Public Auction 60 / TOP100 Bidding
Pof.5R+DV, value 10h red, plate variety + RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 2, comp. 7 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety + 4 pcs of PLATE PROOF with plate variety + 2 pcs of entires with with plate variety, supplemented with RETUŠÍ plate variety - 2x stamp. + 1x maculature PLATE PROOF + 3x entire with with retouch of plate flaw; very interesting selection of plate defects and her retouch from other printing plate! U:A4
Pof.187, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, L upper vertical strip of 5 with double stroke perf frame in L margin; hinged in upper margin, upper stamp. in R margin minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1953 POŠTOVNÉ PAUŠALOVÁNO / TESTER in/at local transport, uprated. stamp. Pof.489 (4x), CDS PRAGUE 1/ 12.VI.53, on reverse CDS TELEGRAPH CENTRAL OFF./ PRAGUE/ 12.VI.53; paušální payment postage with on/for express delivery nevztahovala, rare occurrence, signs of usage, exp. Dražan U:A5
1925 Pof.190B, Gravure 1CZK, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 31-I-2/1, wmk P6, in L margin part protective ledge U:A5
1942 C.C. - ITALY PC CDV7/ II. part, Hlinka 1,50 Koruna red, response part sent from Italy to Slovakia, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 1.VI.42 supplemented with to at the delivery place, round violet cancel. CAMPO DI CONCENTRAMENIO/ FERRAMOUNTI + 3 censorship mark.; signs of usage U:A5
1925 Pof.190B, Gravure 1CZK, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 18-II-13/IX, wmk P5 U:A5
1920 Ba.16b, 100CZK, set Am; without tearing U:A5
1939 Sy.2,4,7,9,12, comp. of 6 corner blocks without plate čísel: values 5h, 40h, 50h and 1CZK in blocks of four, value 20h in/at 15-bloku with horiz. shifted overprint; interesting set, exp. by Kozak., Nov, Synek U:A4
1925 Pof.190B, Gravure 1CZK, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 14.I. 16/XIII, wmk P7, in L margin part protective ledge U:A5
1953 NEW CURRENCY/ 1. DAY commercial letter franked already invalidated stamp. in old currency Pof.489 (4x), franking disallowed, mounted stamp. 1,60Kčs in new currency, Pof.739, CDS BRNO 7/ 19.VI.53, FDC!; sought by specialists; sound condition U:A5
Pof.5R+DV, value 10h red, plate variety + RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 3, comp. 6 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety + 2 pcs of PLATE PROOF with plate variety + 2 pcs of entires with with plate variety, supplemented with RETUŠÍ plate variety - 1x corner used stamp. + 1x maculature PLATE PROOF + 4x entire with with retouch of plate flaw from that 1x exp. Vrba; very interesting selection of plate defects and her retouch from the third printing plate! U:A4
1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.84-89, A. Hitler. 1 Koruna - 2,40 Koruna, selection of whole 200 pcs of counter sheet; 1,50 Koruna and 2,40 Koruna only 2x folded, other povoleny in perforation U:A3v–
1933-1934 Pof.273-274, 275, 280, Nitra 50h and 1CZK corner pieces with plate number 1 and 1A, ditto Smetana 50h with plate number 2, 2A, 3, 3A and 3A without bands (!) and Dvořák 50h with plate number 1, 1A and 1 without bands (!); mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.163DČ, 90h black, selection of two corner pieces with plate number 1 (light bend in corner) and plate number 2; mint never hinged U:A5
1940-1944 Ba.30-34, 36-37, 39-42, comp. 11 pcs of bank-notes, all Specimen U:A5
1953 CONFIRMATION O POBÍRÁNÍ DŮCHODU / fee for his vystavení činil 0,40Kčs in new currency (= 20Kčs in old currency), paid 10 pcs of special stmp Pof.720 (5x) and 728 (5x) on both sides, CDS TŘINEC/ 17.VI.53; exceptional entire!, first-time in/at jakékoliv auction, in upper margin 2 hints after stapler, otherwise sound condition, exp. Dražan U:A5
Pof.5R, 10h red, LL corner blk-of-4, RETUŠ plate defects "clock in tower", pos. 91, plate 1; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1937 [COLLECTIONS] MS BRATISLAVA 1937 / specialized collection of more than 100 miniature sheets Pof.329/330, typology, also shifts, printing defects as rings, little lines etc.., all with description - ex Paleček U:Z
