1969-1989 TUZEX / comp. 12 pcs of vouchers, i.a. 50Kčs (Z), 5Kčs 1970 and 1973, 3x 1Kčs - 1969, 1970, 1989 and 6x 0,50Kčs; various quality, in addition supplemented with about/by original valuable envelope of Trade Bank, in which/what was/were poukazyzasílány!
1942 PROTECTORATE / annunciation odměny10.000.000K after/behind information about/by pachatelích assassination on/for empire protector and annunciation exceptional status in Prague of day 27. May 1942, order K. H. Franka, česko-německy text in black color on red paper, size 63x93cm; folded, nice in good condition condition
PLATE PROOF horiz. 4-stamp gutter Hradčany 80h olive + 100h brown, on maculature paper; in the middle light folded, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., extraordinary item from big collection!
Pof.57C, Rectangle 2h brown-red, line perforation 11½ : 12½, blue Opt III. type; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, very rare usage!
UNISSUED / Mercure R 2h blue, overprint type II.; superb mint never hinged piece, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Lešetický, sought stamp in perfect quality!
Pof.118, 10K brown / violet, overprint type III., perfectly centered overprint; mint never hinged stamp. mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., very nice piece, in this quality rare usage!
1918Pof.PP1, ЧЕШСКЯ ПОЧТА 10k blue; mint never hinged piece mint never hinged with certificate Vrba, exp. by Franek., Tribuna, Mrňák, on reverse small spot, exceedingly rare stamp missing in most collections!
1940 PLATE PROOF Pof.51, Red Cross 1,20K+80h (the first issue.) in/at inverted blue color for value 60h+40h, perf plate proof with R coupon, small differences in/at printings i.a. nevybarvený cross in/at orlici on coupon; on stamp paper with svěžím gum, only loose perf in UL corner outside coupon, exceedingly rare plate proof, quite rare occurrence!
1946 Pof.A437, miniature sheet Brno 1946, complete set 14 MS pos., all identified and described; mint never hinged, only field I3 hinged, supplemented with about/by 5 pcs of used, obtížnězkompletovatelné
1964Pof.1405 production flaw, Birds 1,20Kčs, block of four with L margin, by/on/at L stamps shift L perf crossways to to třetiny picture of stmp (so significantly zmenšená and deformed stmp); upper piece superb (!), L the bottom stamp. thin place, damaged the bottom perf, common stamp. R thin place, viewing of quality recommended, first-time v jakékoli auction, catalogue for the present doesn't report, unrepeatable possibility akvizice, v této form nejspíš unique rarity!
1968Pof.1700xb, Geologický congress 60h, optically cleared paper (!), one of most precious varieties paper in Czechoslovakia II., known only several pieces; mint never hinged, exp. Vychron, in/at c.v.. significantly underprized, first-time in/at our auction!
1975Pof.2165xa, Husák 30h, paper without optical brightener; luxury piece, without whatever marks (almost all piece have on the reverse side expert's marks), with intaktním gum obtížněsehnatelné, on request exp. labour, c.v.. 10.000CZK
1986Pof.A2747B, miniature sheet 60 Years of F.I.P., imperforated, type I.; superb, known only several pieces, teprvepotřetí in auction, c.v.. significantly misvalues, minimum usage!
1870-1914 SELECTION of / FRANZ JOSEPH I. / selection 10 Ag coins, i.a. 5 Kreuzer 1907 (Hungarian) and 5 Kreuzer 1908, 1x 1Fl 1879 and 1884 etc..; various quality 1-2, toned
[COLLECTIONS] FORGERIES / selection of forgeries overprints on 5 pages - Prague overprint I and II, Hluboka issue, Budějovice issue and Skalica, in addition supplemented with about/by complete set forgeries stamp. Lion 2 Koruna - 1R; marked "Padělek", for study purposes
Pof.18 joined spiral types, 75h grey-green, LL corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers with joined type spiral on pos. 82/2; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, in čtyřbloku sought!
Pof.22a, 200h violet-blue, block of four; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. by Karasek and Gilbert, luxury quality, rare occurrence!
Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, block of four with lower margin, spiral type I., without control-numbers for I. overprint airmail issue.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, decorative multiple!