1959-1971 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of 21 pcs of aerogram various variants, contains CAE1 9x, CAE2A, CAE3IC, CAE3IIC, CAE4 and 5 2x, CAE6A and B, CAE7I 2x and 1x CAE7 type II (!) - all folded + 5 pcs of pigeogramů, i.a. 1x stationery CHP1 with special postmark PRAGA 1962; overall sound condition, c.v.. 7.500CZK
1945-1946 Reg letter franked with. i.a. cut-square from Košice certificate of mailing CPL4 with value 1,50 Koruna in/at olive color, CDS VELKÉ ROVNÉ/ 18.I.46, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 22.I.46, incl. certificate of mailing, supplemented with same used celinou CPL4 with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 12.X.45; good condition
1945-1977[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection 90 pcs of Postal order cards and order cards PNS, placed on 54 pcs of sheets A4 with descriptions in spiral folder, i.a. CPV 13.3 with significant shift cut; all in good quality, c.v.. more than 47.000CZK
1946 CMO8, two international odpovědky 5 Koruna, 1x normal text - "abroad", 1x faulty text - "to cižiny", chybná variant still nepublikována, c.v.. normálních p.stat 900 CZK
1945-1975 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on hingeless sheets Pofis, contains 31 complete volumes incl. air-mail, official also postage-due stamp. and all souvenir sheets (Prague 1950, Bratislava 1952, Praga 1955, Praga 1962, Praga 1962), in addition color shades Pof.739b, 742b, L31a; without blk-of-10 and PB, very fine, 2x nice spring folder, cat. min. 13.000CZK
1945-1969 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / mainly complete collection on hingeless sheets, contains part miniature sheets, basic coupons Kozina and St. Vojtěch, miniature sheet May type II., miniature sheet Prague 50´, sought issue 50. and 60. years etc..; placed in smaller box
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection */**, cancel. on pages in 5 spring folder, from better items i.a. several blk-of-10, as complete ** Birds '72, Airmail '73, cancel. Smetana, Flowers, Beetles, also several PB, miniature sheets etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection cancel. stamps supplemented with about/by various duplication, placed on album sheets (4x spring folder) + on pages detached/free, then in 3 stockbooks, also waste in/at envelopes, several cards A4 etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by incomplete cancel. collection Czechoslovakia I.; all placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / nice complete used collection on pages in 5 spring folder, incl. miniature sheets as Bratislava '52, PRAGA, Zápotocký type II., "Praga 1962" etc..; cat. according to owner through/over ca. 11.000CZK
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on pages Schaubek in 4 spring and screw stockbooks, part used, i.a. miniature sheet Bratislava 52, Prague 50 etc.., nerazítkovaný miniature sheet May type II and Praga 55, without miniature sheet "Praga 1962" and PB
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / almost complete collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 on free sheets Scott in glassine envelopes, mainly mint never hinged stamp., i.a. better sets - Mushrooms, Praga 1962, Costumes, Fauna, I. Art, coupons from 50. years, for example. St. Vojtěch and the first issue air-mail, souvenir sheets Kosice, May, Praga 1950, Bratislava 1952 (minor gum fault), Gottwald, Praga 1955, Svoboda etc.., from used i.a. type II Orságh; all in good quality, originates from abroad
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS ATD. / specialized selection of plate variety, production flaw, variants perf, types, miniature sheets and PB according to plates and fields (někdy also full group of), all described, included to sum only item/-s uváděnév katalogu, other (also significant) matters of interest free; in 40-stránkovém stockbook, suitable also as accumulation k dalšímu sale, cat. min. 40.500Kč
1946-1950 [COLLECTIONS] KUPÓNY / selection of L and P vertical bands with coupons, from issue May '46, without stamp. St. Vojtěch, i.a. Borovský, Two-year plan, Lidice, 30. anniv of Czechoslovakia, Lenin 1,50Kčs with joined types etc..; overall fine, placed in big stockbook A4, higher catalogue
1953-1959[COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / collection 107 date print start new currency v menším12-stránkovém stockbook, mostly single stamps s okrajem carefully zastřiženým so, to was/were date complete, some date but also in larger strips and blocks, total 91 (!) whole date (very rare, because at that time favourite corner blocks of four date půlily), k tomu 16 přepůlených date v blocích, date z tohoto period practically unobtainable; still biggest comp. of stamps s datyz tohoto period, exceptional
1959-1975 [COLLECTIONS] DATATISKU / wide collection date print from y. 1959-1975 budovaná tens years, total 462 date, much date from postal transport (often several various date on/for same zn.), in two stockbooks (20- and 16-stránkovém), in this period date almost nikdonesbíral (začala with sbírat to v roce 1977 s nástupemfluorescenčního paper); continuation ticket č.1741z Aukce 59, exceptional selection of
1949-92 [COLLECTIONS] BLOKY / collection 652ks corner čtyřbloků and larger wholes v 24-stránkovém and 32-stránkovém stockbook, contains complete set also single values, by/on/at postage stmp old currency also various editions according to shades (dotisky), catalogue price only single stamps 6.880Kč, like that price significantly higher
1966-1967 [COLLECTIONS] ART 1966-1967 / semifinished specialized collection PB and stamps Art 1966-1967, i.a. 2x complete set PB I. art, all described; 2x PL1574 viewing of quality recommended - excluded from sum; overall solid quality, c.v.. ca. 4.500CZK
