Public Auction 61 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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1945 PRAGUE - VOKOVICE black Opt SVOBODNÉ / CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA / 1945 complete set stmp with overprint on stmp A. Hitler, Pof.78-99, 122, total 23 pcs of stamp.; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
213218 - 1945 SLAVKOV  comp. 2 pcs of PC, 1x Un, 1x Un with nationali
1945 SLAVKOV comp. 2 pcs of PC, 1x Un, 1x Un with nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 23.V.45 and red cachet; good condition
Starting price: CZK
214294 - 1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS  small col
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS small collection overprint and revolutionary issue on/for 39 pcs of album sheets, contains i.a. also overprint Czechoslovak Post Khust (4 pcs of), Rimavská Sobota, Holešov, Kojetín, Rakovník, Hulín, Žamberk, Ústí n./L., Svatý Kopeček , Frýdek, Mnichovo Hradiště , Olomouc issue incl. miniature sheets etc.., supplemented with 6 pcs of entires, by estimation ca. 250 pcs of stamps
Starting price: CZK
214356 - 1945 Reg letter franked cash in/at German currency, hand-mad
1945 Reg letter franked cash in/at German currency, hand-made "42 Pf vybr. in/at hot.", 2-lines cancel. Post Off./ MOSTY by/on/at Jablunkova + provisional registry label, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 1/ 4.VII.45; sought by specialists, non-philatelic
Starting price: CZK
211538 - 1945 VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI  comp. 3 pcs of letters from Slov
1945 VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI comp. 3 pcs of letters from Slovak territory franked/paid in/at hotovosti: 1x Reg letter, CDS RUŽOMBEROK18.IV, by hand additionally written "K. 6,-", violet framed pmk confirming postage, censorship, arrival postmark LIPTOVSKÉ SLIAČE + certificate of mailing, 1x letter with mailing CDS DOLNÝ SMOKOVEC 24.VII.45 with violet straight line postmark "Porto 50h. hotove zaplatené!", 1x off. window envelope with CDS ŽILINA 18.VI.45, censorship, violet framed pmk "Postage K 2,- zapl..."; various quality postmarks, good condition
Starting price: CZK
214313 - 1945 comp. 15 pcs of entires, from that 13x letter and 2x PC
1945 comp. 15 pcs of entires, from that 13x letter and 2x PC, various provisional postmark., for example. BŘEŠŤANY, DĚDICE, LIBČEVES, MALÁ MORÁVKA, ŠTĚTÍ; mostly nice print, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
214348 - 1945 selection of 20 pcs of Reg mailings, from that 1x Reg a
1945 selection of 20 pcs of Reg mailings, from that 1x Reg and Express paid/franked cash and 1x unpaid Reg letter, all with provisory R label and provisional postmark., for example. NEPLACHOVICE, PASEKA on/for M., SEDLNICE, ŠMÍDEBERK, ŠPÁLOV, VEDRYNĚ; mostly nice print
Starting price: CZK
214327 - 1945-1946 comp. 10 pcs of entires, from that 6x letter and 4
1945-1946 comp. 10 pcs of entires, from that 6x letter and 4x letter-card "Úřad pro uhelné hospodářství", various provisional postmark., for example. DRAHANY, LUŽICE, PETROHRAD, ŠILPERK; mostly nice print, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
214334 - 1945-1946 selection of 20 pcs of entires, from that 19x lett
1945-1946 selection of 20 pcs of entires, from that 19x letter, 1x PC, all with variously changed German cancel., for example. BREITENBACH, MARKHAUSEN, OPAVA 4, ROSSBACH, VELKÁ ŠTÁHLE; mostly nice print
Starting price: CZK
214341 - 1945-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 30 pcs of letters, fro
1945-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of letters, from that 1x Ex, all with various provisional straight line pmk., for example. BOJKOVICE, HRDLOVKA, MECLOV, MIKULOVICE VE SL.; mostly nice print, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
214322 - 1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 29 pcs of letters + 1
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of letters + 1 postcard, all with various provisional postmark with pevným date of printing "1945" (1 pcs of "1946"), for example. KARVINNÁ 1, JAVORNÍK, LOUČKY U KRNOVA, ŠAFOV, ŽALHOSTICE; mostly nice print
Starting price: CZK
214372 -  Pof.353-359, 2K-20K, complete set 12 pcs of bloks of four w
Pof.353-359, 2K-20K, complete set 12 pcs of bloks of four with plate marks; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211528 -  DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉ VADY/ Pof.354, 2 Koruna red, pair with
DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉ VADY/ Pof.354, 2 Koruna red, pair with lower margin, various plate variety - white circle before/(in front of) "2", white stain in pásku and other; then Pof.356, 6 Koruna blue, pair with plate variety - big white stain + Pof.353, 1,50 Koruna brown-carmine with lower margin, rough and mixed pin hole + Pof.357, 9K brown-orange, block of four with lower margin, 3x plate variety and rough pin hole + Pof.358, 13 Koruna brown, block of four with lower margin, 4x plate variety and rough pin hole; on stmp 2 Koruna minor gum fault, stamp. c.v.. ca. 3.100CZK, interesting
Starting price: CZK
211529 -  Pof.354, 2 Koruna red, LR  block of 6 with oblique rozvětv
Pof.354, 2 Koruna red, LR block of 6 with oblique rozvětvenou paper crease on/for two marginal stmp; decorative
Starting price: CZK
214837 -  Pof.354VV, 2 Koruna red, block of four with significant pap
Pof.354VV, 2 Koruna red, block of four with significant paper creases; mint never hinged, decorative
Starting price: CZK
211530 -  comp. 4 pcs of marginal block-of-4 with plate mark and plat
comp. 4 pcs of marginal block-of-4 with plate mark and plate vadami: 2x Pof.354, 2 Koruna red with plate mark plate 1 and plate 2, Pof.357, 9K brown-orange with plate mark plate 2 and Pof.359, 20K blue with plate mark plate 1 and plate variety 110/1
Starting price: CZK
214835 -  Pof.355 production flaw, 5 Koruna dark grey, vertical pair
Pof.355 production flaw, 5 Koruna dark grey, vertical pair with significant offset on gum both stamp.; mint never hinged, decorative
Starting price: CZK
209619 -  Pof.354-356Ms(2) + Mv(2), values 2K-6K, complete set vertic
Pof.354-356Ms(2) + Mv(2), values 2K-6K, complete set vertical and horiz. 2-stamps gutter.; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
212382 -  Pof.354-356 Mv(4) and Ms(4), selection of 4-stamps horiz. a
Pof.354-356 Mv(4) and Ms(4), selection of 4-stamps horiz. and vertical gutter values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
212318 -  Pof.354-356 Mv(4), comp. 6 pcs of horiz. 4-stamp gutter in/
Pof.354-356 Mv(4), comp. 6 pcs of horiz. 4-stamp gutter in/at 16-blocích (4x gutter) with plate numbers and their/its retouch in/at shades, various papers, 2x all values; mint never hinged, cat. min. 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
205268 -  Pof.354Ms+Mv, 355Ms, 355bMv, 356bMv; selection of five 4-st
Pof.354Ms+Mv, 355Ms, 355bMv, 356bMv; selection of five 4-stamp gutter., 2 vertical, 3 horiz., from that 5 Koruna light grey with retouch plate number; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214812 -  Pof.354-356(Mx16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Ko
Pof.354-356(Mx16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; very nice quality, only 5 Koruna light vertical bend
Starting price: CZK
214811 -  Pof.354-356(Mx4), Malé cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koru
Pof.354-356(Mx4), Malé cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; mint never hinged, unfolded, missing in collections!
