1936-1972 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation unused stamps, miniature sheets and booklets in three stockbooks A4, stamps and sets after 1945, incl. also better sets of 1950´s, many sets more times, i.a. Mi.914-921 and 1022-1027 blocks of four + MINIATURE SHEETS, i.a. Mi.Bl.4 *, Bl.6, 7, 15-17, 23, 26 etc.., souvenir sheets Orval etc.., also 20 stamp booklets; various quality, part hinged, higher catalogue
1937-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation of used sets and stamps in two full 16-pages albums A4, from end of 1930´s, some more often; higher catalogue
1851-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Schaubek in two spring folders, from the first issue FIRE RBS, then issues 1854, 1864-1870, Mi.66, blocks of four Mi.131-142, air-mail 1925 etc.., also postage-due etc..; various quality, cat. by estimation 2.500€
1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of unused stamps in full 16-pages stockbook A4, i.a. blocks of four Mi.131-142, air-mails 143-145, King Christian Mi.185-194 etc.., 1920-1940 */**, then mainly **, part values also more times
1900-1959 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheets Thiade in screw folder, contains singles from issues Sower and Merson, also many complete sets, joined printings, several blocks of four, after 1945 more complete; mainly *, several more interesting stamps and joined printings also **, cat. Yvert according to owner ca. 6.000€, it is worth seeing
1930-1982 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / ACCUMULATION accumulation of stamp booklets, placed in 3 stockbooks A4, mainly modern issues, some stamp-booklets more times - from that 1x album of used stamp-booklets incl. better postwar issues + duplication of stamps from 1978 - some sets more times, corner and marginal pieces etc..; various, mainly good quality
1870-1920[COLLECTIONS] TRENTO area. / collection of ca. 280 entires with postmarks from this territory i.a. ALA, ARCO, BOZEN, BORGO, CAVALESE, CORTINA, LEVICO, MEZZOLOMBARDO, MORI, PERGINE, ROVERETO etc.., all on 140 pages in screw album; various quality, ex Procházka
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / WW I / collection of ca. 140 pcs cards and letters sent by prisoners from Germany, Italy, Austria and Russia, censorships, postmarks etc..; various quality, ex Procházka
1916-1918 [COLLECTIONS] CENSORSHIP DURING I. WW selection of more then 70 various entires with postmarks of Italian censorship; various quality, ex Procházka
1916-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST DURING WW I. / selection by estimation 500 cards and letters with postmarks of Italian field post, censorship, official correspondence, military unit postmarks etc..; various quality, ex Procházka
1918 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR CROATIA specialized collection on 12 pages, overprints S.H.S.. on Hungarian postage and postage-due stamps, various production flaws as double, inverted overprints, shifts, forgeries etc..; interesting
1945-1978[COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on pages Schaubek in 2 spring folders, almost complete, contains many sought sets and miniature sheets, i.a. Mi.515-520 in pairs, 583-586, souvenir sheets Bl.4A also B, Bl.5 *, 628-639, 655-657, 666-667, 698-703, 730, 738-749, 776-787 etc.., also postage-due, exile issue, i.a. 2x Mi.Bl.2 etc..; mainly mint never hinged, cat. ca. 2.500€
1958-1982 [COLLECTIONS] ISLE OF MAN / collection in full 8-pages album A4, from Mi.1, complete set, favourite motives, souvenir sheets, joined printings, postage-due etc.
1960-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ISLE OF MAN, ALDERNEY very interesting collection / duplication in 3 large stockbooks A4 + 1x 8-sheet + several cards A4, various complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, lot of popular motives etc..; higher catalogue
1870-1945[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of Hungarian p.stat, contains ca. 245 used PC, letter cards, envelopes, p.stat stripe and dispatch-notes, supplemented with 15 unused p.stat - mainly postal stationery covers, contains 14 PCs sent as Registered, p.stat postcard several complete dispatch-notes, interesting frankings, surtax and postmarks, large part from Slovak territory; placed on 23 cards A4, mainly very good quality, valuable collection!
