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1861- TECSÖ / small/rare cut square with newspaper 1.05Kr grey, Ferch.23a, with CDS TECSÖ 7/9; rare U:A5
1822-1825 NAGY SZÖLLÖS, KOLYVA comp. of 2 pre-philatelic folded letters, hand-made napsány NAGY SZÖLLÖS and KOLYVA, both letters addressed to Uzhhorod; rare U:A5
1827-1830 V.MUNKATS comp. of 2 folded letters to Uzhhorod, 1x big and 1x small cancel. in red (!) color; rare occurrence, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1832-1843 POLENA, ALSÓ-VERECZKE, V.MUNKATS, TETSÖ comp. of 4 folded prephilatelic letters, i.a. V.MUNKATS in red color; nice print, interesting selection of U:A5
1839 V. TISZA UJLAK (Výlok) straight line postmark on folded letter to Berehovo; ex Dr. Kobelbauer, rare U:A5
1850 Serednie the first issue., letter addressed to to Mukachevo, franked with. str-of-3 (!) Coat of arms 1 Kr, Mi.1X, type Ib, HP, CDS Serednie 23/5, on reverse arrival MUNKÁCS 23/5; photo-certificate Ferchenbauer, light fold bezvýznamný with regard to/at rarities, rare entire ex. Øre and Kobelbauer, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1850 TISZA-UJLÁK / the first issue., folded letter franked with. pair Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, HP, I. types, CDS TISZA-UJLÁK / 11/7, to Hungarian Hajdúdorogu; decorative U:A5
1850-1856 NAGY-SZOLLOS, BERGSZÁSZ, UNGVÁR / the first issue., comp. of 3 folded letters with Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, CDS NAGY-SZOLLOS, BERGSZÁSZ and UNGVÁR; 2x bend over stmp., nice multiple U:A5
1851 UNGVAR / the first issue., folded letter to Nových Hradů with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, type I, HP, CDS UNGVÁR 26/5, on reverse tranzitni CASSAU, WIEN and arrival GRATZEN; exp. Ferchenbauer, nice letter U:A5
1852 Serednie / RETOUR RECEPISSE franked on back side stamp. the first issue Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, wide margins, over stmp round cancel. Serednie 24/12 also transit line WIEN 30.DEC, on reverse then line Košice 2.JAN; fold out of stmp., ex Dr. Kobelbauer, only quite rare occurrence, exceedingly rare, jewel of every collection! U:A5
1854 HUSZT / the first issue., letter to Budapest, with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, CDS HUSZT 30/10, on reverse transit DEBRECZIN and arrival OFEN U:A5
1858 BEREGHZÁSZ / the first issue., folded letter sent to court in/at Levoči with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, CDS BEREGHZÁSZ 1/4, on reverse transit KASSA and arrival LOCSE, inside in addition revenue 15 Kreuzer C.M.; interesting U:A5
1858-1865 TISZA-UJLÁK, HUSZT, NAGY-SZOLLOS, BERGSZÁSZ / 1x larger part of letter with Franz Joseph 10Kr 1858; 1x Reg letter with 5+10Kr Eagle; 1x letter with Eagle 5 Kreuzer and 1x part newspaper wrappers with 1.05Kr 1863; various condition, as multiple interesting U:A5
1859-1865 ALSO-VERECZKE, TECSÖ, KISFALUD, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, UNGVÁR, HUSZT, MUNKÁCS / comp. of 7 mainly ex-offo folded letters U:A5
1860- TECSÖ / The 3rd issue., cover Reg letter with Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer and 10Kr, circular CDS TECSÖ 3/12 and transit TISZA-UJLAK, arrival HALIMBA, court záložka - fee paid revenues 2x 2 Kreuzer and 1x 7Kr; fold over stmp 5 Kreuzer and tearing in/at address side, after all exceedingly rare, ex Dr. Kobelbauer U:A5
1868-1899 USZOK, HUSZT, DOLHA, NAGY-BEREZNA comp. 7 pcs of postal stationery covers, i.a. 1x Letter with cipher 5 Koruna uprated by. as Registered to Vienna, on reverse uprated with stamp 10K (folds), then Franz Joseph I. 1868, 4x 5 Koruna in oval etc..; as multiple interesting U:A5
1870 UNGHVAR Hungarian "yellow" 2 Kreuzer addressed to to Košice with frame cancel. and arrival KASSA; nice print U:A5
