1924 Mi.186Klb., Albert I. 5Fr, miniature sheet, as always with special postmark, control perf and partialy omitted gum on edge (see. note. in/at cat. Michel); mint never hinged, overall nice quality, cat. 420€
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Exhibition Antwerp 1930, as always with special postmark (see cat. Michel), size 139x136mm; mint never hinged, only small tearing R lower and usual light folds; cat. 750€, sought
1931 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Brussels with common exhibition special postmark (see note. in cat. Michel); mint never hinged, usual warping of paper and small bend, cat. 600€, sought miniature sheet
1936-1972 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation unused stamps, miniature sheets and booklets in three stockbooks A4, stamps and sets after 1945, incl. also better sets of 1950´s, many sets more times, i.a. Mi.914-921 and 1022-1027 blocks of four + MINIATURE SHEETS, i.a. Mi.Bl.4 *, Bl.6, 7, 15-17, 23, 26 etc.., souvenir sheets Orval etc.., also 20 stamp booklets; various quality, part hinged, higher catalogue
1937-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation of used sets and stamps in two full 16-pages albums A4, from end of 1930´s, some more often; higher catalogue
1852-1854 5 letters with Mi.1, FIRE RBS, "Thiele also Ferslew Printings", various colors i.a. yellow-brown, rare chestnut etc., better postmarks THISTED and STUBBEKJOBING; very fine
1945 GREENLAND / Mi.23I-25I, marginal overprint DANMARK BEFRIET 1Kr-5Kr with rare colors of overprints 1 Kr and 2 Kreuzer with blue, 5 Kreuzer with red; VF, cat. 750€++
1851-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Schaubek in two spring folders, from the first issue FIRE RBS, then issues 1854, 1864-1870, Mi.66, blocks of four Mi.131-142, air-mail 1925 etc.., also postage-due etc..; various quality, cat. by estimation 2.500€
1849 Mi.1-6, Ceres 10C-1Fr, 10C rarely with CDS; 15C damaged and excluded from sum, other very fine, especially Mi.6b 1Fr brown-carmine is in very fine quality, cat. Mi.2.330€ (without 15C), Maury 3.700€ (without 15C)
1917 Mi.132-135, Yvert 152-155, For War Orphans 35+25c - 5Fr+5Fr; 4 rare highest value on cut-squares with CDS PARIS / MILTON 29.10. 18, cat. Yvert 3.000€
1870 BALOON LETTER from besieged Paris (19.9.70 - 28.1.71), Maury No.30; franked with stamps 20+10C Napoleon, with typical CDS PARIS PB. DE LA MADELEINE 15 NOV 70, arrival JERSEY NO 24 / 70; transported by baloon Gen Uhrich (12.-18.11.), exp. Holcombe, from known correspondence "Mme Hardon", VF
1930 WRECK & CRASH MAIL - Reg letter from crashed aircraft Nieuport, experimental flight PARIS-SAIGON; franked with Merson 10Fr and Pasteaur 1,50Fr with CDS LA SEYNE SUR MER 6-12 39; arrival SAIGON CENTRAL 29-1 30; very fine letter with confirmation cancel. COURRIER ACCIDENTÉ, rare entire!
1900-1959 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on sheets Thiade in screw folder, contains singles from issues Sower and Merson, also many complete sets, joined printings, several blocks of four, after 1945 more complete; mainly *, several more interesting stamps and joined printings also **, cat. Yvert according to owner ca. 6.000€, it is worth seeing
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, Philatelic Exhibition in Zagreb 18K+9K, as blk-of-4, plate proof in black-green color on original paper without gum, stamp at right top Mi.115 I. with engraving mark "S" (Seizinger); photo-certificate P. Zrinjšćak BPP from year 2012: "...solche Farbproben sind sehr selten.", cat. Michel Special 720€
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, Philatelic Exhibition in Zagreb 18K+9K, as block-of-4, plate proof in orange brown color on original paper without gum, stamp right at top Mi.115 I. with engraving mark "S" (Seizinger); rare, photo-certificate P. Zrinjšćak BPP from year 2012: "....solche Farbproben sind sehr selten.", cat. Michel Speciál 720€
1943 PLATE PROOF for miniature sheet Exhibition Zagreb Mi.Bl6, with plate number III, in red-brown color; so-called. Ministerial issue (mostly without gum, rarely with gum); rare
1944 Mi.162U-165U, Labour service 3,50K - 32K, imperforated horiz. pairs on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, photo-certificate Zrinjšćak from 2012
1944 C.C. JASENOVAC / Sabirni logor Jasenovac - front part from pre-printed card without franking, CDS JASENOVAC 15.III.44, censor oval SLUŽEBENO/ PREGLEDANO with emblem; light fold, ex Procházka
1944 C.C. CAMP STARA GRADIŠKA / Sabirni logor Stara Gradiška - front part from pre-printed card with 2 K, CDS STRA GRADIŠKA 12.IV.44, censor oval SLUŽEBENO/ PREGLEDANO with emblem, this C.C. was a part of C.C. Jasenovac - Tábor VII; good condition, ex Procházka
1851 Sass.3, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C pink, wide margins, perfect piece with original gum (!), certificate Comision de Expertos del Gremio Madrid, very rare classic stamp, cat. 42.000€!
