Public Auction 61 / Autographs / Politicians and Public Actors

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214088 - 1941 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1941 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; signature in/at číslovaném memorial sheet Czechosl. field post to Benešovým birthday with mounted stamp. Pof.27-29, Legionaire, size 16,5x21cm, red special postmark "E. B./ 28. MAY 1941"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
213995 - 1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president,
1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president, foreign minister; whole signature in special číslovaném booklet "Free Czechoslovakia in free Europe, New York 1939" with mounted stmp 50h; sought
Starting price: CZK
214412 - 1934 CLEMENTIS Vladimír (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politicia
1934 CLEMENTIS Vladimír (1902-1952), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, in 1952 popraven in terms of operation with Rudolfem Slánským, autograph on heading paper his advokátní office; only fold
Starting price: CZK
208072 - 1932 ČERMÁK Anthony (1873-1933), American businessman and
1932 ČERMÁK Anthony (1873-1933), American businessman and mayor Chicaga Czech origin narozený in Kladno, died on/for consequences assassination spáchaného near/in/at visit American president Roosevelta; signature on part/-s sheet with datací 13.8.1 932; signatures A. Čermáka are rare and on/for market with practically are rare
Starting price: CZK
213638 - 1970? DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak
1970? DUBČEK Alexander (1921-1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, general tajemník central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia; photo and card with autograph; good condition, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
214603 - 1941 EČER Bohuslav (1893 - 1954) was/were Czechosl. General
1941 EČER Bohuslav (1893 - 1954) was/were Czechosl. General justiční service and Professor international penal law, member Committee Spojených nations for vyšetřování war zločinů, chairman Czechosl. delegation by/on/at International military tribunálu in Nuremberg and soudce International court dvora in/at Haagu, i.a. with postavil on/for obranu Milady Horákové and day before/(in front of) zatčením STB died, PC with handwritten text and signature sent to his manželku to Nice from Marseille 21.8.41; cut off part lower margins
Starting price: CZK
208068 - 1939 FRANK Karl Hermann (1898-1946), politician, member SdP,
1939 FRANK Karl Hermann (1898-1946), politician, member SdP, aktivní nacista, state tajemník in Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; autograph on cut-square official document, signatures K. H. Franka are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
213628 - 1894 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), one's o
1894 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), one's own name George Guth, Czech propagator sport, signature on odpovědním card periodika "Our period", CDS KOSTELEC N. O. 23/8 94; good condition
Starting price: CZK
213889 - 1938-1942 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak
1938-1942 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; thanks for congratulation to election president with signature, supplemented with about/by pozvánku on/for celebration 70. birth E. Háchy and printed letter president Czech academy věd and art Professor. J. Šusty; rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
213926 - 1938 HENDERSON Arthur (1863 - 1935), Brit. politician and No
1938 HENDERSON Arthur (1863 - 1935), Brit. politician and Nobel laureate after/behind peace after/behind year 1934, leader Labouristické side/party, foreign minister; whole signature on larger card with datací April 28, 1938; interesting
Starting price: CZK
213878 - 1925 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, 6-řádko
1925 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, 6-řádkový text with signature and datací 2. XI. 925, on Ppc sent on/for kap. Antona Tauše; in the middle fold, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
213918 - 1943 HRUBÝ Adolf (1893-1951), Bohemian and Moravian ministe
1943 HRUBÝ Adolf (1893-1951), Bohemian and Moravian minister agriculture, signature on off. thanks for congratulation addressed on/for Joseph Meisnera, incl. envelope/-s; signatures Bohemian and Moravian ministrů are sought
Starting price: CZK
214414 - 1842 HURBAN Jozef Miloslav (pseudonymy Slavomil F. Kořennat
1842 HURBAN Jozef Miloslav (pseudonymy Slavomil F. Kořennatý, Ľudovít Pavlovič, etc..) (1817-1888), the first chairman Slovak National Council, Slovak obrozenecký writer, journalist, politician, evangelic priest, handwritten letter on/for sheet vytrženém from own book/-s "Schillerové sobrané spisy"; autographs Slovak obrozenců are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
214924 - 1925-1939 MACHNÍK Francis (1886 - 1967), Czechoslovak agrá
1925-1939 MACHNÍK Francis (1886 - 1967), Czechoslovak agrární politician and member of parliament National Assembly of Czechoslovakia, minister national defence + BRADÁČ Bohumír (1881-1935), Czechoslovak politician, minister agriculture and national defence after/behind Agrarian side, signatures on/for povyšovacích dekretech, supplemented with about/by other documents, all to one person; interesting
Starting price: CZK
212290 - 1946 MASARYK John (1886-1948), Czechosl. politician, autogra
1946 MASARYK John (1886-1948), Czechosl. politician, autograph "John Masaryk / June 1946" in book Volá London (Prague: Work 1946); good condition, book in/at firm binding in/at box
Starting price: CZK
212870 - 1937 MASARYK John (1886-1948), Czechosl. politician, autogra
1937 MASARYK John (1886-1948), Czechosl. politician, autograph on first day sheet Funeral T. G. Masaryk 1937; good condition
Starting price: CZK
212871 - 1933 MASARYK Tomáš Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czech
1933 MASARYK Tomáš Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President, 15-lines handwritten letter with whole signature, written in Lány 28.3/33, on hand-made paper, interesting text; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
213655 - 1939?-1945? MORAVEC Emanuel (1893-1945), officer Czechosl. l
1939?-1945? MORAVEC Emanuel (1893-1945), officer Czechosl. legions, Professor Vysoké school war and Bohemian and Moravian minister; autograph on cut-square with typewriter written text "Zdar Vůdci and our expensive vlasti!"; on/for exhibit sheet, exceptional, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
213648 - 1946 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and pol
1946 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and politician, minister education and work; autograph on děkovné card with portrait; good condition, incl. envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
214601 - 1944 RESSEL Alfréd (1900 - 1983) Czechoslovak odbojář, ge
1944 RESSEL Alfréd (1900 - 1983) Czechoslovak odbojář, generálmajor in výslužbě, from year 1940 member Czechoslovak units in France, England and then member 1. Czechosl. military corps in USSR, air letter-card sent from the way to Soviet Union in/at India to England to Gen. Ečera, třístránkový text with one's own signature; good condition
Starting price: CZK
208076 - 1938 RUNCIMAN Walter (1870-1949), 1. vikomt Runciman from Do
1938 RUNCIMAN Walter (1870-1949), 1. vikomt Runciman from Doxfordu, Brit. diplomat, zastánce politics appeasementu, vedl diplomatic misi Great Britain to Czechoslovakia, which/what měla zprostředkovat act between Sudetoněmeckou side and Czechoslovak vládou (so-called. Runcimanova mission); signature on sheet, lower datace 20.VIII.38 (!!), one a month before signature MD, sought
Starting price: CZK
212547 - 1968 SVOBODA Ludvík (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak p
1968 SVOBODA Ludvík (1895-1979), General and Czechoslovak president; signature on letter envelope with special postmark PRAHA DEN FIP 6.7.,1968; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
213667 - 1992 TEMPLE-BLACK Shirley (1928-2014), světoznámá America
1992 TEMPLE-BLACK Shirley (1928-2014), světoznámá American movie actress, diplomatka and politička, velvyslankyně USA in/at Czechoslovakia, whole signature on card with datací 1992; interesting
Starting price: CZK
206410 - 1936 VON PAPEN Franz (1879-1969), German politician and chan
1936 VON PAPEN Franz (1879-1969), German politician and chancellor; autograph on card
Starting price: CZK