1912 INDENPENDANCE ALBANAISE 1912 selection of 5 complete unfolded sheets of 50; without gum as issued, only 2x small spots in margin, otherwise very fine
1930-1948 PARTIE / BELGIUM / LUXEMBURG / 18 entires addressed mainly to Czechoslovakia, from that 3x from Belgian Congo, 7x Luxembourg, part as Registered, also airmails etc.., various frankings; various condition
1867 folded letter to Hamburg with Mi.8, AFA 8, Coat of arms 8S green, wide margins, round cancel. "1", on reverse arrival postmark HAMBURG; nice letter
1880-1970 [COLLECTIONS] AFA 64-80, Numeral issue (wavy line) / study collection of used stamps, determined plate flaws and print flaws, divided according to values + 100 of these stamps with perfins, card A4 with chosen plate varieties on stamps of Denmark and Greenland + stockbook A4 with duplication
1924-1997 [COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS (TEKST MASKINSTEMPLER) / extraordinary collection of ca. 1700 pcs of machine postmarks, from No. 1, in addition supplemented with about 140 entires and specialized catalogue TMS; placed in 3 large albums A4 + letter file for entires, extraordinary offer
1919-1920 BALTIC STATES / Estonia - 2x Reg letter with 1M resp. 5M, Mi.12, 13, CDS TALLIN, addressed to Finland and Austria + Lithuania - air-mail letter with overprint issues and advertising label + Latvia - airmail zeppelin card; in addition Reg letter ; 1x horiz. fold out of stamps, overall good condition
1866 Mi.6, 8, 9, selection of 16 stamps Coat of arms "large teeth", types B and C, values 8P (4x), 20P (8x), 40P (4x), from that 3x pair; fine, cat. min. 2.300€
1849-1871 selection of 11 stamps Ceres and Napoleon III., Mi.3ND, 5ND - both rare ministry reprints for R. Hill 1862, then stamps Mi. 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 39, 45, 46; 2x small thin place, otherwise all fine; kat. 5.200€
1936 Mi.311a, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr green, superb corner piece with date of print 23.12.35 and complete coupon (!), exp. Calves, c.v.. 1.300€ ++, Maury 2.200€ ++; rare offer!
1931-1933 SG.110-113 + 110a-113a, George V. - Landscape, 1P - 3P, selection of two complete issues with perf 14 and perf 13½ : 14, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £120
1940-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 Reg and airmail letters and uprated postcards (2x Reg), all to Bohemia-Moravia, censorships, some very good frankings, several express etc.
1851-1920 [COLLECTIONS] selection on 8 sheets from old collection, contains i.a. Sicily issue 1859, then Sardinia 1854-1861, Papal States, Romagna etc..; various quality, part also reprints, higher catalogue
1851 Sass.P6, block of four Lion 4Cr green, PLATE PROOF in definitive color on paper without gum and without watermark, from 1851; usual spots, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 1.125€
2004 Mi.2948, postage stamp Italia 2,80€, two stamps with significant shifted perforation, 1x in addition without print of blue color; mint never hinged, both pieces certificate Ferrario