1861 letter with Victor Emmanuel II. 20c cobalto, Sass.15De, CDS CENTALLO 28.MAR.61, wide margins, sent to Torino; certificate Biondi, nice and rare letter, cat. 10.500€
1851 Sass.P6, block of four Lion 4Cr green, PLATE PROOF in definitive color on paper without gum and without watermark, from year 1851; very fine piece, c.v. 1.125€, rare
1941 LUBLAŇ / complete basic selection of 83 stamps of overprint issue, Sass.1-60, air-mails 1-10 and postage-due, overprints Co.Ci., R.COMMISSARIATO / CIVILE / TERRITO SLOVENI..., ALTO COMMISSARIO PER LA PROVINCIA..; several minor faults and minor gum faults, 7 certificates, all exp. Diena, Dr. Dub etc.., cat. Sassone ** 25.000€, rare set
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue Sass.83, overprint ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE..."ISOLA"..., on pair 20L; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, "date la sua rarità", c.v. 9.000€
1937 RHODES / first flight RHODES - HAIFA, Reg and airmail letter franked with airmail stamp Sass.30 and stamp Express Sass.1, 2, CDS POSTA AERA RODI 8.4.37 + violet cachet 1. flight PRIMO VOLA, on reverse transit ALEXANDRIA 18.Ap.37 and arrival REGISTERED HAIFA 18.Ap.37; good condition, exp. Sorani
1870-1920[COLLECTIONS] TRENTO area. / collection of ca. 280 entires with postmarks from this territory i.a. ALA, ARCO, BOZEN, BORGO, CAVALESE, CORTINA, LEVICO, MEZZOLOMBARDO, MORI, PERGINE, ROVERETO etc.., all on 140 pages in screw album; various quality, ex Procházka
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / WW I / collection of ca. 140 pcs cards and letters sent by prisoners from Germany, Italy, Austria and Russia, censorships, postmarks etc..; various quality, ex Procházka
1916-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST DURING WW I. / selection by estimation 500 cards and letters with postmarks of Italian field post, censorship, official correspondence, military unit postmarks etc..; various quality, ex Procházka
1918 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR CROATIA specialized collection on 12 pages, overprints S.H.S.. on Hungarian postage and postage-due stamps, various production flaws as double, inverted overprints, shifts, forgeries etc..; interesting
1945-1978[COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on pages Schaubek in 2 spring folders, almost complete, contains many sought sets and miniature sheets, i.a. Mi.515-520 in pairs, 583-586, souvenir sheets Bl.4A also B, Bl.5 *, 628-639, 655-657, 666-667, 698-703, 730, 738-749, 776-787 etc.., also postage-due, exile issue, i.a. 2x Mi.Bl.2 etc..; mainly mint never hinged, cat. ca. 2.500€
1960-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ISLE OF MAN, ALDERNEY very interesting collection / duplication in 3 large stockbooks A4 + 1x 8-sheet + several cards A4, various complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, lot of popular motives etc..; higher catalogue
1931 Mi.478-479, Airmail Zeppelin 1931 1P and 2P on cut-squares + single 1P used + zeppelin envelope franked with i.a. 2P 1931 with round blue flight cancel. (on reverse torn flap); nice selection