1880-1970 [COLLECTIONS] AFA 64-80, Numeral issue (wavy line) / study collection of used stamps, determined plate flaws and print flaws, divided according to values + 100 of these stamps with perfins, card A4 with chosen plate varieties on stamps of Denmark and Greenland + stockbook A4 with duplication
1924-1997 [COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS (TEKST MASKINSTEMPLER) / extraordinary collection of ca. 1700 pcs of machine postmarks, from No. 1, in addition supplemented with about 140 entires and specialized catalogue TMS; placed in 3 large albums A4 + letter file for entires, extraordinary offer
1851-1920 [COLLECTIONS] selection on 8 sheets from old collection, contains i.a. Sicily issue 1859, then Sardinia 1854-1861, Papal States, Romagna etc..; various quality, part also reprints, higher catalogue
1958-1982 [COLLECTIONS] ISLE OF MAN / collection in full 8-pages album A4, from Mi.1, complete set, favourite motives, souvenir sheets, joined printings, postage-due etc.
1960-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ISLE OF MAN, ALDERNEY very interesting collection / duplication in 3 large stockbooks A4 + 1x 8-sheet + several cards A4, various complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, lot of popular motives etc..; higher catalogue
1870-1914 [COLLECTIONS] UPPER HUNGARY (SLOVAKIA) / collection of entires with cancel of post offices from Slovaki area on ca. 50 exhibit sheets with descriptions, contains postcards, postal stationery covers, larger part dispatch-notes, various issues and postmarks, receipts, postcards etc.., several Reg etc..; mainly good quality
1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / SLOVAKIA / selection of more than 60 PC, postal stationery covers, letter cards and dispatch-notes and cancel. of post offices from Slovak territory, mainly PC, several addressed to abroad etc.., placed on free album sheets; various quality, estate from abroad
1850-1872[COLLECTIONS] basic collection on 40 old sheets from Baden to Württemberg, i.a. Bavaria 18Kr, Baden almost complete, strong Brunswiek from No. 1, 4x Bremen, Hannover incl. 10Gr green, rare stamp Oldenburg from No. 1, good Holstein, almost complete Turn-Taxis, Württemberg 1-4 etc..; various quality, c.v. cca 26.300€
1919-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Weimar republic and Deutsches Reich, incl. better sets and miniature sheets, i.a. 2x Block No.1, IPOSTA, Buildings, Wagner, Airmails, Coats of arms, block-of-9 SA/SS etc.,; various quality of gum, incl. new gums etc.; however valuable lot
1870-1945[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of Deutsches Reich, more complete from 1920´s, contains many complete sets as Mi.351-354, 423-424, 499-507, 556-564, 609-616, 695-697, also souvenir sheets, i.a. Bl.5X, 6, 10, 11 etc.., also postage-due etc..; mainly hinged, part also mint never hinged, c.v.. for */** quality more than 4.000€
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] General Government / OCCUPIED TERRITORIES / used collection on hingeless sheets in album Lindner, contains General Government, SERBIA, ESTLAND, OSTLAND etc.., many complete sets, miniature sheets etc..; various quality, cancel. without guarantee
1948-1976 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, almost complete, mainly mint never hinged, i.a. Mi.35-41, 64-67, 68-70, miniature sheet Block No.1 minor gum fault - included to sum as *, then 82-86, 91-100 etc.., part hinged; c.v.. according to the quality more than 4.000€
1946-1974 [COLLECTIONS] GDR + ZONES / collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm in two spring folder, mainly complete sets, 1950s mainly hinged; c.v.. ca. 1.000€
1949-1974 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, almost complete - issue Horns to 60Pf, part hinged, part however also mint never hinged; c.v.. according to the quality ca. 2.000€
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of mainly unused stamps in stockbook A4 and on unbound stock-sheets, contains Deutsches Reich, GDR, FRG, 2x incomplete basic collection of Protectorate and mainly incomplete used collection of Germany (Deutsche Reich - GDR (East Germany)) in album KABE; various quality
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / unused mint never hinged stamps in stockbook A4, contains Deutsches Reich - stamps and sets from 1939 onwards, i.a. Mi.751-759, 773-778, also many blocks, corner stamps, control-numbers etc.., also Ostland, Luxembourg, General Government etc.., also officials etc.; mainly fine, c.v.. by estimation 1.000€
1840-1860 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS, SLOVAKIA / HUNGARY / selection of more than 90 mainly folded letters with pre-philatelic cancel., i.a. TESCHEN, LEIPNIK, WEISKIRCHEN, HOMONNAU, FREYBERG IN MÄHREN, HOROSEDEL, SAAR, JUNGWOSCHITZ, LUNDENBURG, KAPLITZ, SCHUTTENHOFEN, BENEŠOV POSTAMT etc.., part addressed to abroad, various cancel. and postmaster notices, placed on free album sheets with descriptions; various quality, estate from abroad
1918-1926[COLLECTIONS] INFLATION / collection of cca 270 entires, divided and marked according to postal rates - period I. - XII., PC, letter-cards, letters, postcards, various frankings, large part addressed to Czechoslovakia; mainly good quality, nice collection of modern Austrian postal history!
