Public Auction 61 / Exclusive items

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212421 - 1852 Sass.4A, Coat of arms 25C, ERROR OF COLOUR in GREEN COL
1852 Sass.4A, Coat of arms 25C, ERROR OF COLOUR in GREEN COLOUR (instead white); very fine, certificate Colla, c.v. 6.000€
Starting price: CZK
212684 - 1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.18, Numerals 80Cts bistro ol
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.18, Numerals 80Cts "bistro oliva"; original gum and fine color, small thin place, exp. i.a. Thier, certificate Sismondo, c.v. 18.000€, rare classic stamp
Starting price: CZK
206466 - 1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C pink, wide margins, per
1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, very rare classic stamp, cat. 42.000€!
Starting price: CZK
213503 - 1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue Sass.83, overprint ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE..."ISOLA"..., on pair 20L; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, "date la sua rarità", c.v. 9.000€
Starting price: CZK
212392 - 1933 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Nothilfe, size 209x146,5mm; in
1933 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Nothilfe, size 209x146,5mm; in perfect quality, exp. Peschl and Schlegel, c.v. 6.000€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
213504 - 1911 CAMEROON - Mi.10H (earlier MI.I), PROVISORIUM LONGJI, l
1911 CAMEROON - Mi.10H (earlier MI.I), PROVISORIUM LONGJI, letter with bisected stmp "Emperor´s Yacht" 20Pfg, CDS LONGJI / CAMEROON 19/5 11; next to service pmk of postal office and in addition military postmark KAISERLICHE SCHUTZTRUPPE VON CAMEROON; very fine letter, certificate PFEC, c.v. 9.000€, important rarity of German colonies, only few similar letters are known!
Starting price: CZK
213777 - 1850 Ferch.1HIb, block of 6 Coat of arms 1 Kr Ib type, hand-
1850 Ferch.1HIb, block of 6 Coat of arms 1 Kr Ib type, hand-made paper, BOTHSIDES PRINT; light fold, according to certificate A. Matl "kaum störender Knick"; very fine to wide margins, cat. min. 11.500€; UNIQUE MULTIPLE, exclusive offer
Starting price: CZK
212420 - 1850 Ferch.1MIII, horizontal strip of 4 Coat of arms 1Kr kad
1850 Ferch.1MIII, horizontal strip of 4 Coat of arms 1Kr kadmiumgelb, machine made paper, type III., line Radkersburg; very fine, cat. 1.900€
Starting price: CZK
214830 - 1850 1. DAY ISSUE / PRAG 1. JUNI /  Reg letter sent from Pra
1850 1. DAY ISSUE / PRAG 1. JUNI / Reg letter sent from Prague (!) to Vienna addressed to count zu Windischgrätz, with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer light blue (himmelblau) type I., CDS PRAG 1. JUNI (Müller. No. 2228a), line RECOMANDIRT, on reverse arrival postmark WIEN 2/6 BEST. (Müller. No. 3241k), stamp 6 Kreuzer as reccomendation charge on reverse is missing; stamp 9 Kreuzer is in perfect quality, from letter was detached and then again attached, back lapel of letter is unoriginal; cat. Ferchenbauer for letter 35.000€, only for cut square 5.000€ (!), according to certificates of F. Puschmann and Mgr. David Kopřiva it is letter of the 1. DAY OF ISSUE of Austrian stamps and only the second known Registered letter from 1.6. 1850 from Bohemain region, IMPORTANT AUSTRIAN AND BOHEMINA RARITY, unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
212685 - 1854 letter with strip-of-3 Ferch.1HIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr t
1854 letter with strip-of-3 Ferch.1HIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr type III kadmiumgelb on hand-made paper, CDS ZWITTAU (Svitavy) to Poličky; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. 2008 - 2.550€
Starting price: CZK
213772 - 1858 Newspaper stamps - Sass.2a, Coat of arms 1 Kr grey-blac
1858 Newspaper stamps - Sass.2a, Coat of arms 1 Kr grey-black; very fine piece with original gum, exp. Herbert Bloch, c.v. 16.000€, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
1932 UNISSUED MINIATURE SHEET EXHIBITION MOSCOW 1932, imperforated unissued miniature sheet on brownish paper, issued without gum, size 152x114mm; printing only 500 pieces (!); signs of age, i.a. tearing in margins and spots - viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. 25.000€ (!!), rarest miniature sheet of USSR and one of the most valuable miniature sheets of complete philately, scarce!