1871-1944 [COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 50 old sheets, from Mi.1II, many complete sets incl. all miniature sheets, better stamps and sets, i.a. Zeppeliny 31, air-mail 33 etc.., cat. min. 2.400€
1871-1968 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in 3 stockbooks, contains many complete sets as Mi.383-388, 430-437, 467-470, 528-537, 985-992, 1069-1082 (!), 1201-1203, 1243 etc.., also souvenir sheets Bl.2, 3, 4, 28A-C etc..; nice quality, mostly MNH, high catalogue value, by estimation more than 4.000€
1870-1914 [COLLECTIONS] UPPER HUNGARY (SLOVAKIA) / collection of entires with cancel of post offices from Slovaki area on ca. 50 exhibit sheets with descriptions, contains postcards, postal stationery covers, larger part dispatch-notes, various issues and postmarks, receipts, postcards etc.., several Reg etc..; mainly good quality
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection of DR, better after 1920, contains also General-Gouvernement, German states, Bavaria, Hannover, Prussia etc..; placed mainly in glassine envelopes on cca. 100 pages KABE
1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS] old collection in album Schaubek 1939, from issue 1872, complete also incomplete sets, without miniature sheets; various quality, higher catalogue
1949-1988 [COLLECTIONS] BERLIN / FRG / GDR / collection of Berlin and FRG on ca. 80 pages KABE, i.a. occupation zones, issue Goethe, Buildings, Bells of freedom etc.., mainly mint never hinged stamps + incomplete basic collection of GDR on ca. 40 album sheets in screw folder Abria, i.a. miniature sheets and PB, supplemented with 7 stamp booklets, all used stamps, some higher catalogue
1860-1939 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on 35 old pages, from Mi.1, almost complete, without Mi.29-47, incl. better stamps and sets, all souvenir sheets, FP in G.B., Danzig etc..; cat. min. 3.300€
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ANK.1-148, complete, in addition postage-due and Inissued Charles I. 1918 ANK-catalogue I-XIII, complete sets; many MNH, c.v. for * 1.380€
1902-1918Austria-Hungary NAVY + DANUBE FLEET selection of more than 700 entires with postmarks - ships, marine and navy formations, contains i.a. correspondence from prewar time, postmarks of ships as SMS TRABANT etc., many Ppc Austrian and German ships, officers, commanders etc.; lot of FP cachet postmarks on correspondence, part with postmarks Danube FlEET etc.., placed in 4 office folders; various quality
1914-1918[COLLECTIONS] ETAPENPOSTAMT, HOSPITALS, CENSORSHIP, POSTCARDS / large accumulation of ca. 1.700 pcs of Ppc and cards with postmarks of various formations, mainly military hospitals, cards and postcards with military censorships, base post from Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Poland, lot of views with military themes, drawn and numbered Red Cross, F. Josef, Charles, many photo postcard with views of soldiers etc..; various quality, originates from large estate, placed in 9 office folders in full IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1917-1918[COLLECTIONS] TURKEY collection of 48 cards and Ppc with units of Austrian army on a mission in Turkey and Syria, contains i.a. FP-postmark 451 and 452 (22 pieces), postmark FIELD-POST A.O.K.4 (6 pieces), FIELD-POST ALEPPO, BIR ES SEBA, DAMASKUS, KONSTANTINOPEL (5 pieces), 1. EXPEDITTIONSKORPS, various subdivision and censorship marks; mainly very nice postal imprints, good condition, rare and valuable collection!
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] small used collection in album larger A5, incomplete semifinished sets to 1918, also i.a. complete Bosnia Landscape 1906 and 1910 *, stamps of FP etc.., in addition scattered stamps from various issues and small addition of foreighn stamps; estate
1955-1981 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / collection of 520 FDC from that period, in addition supplemented with about 40 FDC of Great Britain; cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€, placed in middle box
1826-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of entires, cut-squares also single stamps with postmarks from Czech countries on ca. 50 sheets, several prephilatelic letters, then from the first issue., i.a. 9 Kreuzer with cancel. LIPTO ST: MIKLOS, several Reg letters, dispatch-note with marginal (!) Coat of arms 4 Koruna, also postage-due, newspaper etc..; various quality
1857-1992[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on pages in 7 large spring and screw folders, from classic period, various issues Coat of arms, House of Romanov, sets 1920.-40., also types of wmk, perf etc.., complete also incomplete sets, also air-mails, Levant etc.., without sets from 1950´s, contains also miniature sheets, some annual volumes 1960- twice, in addition interesting duplication and groups on stock-sheets A4 and A5 and small album with motive stamps of USSR; various, mostly solid quality, higher catalogue, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
18770-1970 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on ca. 100 sheets Scott, from classic period and issue Coat of arms, various complete also incomplete inter-war also postwar sets, airmail stamps etc.., various perf, wmk etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1884-1991 [COLLECTIONS] RUSSIA / USSR incomplete collection in 2 large screw stockbooks, better form 1940´s, complete also incomplete sets, mainly used stamps
1960-1988 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / selection by estimation 1.000 entires and p.stat in 5 spiral folders, mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia, contains postal stationery covers with added-prints, air-mail letters, PC, postcard, Un p.stat, etc..; various quality, in box
1890-2012[COLLECTIONS] larger collection of unused stamps in 8 stockbooks A4, from ca. 1890, complete also incomplete sets, to 1940 */**, part more times, i.a. 2x set of blocks Mi.406-410, also joined printings, coupons, souvenir sheets, stamp bklt etc..; higher catalogue and face-value, lot of material
1858- [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation used also unused stamps, duplication etc.., i.a. own research - postmarks, shades, perf etc., supplemented with incomplete collection from 1945 in two spring folders; various quality, total 3x album A4, 2x notebook A4 + 2x spring folder
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SWEDEN / DENMARK / NORWAY / ICELAND, GREENLAND several hundreds mainly FDC, airmail letters and other entires, especially modern, various interesting motives etc..; placed in filled middle box, 9Kg of material
1855-1963 [COLLECTIONS] ca. 90 letters and other entires, i.a. old frankings with better postmarks (for example Postal Agency FANAS and RUIS 1882-1884), franked letters FP, money, air-mail, Reg, Juventute, dispatch-note, all sets, Bl.13 IMABA, Bl.15 LAUSSANE etc.., high catalogue
1952-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection with duplication in 3 albums + on sheet in spring folder, i.a. SG. 515-531 *, 540-556 * etc.., various sets, motives, also booklets and booklet issues; part hinged
1970-2010[COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / interesting selection of ca. 140 stamp booklets, some more times, interesting motives, part also Norman islands, Isle of Man etc..; high face-value and c.v., placed in filled small box
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ESTATE / remaining selection of used and also unused duplication, various countries as France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Deutsches Reich, USA, choice notebooks, incomplete collection of Denmark etc..; various quality, placed in middle box
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] DANZIG / GREECE / FRENCH COLONIES selection of three smaller collections in 3 stockbooks, various values, sets, several miniature sheets, i.a. Danzig Bl.3 with special postmark etc..; various quality
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / accumulation of mainly used stamps in 2 boxes IKEA, i.a. Albania, France, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland etc.; placed in 21 stockbooks A4 + smaller stockbooks and cards A4, total 45kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] PERFINS / selection of more than 1.300 stamps with perfins: CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, then Austria-Hungary, Germany, Hungary, Romania, England, USA, Argentina, i.a. 1x Bosnia and Herzegovina, pair with perfin "E.Z."; in 8-pages stockbook A4
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / large accumulation of duplication in 20 stockbooks A4 and 8 smaller stockbooks, contains mainly used modern stamps, i.a. Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Great Britain etc..; various quality, we advice examination, placed in box IKEA, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1920-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / various selection of unused stamps, mainly Europe, i.a. Cyprus, Poland, Germany, Croatia, Switzerland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Belgium, but also Japan etc.., some also more interesting sets as Belgium Mi.867-871 * and miniature sheet Bl.23 **; Switzerland Pro Juventute 1915-197 *, miniature sheet Bl.6 *, Croatia PB Mi.66-68 etc.., various sets, souvenir sheets etc..; placed in variously full 7 stockbooks A4 + 4x A5,, various, mostly solid quality
1870-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / AUSTRIA, GERMANY, YUGOSLAVIA, POLAND, ITALY etc., selection of more than 100 various entires, contains letters, R, Ex, p.stat, used also unused etc.; mainly good condition
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / various selection of more than 200 entires, mainly after 1945, part also older period, contains i.a. Deutsches Reich, GDR, GDR, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, small part also overseas etc.
1898-1960[COLLECTIONS] collection on 15 sheets, from issue 1897, many complete sets and better values, i.a. SG.266-270, 271-273, 375-388, 401-406 etc.., also air-mails and officials; hinged, cat. ca. £900
1897-1972 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on ca. 100 pages, from issue Victoria 1897, contains incomplete also complete sets, i.a. SG.188-195 (£375), 266-270, 357-367 etc.., color shades etc., supplemented with several entires; higher catalogue, various quality
1876-1937 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 sheets, contains various issue, also several complete sets etc..; various quality, cat. according to owner ca. 1.500€
1870-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in two large Scott albums, part of classic period, various issues, from 1920´s also blocks of four and blocks of 6 with dates of print etc.., also air-mails, delivery stamp, souvenir sheets etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete semifinished collection on sheets in screw album Schaubek, mainly used, various values, complete also incomplete issues etc.., supplemented with duplications in stockbook A4; various quality
1930-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two full 16-pages stockbooks A4, various sets, souvenir sheets etc.., in addition about. 200 variuos unused p.stat, i.a. air-mails etc..