Public Auction 62 / Exclusive items

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216135 - 1928 SG.117a, George V. £5 black / yellow, wmk Mult Script
1928 SG.117a, George V. £5 black / yellow, wmk Mult Script CA; very nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £3.750, rare highest value!
Starting price: CZK
217408 - 1917 Mi.IB, UNISSUED Franz Joseph I. 15h red (Koloman Moser)
1917 Mi.IB, UNISSUED Franz Joseph I. 15h red (Koloman Moser) imperforated; VF, c.v.. 2.600€, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
217415 - 1873 Mi.42a, Coat of arms 70Kr braunlila, blue cancel. STUTT
1873 Mi.42a, Coat of arms 70Kr "braunlila", blue cancel. STUTTGART; small fold, very nice piece exp. Brettl, c.v.. 7.000€; very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
218565 - 1901 Mi.14, provisional TIENTSIN 80Pfg Reichspost, used with
1901 Mi.14, provisional TIENTSIN 80Pfg Reichspost, used with postmark TIENTSIN 11/2 01; very fine, exp. Grobe, Kohler, certificate Bothe, c.v.. 6.000€ (cat. Gibbons £7.000); extremely rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
218553 - 1910 CAROLINE ISLANDS / Mi.10H (earlier MI.II), PROVISORIUM
1910 CAROLINE ISLANDS / Mi.10H (earlier MI.II), PROVISORIUM PONAPE, letter with bisected stamp "Yacht" 20Pfg, CDS PONAPE / CAROLINE ISLANDS 12/7 10; next to service pmk of postal office; very fine and very rare letter, certificate Bothe BPP, c.v.. 9.000€, important rarity from German colonies!
Starting price: CZK
217951 - 1850 Ferch.1MIII, 6x Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow type III MP, T
1850 Ferch.1MIII, 6x Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow type III MP, TREPPENFRANKATUR - always at least 3/4 (!) stamps covered, cancel. PERESZLÉNY (Slovakia, Ryan 150P); very fine, certificate Steiner "taufrisches Prachtstück"", cat. min. 3.500€, scarce
Starting price: CZK
217339 - 1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue Mercury, ribbed paper, with whole rare
1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue Mercury, ribbed paper, with whole rare DUMB PMK PESTH; certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. Müller č.2116f - 2.100b!
Starting price: CZK
217909 - 1851 Ferch.7, YELLOW MERKUR, ochre yellow, cancel. PRAG ZTGS
1851 Ferch.7, YELLOW MERKUR, ochre yellow, cancel. PRAG ZTGS EXP; very nice piece with light thin place at right, complete margins (!), certificate Ferchenbauer 2008 - 14.000€; cat. ANK 2019 - 16.000€, exclusive offer
Starting price: CZK
217281 - 1884 Mi.38-39, Coat of arms 3,50R and 7R, without flashes; V
1884 Mi.38-39, Coat of arms 3,50R and 7R, "without flashes"; VF, exp. Brun, Balasse, certificates Raybaudi and Farberov (APS), exclusive offer, ex. Lavrov Collection
Starting price: CZK
217904 - 1874 SG.127, 5Sh pale rose plate 2, wmk Malt. cross; very fi
1874 SG.127, 5Sh pale rose plate 2, wmk Malt. cross; very fine piece with original and full gum, exp. Bartels, c.v.. £15.000; very rare classic stamp
Starting price: CZK
217709 - 1888 SG.186, £1 brown lilac, with wmk orb, light print of s
1888 SG.186, £1 brown lilac, with wmk "orb", light print of single-circle cancel.; nice piece, c.v.. £ 4.500, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
207285 - 1845 POSTMASTER´S PROVISIONAL NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington
1845 POSTMASTER´S PROVISIONAL NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5c black, "without signature"; very fine unused piece with certificate PSE 2016, cat. $3.750, very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
217460 - 1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL - ST. LOUIS Sc.11X5, Coat of arm
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL - ST. LOUIS Sc.11X5, Coat of arms 10c, "St. Louis bear", paper "gray lilac"; very nice piece with large margins, small thin place in lower margin outside of picture of stamp, c.v.. $12.500, extraordinary offer, an iconic US classic stamp!