Starting price: CZK
212407 - 1916 LONG ISLAND SG.6; 1/2P violet on light green paper, ini
1916 LONG ISLAND SG.6; 1/2P violet on light green paper, initials in red, hand obliteration; very nice piece with certificate Holcombe, minor faults at top, cat. £1.200, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
212406 - 1848-1859 SG.10, POST PAID ONE PENNY RED - vermilion interme
1848-1859 SG.10, POST PAID ONE PENNY RED - "vermilion" intermediate printing, pos. 9; numeral cancel "3"; fine, c.v.. £3.000
Starting price: CZK
213769 - 1851 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, unissued; only
1851 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, "unissued"; only one sheet known, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
1861 SG.14ea, WOODBLOCK FOUR PENCE CARMINE "ERROR OF COLOUR" - Allegory 4P in red color instead blue; some tiny repairs at left corner, certificate RPSL, c.v. £95.000, Scott $112.000, extremely scarce stamp, classic rarity!
Starting price: CZK
214812 -  Pof.354-356(Mx16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Ko
Pof.354-356(Mx16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; very nice quality, only 5 Koruna light vertical bend
Starting price: CZK
214811 -  Pof.354-356(Mx4), Malé cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koru
Pof.354-356(Mx4), Malé cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; mint never hinged, unfolded, missing in collections!
Starting price: CZK
211514 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, unique selection of five miniature
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, unique selection of five miniature sheets dokládajících vývojovou stage zániku most popular defects "PLAMEN" at value 2 Koruna, 1 pcs of with full flaw significant "plamen", 1 pcs of with zanikající flaw "plamen"; on MS with zanikajícím plamenem with together objevují three kroužky: one in big state emblem / symbol lower after/behind back nohou, other in stamp 5 Koruna in/at bradě above páskem and last in the place eye at value 5 Koruna; circle in/at oku is only on/for three MS, then zaniká; circle in/at bradě with develops on/for šesti MS, then also zaniká and zůstává only circle after/behind tlapou in emblem, which/what pokračuje on/for other tuctu miniature sheets; pátý miniature sheet same combination plate without stated flaws nenavazující on/for zánik plamene is to/at srovnávacím purposes, souvenir sheets with flaw plamen mint never hinged, only miniature sheet with three rings small tearing in margin; zánik defects "plamen" is detailně popsán in Zpravodaji SSČSZ 2002/2, page. 20-26
Starting price: CZK
214751 - 1945 Pof.383VV, Moscow 20h brown, UL corner piece s vynecha
1945 Pof.383VV, Moscow 20h brown, UL corner piece s vynechanou HORNÍ and as well LEVOU KRAJOVOU perf; mint never hinged, in catalogue price struck through, rarest item this issue, existují only four pieces, first-time v aukci, quite rare possibility akvizice!
Starting price: CZK
213590 - 1961 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1219, Butterflies 30h, vertical 2-stam
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1219, Butterflies 30h, vertical 2-stamps gutter., definitive arrangement on stamp paper with glrilled gum; lightly hinged, minimum usage, rare
Starting price: CZK
213589 - 1961 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1222, Butterflies 80h, two joined vert
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1222, Butterflies 80h, two joined vertical 4-stamp gutter with margin (!), monochrome plate proof in black color, on brownish paper without gum, rare occurrence, rare
Starting price: CZK
214475 - 1975 Pof.PL2164 plate variety, Space Exploration 5Kčs, PB w
1975 Pof.PL2164 plate variety, Space Exploration 5Kčs, PB with single roll embossing (!), paper without optical brightener; very fine, expert Benes., extraordinary offer, rare occurrence, one of most sought items CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., missing in most collections!
Starting price: CZK
210817 - 1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for politic
1984 Pof.2663N, Olympic Games Los Angeles 1Kčs, for political reasons UNISSUED stamp. with inscription "Hry XXIII. Olympics/ Los Angeles/ 1984"; extraordinary quality, certificate P. Scheller; originates from important foreign collection Olympic theme and it is one from nejlépe extant pieces at all!
Starting price: CZK
214670 - 1961 Pof.PL1217II, Butterflies 15h, type II.; very nice qual
1961 Pof.PL1217II, Butterflies 15h, type II.; very nice quality, minimum usage, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
212675 - 1916 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK.204IzU-207IzU, Co
1916 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK.204IzU-207IzU, Coat of arms 2K-10K light, high size, imperforated on grey paper; very fine, issued without gum, certificate Kopřiva, c.v.. (*) 1.000€, ex. Postarchiv Wien
Starting price: CZK
213476 - 1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK.208U, pair Coat o
1917 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK.208U, pair Coat of arms 2 Koruna imperforated on granite paper, issued without gum; very fine, c.v.. 4.000€ as single, exceedingly rare stamps, discovery from year 2016, ex. Wiener Postarchiv
Starting price: CZK
212986 - 1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.225-227yUII,  1,50K-4K on grey pap
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.225-227yUII, 1,50K-4K on grey paper with overprints and imperforated (face-value 2,50 Koruna L is with "big dot" - so-called type II., which/what is only in/at 1. column sheet and is about 5x rarer then type I.); issued without gum, c.v.. 1.500€ doesn't picture rarity II. type; extraordinary offer ex. Wiener - Postarchiv!