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY ú MARINE / collection of more than 100 cards and letters with postmarks of Austria-Hungary warships i.a. SMS ADRIA, WIEN, ADMIRAL SPAUN, MARS, ZRYNYI, RADETZKY, TRABANT, ALPHA, HABSBURG, BELLONA, HERKULES, also DONOUFLOTTILLENKOMANDO, SEEFLUGSTATION POLA, SM BOOT 16, 36, 66, supplemented with picture-postcards with ships, etc.., all on album pages with descriptions; various quality, estate from abroad
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] FIELD-POST selection of more than 100 Ppc, cards and letters with postmarks of various formations, i.a. FIEGERKOMPAGNIE NR.11, hospital units from Czech and Slovak countries, censorships, postcard of Red Cross military, 2x letter paper with additional-printing, subdivision postcard etc.., all on unbound album sheets with descriptions; various quality, estate from abroad
1850-1900 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection of stamps with chosen postmarks from Czech lands, on 13 pages A4, from the first issue., i.a. 4x 1 Kr, also marginal pieces, 1x paper crease on 6 Kreuzer, Mi.11 type II with part of St. Andrew's cross etc..; part with certificates, various quality, mainly chosen pieces
1945-1968 [COLLECTIONS] general collection in album Safe- dual; set from definitive issue ANK.697 and so on, allmost all 2x - MNH and used, better stamps and sets, air-mail (only used) and postage-due; cat. min. 5.500€
1945-2003[COLLECTIONS] collection of mint stamps contains i.a. set of overprints 1945, complete "Renner blocks" (value 5Sh hinged), Birds etc.., missing only "Masks", in addition many souvenir sheets, printing sheets etc.., on hingeless sheets Schaubek in 2 folders; very nice collection, c.v.. ca. 6.000€
1945-2003 [COLLECTIONS] general mainly complete collection of used stamps and miniature sheets, without overprints 1945, Renner blocks and Masks issue and several joined printings from last years, placed on sheets Schaubek in 2 folders; very nice collection, c.v.. ca. 2.200€
1850-1864 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 55 letters I.-V. issue, small formats, some interesting - 6 Kreuzer Strahlenstempel WIEN, Firmenstampiglie over stamps on 1861, several better cancel. etc.
1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / larger selection of few hundreds PC, newspaper wrappers, letters, dispatch-notes, mailing abroad, larger part PC, from that lot of "yellow" and other with interesting thimple postmarks - mainly from Czech lands, postal stationery covers, letter-cards, p.stat pneumatic-tube post, several letters as Registered or Ex, etc.., large part on free album pages with descriptions; various quality, placed in larger box, estate from abroad, it is worth seeing!
1922-1980 [COLLECTIONS] promotional album, various parts of sets, used also unused, hinged, supplemented with stockbook A5 - several MNH sets 1947-1949 + album A5 with used stamps from 1970 onward; interesting
1875-1878 [COLLECTIONS] specialized comp. of 4th issue Milan IV. on 6 album sheets, divided according to values, 14 stamps unused, various cancel., types of perf etc..