Pof.45PI, 80h red-brown, print from the front also in the back side + overprint offset, on face-side overprint type I on reverse type II; hinged, exp. by Stupka., sought variety! U:A5
Pof.21a, 120h light grey, very nice shade; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1918 [COLLECTIONS] STUDIJNÍ COLLECTION on/for ca. 100 pages, rozpracováno according to values 1h -1000h, perforated also imperforated, zaměřeno on/for various plate variety, all described, identified pos., printing plate etc.., line bloks of four and larger blocks, also several entires etc..; interesting U:Z
1919 POSTA MILITARE 162 / letter sent from Kroměříž to Rome, franked with. Italian stamp. 2x 10c, two print cancel. PM 162/ 5.2.19, on reverse through/over klopu blue round cancel. Czechoslovakia VRCHNÍ VELITELSTVÍ ČESKOSLOV. VOJSK NA SLOVENSKU, on/for flap by hand sender Kroměříž, supplemented with censorship oval cancel. "152"; good condition, rare, ex Procházka U:A5
1925 Pof.192B P6, Gravure 3CZK, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 23-II, wmk P6 U:A5
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / letter franked stamp. in value 20Kčs, Pof.489, MC BRNO 2/ 12.VI.53, uprated print meter stmp BRNO 2/ 12.6.53/ 10,oo; right value postage, mixed franking with meter stmp are exceptional!, envelope open from 3 sides (instruction State bank), exp. Dražan U:A5
1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection more than 300 pcs of stmp with overprint on 11 album pages in glassine envelopes and 2 cards A4, contains overprint issue i.a. PRAGUE - ŽIŽKOV, JOSEFOV, ŠESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, HLUBOKÁ N. V., PRAGUE - SMÍCHOV, LOUNY, PLZEŇ, DOMAŽLICE, overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO on/for Slovak stamp., 3x overprint KHUST etc.. U:Z
1928 Pof.233-242, Jubilee 30h - 5CZK in blocks of four; nice quality, several pieces expertized Gilbert U:A4
1944 CHUSTSKÝ OVERPRINT / Pof.RV184, Crown 20f, overprint inverted; mint never hinged, exp. Blaha U:A5
1944 CHUSTSKÝ OVERPRINT / Pof.RV186, Crown 30f, overprint inverted; mint never hinged, exp. Blaha U:A5
1919 Pof.PP2-PP4, Charitable stamps - silhouette 25K-1Rbl, comp. of 3 sets with line perforation 13¾;, line perforation 11½; and imperforated + complete set types I-VI with line perforation 13¾; + block of four 1Rbl dark brown, line perforation 13¾;; U:A5
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / insufficiently franked letter to Prague, with Pof.485 (8x), CDS MĚLNÍK 1/ 10.VI.53, uprated meter stmp MĚLNÍK 1/ 10.6.53/ 18,oo, right value postage 30Kčs; mixed franking with meter stmp are exceptional, here in addition with value which/what with on/for mailings franked/paid only meter stmp nemůže vyskytovat; minor faults - missing upper lapel, envelope open from 3 sides, on request exp. Dražan U:A5
1953 POSTAL FORMULÁŘ / NOTIFICATION No. 418 / IV.-1946 about/by výsledku search after/around zapsané mailing, fee činil 1,20Kčs in new currency (= 60Kčs in old currency), paid postage stamp. Pof.488 (12x) on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 123/ 17.VI.53; exceptional entire, for the first time in auction (!), in the middle 1x vert. fold and small tearing in lower margin, otherwise sound condition, exp. Dražan U:A4
1925 Pof.193B P7, Gravure 5CZK green, wmk P7, L the bottom corner Pr with plate number 13.I. 7/VII S U:A5
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 23 Koruna / letter in/at other transport, postal-charge 30Kčs, with Pof.718 (6x), chybělo 12Kčs, postage due 24Kčs, hand-made "T 4,80 repaired on/for 0,48", instead postage-due stamp. mounted postage stmp Pof.489 and special Pof.730 (2x) used as postage-due (!) and optd frame cancel. "Postage due"; exceptional usage!, commercial correspondence, sound condition, exp. Dražan U:A5
Pof.SO5, Hradčany 15h bricky red imperforated, with lower margin and control-numbers; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba and Gilbert U:A5
Pof.1-26, selection of 46 stamp. 1h-1000h in various shades (does not contain Pof.6, 9 and 13), i.a. 200h blue (exp. Vrba), 1000h blue-violet (minor gum fault) etc.. U:A4
1940 parcel dispatch card segment, where fee after/behind transport food was/were paid 4 pcs of (!) stamp. 1 Koruna, Pof.PD1, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.XII.40; good condition, rare multiple franking stamps food tax! U:A5
Pof.5R, 10h red, LL corner blk-of-4, RETUŠ plate defects "clock in tower", pos. 91, plate 3; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.25, 500h brown, LR corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers and plate mark - "interrupted dash after/behind 500", plate 1; decorative intaktní multiple U:A5
Pof.15Cvz, 50h violet with line perforation 13¾; and with overprint VZOREC; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
Pof.18Cvz, 75h grey-green with line perforation 13¾; and with overprint VZOREC; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
Pof.SO10aN, unissued Hradčany 30h violet with blue overprint; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.140Na II, 125h ultramarine deeper color, imperforated, type II.; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., luxury piece, rare stamp, in II. type rare usage! U:A5
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ACCUMULATION unused also postmarked stamps, miniature sheets, PB, blk-of-10, black-prints etc.., placed mainly in/at šanonech A5 with descriptions, also basic basic collection on album sheets from used also Un stamp. and label, complete annual volumes **/* on stock-sheets A5, disparate comp. of stamps Czechoslovakia I., then basic collection Slovakia 39-45 etc..; part various quality, we advice viewings, all placed in one Ikea box, total 29kg of material for elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1953 AIRMAIL STAMPS FRANKATURY / Reg letter, postal-charge 80Kčs, with L22 (4x), CDS LANŠKROUN/ 15.VI.53, on reverse arrival CDS RUDNÍK/ 16.VI.53; non-philatelic, exceptional franking!, nice quality, exp. Dražan U:A5
1945 LIBČICE three-line black Opt ČESKO-/ SLOVAK POST/, set 18 stamps A. Hitler. 30h - 20K + Reg letter franked with. values 30h - 2 Koruna and p.stat A. Hitler. 60h with this overprint; interesting selection of U:A5
Pof.7Ad, 15h vermilion, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, block of four with L margin, plate 4, pos. 61-62/ 71-72; mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.5R, 10h red, LL corner blk-of-4, second RETUŠ plate defects "clock in tower", pos. 91, plate 4, so-called. "nůžky"; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
1920-1934 Ba.17b, 22e, 21b2, 24b, 25b, 27 comp. 6 pcs of bank-notes, all Specimen U:A5
Pof.7D Is/IIp, 15h bricky red with line perforation 11½, combination spiral and bar type, pos. 91/1; minor gum fault, exp. Vrba U:A5
1952 Pof.649 plate variety, Agriculture 2Kčs with plate variety 70/1,2 - little arc by/on/at staff flags; sought defect, in catalogue underprized U:A5
Pof.11, 25h violet, two LR corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers, plate 1 and plate 2; mint never hinged U:A5
1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.96, A. Hitler. 10K green, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet; very fine, only 3x folded in perforation, above-standard quality U:A3v–
Pof.6, 10h green with wide bottom margin with control-numbers; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.4Da, 5h dark blue-green with ministerial perf 11½;; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1926 Pof.202, Gravure 1CZK red, VI. type without watermark, L the bottom corner Pr with plate number 11A; mint never hinged U:A5
1953 POŠTOVNÉ PAUŠALOVÁNO / two letters, 1x as Registered, paušalované postal-charge was/were akceptováno, CDS PRAGUE 028/ 17.VI.53, average sum with vztahoval also on/for Reg mailing + 1x letter above 20g, paušalované postal-charge wasn't akceptováno, franked with. 2 TESTER Pof.487 on reverse, CDS BÍLOVICE above S./ 8.VI.53; interesting U:A5
1951-1953 DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉ VADY: Pof.609 and 610 after/around two blocks of four with and without přesahu in margin, in addition on stmp 3Kčs 1x long carmine line through two stamp., corner blk-of-4 Pof.621 with 3x omitted perf + single stamp. with long line on/for right upper margin, 2 pcs of Pof.627 with stains before/(in front of) "3" and above "...KO", pair Pof.638 with long vertical line between stamps, 2 pcs of Pof.650 with various háčky + pair with plate variety 40/1 - "reflector" (přílepky on gum), 1x Pof.679 plate variety 32/1, 1x Pof.697 with stain in/at last "O" and others "3", 1x Pof.698 with hnědočervenými stains below "ČES", 1x Pof.730, 1x Pof.731 with big white obloukem above traktorem U:A4
1935 Pof.PD9-10B, Definitive issue, values 1CZK and 2CZK with line perforation 12½;, LR corner pieces with coupons and plate number 1; mint never hinged U:A5
1945 ČOP philatelically influenced Reg letter to Olomouc, with issue II RNZU, values 10, 20 and 100, Majer 4, 5c, 8a, 3x print posting violet cancel. ČOP and by hand date 8.VIII.45, handwritten Reg label; good condition, Un entire, Reg letters abroad wasn't possible zasílat U:A5
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY two letters from 1. of day after/around money reform, postal-charge paid invalidated stamp. in old currency was/were akceptováno!, 1x Printed matter, with Pof.502, MC BRNO 2/ 19.VI.53, window envelope + 1x letter with airmail stamp Pof.L31 (2x), MC PRAGUE/ 19.VI.53, minor faults - on reverse damaged upper lapel U:A5
1925 Pof.189A P2, Neotypie (gravure-print) 60h violet, LL corner blk-of-4 with shift centre perf and with plate number 25 / VIII, wmk P2; hinged U:A5
Pof.16Cvz, 50h blue with line perforation 13¾; and with overprint VZOREC; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
Pof.7 joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, L the bottom vertical corner Pr with control-numbers, on pos. 91 spiral type I and bar type II.; mint never hinged, expert Benes U:A5
1939 Pof.DR1-DR2, Delivery stmp 50h blue and 50h red, selection of complete sheets of 100; in the middle vert. fold, red with small vynechávkou gum, otherwise nice quality, in/at complete counter sheet very rare usage! U:A3v–
Pof.142 plate variety, 1000h brown with plate variety - rose in hair, hinged, marked by Pofis and Gilbert + horizontal strip of 4 ** 1000h with various "vývojovými stupni" this defects U:A5
Pof.7F Is, 15h bricky red with line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, spiral type I.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PLNÁ MOC for takeover postal mailing náhradním receiver No. 2324, issued 18.3.1944 osobou, which/what měla in/at brzké period odcestovat; interesting, sound condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1919 POSTA MILITARE 124 / letter sent from Kroměříž to Rome, franked with. pair Italian stamp. 10c, two print cancel. PM 124/ 23.1.19, on reverse through/over klopu blue round cancel. CZECHOSL. VELITELSTVÍ ARMÁDNÍHO SBORU Z ITALY, supplemented with oval cancel. 152, letter was/were transported courier to Vienna on/for Office Italian committee, then to Italy, where was/were in Vicenze equipped cancel. MP 124; only small tearing in margin envelope/-s, very rare usage cancel. MP 124, ex Procházka U:A5
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10 Koruna / newspaper "Vpřed to cíli" issued Dopravním podnikem in Plzen, with mnohonásobnou franking stamp. Pof.666 (10x), CDS PLZEŇ 2/ 6.VI.53; povinný copy sent to Interior Ministry; aren't square known no other newspaper sent as single copy in time money reform (!), very sound condition, exp. Dražan, RR! U:A4
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety - broken paw + production flaw - large circle near the head lion in emblem between stamps; perfect condition, rare and sought combination! U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] SYPANĚ unused and upotřebené stamps in/at smaller little-box, Hradčany - 30. years, i.a. imperforated values 500h, 1000h etc.., various perf etc..; possibility interesting objevů U:K