Starting price: CZK
217283 - 1898 SG.81var; Zanzibar 1A with red overprint British East A
1898 SG.81var; Zanzibar 1A with red overprint British East Africa (instead black as Specimen), overprint DOUBLE, ONCE ALBINO, in addition offset on reverse; very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
217287 - 1895 SG.22j, Indian Victoria 1A6P with red overprint 2½, pr
1895 SG.22j, Indian Victoria 1A6P with red overprint 2½, printing error ZANZIDAR instead ZANZIBAR; very fine piece, certificate BPA (Robson Lowe), c.v.. £1.600
Starting price: CZK
216637 - 1933 SG.127-138, ½P - £1, complete set of 12 stamps, wmk M
1933 SG.127-138, ½P - £1, complete set of 12 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; lightly hinged, c.v.. £4250, very rare set in fine stamps!
Starting price: CZK
215587 - 1964 Pof.1405 production flaw, Birds 1,20Kčs, block of four
1964 Pof.1405 production flaw, Birds 1,20Kčs, block of four with L margin, by/on/at L stamps shift L perf crossways to to třetiny picture of stmp (so significantly zmenšená and deformed stmp); upper piece superb (!), L the bottom stamp. thin place, damaged the bottom perf, common stamp. R thin place, viewing of quality recommended, first-time v jakékoli auction, catalogue for the present doesn't report, unrepeatable possibility akvizice, v této form nejspíš unique rarity!
Starting price: CZK
216926 - 1968 Pof.1700xb, Geologický congress 60h, optically cleared
1968 Pof.1700xb, Geologický congress 60h, optically cleared paper (!), one of most precious varieties paper in Czechoslovakia II., known only several pieces; mint never hinged, exp. Vychron, in/at c.v.. significantly underprized, first-time in/at our auction!
Starting price: CZK
217285 - 1998 Pof.A177 production flaw, miniature sheet Nagano 23CZK,
1998 Pof.A177 production flaw, miniature sheet Nagano 23CZK, TISK NA LEPU (!); very rare occurrence, in/at c.v.. very underprized, on/for tuzemských auctions still offered only once!
Starting price: CZK
216498 - 1918 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK /  commercial Reg letter with p
1918 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK / commercial Reg letter with parallel 9-tuple franking Austrian Express stamp. TROJÚHELNÍK 5h used as postage stmp, Mi.218, contains 7-pásku with polovičním KUPONEM (!), CDS BUDĚJOVICE 4/ 19.XII.18, right value postage 45h for postal rate I; good condition, very rare and decorative entire from old specialized collection!
Starting price: CZK
215421 -  Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, block of 8 with lower margin and co
Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, block of 8 with lower margin and control-numbers, plate 5; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Skaloud., superb and decorative multiple!
Starting price: CZK
215227 -  Pof.7a, 15h brown-red, block of four, plate 7, pos. 56-57 a
Pof.7a, 15h brown-red, block of four, plate 7, pos. 56-57 and 66-67; certificate + exp. Škaloud, rare!
Starting price: CZK
215235 -  Pof.7b, 15h red from 7.TD (!), nice shade, pos. 1/7; light
Pof.7b, 15h red from 7.TD (!), nice shade, pos. 1/7; light hinged, certificate + exp. Vrba, very nice color on/for rare printing plate!
Starting price: CZK
215300 -  Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, unique L 60-blok from sheet with big
Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, unique L 60-blok from sheet with big folded paper and print on gum, plate 5; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate exp. Škaloud, Vrba, biggest square known block 15h vermilion, 7 whole čtyřbloků without folded paper, quite surely this is UNIKÁT!
Starting price: CZK
215229 -  Pof.22a, 200h violet-blue, block of four; mint never hinged
Pof.22a, 200h violet-blue, block of four; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. by Karasek and Gilbert, luxury quality, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
212653 -  Pof.2Ms(4), 3h violet, same facing vertical 4-stamp gutter.
Pof.2Ms(4), 3h violet, same facing vertical 4-stamp gutter., folded; mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba certificate
Starting price: CZK
215217 -  UNISSUED / Pof.7Ms(2), 15h vermilion, unissued unfolded 2-s
UNISSUED / Pof.7Ms(2), 15h vermilion, unissued unfolded 2-stamps. same facing gutter, upper stamp. plate 5, the bottom plate 6, in/at L upper margin thin/light double impression + offset in/at kraji on gum; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, rare occurrence gutter this values in/at rumělkové color!