1870-1871 UNGHVAR/ HUSZT 1x Hungarian "yellow" 2 Kreuzer with frame cancel. UNGHVAR + 1x with round cancel. HUSZT U:A5
1870-1900 [COLLECTIONS] DOLHA, IRHOLC, KERECZKE, NAGY-BOCK, TÖCSÖ etc.. / selection of 21 mainly ex-offo unfranked letters with circular cancel., mainly various; overall good quality, as multiple interesting U:O5
1871 KÖRÖSMEZÖ I. Hungarian issue, larger part money dispatch-note Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer, CDS KÖRÖSMEZÖ/ 12.10.71; perfect condition U:A5
1871 N. SZÖLLÖS letter to Velyke Paladi franked with. 1-zn. franking Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer KAMENOTISK (!), CDS N. SZÖLLÖS 2/8/71; small horiz. fold, rare letter U:A5
1873-1915 TECSO, BEDÖHÁZA, UNGVÁR, BEREGSZÁSZ etc.. / comp. of 8 various postal orders, i.a. 1x postal agency pmk BEDÖHÁZA; as multiple interesting U:A5
1875 NAGY-BEREZNA postal stationery cover Letter with cipher 5 Koruna, Mi.U7, sent as Registered to Villachu, CDS NAGY-BEREZNA 21/7.75, uprated to front side stamp. 5 Koruna, Mi.17 and on reverse 10K, Mi.18, transit UNGVÁR and arrival VILLACH; L little cut, else preserved U:A5
1880 TREBUSA telegram sent as Registered from Szigetu to Košice, franked on back side str-of-3 Letter with cipher 5 Koruna, CDS SZIGET 8/1.80 and transit TRBUSA 9/1; rozstřiženo over stmp., after all interesting U:A5
1881-1917 NAGY-SZÖLLÓS, MUNKÁCS newspaper cut-square with Austrian newspaper stamp. Mercure L 1 Kr, 1867, CDS MUNKÁCS; complete newspaper Bereg. with Hungarian newspaper stamp. Letter with cipher 1 Koruna, CDS NAGY-SZÖLLÓS 7/9.84 and cut square with newspaper stamp. Crown, Mi.71, CDS MUNKÁCS 917.NOV.24; interesting selection of U:A4
1885-1899 AKNA-SLATINA, TECSÖ, VÁSÁROS-NAMENY, TURJA-BISZTRA, NAGY-BOCSKÖ etc.. / comp. 8 pcs of entires, from that 3x Reg letter - various combinations postage due 15K; 10+5K; 3x 5 Koruna etc..; small defects, as multiple good U:A5
1887 NAGY-SZÖLLÓS folded p.stat card Letter with cipher 2 Koruna "Adóintés", CDS NAGY-SZÖLLÓS 87/Nov.25, inside frame K.ADOHIVATAL NAGY-SZÖLLÖSÖN; interesting U:A5
1898 BUSTYAHÁZA 4-piece p.stat card Crown 2 Koruna to Budapest, CDS BUSTYAHÁZA 98/JUN.10 and arrival BUDAPEST; rare usage U:A5
1900 TURJA-BISTRA PC Crown 4f to Lviv, CDS TURJA-BISTRA 900/MAJ.15, burdened with postage-due paid Austrian Postage due stmp 2h, Mi.11, framed pmk LEMBERG U:A5
1902-1912 UZSOK, NAGYBEREZNA, NAGY SZÖLLÖS, TURJA-REMETE, POLENA, TORONYA, Mukacheve, SZOLYVA etc.., selection of 20 pcs of larger parts of dispatch-note + 1x whole with various cancel., all with various frankings issue Turul; mainly nice postal imprints, as multiple interesting U:A5
1904-1912 TURJA-REMETE, PETERFALVA, SZOLYVA, MUNKÁČ, UNGVÁR etc.., comp. of 15 entires, from that 1x Reg and Express and 2x Reg letter, all with various frankings issue Turul; interesting multiple U:A5
1906 TECSÖ (Ťačovo) money letter with Turul 30f, CDS TÉCSÖ/ 906.JUL.22; good condition U:A5
1909 CHLUMEC U UŽHORODU / KORLÁTHELMECZ / POSTAL AGENCY PC Crown 5f to Wien (Vienna) with postal agency pmk (!); nice print, decorative and rare U:A5
1916 ÖRHEGYALJA / POSTAL AGENCY FP card and PC 5f, both sent to Graz with postal agency pmk.; rare usage U:A5
1917 UNGVÁR p.stat telegram with printed stmp 2f, franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. Turul 60f, CDS UNGVÁR/ 17.MAJ.24; small tearing in margins U:A4
1885-1914 [COLLECTIONS] BEREGSZÁSZ, HUST, MUNKÁCS, ALSO-VERECKÉ, TISZA-ULJAK, SZOLÓS td. / selection of 29 pcs of various PC, i.a. 4x letter-card, part abroad etc..; mainly good quality, as multiple interesting U:A5
