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1913 Mi.2, TE SHQIPENIES 1Pia black with roulette perf and blue CDS ELBASAN, very fine and rare stamp, c.v.. 800€U:A5
1913 Mi.9, Eagle on Turkish 2½; piaster, on cut-square with CDS ELBASAN; very fine piece, cat. 800€ ++ , rareU:A5
1924 Mi.186Klb, miniature sheet 4x 5Fr Albert I., very fine block with memorial cancel. = **; good quality without usual folds etc.., c.v.. 420€U:A5
1851-1852 Mi.1IIvar, FIRE R.B.S. red-brown, Thiele, retouch "Pemberton", round cancel. "5" - Aarhus; very fine piece with certificate GronlundU:A5
1863 Mi.10, Coat of arms 16S red-violet with roulette perforation, round cancel. "1", at right light fold; nice piece with certificate NielsenU:A5
1932 Sass.14-20, Garibaldi and Airmail 50C-5L, with overprint ISOLE ITALIANE DELL EGEO; VF and rare set, c.v.. 2.250€U:A5
1932 Mi.123-132, 20 years of occupation 5C-25L; two cheap values minor gum faults, otherwise **, complete set, c.v.. 800€U:A5
1934 Mi.137-145, Football World Championship 20C-10L, with overprint ISOLE ITALIANE DELL EGEO; VF, rare set, c.v.. 1.300€, Sass. 2.600€U:A5
1930 RHODES Sass.19, 20, Congresso Idrologico 5L and 10L; highest values in perfect quality, cat. * 1.000€U:A5
1932 CARCHI / Mi.88-97, Garibaldi 10C - 5L with overprint CARCHI; very fine set, c.v.. 200€U:A5
1856 Mi.1a, Coat of arms 5 K blue, "small pearls"; very fine piece with CDS HELSINGFORS; certificate M. Eichele, c.v.. 4.200€, rare U:A5
1856 Mi.2x, Coat of arms 10K carmine with hand-made cancel; small thin place at left upper margin, otherwise nice, exp. Diena, c.v.. 500€U:A5
1866 Mi.6, 8, 9, selection of 16 stamps Coat of arms "large teeth", types B and C, values 8P (4x), 20P (8x), 40P (4x), from that 3x pair; fine, cat. min. 2.300€U:A5
1849-1871 selection of 11 stamps Ceres and Napoleon III., Mi.3ND, 5ND - both rare ministry reprints for R. Hill 1862, then stamps Mi. 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 39, 45, 46; 2x small thin place, otherwise all fine; kat. 5.200€U:A5
1878-1898 Mi.56I, 60I, 64II, 70, 78-82 and oths, total 25 pcs of Allegory, mint, incl. rare pieces, only 50C (*) other with original gum, c.v.. 2.430€U:A5
1936 Mi.311a, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr green, superb corner piece with date of print 23.12.35 and complete coupon (!), exp. Calves, c.v.. 1.300€ ++, Maury 2.200€ ++; rare offer!U:A5
1936 Mi.311b, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr dark green, superb marginal piece, exp. Th. Champion, c.v.. 2.000€ ++, Maury 2.500€ ++; extraordinary offerU:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr violet-blue / red; superb, c.v.. 1.100€, Maury 1.700€ U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr violetblue / red; superb with upper margin, hinge traces on margin, c.v.. 1.100€ ++, Maury 1.700€ ++U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr violetblue / red; INVERTED BACKROUNDPRINT; superb, Michel doesn't report, Maury 2.100€ ++U:A5
1886-1887 SG.8-14, Victoria ½P - 1Sh, complete set of 7 stamps, wmk Crown CA; hinged, 1Sh small fault (abrasion), c.v.. £600U:A5
1889 SG.22-33, Victoria 5C-5Pt;, complete set SPECIMEN; very fine, c.v.. £450U:A5
1903 SG.46-55, Edward VII. ½P - £1, complete set of 10 stamps, wmk Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £1.200U:A5
1906 SG.66-74, Edward VII. ½P - 8Sh, complete set of 9 stamps, value 1P with coupon, wmk Mult Crown CA; very fine, c.v.. £600U:A5
1912-1924 SG.76-85, George V. ½P - £1, complete set of 10 stamps + SG.81 b+c, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £380U:A5
1912 SG.85, George V. £1 purple / black and red; very fine marginal piece with register point, c.v.. £280++U:A5
1938-1951 SG.121-131, George VI. - Motives ½P - £1; mint never hinged, complete set in perfect quality, c.v.. £180U:A5
1945 Mi.Bl.8var, Unifil BF9; Sturmdivision – Block, exile issue- reprint, printing only 500 sheets!, certificate RaybaudiU:A4
1858 Sass.14, Coat of arms 50Gr rose- brown, cancel. ANNULLATO; very fine piece, certificate Avi, c.v.. 5.000€U:A5
1852 Sass.4C, Coat of arms 25C printing error with OMITTED NUMERAL "2" and with transcription "I" , grid pmk.; certificate Avi, c.v.. 11.000€; rare stamp!U:DR
1859 Sass.18, GOVERNO PROVVISORIO 80C bistro oliva; nice piece with certificate BPA London, c.v.. (*) 6.000€; rare classic stamp, printing only 2.400!U:A5