1944 CHUSTSKÝ OVERPRINT / Pof.RV194, Famous women 20f, overprint inverted; mint never hinged, exp. Blaha U:A5
1953 1. DAY / commercial Reg + Ex letter with Pof.489 (3x) + air Pof.L24 (2x), CDS KARVINÁ 1/ 1.VI.53-12, on reverse arrival postmark TELEGRAPH CENTRAL OFF./ PRAGUE/ 2.VI.53; right value postage 160Kčs, nefilatelisticná mailing, Ex+R-dopisy from 1. of day are exceptional!, nice, exp. Dražan U:A5
1925 Pof.193B P6, Gravure 5CZK, 2x L the bottom corner piece with plate number 7.I. and 14-I. 7/VII K, wmk P6 and P7; 1x hinged U:A5
Pofis. 4Ab dark green, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, L the bottom corner 4 block and LR corner piece, both plate 6 + Pofis. 4Ba dark blue-green, comb perforation 11¾; LR corner piece, plate 3, + Pofis. 4Bb, dark green, comb perforation 11¾; LR corner piece, plate 5; outside block of four mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1937 Pof.ANV18, miniature sheet Exhibition Bratislava 1937, selection of types I-VIa + 1x forgery; mint never hinged, all marked U:A4
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, franked with. Express letter addressed to to Rome with 3 print hledaného postmark FP Italian legions PM 52 with dots/ 19.11.18, on reverse supplemented with round FP cachet bilingual cancel. VELITELSTVÍ SBORU / ITALY/ CZECHOSL; envelope on reverse with natrženou flap, otherwise without defects, superb print all postmarks, rare offer Reg mailing with postmark PM 52, ex Procházka U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, R service letter addressed to to Rome with sought postmark FP Italian legions PM 52 with asterisks/ 22.10.18, R label POSTA MILITARE/ 52, supplemented with oval FP cachet cancel. special postmark POSTE 3. Reggimento Speciale/ Comando, on reverse round military unit postmarks 33. REGG. CZECO - SLOVACCO; envelope on reverse with natrženou flap, otherwise without defects, superb print all postmarks, rare offer Reg mailing with postmark PM 52, ex Procházka
1935 Pof.285-286, Birthday T. G. Masaryk 50h green and 1CZK red, comp. 4 pcs of bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number 1 and 1A both values, close margin from sheets of 100; mint never hinged, in the middle fold in perforation, only 1x value 1CZK slightly povolena in perforation, rare complexes U:A4
1945 Velykyi Bereznyi only front side envelope/-s with 4-tuple franking stmp with overprint issue II 60/30f Crown carmine, Majer U60, violet rubber hand stamp VELIKIJ BEREZNIJ; distinct postal imprint, perf 2 stamp. cut, ex Simády and Kobelbauer U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA label "V"/ Deutschland (Germany) siegt an all Fronten (fronts) für Europe!, white label with red text on/for commercial letter with MC OLOMOUC 2.VII.41; good condition, decorative, rare occurrence! U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA red propagandistic label "V" with German - Czech text Germany wins on all fronts for Europe!, service letter franked with. service stmp the first issue 1,20 Koruna with incomplete print MC PROSTĚJOV; good condition, rare occurrence! U:A5
Pof.10Nc, 25h ultramarine with control-numbers * + Pof.22b, 200h blue with part/-s control-numbers **; exp. Vrba and Gilbert U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP sent from Spiazzi to Rome, postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 26.8.18, supplemented with round bilingual cancel. VELITELSTVÍ SBORU ITALY/ CZECHOSL and straight line postmark COMANDO DEL CORPO CZECO-SLOVACCO IN ITALIA / COMANDO 6. DIVISIONE, passed through censorship; good condition, decorative, ex Procházka U:A5
1930 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President; autograph on card with datací; perfect condition U:A5
1918 CPŘ3, Austrian parallel PC 8h Charles sent as express, uprated by. Austrian express stamp. 2h triangle and Coat of arms 60h, Mi.217, 196, CDS PODĚBRADY/ 14.XII.18, supplemented with arrival těžším CDS PRAGUE TGF/ 14.XII.18 on face-side; good condition, exp. by Karasek., ex Pour U:A5