Starting price: CZK
212667 - 1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.225yB-227yB, Coat of arms 2 Koruna
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.225yB-227yB, Coat of arms 2 Koruna - 4 Koruna without overprint FLUGPOST, upper marginal SVISLÉ imperforated pairs, white paper; 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna mint never hinged, 4 Koruna as always without gum, very fine and in/at pair rare, ex Wiener Postarchiv, certificate Kopřiva, c.v.. 3.000€++
Starting price: CZK
212676 - 1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.3(4); UNISSUED 7K/10K brown (for a
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.3(4); UNISSUED 7K/10K brown (for airmail linku Wien-Kyjev), imperforated WITHOUT OVERPRINT; in perfect quality, issued without gum, exp. E.Müller, c.v.. 2.000€; very rare stamp missing in most collections, ex. Wiener Postarchiv
Starting price: CZK
212073 -  Pof.21b, 120h silvery grey (!), pos. 55/2; mint never hinge
Pof.21b, 120h silvery grey (!), pos. 55/2; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. by Mrnak, certificate Vrba 2019, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
212202 -  Pof.25 combined frame types, 500h brown, the bottom margina
Pof.25 combined frame types, 500h brown, the bottom marginal block-of-12 with control-numbers, on pos. 93/1 frame type II; superb mint never hinged block, certificate Vrba, rare multiple
Starting price: CZK
213587 -  Pof.2Ms(4), 3h violet, same facing vertical 4-stamps gutter
Pof.2Ms(4), 3h violet, same facing vertical 4-stamps gutter, folded; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Karasek
Starting price: CZK
212651 -  Pof.8Mp(2), 20h blue-green, opposite facing vertical 2-stam
Pof.8Mp(2), 20h blue-green, opposite facing vertical 2-stamps gutter, unfolded; superb, certificate Vrba
Starting price: CZK
212181 -  Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps vert. tete-beche gutter p
Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps vert. tete-beche gutter pair, folded; VF mint never hinged, certificate Vrba and Karasek, exp. by Gilbert., rare occurrence, missing in the most collections!
Starting price: CZK
212642 -  Pof.11H IIap, 25h violet, line perforation 13¾; : 10&#
Pof.11H IIap, 25h violet, line perforation 13¾; : 10¾;, bar subtype IIa, pos. 63/1; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., certificate Vrba
Starting price: CZK
212657 -  Pof.13D, 30h light violet with line perforation 11½; m
Pof.13D, 30h light violet with line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, certificate Vrba and Nygrýn, exp. by Gilbert and Karasek, scarce
Starting price: CZK
213888 -  Pof.7Cvz STk, 15h bricky red, overprint VZOREC, STk - spira
Pof.7Cvz STk, 15h bricky red, overprint "VZOREC", STk - spiral type I and as well bar type II., pos. 2/1, line perforation 13¾;; mint never hinged, certificate Vrba, known only several pieces
Starting price: CZK
212010 -  Pof.28, Lion Breaking its Chains 25h brown, horizontal stri
Pof.28, Lion Breaking its Chains 25h brown, horizontal strip of 3 with lower margin and control-numbers, SMÍŠENÁ PERFORACE on 2 and 3. stamp. line perforation 11½; : 10½; : 11½; : 13¾;; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Vrba, very rare - this variety perf catalogue doesn't report!