Starting price: CZK
218160 -  Pof.10Mp(4), 25h blue, two joined vertical opposite facing
Pof.10Mp(4), 25h blue, two joined vertical opposite facing 4-stamp gutter., folded; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, in/at takovémto whole rare usage
Starting price: CZK
216560 -  Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps vert. opposed gutter, fol
Pof.12Mp(2), 30h yellow, 2-stamps vert. opposed gutter, folded; hinged, by/on/at control-numbers "24" dirty, certificate Vrba, rare occurrence, missing in most collections!
Starting price: CZK
215240 -  PLATE PROOF horiz. 4-stamp gutter Hradčany 80h olive + 100
PLATE PROOF horiz. 4-stamp gutter Hradčany 80h olive + 100h brown, on maculature paper; in the middle light folded, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., extraordinary item from big collection!
Starting price: CZK
215419 -  Pof.9vz IIp, 20h carmine, overprint VZOREC, bar type II., p
Pof.9vz IIp, 20h carmine, overprint "VZOREC", bar type II., pos. 66/1; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Beneš
Starting price: CZK
215216 - 1919-1920 VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F20, F22, F23, complete s
1919-1920 VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F20, F22, F23, complete set vejprtských forgeries stamp. Hradčany 100h, 200h and 300h; value 100h very wide margins, light print CDS VEJPRTY, all with certificate Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, Vrba, rare offer complete set vejprtských forgeries!
Starting price: CZK
215810 -  Pof.11D STs+p, 25h brownlila, block of four with line perfo
Pof.11D STs+p, 25h brownlila, block of four with line perforation 11½, plate 2, pos. 21-22 / 31-32, on pos. 21 bar type, pos. 31 spiral type, pos. 32 bar type, types combination bar and combination - Is + IIp, in addition pos. 21 and 22 II. types arc; mint never hinged, small wrinkle in paper, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 40.000CZK, rare block with joined types!
Starting price: CZK
215226 -  Pof.11H joined bar types, 25h violet, vertical marginal Pr
Pof.11H joined bar types, 25h violet, vertical marginal Pr with line perforation 13¾ : 10¾ and joined type bars, pos. 50/1; quite lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 60.000CZK, very rare perf with joined type bar!
Starting price: CZK
215222 -  Pof.13Aa, 30h dark violet with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½
Pof.13Aa, 30h dark violet with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, 1x repaired tooth, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
216568 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued vertical 2-stamps. same facing gutter
PLATE PROOF unissued vertical 2-stamps. same facing gutter 10h green with line perforation 13¾, on brown maculature paper without gum; Vrba certificate, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
216566 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued vertical 4-stamps. same facing gutter
PLATE PROOF unissued vertical 4-stamps. same facing gutter 5h blue-green with line perforation 11½ : 13¾, on/for grey maculature paper without gum; Vrba certificate, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
215208 -  Pof.1Cvz-26Cvz, values 1h - 1000h, complete set of 25 pcs o
Pof.1Cvz-26Cvz, values 1h - 1000h, complete set of 25 pcs of with overprint "VZOREC" with line perforation 13¾; mainly mint never hinged incl. 15h, 120h, 200h, 400h, 500h, 1000h, 9 pcs of hinged, all exp. Vrba, very nice set!
Starting price: CZK
215239 -  PLATE PROOF  str-of-4 from joined printing stamp. Hradčany
PLATE PROOF str-of-4 from joined printing stamp. Hradčany, full value tablet, 3 pieces + Muchova Girl in costume 1 pcs of (Mother Slávie), in black color on maculature paper without gum; repaired corner, Vrba certificate, exceedingly rare proof joined printing!
Starting price: CZK
215338 - 1920 BANKOVNÍ CENNÉ PSANÍ on/for 100.000 CZK sent from Pr
1920 BANKOVNÍ CENNÉ PSANÍ on/for 100.000 CZK sent from Prague to sugar factory in/at Krásném Březnu, with 10x Pof.26, Hradčany 1000h violet imperforated, 1x Pof.25, 500h and 1x Pof.152 and Pof.166, CDS PRAGUE 5/ 20.VIII.20, on reverse arrival ÚSTÍ n. L./ 31.(VIII.)20, unbroken seals, size envelope/-s 260 x 190mm; very nice quality, Vrba certificate, rare!