1919 BEREHOVE / Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete small/rare blank form with parallel franked. Hungarian and Hungarian stamp. on reverse, pair Charles 25f and Reaper 20f with overprint KÖZTÁSASÁG (torn off corner zn.), CDS BEREGSZÁSZ/ 919 Apr.11.; exp. by Karasek., exceptional parallel franking also blank form, ex Pour U:A5
1919 BEREHOVE Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in red color, on face-side fee paid Hungarian stamp. Parlamant 1 Koruna and Reaper 20f with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG (!), cancelled by postmark BEREGSZÁSZ/ 919 Apr.19.; very fine, decorative piece rare blank form/-s, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1919 RUMUNSKÁ OCCUPATION / unpaid letter sent from Černého Ardova to USA (!), CDS FEKETEARDÓ/ 919.NOV.11, framed pmk Romanian censorship "CENSORSHIP ROMANA - SATU MARE" and "T", burdened with postage-due - round DUE 10 CENTS and stamp. Postage due stmp 10C, violet cancel. DEFICIENCY IN ADDRESS SUPPLIED BY NYPO and přichozí NEW YORK/ DEC.27; exceedingly rare letter, are known only 3 pieces, ex A. Cronin and Dr. Kobelbauer U:A5
1919-1920 CZECHOSL. FIELD POST comp. 12 pcs of entires with cancel. military. formations in Carpathian Ruthenia, i.a. military unit postmarks Czechosl. country military. headquarters for Karpatskou Russia, Lékarna/ Czechosl. Auxiliary hospital in/at Mukachevo, framed pmk FP 14/ 13.I.20/ MUKACHEVO, 1x letter with CDS PERECSÉNY/ 14.NOV.19 etc..; good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1919-1939 ČOP, SVALA, UZHHOROD, BEREHOVE comp. 3 pcs of larger parts credit notes and one return card from Hungary to Berehovo; good condition U:A5
1925-1937 BEREHOVE, TAČOVO, UZHHOROD, MUKACHEVO comp. 7 pcs of entires sent Ex, Reg or 1x as Reg and Express, corresponding franking; good condition U:A5
1934-1938 RAILWAY POST comp. 8 pcs of entires with railway pmk, 3 pcs of TERESVA - KOŠICE/ 991, 3 pcs of JASIŇA - KOŠICE/ 993 and 2 pcs of UZSOK - ČOP/ 1001; good condition, mainly nice print U:A5
1938 FIELD POST - MOBILIZATION comp. 7 pcs of entires with FP-postmark No.12, 24 and 29, for example. 1x card sent to PP46 with mailing CDS LIPČA/ 21.XI.38 supplemented with red cancel. SORTING FP 4/ CENSORED, 1x letter with same censorship cancel. in black color, with mailing CDS BEROUN/ 17.X.38, supplemented with blue cancel. PP12/ 21.X.38; good condition, rare U:A5
1939 1. congress Carpathian Ukraine, first day sheet, cut square and reminder miniature sheet, all with stamp. Jasiňa 3 Koruna, cut square with red special postmark KHUST/ 15.III.39; miniature sheet with several spots in paper U:A5
1939 KHUST / CENTRÁLNÍ UKRAJINSKÁ NATIONAL RADA/ 21.I.39, bicircular modro-žluté special postmark on R letter to Sarajevo (!), with Poděbrady 4CZK, Pof.311, cancelled special postmark, supplemented with CDS KHUST/ 16.II.39, on reverse arrival postmark SARAJEVO/ 20.II.39, sender chief post Khust!; light brownish in perforation, after all rare entire, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1920-1938 [COLLECTIONS] SINOVIR, TREBUŠANY, JASIŇA, train post MUKACHEVO - BAŤOVO, USTČORNÁ, PALANOK, VARY, AIRMAIL STAMPS UZHHOROD, BEREHOVE, RACHOVO, KVASY etc.. selection of 90 pcs of various entires, commercial cards, postcard, letters, court warrant/-s with surtax, p.stat, cuts dispatch notes, etc..; various quality U:O5
1938 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / KOMÁROM, BEREGSZÁSZ, UNGVÁR, MUNKÁCS - VISSZATÉRT propagandistiská cancel. on/for compilation of 21 pcs of various Us also philatelically influenced entires from that 1x Reg letter; good condition U:A5