1918 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52, card Italian FP to Modena, postal imprint PM 52 with asterisks/ 14.10.18, supplemented with round cancel. 2. REGGIMENTO CZECO-SLOVACCO/ AMMINISTRAZIONE with emblem, supplemented with line censorship cancel.; good condition, decorative, ex Procházka U:A5
2010 HIRŠ Pavel: AUSTRIA 1850-1918, Monograph and specialized catalogue, issue II.; as new U:Z
1953 1. DAY / Express registered letter in the place with mnohonásobnou franking postage stmp Pof.488 (32 pcs of) in front also on reverse, CDS NOVÁ PAKA/ 1.VI.53, right postal-charge 160Kčs; Ex+R-dopisy from 1. of day are rare!, sound condition, exp. Dražan U:A5
1998 CDV39, Praga 98 with double inverted print, find from post in Olomouc U:A5
1919 PLATE PROOF joined printing two stamp. Charitable stamps - Lion in/at printing sheet, so-called. 3. printing U:A5
Pof.1-26, 1h-1000h, complete basic set with control-numbers (without Pof.6, 9 and 13), i.a. 5h blue-green, 15h, 120h and 300h corner pieces; from that 11 pcs of hinged, mint never hinged i.a. 400h, 300h, 200h, 120h etc.. U:A5
1964 VOSCHOD 1 / V. Komarov, B. Jegorov, K. Feoktistov, signatures three Soviet astronauts on/for FDC U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 20CZK in/at ultramarine color, horizontal pair on yellowy paper without gum; exp. by Karasek U:A5
1920-1938 [COLLECTIONS] SINOVIR, TREBUŠANY, JASIŇA, train post MUKACHEVO - BAŤOVO, USTČORNÁ, PALANOK, VARY, AIRMAIL STAMPS UZHHOROD, BEREHOVE, RACHOVO, KVASY etc.. selection of 90 pcs of various entires, commercial cards, postcard, letters, court warrant/-s with surtax, p.stat, cuts dispatch notes, etc..; various quality U:O5
Pof.5R+DV, value 10h red, plate variety + RETUŠ "clock in tower" pos. 91, plate 1, comp. 13 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety + 3 pcs of entires with with plate variety, 1x corner stamp. with RETUŠÍ plate variety + 1x maculature PLATE PROOF in/at corner pair with retouch + 2x entire with with retouch of plate flaw; very interesting selection of plate defects and her retouch from the first printing plate! U:A4
Pof.SO19Aa, Hradčany 200h blue-violet, perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, very dark color shade, smudged print; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, rare U:A5
1966 Pof.1519 production flaw, Fishes 1Kčs, production flaw 29/1 - significant incomplete-printing emblem / symbol (!); sought U:A5
1925-1937 BEREHOVE, TAČOVO, UZHHOROD, MUKACHEVO comp. 7 pcs of entires sent Ex, Reg or 1x as Reg and Express, corresponding franking; good condition U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV2, 5h blue (the first issue.), comp. 5 pcs of complete sheets of 100 with various plate number, 21-40, 22-40, 23-40, 24-40 and 26-41; mint never hinged, without folds U:A3v–
Pof.22b, 200h blue, the bottom corner piece with control-numbers; mint never hinged, exp. by Pittermann U:A5
Pof.29Dp, Lion Breaking its Chains 50h blue, block of four with line perforation 10½; : 13¾; with whole additional-printing; L the bottom stamp. light hinged, exp. by Karasek., in this perf rare occurrence, c.v.. */** 8.800CZK U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 10h red with overprint VZOREC, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate variety - clock in tower, pos. 91, browny ordinary paper without gum; exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.3D-21D, basic line 5h - 120h with perf line perforation 11½;, i.a. 5h blue-green, 25h violet, 120h grey, shades by/on/at 5h, 10h and 25h; 3 pcs of exp. U:A5
1925 PLATE PROOF Neotypie (gravure-print), comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs, value 40h and 2x 60h (yellowy and rose paper), without gum and perf U:A5
Pof.8Cvz + 10Cvz, 20h blue-green and 25h blue, both with line perforation 13¾; and with overprint VZOREC; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba U:A5
1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.54-56, Linden Leaves (die-stamping ) 60h - 1 Koruna, incl. shades, comp. 6 pcs of complete 200 pcs of counter sheet; folded in perforation and little allowed in margins, 1 Koruna dark brown partially povolená perf in the middle U:A3v–