Starting price: CZK
217724 -  Pof.27F + 28F, Lion Breaking its Chains 15h and 25h with li
Pof.27F + 28F, Lion Breaking its Chains 15h and 25h with line perforation 11½, in blocks of four; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
212011 -  Pof.31L, Mother and Child 100h brownlila, vertical marginal
Pof.31L, Mother and Child 100h brownlila, vertical marginal strip-of-4, SMÍŠENÁ PERFORACE, in/at upper and bottom margin is other size horiz. perf, between stamp. is horiz. perf omitted, line perforation 13¾ + 11½ : 11½ : 11½; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
213949 -  Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format, overprint type I., perfectly centered overprint; only lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Lešetický, c.v.. 45.000CZK, rare stamp, ex Dobrovský
Starting price: CZK
213948 -  Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overpr
Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overprint type I.; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., Šula, cat. Merkur-Revue 35.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
213930 -  Pof.51ay, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, unclear print, over
Pof.51ay, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, unclear print, overprint type I.; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., very fine piece
Starting price: CZK
213578 -  Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type I.; lightly hinge
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint type I.; lightly hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, Mrňák, Lešetický, very nice piece
Starting price: CZK
215940 -  Pof.57C, Rectangle 2h brown-red, line perforation 11½ : 12
Pof.57C, Rectangle 2h brown-red, line perforation 11½ : 12½, blue Opt III. type; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, very rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
216319 -  Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red with R margin (!), overprint type
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red with R margin (!), overprint type I.; superb mint never hinged piece, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky., very rare and in this quality sought stamp!
Starting price: CZK
217487 -  UNISSUED / Mercure R 2h blue, overprint type II.; superb mi
UNISSUED / Mercure R 2h blue, overprint type II.; superb mint never hinged piece, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Lešetický, sought stamp in perfect quality!
Starting price: CZK
217492 -  UNISSUED / Large numerals 100h red, overprint E, type I.; h
UNISSUED / Large numerals 100h red, overprint E, type I.; hinged, light bend in paper, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Lešetický, rare occurrence, sought stamp!
Starting price: CZK
217491 -  UNISSUED / Small numerals 5 Koruna blue, overprint B, group
UNISSUED / Small numerals 5 Koruna blue, overprint B, group and, type III.; hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Lešetický, very rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
217488 -  UNISSUED / 80f violet / black, overprint F, IV. type; light
UNISSUED / 80f violet / black, overprint F, IV. type; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., quite minimum usage!
Starting price: CZK
216318 -  Pof.118, 10K brown / violet, overprint type III., perfectly
Pof.118, 10K brown / violet, overprint type III., perfectly centered overprint; mint never hinged stamp. mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., very nice piece, in this quality rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
217485 -  UNISSUED / Black numerals 6f green / black, comb perforatio
UNISSUED / Black numerals 6f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk y - transport, overprint type II.; superb mint never hinged piece with certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert and Lešetický, sought stamp
Starting price: CZK
217484 -  UNISSUED / Black numerals 10f green / black, comb perforati
UNISSUED / Black numerals 10f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk y - transport, overprint type III.; superb mint never hinged piece with certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., sought stamp
Starting price: CZK
218156 -  Pof.140aN, 125h ultramarine imperforated, sought type II.;
Pof.140aN, 125h ultramarine imperforated, sought type II.; superb piece, Vrba certificate, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
216941 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof unissued values 50h in brown color
PLATE PROOF plate proof unissued values 50h in brown color, joined printing 10 stamps (!), small format, on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, rare!
Starting price: CZK
216625 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof unissued values 50h in brown color
PLATE PROOF plate proof unissued values 50h in brown color, joined printing 4 stamp. (!) with partially unworked margin, format stamps 32x23mm, on thin brown paper without gum; very good quality, Vrba certificate, rare joined printing!
Starting price: CZK
216626 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof unissued values 50h in/at žlutoze
PLATE PROOF plate proof unissued values 50h in/at žlutozelené color, MS arrangement with unworked margin, on chalky paper; very good quality, Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., rare plate proof!
Starting price: CZK
211950 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, letterprint print desig
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, letterprint print design/sketch printing block format 50x69mm, in/at blue-green color on/for stronger carton chalky paper (!); Vrba certificate, exp. Majer, rare plate proof!
Starting price: CZK