Starting price: CZK
211514 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, unique selection of five miniature
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, unique selection of five miniature sheets dokládajících vývojovou stage zániku most popular defects "PLAMEN" at value 2 Koruna, 1 pcs of with full flaw significant "plamen", 1 pcs of with zanikající flaw "plamen"; on MS with zanikajícím plamenem with together objevují three kroužky: one in big state emblem / symbol lower after/behind back nohou, other in stamp 5 Koruna in/at bradě above páskem and last in the place eye at value 5 Koruna; circle in/at oku is only on/for three MS, then zaniká; circle in/at bradě with develops on/for šesti MS, then also zaniká and zůstává only circle after/behind tlapou in emblem, which/what pokračuje on/for other tuctu miniature sheets; pátý miniature sheet same combination plate without stated flaws nenavazující on/for zánik plamene is to/at srovnávacím purposes, souvenir sheets with flaw plamen mint never hinged, only miniature sheet with three rings small tearing in margin; zánik defects "plamen" is detailně popsán in Zpravodaji SSČSZ 2002/2, page. 20-26
Starting price: CZK
214910 -  Pof.360/362, Kosice MS with plate variety - score in tail l
Pof.360/362, Kosice MS with plate variety - score in tail lion, MS pos. 8; R at top minor faults, c.v.. 6.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
201768 -  Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety -
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS with plate variety - score in tail lion, MS pos. 8; small bend in L margin, c.v.. 6.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
213166 -  Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with plate variety
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with plate variety - "broken paw" and production flaw - white circle on/for 5 Koruna L from čtvrté white shading from above, combination 112; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., this plate variety still never in auction nenabízena
Starting price: CZK
213167 -  Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with plate variety
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with plate variety - "broken paw" and production flaw - smaller circle on/for 2 Koruna deformující L lower other "E" in/at name state, combination 111; mint never hinged, unusual
Starting price: CZK
213168 -  Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 3 pcs of wit
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 3 pcs of with plate variety - "broken paw" (combination 111) and vývojem production flaw - blue stain R at top next to 2 Koruna (thin/light, stronger, very significant); mint never hinged, unrepeatable selection of
Starting price: CZK
213483 -  Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of s DV - bro
Pof.A360/362 plate variety, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of s DV - "broken tlapa“, combination 111 and 112; mint never hinged, sound condition, c.v.. 2.400Kč
Starting price: CZK
211519 -  Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with production fla
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with production flaw - white rings in value 6 Koruna - SEDMIKRÁSKA, stage zániku, also small/rare shift red and blue transport; mint never hinged, nice piece, sought significant defect
Starting price: CZK
213479 -  Pof.A360/62, Kosice MS, sought variant 8 (earlier 5)/211, p
Pof.A360/62, Kosice MS, sought variant 8 (earlier 5)/211, production flaw - red stain R from right upper corner stamps 2 Koruna; mint never hinged v pravém bottom corner smaller fold, after all very interesting and unusual
Starting price: CZK
212568 -  Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with significant sh
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color downward - value 2 Koruna overlaps frame; R at top small/rare bend, lower small spot, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
214841 -  Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with significant shifted print re
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color L-wards - value 2 Koruna over margin printed perf, both red inscriptions posunuty outside vyznačená field; hinged in margin, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
214844 -  Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with smykovým print blue color;
Pof.A360/362VV, Kosice MS with smykovým print blue color; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214373 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 (according to c.v.. Pofi
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 (according to c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214375 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 3 (c.v.. Pofis), sought co
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 3 (c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211520 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 4 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 4 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211521 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 5 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 5 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211525 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 6 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 6 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 221; small/rare bend in LL corner, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214377 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 7 (c.v.. Pofis), sought co
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 7 (c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 221; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214378 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 9 (c.v.. Pofis), sought co