1938-1939 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI comp. of 13 letters with provisory rubber numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia in/at black also violet color, from that 2x as Registered, 2x mixed franking Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp., 9x service letter without franking, cancel. MAGYAR KIR. POSTA i.a. No. 102, 108, 107, 117, 120, 278, 281, 285 etc..; good condition, mainly nice print U:A5
1938-1939 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI selection of 17 Ppc and cards with provisory rubber numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia in/at black also violet color, MAGYAR KIR. POSTA i.a. No. 305, 242, 103, 106, 117, 118, 234, 128, 103 etc..; good condition, mainly nice print U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÁ FIELD POST comp. 3 pcs of FP cards and 3 pcs of letters from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia with postmarks field post No. 14, 19, 42, 44, 47, 57, various uniquely designed postmarks; good condition, very interesting, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÁ FIELD POST comp. 6 pcs of FP cards and postcard from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, with cancel. field post No. 16, 19, 42, 44, 47, 68, various uniquely designed postmarks; good condition, very interesting, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / M.KIR.POST 108, Express letter addressed to to Prague, posting provisional metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia MAGYAR KIR. POSTA 108/ 39.IV.1., franked with Hungarian stmps.., on reverse arrival postmark TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE/ 3.IV.39 and arrival postmark PRAGUE 31/ 3.IV.39, Us Prague pneumatic-tube post; good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / NAGYSZÖLLÖS, M.KIR.POST 108, 320 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters with provisory metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, cancel. MAGYAR KIR. POSTA 108, 320, 322, all franked with. same Hungarian stamp. 70f, 2x provisional registry label; good condition, nice postal imprints, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / TÉCSÓ, KIRÁLYMEZÖ, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, AKNASZLATINA, RAHÓ comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters with provisory metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, cancel. MAGYAR KIR. POSTA 305, 357, 108, 337, 375, various franking Hungarian stamp.; good condition, only nice postal imprints, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939-1941 KHUST, AKNA SLATINA, UZHHOROD, SVALAVA, PEREČÍN, Vynohradiv / FIELD POST comp. 6 pcs of official letters with military unit postmarks and dvojjazyčnými CDS, from that 2x R - KHUST and AKNA SLATINA; good condition U:A5
1939-1943 Vynohradiv, BEREHOVE, CVALAVA, BILKY, TAKCSÁNY, UJCÁS, NAGYSZÖLLÖS selection of 7x R letters, from that 1x Reg and Express to Bohemia-Moravia, all with dvojjazyčnými cancel. post offices in Carpathian Ruthenia, various franking Hungarian stamp.; overall good condition, interesting U:A5
1939-1944 SEREDNÉ, RACHOVOVOLOVÉ, VELIKÝ BEREZNÝ, TERESVA, AKNA SLATINA, KHUST etc.. selection of 21 pcs of various Hungarian p.stat 8, 10, 18f, with various dvojjazyčnými CDS; good condition, mainly nice print, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1940 ĎAKOVO / NEVETLENFALU framed pmk Postal Agency with date 40 II.14., Geb.2521/3, on/for Hungarian PC 18f addressed to to Berehovo; superb, rare postal agency pmk from Carpathian Ruthenia, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1940-1944 NAGYBEREZNA, BILKE, MÁRSFALVA, REMETEVASGYÁR, KÁLNIKHUSZT etc..; comp. 14 pcs of larger parts dispatch-notes with various cancel., part bilingual, from that 11 pcs of franked by. Hungarian stamp., interesting frankings, 1x 10f revenue etc..; good condition U:A5