Starting price: CZK
212655 -  Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format, overprint type I., very nice centered overprint; lightly hinged, exp. by Leseticky and Mrňák, Vrba certificate, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
213950 -  Pof.48a I, Coat of arms 2 Koruna dark blue, high size, over
Pof.48a I, Coat of arms 2 Koruna dark blue, high size, overprint trial printing I. type on/for in advance upotřebené stamp., INVERTED OVERPRINT; Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Lešetický, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213580 -  Pof.49aII, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, landscape format
Pof.49aII, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, landscape format (!), overprint type I.; repaired gum, light vertical bend, Vrba certificate, c.v.. Pofis * 180.000CZK, Mercure 200.000Kč, exceedingly rare stamp, missing in most collections, ex Pytlíček and Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213948 -  Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overpr
Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overprint type I.; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., Šula, cat. Merkur-Revue 35.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
213953 -  Pof.52II-54II, Airmail FLUGPOST, landscape format, complete
Pof.52II-54II, Airmail FLUGPOST, landscape format, complete set with II. type overprint; mint never hinged, only several minor gum fault, exp. by Leseticky and Stupka, c.v.. 27.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
212643 -  Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type I.; lightly hinge
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type I.; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky
Starting price: CZK
213967 -  Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red with upper margin and print prote
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red with upper margin and print protective ledge (!), overprint type I.; at top hint of removed label and small thin place in margin out of stmp, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak and Lešetický, cat. Merkur-Revue for * 55.000Kč, decorative piece, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213968 -  Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red, overprint type III.; mint never
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red, overprint type III.; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Lešetický, superb piece!
Starting price: CZK
212336 -  Pof.70, Large numerals 30h red, type I.; mint never hinged,
Pof.70, Large numerals 30h red, type I.; mint never hinged, L at top small fold, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 15.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
213947 -  Pof.71, Large numerals 50h red, overprint type I.; mint nev
Pof.71, Large numerals 50h red, overprint type I.; mint never hinged with minor gum fault, Vrba certificate, stamp. Lešetický, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213921 -  Pof.79, Small numerals 50h red, type III., perfectly center
Pof.79, Small numerals 50h red, type III., perfectly centered overprint; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., very fine piece, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213959 -  Pof.89, 1f grey / black, wmk z, overprint IV. type; partial
Pof.89, 1f grey / black, wmk "z", overprint IV. type; partially repaired gum, in the middle fold, certificates Vrba and Diena, exp. by Mrnak and Lešetický, cat. Merkur-Revue 55.000Kč, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
213965 -  Pof.95, 70f brown / black, wmk z, overprint type III.; hing
Pof.95, 70f brown / black, wmk "z", overprint type III.; hinged, at top short tooth, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., Mrňák, Hirsch and Tribuna, cat. Merkur-Revue 60.000CZK, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
212646 -  Pof.118, 10K brown / violet, overprint type II., well cente
Pof.118, 10K brown / violet, overprint type II., well centered overprint; mint never hinged mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert and Mrňák, in this quality sought!
Starting price: CZK
213784 -  Pof.125y, Newspaper stamp 2f červenoranžová in horiz. 2-
Pof.125y, Newspaper stamp 2f červenoranžová in horiz. 2-PÁSCE with rare wmk Py (VI) - cross L-wards, overprint combination types IV+III; luxury quality, certificate and exp. Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 54.000CZK, extraordinary offer, minimum usage!
Starting price: CZK
213566 -  Pof.126Pz, Black numerals 1f green / black, comb perforatio
Pof.126Pz, Black numerals 1f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk Pz, overprint type III., well centered overprint; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. Vrba, Gilbert, Le, cat. Merkur-Revue 35.000CZK, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213573 -  Pof.127Pz, Black numerals 2f green / black, wmk Pz, overpri
Pof.127Pz, Black numerals 2f green / black, wmk Pz, overprint type IV.; mint never hinged gum, at top repaired tooth (viewing of quality recommended), certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 22.000CZK, Mercure 25.000CZK, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
211948 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing in/at miniature sheet compilat
PLATE PROOF joined printing in/at miniature sheet compilation of with mirrored inverted pictures stamp. 50h small format + 1000h and 50h large format, in violet black color on thin pokřídovaném paper, unfinished margins; L lower small thin place, nepodstatné with regard to/at rarities, Vrba certificate, very rare joined printing plate proofs, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
211942 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing 10 copy-print designes in/at o
PLATE PROOF joined printing 10 copy-print designes in/at orange color, so-called. II. competition, from that 2x T. G. Masaryk value 1000h and str-of-3 values 50h small format + 1x issue Chainbreaker 25h with year, all unfinished margins, letterprint on paper with gum; mint never hinged, small minor gum fault, very nice nezastřižený piece, Vrba certificate
Starting price: CZK
211951 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, letterprint print desig
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, letterprint print design/sketch printing block format 50x69mm in red color on/for thin pokřídovaném paper; Vrba certificate, rare plate proof!
Starting price: CZK
212648 -  Pof.143B, 5h blue with line perforation 13¾;; lightly
Pof.143B, 5h blue with line perforation 13¾;; lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert., certificate Karásek and Vrba
Starting price: CZK