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 9 (c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211526 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 10 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 10 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 221; small/rare bend in LR corner, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214382 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 11 (c.v.. Pofis), sought c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 11 (c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 221; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214383 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 12 (c.v.. Pofis), sought c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 12 (c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211522 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 211, in addition two guide marks RZ-AP13-M1 and part RZ-AP13-M1R; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
214384 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to c.v.. Pof
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13 (according to c.v.. Pofis), sought combination 211; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
211523 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 14 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 14 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 211, in addition guide mark RZ-AP14-M1 and joined printed mark SZ-AP14-OlivČ, at value 5 Koruna circle in/at bradě; small grain in paper
Starting price: CZK
211524 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 15 (according to J.Čtvrte
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 15 (according to J.Čtvrtečky), sought combination 211, in addition guide mark RZ-AP15-M1Ra; hinged
Starting price: CZK
211517 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all combination 111 incl. "broken tlapy", in addition are in/at set on/for five MS significant rings and on/for two guide and joined printed marks; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
211518 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all combination 112 incl. "broken tlapy", in addition are in/at set on/for two MS significant rings and on one guide and joined printed marks; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
211516 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all combination 222, MS pos. 9 - circle in UL corner at value 5 Koruna, MS pos. 12 - montážní mark on/for L margin, MS pos. 13 - shifted cut, at top wider and lower narrower margin; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
214370 -  Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all c
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 MS pos., all combination 222; mint never hinged, several pieces small folds, otherwise very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
209618 - 1945 FORGERY  value 13 Koruna brown-carmine in colour values
1945 FORGERY value 13 Koruna brown-carmine in colour values 1.50K, Pof.358, 2 horiz. pairs (originally block of four from collection of K. Fischer), according to handbooks Kassay types III. + IV. and I. + II., group B, 4. line pos. 7 + 8 and 5. line pos. 7+8; mint never hinged, on reverse marked "Padělek"
Starting price: CZK
213273 - 1945 2x CDV73, 1x sent as Registered to Brno, uprated with s
1945 2x CDV73, 1x sent as Registered to Brno, uprated with stamp 2x 2 Koruna, CDS ROŽNAVA 21.VII.45, provisional registry label, on reverse arrival postmark BRNO 30.VII.45 + 1x sent Košice, uprated with stamp 2 Koruna with red special postmark NÁVRAT PRESIDENTA REPUBLIKY; good condition
Starting price: CZK
208469 - 1945 2x Reg letter franked with. Košice stamp., 1x 6 Koruna
1945 2x Reg letter franked with. Košice stamp., 1x 6 Koruna blue and 1x str-of-3 2 Koruna red, both with hand-made cancellation "LIPIANY" 28/7 45 resp. 15/7 45; 1x envelope cut from 3 sides, 1x torn flap
Starting price: CZK
211539 - 1945 commercial Reg letter in the place franked with. 3x sta
1945 commercial Reg letter in the place franked with. 3x stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354 (4x small plate variety), CDS KOŠICE 1/ 3.VII.45, nationalized Hungarian Reg label; torn flap
Starting price: CZK
208484 - 1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with usage CDS from 1. repub
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with usage CDS from 1. republic, 1x franked with. 2 Koruna (2x) with CDS SMOLNÍK/ 17.VIII.45 with broken out "Č" from period of Slovak Rep., 1x commercial with 6 Koruna blue with CDS HNÚŠŤA/ Czechoslovak Post/ 19.IV.45 - envelope open from 2 sides; good condition
Starting price: CZK
208493 - 1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters and 1 cut-square with provisory
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters and 1 cut-square with provisory cancel., 1x commercial Reg and express letter franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna with straight line postmark VRANOV N. TOPLOU and by hand 6/VII 45, censorship, arrival on reverse (envelope open from 2 sides); 1x R+dopis with 6 Koruna blue with round cancel. LUČENEC and date stamp 14.VI.1945, Hungarian Reg label with overprint; 1x commercial Reg letter with straight line postmark POPRAD 26.VI.1945 (envelope open from 3 sides) + front side Reg letter with round cancel. KOŠICE (light imprint) and provisional Hungarian R label
Starting price: CZK
211537 - 1945 comp. 5 pcs of entires, from that 2x with mounted whole
1945 comp. 5 pcs of entires, from that 2x with mounted whole miniature sheet, 1x franked with. i.a. stmp 2 Koruna from miniature sheet, 1x Reg and Express letter franked with. 2-stamps horiz. gutter values 2 Koruna red, outside one piece all postmark from Bohemia; good condition
Starting price: CZK