Pof.11E IIp, 25h violet with R margin with line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, bar type II., pos. 40/2; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.23, 300h green-gray, complete 100 stamps sheet (!), plate 1 incl. all plate variety, nice deep shade; mint never hinged, only light vertical fold, wrapping Leuchtturm, sheets high values with in the market practically at all are rare! U:A3s|
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - ARGENTINA / PC addressed to to Buenos Aires (!), with 15pf A. Hitler, transported courier SS to Berlin, CDS BERLIN/ 2.?.43, on reverse hand-made 17.VII.43, censored camp censor in ghetto, Jewish censorship in Berlin, censorship Wehrmacht and Brit. military censorship on/for Trinidadu; entires addressed to to overseas in the market at all are rare (!), in book Beneš - Tošnerová "Post in ghetto Terezín", neither in/at Mo. 11 isn't no popsána neither pictured!, minor faults - 2x horiz. fold, with regard to rarities but nepodstatné, on/for sheet from exhibit, ex Hanzl U:DR
1968 Pof.A1653N, NEVYDANÝ miniature sheet Novotný 5Kčs připravený to 50. anniv of Czechoslovakia, with regard politickým events was/were whole printed printing miniature sheet skartován; dochovaný piece originate from skartovaných stamps, that's why have/has damaged gum - prostouplý to paper in margin and around perf stamps miniature sheet, only dirty without rusty stains and without restaurátorských zásahů, viewing of quality recommended, authenticity potvrzena expert Prof. Arbeitem, unique rarity, still known only three pieces miniature sheet and one imperforated plate proof in/at Postal muzeu! U:DR
1850 Serednie the first issue., letter addressed to to Mukachevo, franked with. str-of-3 (!) Coat of arms 1 Kr, Mi.1X, type Ib, HP, CDS Serednie 23/5, on reverse arrival MUNKÁCS 23/5; photo-certificate Ferchenbauer, light fold bezvýznamný with regard to/at rarities, rare entire ex. Øre and Kobelbauer, extraordinary offer! U:DR
Pof.154A ST, 40h brown, the bottom marginal block-of-6 with control-numbers, comb perforation 14, pos. 85-87 and 95-97, on pos. 96 type II - 10 linden cards, SPOJENÉ TYPY I+II+I; lightly hinged on/for II. type and upper middle stamp., Vrba certificate, decorative and very rare multiple with joined types, decoration every big collection or exhibit! U:DR
Pof.SO7Pp, Hradčany 20h carmine imperforated, with very rare inverted opt "SO1920 (overprint)"; superb piece with certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Škaloud, špičková item missing also in big collections, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1848-1859 SG.7, POST PAID ONE PENNY RED - orange vermilion, EARLY IMPRESSION; cut to margin right lower, otherwise very fine "head free" piece in beautiful print and color, certificate Sismondo, exp. Pfenninger, cat. £7.000 U:DR
1901 SG.D6ba, Ship 8C of North Borneo, overprints LABUAN and POSTAGE DUE with INVERTED CENTER "Inverted ship"; linear postmark "cancelled to order"; very fine, certificate Brandon, cat. £8.500; important rarity! U:DR
1845 BASEL Mi.1III, Basel Dove 2½Rp with sought PLATE VARIETY - WHITE DOT RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOVE, wide margins and nice shade, fine embossed printing; margin reparation, photo-certificate Kimmel 2009, cat. 25.000€ (!), very nice piece of this rare classic stamp, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1944 CHUSTSKÝ OVERPRINT / Pof.RV174-211, KOMPLETNÍ SÉRIE 38 stamps Generals, Crown, Kossuth, Famous women, Horthy and Postage due stmp; without hints of label, mainly very nice quality, several small minor gum fault, Horthy 2P bend, otherwise nice, all exp. Blaha, in/at set quite rare, c.v.. Pofis 70.000CZK, cat. Majer 136.310Kč, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1915 MAFIA ISLAND; SG.M13, Deutsch Ostafrika 7½h with overprint G.R./ POST/ 6 CENTS/ MAFIA; very fine piece, certificats Brandon, Holcombe, RPSL, cat. £2.500, extremely rare stamp U:DR