1924 Mi.186Klb., Albert I. 5Fr, miniature sheet, as always with special postmark, control perf and partialy omitted gum on edge (see. note. in/at cat. Michel); mint never hinged, overall nice quality, cat. 420€
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Exhibition Antwerp 1930, as always with special postmark (see cat. Michel), size 139x136mm; mint never hinged, only small tearing R lower and usual light folds; cat. 750€, sought
1931 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Brussels with common exhibition special postmark (see note. in cat. Michel); mint never hinged, usual warping of paper and small bend, cat. 600€, sought miniature sheet
1936-1939 selection of miniature sheets Mi.Bl.6(3x), Bl.5(2x), Bl.7(8x), 8(4x), 9(2x), 13(2x), 16(2x), in addition Luxembourg Mi.Bl.2(19x) and Mi.Bl.3; mostly all mint never hinged, cat. 1.500€
1952-1953 BLOCKS OF 4/ selection of two complete sets in blocks of four, part corner pieces with plate nr.: Mi.952-959 and 967-972; very fine, cat. only as single stamps 500€
1953-1956 4-BLOKY / selection of three complete better sets in blocks of four, part corner with dates of print and marks: Mi.961-699, 989-991 and 1022-1027; very fine, cat. only as single stamps 524€
1936-1972 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation unused stamps, miniature sheets and booklets in three stockbooks A4, stamps and sets after 1945, incl. also better sets of 1950´s, many sets more times, i.a. Mi.914-921 and 1022-1027 blocks of four + MINIATURE SHEETS, i.a. Mi.Bl.4 *, Bl.6, 7, 15-17, 23, 26 etc.., souvenir sheets Orval etc.., also 20 stamp booklets; various quality, part hinged, higher catalogue
1937-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation of used sets and stamps in two full 16-pages albums A4, from end of 1930´s, some more often; higher catalogue
1927-1949 selection of 16 letters, i.a. Reg and airmail, newspaper wrapper, interesting frankings, some very atypical, also 3x 1. Bulgarian airmail SOFIA-VARNA 8.XI. 27 with first airmail stamps aj.
1852-1854 5 letters with Mi.1, FIRE RBS, "Thiele also Ferslew Printings", various colors i.a. yellow-brown, rare chestnut etc., better postmarks THISTED and STUBBEKJOBING; very fine
1945 GREENLAND / Mi.23I-25I, marginal overprint DANMARK BEFRIET 1Kr-5Kr with rare colors of overprints 1 Kr and 2 Kreuzer with blue, 5 Kreuzer with red; VF, cat. 750€++
1851-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Schaubek in two spring folders, from the first issue FIRE RBS, then issues 1854, 1864-1870, Mi.66, blocks of four Mi.131-142, air-mail 1925 etc.., also postage-due etc..; various quality, cat. by estimation 2.500€
1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of unused stamps in full 16-pages stockbook A4, i.a. blocks of four Mi.131-142, air-mails 143-145, King Christian Mi.185-194 etc.., 1920-1940 */**, then mainly **, part values also more times
1849 Mi.1-6, Ceres 10C-1Fr, 10C rarely with CDS; 15C damaged and excluded from sum, other very fine, especially Mi.6b 1Fr brown-carmine is in very fine quality, cat. Mi.2.330€ (without 15C), Maury 3.700€ (without 15C)
1849 Mi.1, II, Ceres 10C light brown and UNISSUED Ceres 20C ultramarine; both so-called London RÉIMPRESSION 1862 for R. Hill; 10C without gum with minor faults, 20C in perfect quality with original gum; c.v. 900€
1917 Mi.132-135, Yvert 152-155, For War Orphans 35+25c - 5Fr+5Fr; 4 rare highest value on cut-squares with CDS PARIS / MILTON 29.10. 18, cat. Yvert 3.000€
1849-1852 10 letters, Ceres 20C, 25C(6), 25C pair, Napoleon REPUB. 25C (2x) 1x rarely with large margin, various cancel. and colors; very fine, cat. min. 1.140€ (Maury)
1870 BALOON LETTER from besieged Paris (19.9.70 - 28.1.71), Maury No.30; franked with stamps 20+10C Napoleon, with typical CDS PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 15 NOV 70, arrival JERSEY NO 24 / 70; transported by baloon Gen Uhrich (12.-18.11.), exp. Holcombe, from known correspondence "Mme Hardon", VF
1930 Mi.248MH, Sinking Fund as booklet issue,blok-of-4; hinged in margins out of stamps; stamps FV, c.v. for booklet 900€, only MNH stamps min. 480€, rare occurrence
1930 WRECK & CRASH MAIL - Reg letter from crashed aircraft Nieuport, experimental flight PARIS-SAIGON; franked with Merson 10Fr and Pasteaur 1,50Fr with CDS LA SEYNE SUR MER 6-12 39; arrival SAIGON CENTRAL 29-1 30; very fine letter with confirmation cancel. COURRIER ACCIDENTÉ, rare entire!
1888-1892 SYRIA Mi.P8 + P10a, PC Allegory 10c black, 2x; 1x on violet and 1x on brownish paper, both postally used in Syria (!), Mi.P8 with CDS BEYROUTH/ 15. AOUT 88, arrival PRAG/ 24.8.88 and Mi.P10a with CDS BEYROUTH/ 31.AOUT 92, arrival PRAG/ 10.9.92, arrival postmark on face-side; sound condition
1900-1959 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheets Thiade in screw folder, contains singles from issues Sower and Merson, also many complete sets, joined printings, several blocks of four, after 1945 more complete; mainly *, several more interesting stamps and joined printings also **, cat. Yvert according to owner ca. 6.000€, it is worth seeing
1930-1982 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / ACCUMULATION accumulation of stamp booklets, placed in 3 stockbooks A4, mainly modern issues, some stamp-booklets more times - from that 1x album of used stamp-booklets incl. better postwar issues + duplication of stamps from 1978 - some sets more times, corner and marginal pieces etc..; various, mainly good quality
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, Philatelic Exhibition in Zagreb 18K+9K, as blk-of-4, plate proof in black-green color on original paper without gum, stamp at right top Mi.115 I. with engraving mark "S" (Seizinger); photo-certificate P. Zrinjšćak BPP from year 2012: "...solche Farbproben sind sehr selten.", cat. Michel Special 720€
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, Philatelic Exhibition in Zagreb 18K+9K, as block-of-4, plate proof in orange brown color on original paper without gum, stamp right at top Mi.115 I. with engraving mark "S" (Seizinger); rare, photo-certificate P. Zrinjšćak BPP from year 2012: "....solche Farbproben sind sehr selten.", cat. Michel Speciál 720€
1943 PLATE PROOF for miniature sheet Exhibition Zagreb Mi.Bl6, with plate number III, in red-brown color; so-called. Ministerial issue (mostly without gum, rarely with gum); rare
1944 Mi.162U-165U, Labour service 3,50K - 32K, imperforated horiz. pairs on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, photo-certificate Zrinjšćak from 2012
1944 C.C. JASENOVAC / Sabirni logor Jasenovac - front part from pre-printed card without franking, CDS JASENOVAC 15.III.44, censor oval SLUŽEBENO/ PREGLEDANO with emblem; light fold, ex Procházka
1944 C.C. CAMP STARA GRADIŠKA / Sabirni logor Stara Gradiška - front part from pre-printed card with 2 K, CDS STRA GRADIŠKA 12.IV.44, censor oval SLUŽEBENO/ PREGLEDANO with emblem, this C.C. was a part of C.C. Jasenovac - Tábor VII; good condition, ex Procházka