1932 Mi.391-407, Garibaldi 10C - 5L, complete set of 17 stamps; mint never hinged, Mi.398 minor gum fault, otherwise all nice qualityU:A5
1934 Mi.463-478, 10C - 4,50L, complete set of 16 stamps; VFU:A5
2003 Mi.2928, Europalia Italia 0,52€, imperforated (!); mint never hinged, certificate TerrachiniU:A5
1942 War - PROPAGANDA GUERRA - Sass. 12A-12C, 3 UNISSUED values 50C, 1L, 2L; VF, c.v.. 3.000€; very rareU:A5
1917 CHINA -TIENTSIN Sass.4-13, Coat of arms and Victor Emmanuel III. 1C-10L with overprint TIENTSIN, lightly hinged, cat. ** 3.000€ U:A5
1918 CHINA - TIENTSIN Sass.16a, Coat of arms 2C with overprint 1 CENT TIENTSIN - INVERTED OVERPRINT; very fine, cat. 1.800€U:A5
1941 OCCUPATION OF SLOVENIA - Sass. POSTA AEREA 10c, air 50d with overprint .... SLOVENI OCCUPATI / LUBIANA; VF, certificate Sorani, c.v.. 6.500€, extremely rare stampU:A5
1843 TUNISIA - FIELD POST, Sass.F1c, block of 6 "Amphitheatre El Djem"; issued without gum, on margins OMITTED PERFORATION; very fine, rareU:A5
1960-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ISLE OF MAN, ALDERNEY very interesting collection / duplication in 3 large stockbooks A4 + 1x 8-sheet + several cards A4, various complete sets, souvenir sheets, joined printings, lot of popular motives etc..; higher catalogueU:Z
1881 SG.10aa, Victoria 1P, plate 220 with overprint 30 PARAS, overprint DOUBLE, ONCE INVERTED; nice piece with signs of age, c.v.. £1.900, rare U:A5
1892-1894 SG.31-37, Victoria ½Pi - 12Pi, complete set of 7, DIE II, wmk Crown CA; hinged, SG.31, 34 small brownish, c.v.. £450U:A5
1902-1904 SG.50-59, Edward VII., ½Pi - 45Pi, complete set of 10 stamps, wmk Crown CA; hinged, very fine, 3 pcs exp. Senf, c.v.. £600U:A5
1912-1915 SG.77a, George V. 1Pi pink / blue with plate variety - broken bottom left triangle; very fine, c.v.. £225U:A5
1924 SG.102, George V. £1, corner piece with sheet No. 102; very fine, cat. min. £600U:A5
1928 SG.117a, George V. £5 black / yellow, wmk Mult Script CA; very nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £3.750, rare highest value! U:DR
1928 SG.123-132, Brit. government ¾Pi - £1; mint never hinged complete set, c.v.. £300+U:A5
1917 Mi.IB, UNISSUED Franz Joseph I. 15h red (Koloman Moser) imperforated; VF, c.v.. 2.600€, extraordinary offer U:A5
1934 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Vaduz 5Fr, size 103,5x125,5mm; lightly hinged out of stamp, sought, c.v.. for ** 2.800€U:A5
1913 Mi.120F + 121, Turul 35f + 50f, corner blk-of-15 with sought printing error "35 filler" instead "50 filler" on pos. 13; mint never hinged, sought by specialists, only pair cat. Michel €950 U:A5
1916 Mi.188U-189U, Charles and Zita 10f and 15f, imperforated pairs; very fine and rareU:A5
1947 Mi.Bl.10-11, souvenir sheets Roosevelt; mint never hinged, good quality, c.v.. 200€U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.17, miniature sheet Chain Bridge, size 136,5x99mm; very nice quality, cat. 450€U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.17, miniature sheet Chain Bridge, size 137x99,5mm, nice quality, c.v.. 450€U:A5
1931 UNGARNFAHRT 1931 / Zeppelin-letter, Sie.103c with double franking of both zeppelin stamps Mi.478, 479, CDS LEGI POSTA BUDAPEST/ 931 MAR 26; very fineU:A5
1870-1914 [COLLECTIONS] UPPER HUNGARY (SLOVAKIA) / collection of entires with cancel of post offices from Slovaki area on ca. 50 exhibit sheets with descriptions, contains postcards, postal stationery covers, larger part dispatch-notes, various issues and postmarks, receipts, postcards etc.., several Reg etc..; mainly good qualityU:Z
1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / SLOVAKIA / selection of more than 60 PC, postal stationery covers, letter cards and dispatch-notes and cancel. of post offices from Slovak territory, mainly PC, several addressed to abroad etc.., placed on free album sheets; various quality, estate from abroadU:K
1889 SG.30, Victoria 5Sh pink, wmk Crown CC; hinged, exp. Diena, c.v.. £110U:A5
1903-1904 SG.38-44, Edward VII. ½P - 1Sh, complete set of 7 stamps, wmk Crown CA; c.v.. £130U:A5
1914-1921 SG.86gf, George V. 2Sh violet / blue with plate variety "Damaged leaf" tight lower; nice piece, c.v.. £700U:A5
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