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] in 2 albums A4 + 1x A5, from issue Sitting Helvetia, various complete also incomplete sets as Pro Juventute, air-mail etc.., complete set PAX hinged, then opposite facing pairs, several miniature sheets as Mi.Bl.4, 13, 15 etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1862-1864Mi.1-10, P1-P9, part of very old collection, 1. and 2. issues incl. postage-dues; contains 50 stamps 1. issue TUGRA, from that 12 unused, various types, color shades, 1x "kontrollborte oben", blue postmark etc.., cat. min. 8.500€, rare offer
1952-1996[COLLECTIONS] QE II. / nice specialized collection in 5 large albums Safe and Lindner, divided on pre-decimal and decimální period, contains postage stamps, memorial also Postage due stamps, also some wmk, types, shades, prints, dates of print, plate numbers, multiples etc.., unused and part used; it is worth seeing, high catalogue and face-value
1970-2010[COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / interesting selection of ca. 140 stamp booklets, some more times, interesting motives, part also Norman islands, Isle of Man etc..; high face-value and c.v., placed in filled small box
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of stamps and entires on stock-sheets A4 and in stockbook A4, contains i.a. several sets of Deutsches Reich, postwar sets of Austria, several entires Switzerland and ca. 100 modern entires of Israel; various quality, placed in small box
1920-2000 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia, SLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, POLAND, BAVARIA, HUNGARY selection of smaller collections and selections in stockbooks and on album sheets, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 contains mainly unused stamps, souvenir sheets and PB, Slovakia after 1993 unused stamps, souvenir sheets also PB, Austria Hungary accumulation of used stamps, Poland, blocks of Hungarian stamps with overprint Romanian occupation of Debrecín, Bavaria small selection of used classics; placed in larger box, various quality
1930-1960 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / interesting collection of 34 various miniature sheets, i.a. Switzerland, Albania, Hungary, Romania, Estonia etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing, placed in stockbook A4 and A5
1898-1939 [COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL A ZEPPELIN POST / GERMANY, BRAZIL, USA collection more than 30 various airmail entires, contains i.a. several Ppc from pioneer flights, Zeppelin-card Yellow dog from 1912, 2x card Fahrt Sudetenland, 2x catapult flights, 4x Brasil Zeppelin, several airmail entires addressed to Czechoslovakia etc.., all on pages; estate from abroad
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND, FRANCE, HUNGARY, USA / collection of ca. 100 various entires, larger part from Poland, Carte Max from France and other various correspondence; estate from abroad
1984-1990 [COLLECTIONS] in two folders on pages, contains i.a. joined printings, stamp bklt, blocks of four etc.., various interesting motives, supplemented with several entires and FDC; face-value according to owner over 280 CAD
1897-1972 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on ca. 100 pages, from issue Victoria 1897, contains incomplete also complete sets, i.a. SG.188-195 (£375), 266-270, 357-367 etc.., color shades etc., supplemented with several entires; higher catalogue, various quality
1872-1958 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting mainly complete collection on hingeless sheets Lindner, from issue 1872, many complete sets as Mi.82-93, 97-102, 104, 136-137, 159, 156-157, 164-183, 186-190, 191-204, 247 etc.., also air-mail, souvenir sheets etc..; part of stamps and sets to year 1945 also MNH, high catalogue value, we advice examination
1891-1924 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 6 pages A4, contains many complete sets, i.a. Mi.1-7, 11-17, 20-24, 63-79, postage-due, air-mail etc..; cat. according to owner more than 2.500€
1853-1864[COLLECTIONS] ALLEGORY - TRIANGLES/ extraordinary collection on pages with descriptions, issue Allegory Triangles Perkins Bacon, De La Rue, 2x Wood-block etc.., contains many pairs, blocks of four also larger multiples, cut-squares, 9 covers etc.., major part of the stamps originate from old aquisitions from auctions of Harmer, Robson Lowe, Mohrmann etc.; many pieces exp. Bühler, Bolaffi, Diena, etc..; mainly very nice quality, chosen pieces, c.v. by estimation more than £40.000!
1938-1994 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 12 sheets in stockbook A4, various sets, i.a. SG.127-129, 150-159, 163-173 etc.., many interesting and sought motive sets, miniature sheets, joined printings etc.., incl. dollar values etc..; it is worth seeing
1890-1950 [COLLECTIONS] PERFINS / collection 749 indian stamps with perfin, on 5 pages A4, supplemented with catalogue Them Perfins of India and Indian States, M. Werner, 1990
1950-1966 [COLLECTIONS] selection of used but also several mint stamps on ca. 40 pages A5 + 1x card A4, contains i.a. complete mint set Mi.527-529 etc..; c.v.. by estimation more 800€, various quality
1878-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting old collection on sheets in spring folder with Czech descriptions, contains various complete also incomplete sets, used / unused, according to single issues, prints, perf, papers etc.., contains also service stamps, air-mails, provisionals etc.., part reprints; various quality, it is worth seeing, higher catalogue
1931-2016[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION of stamps, printing sheets and miniature sheets, contains several better items from 1950´s. i.a. Mi.76, 85, mainly sheets, various motives as fauna, flora, cosmos etc., high catalogue value
1840-1970[COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD / MOTIVES very interesting "motive" collection in 27 albums A4 (!), from classic period - to ca. 1970, contains many interesting middle values, part also as complete sets, i.a. lot air-mail castle, interesting stamp countries, higher face-values, i.a. British Colonies, French territory, China, Japan etc..; various quality, we advice examination, placed in two IKEA boxes, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP, interesting lot
1930-1960 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / interesting collection of 48 various miniature sheets, mainly middle and south America - Brazil, Cuba, Honduras, Salvador, also Japan, Iraq etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing, on 8 pages in album
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / used also unused stamps in stockbooks and FOLDERS, contains cross section of whole world, Europe, Asia, Africa etc.., mainly lower and cheap values, motives etc.., also mainly incomplete collection OF USSR and Romania, postage-due Austria, smaller box of scattered stamp in envelopes etc..; various quality, placed in two IKEA boxes, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP