessman in/at IKEA box in 6 various albums A4 + detached/free stamp. in/at smaller little-box, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint, 20. and 30. years, air-mail etc.., also blocks of four, plate number etc..; various, mostly good quality, suitable to other elaboration, we advice viewings, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] disparate selection by estimation more than 200 pcs of entires in box, part R, Ex, pneumatic-tube post, various franking, i.a. Hradčany, line Un also Us p.stat Hradčany and issue Chainbreaker etc..; various quality