1961-1962 [COLLECTIONS] PRAGA 1962 / comp. of 4 complete issues in blocks of four, Pof.1206-12015 + miniature sheet A1216 "linen" with plate variety 1A on pos. 1, Pof.1663-1267, Pof.1269 and Pof.L50-53, then souvenir sheets Pof.A1268A + 1268B, 2x PL1263b/ 1264b, from that 1 pcs of with exhibition special postmark, in addition promotional Ppc and commemorative sheet issued Ústředím Czechosl. stamp collectors; only miniature sheet A1216 with minor gum fault, other very fine, in stockbook A4 (4 side/party), cat. min. 3.000Kč++
1961 [COLLECTIONS] BUTTERFLIES / specialized comp. of stamps issue Butterflies, Pof.1217-1225, contains i.a. various shades and uncatalogued defects, 2 pcs of black-prints, 3 pcs of FDC, first day sheet etc.., mainly separate stamp., part multiblocks; on 5 album pages
1971-1972 [COLLECTIONS] LIDOVÁ ARCHITECTURE / comp. of stamps issue Vernacular Architecture Pof.1875-1967, contains mainly single stamp., various color shades, papers and editions etc..; on 6 sides album sheets
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET selection of 17 pcs of complete sheets, i.a. 5 pcs of Moscow-issue value 10h (3x), 50h, 1 Koruna, Vernacular Architecture 9Kčs and 20Kčs and other
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation in 5 stockbooks A4, contains set bloks of four, good set 60. years more times, PB also souvenir sheets; overall fine, suitable to other elaboration
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION unused stamps in/at 18 variously full stockbooks, prevail 70. and 80. years, often more times, also souvenir sheets, without PB, line stripe, coupons, several bloks of four with dates of print etc.., supplemented with about/by detached/free ložené stamps in/at small little-box, several coupons Kozina, miniature sheet May type II and oths., in addition supplemented with about/by rozpracovanou collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 1945-1970 on pages - all hinged, i.a. Praga 1962, Bratislava 52 etc.. + disparate comp. of entires and documents - FDC etc..; all placed in box Ikea, suitable to other elaboration, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ACCUMULATION more/larger accumulation unused stamps, miniature sheets also PB in/at 17 stockbooks A4, prevail 70. and 80. years, single stamp. also PB often more times, also line bloks of four, part with dates of print etc..; placed in quite filled IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / sets, printing sheets and miniature sheets; mint never hinged, placed in two 24-str. and one 16-str. stockbook A4 and on 3 cards A4, c.v.. 15.300 CZK
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION PB v sériích and miniature sheets, mainly die-stamping z plochy, by/on/at some stamp. determined field, k tomu selection of black-prints + supplemented with about/by one side with print gravures (some additional), placed v 32-stránkovém stockbook, c.v.. 20.180Kč, suitable k dalšímu sale
1960-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / detached/free ložené stamps, PB also souvenir sheets in/at smaller box, also blocks of four, strips etc.., part more times, prevail 70. and 80. years
1967-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION PB / several hundreds PB, various issue as i.a. Art (without Art I), complete also incomplete set PB, line PB more times, various papers, gum etc..; overall fine, higher catalogue, suitable for specialist also to other elaboration, placed in small box, through/over 1kg of material
1970-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION mainly 70. and 80. years in 10 zásobních A4, contains PB, souvenir sheets, several blk-of-10, also line bloks of four, date prints etc.., supplemented with about/by rozpracovanou general cancel. collection on pages; lot of of material, suitable to elaboration, cheaply offered
1930-2015 [COLLECTIONS] REGISTERED LABELS / big accumulation Reg labels in quite filled IKEA box, thousands pieces, several collections and choice notebooks - mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., then Czech Republic, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Czechoslovakia I., Austria, Hungary etc.., from part/-s sorted according to places; placed in envelopes, stockbooks and on stock-sheets A4, lot of study of material, bezmála 18kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS / TOPOGRAPHY big collection mainly cut-squares with Czechosl. postmarks, arranged místopisně according to alphabet, various franking, among others. issue Profession etc.., supplemented with about/by Reg labels in packets; all described, originates from abroad, placed in 20 stockbooks in/at IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / ACCUMULATION / stovky various entires in/at filled box IKEA, contains FDC, COB,CDV, Carte Max, first day and commemorative sheets, aerograms, i.a. complete CPH53/1-8, then CPH51/10, 15 and 17, 1x Us and Un CSO5, 1x Us COB11, also various invitation-cards, special cancel. etc..; part various quality, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / comp. of more than 100 pcs of various, mainly years. entires - first flights., aerograms, pigeogramy, helicopter flights etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by ca. 80 pcs of more interesting FDC from 50. and 60. years; interesting selection of
1950-2000 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / disparate comp. of ca. 350 pcs of entires, mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., addition Czech Republic and abroad, contains i.a. 1 pcs of monetary reform, then franking issue Butterflies, part as Registered etc..; various quality