Public Auction 61 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Entires

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213216 - 1919 whole Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telep
1919 whole Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation in red color, with decorative tricolor franking Hradčany-issue stamp. 20h+10h+5h on face-side, cancelled by postmark NAGYRÖCZE 919 Apr.15. (Revúca); good condition, decorative entire
Starting price: CZK
211486 - 1919 commercial Reg and Express letter vyrf. mixed franking
1919 commercial Reg and Express letter vyrf. mixed franking Austrian parallel stamp. and Czechosl stamps Hradčany, sent in/at postal rate I, Austrian stamp. Charles 30h, Crown 10h+5h and 6 pcs of Hradčany 10h red, posting nationalized CDS PRAGUE 1/ 24.II.19; only light vertical fold, small yellowing in perforation one stamps, decorative entire
Starting price: CZK
214777 - 1919 MARIASCHEIN A.T.E.  commercial PC with Hradčany 10h an
1919 MARIASCHEIN A.T.E. commercial PC with Hradčany 10h and black straight line postmark BOHOSUDOV AUSSIG - TEPLIZER EISENBAHN; filling holes, superb print rare forerunner postmark!
Starting price: CZK
214195 - 1919 comp. 2 pcs of entires addressed to Austria with halvin
1919 comp. 2 pcs of entires addressed to Austria with halving franking stamp. 10h red, Pof.5, 1x letter with stamp. 20h blue-green, Pof.8 and CDS PROSTOMĚŘICE 20.VIII.19 and 1x overprint PC Charles 10/8h with big monogram, CDV1 with CDS VIMPERK 2.VI.19; good condition, PC exp. by Sula
Starting price: CZK
214200 - 1919 comp. 4 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Registered, 1x
1919 comp. 4 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Registered, 1x in/at I. postal rate, other II. postal rate, 1x service letter postage free, where was/were paid only R-příplatek, supplemented with 1 pcs of commercial R+Ex-dopisu; good condition, 2x exp. by Kvasnicka
Starting price: CZK
214199 - 1919-1920 comp. 2 pcs of letters addressed to Germany, 1x Re
1919-1920 comp. 2 pcs of letters addressed to Germany, 1x Reg letter addressed to to východopruského Tilsitu, with 100h brown and Express stamp 5h green, nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 18.III.19, 1x commercial Ex letter addressed to to Hamburg, with 100h brown and 10h green, CDS PRAGUE 16.VI.20, both letters with arrival pmk; good condition
Starting price: CZK
207776 - 1920 BANKOVNÍ CENNÉ PSANÍ letter with stated valuable 60.
1920 BANKOVNÍ CENNÉ PSANÍ letter with stated valuable 60.000Kčs to Suchdolu n./L., franked on front side by 5x value 1000h and 1x 75h, then issue Agriculture and Science 200h and 300h + issue Chainbreaker 10h (damaged), missing 1 stmp, CDS PRAGUE 22.XI.20; toned, viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
214487 - 1920 larger part of parcel card franked with. i.a. on revers
1920 larger part of parcel card franked with. i.a. on reverse blk-of-10 (!) stamp. 3h violet also with plate variety "broken branch" pos. 82/2, on face-side other stamp. T. G. Masaryk 500h and Hradčany 25h + 15h, CDS LANGENAU A. D. BÖHM. NORDB. 10.IV.20; good condition, rare block low Hradčany values on/for guide!
Starting price: CZK
211490 - 1920 VRÁCENÁ A DOSÍLANÁ MAILING plate variety CIZINY  ca
1920 VRÁCENÁ A DOSÍLANÁ MAILING plate variety CIZINY card to Wien (Vienna) with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 20h and issue Chainbreaker 30h, CDS train post VOLARY - STRAKONICE/ 7.VIII.20, several times redirected, CDS WIEN/ 10.VIII.20, i.a. redirected also to Munich, mounted label "Inconnu", framed pmk "Retour" and cancel. "...zurück/ 25.AUG.1920"; good condition, interesting document of postal traffic
Starting price: CZK
212329 - 1920-1921 comp. 6 pcs of richly franked philatelically influ
1920-1921 comp. 6 pcs of richly franked philatelically influenced letters with mixed frankings stamp. Hradčany, Pigeon-issue and Express in postage stmp function, from that 1x service letter with surtax all on one addressee, CDS KOJETÍN, KROMĚŘÍŽ and Hungarian BOLÉSÓ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
214480 - 1921 Reg letter sent to CZECHOSL consulate to New York in IV
1921 Reg letter sent to CZECHOSL consulate to New York in IV. postal rate, multicolor franking stamp. Hradčany 5x 1h brown + 75h, issue Chainbreaker 20h + 25h and stamp. T. G. Masaryk 125h blue type II., CDS ZÁSMUKY 23.III.21, on reverse advertising label Czechoslovak legionářům and arrival postmark NEW YORK 4.11.1921; good condition, decorative Reg letter to far abroad franked with. i.a. nejnižšími values stamp. Hradčany!
Starting price: CZK
213121 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS]  collection Hradcany-issue frankings on/f
1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection Hradcany-issue frankings on/for larger parts Hungarian p.stat dispatch-notes, small/rare also large format, contains 60 pcs of dispatch-notes on/for 32 unbound pages with descriptions, also mixed franking with Hungarian stamp., 1x dispatch-note sent as express, multiple franking, used various values as 3h, 5h, 10h, 25h, 30h, 40h, 50h, 100h etc.., various CDS; good condition, ex Papoušek
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 61 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Entires - Information

18. 12. 1918  Hradčany - celistvosti

Celistvosti s poštovními známkami první emise Hradčany jsou československou filatelistickou klasikou.
Hradčanské poštovní známky byly použity na dopisech, pohlednicích, celinách a poštovních průvodkách. První hodnoty 5h světle zelená a 10h červená byly vydány 18. 12. 1918, další v průběhu následujících 16 měsíců.
Tyto známky měly platnost ve 4 tarifních obdobích (TO) I. - IV. Hradčanské poštovní známky měly výplatní funkci do 30. 4. 1921.