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1946 Matica slovenská / vítá navrátených Slovákov, collection 4 pcs of promotional Ppc of Foundation "Matice slovenská", authors drawings Benka, Odreička, Makovický and Stašík; Un, only slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
-1932 [COLLECTIONS] BAŤA / ZLÍN selection of 23 pcs of B/W photo postcard, i.a. 5 pcs of accident aircraft etc..; all Un, as multiple interesting U:O5
1934- MESSERSCHMIDT 108 "TAIFUN" / comp. of 5 original B/W Ppc; Un, superb condition U:A5
1912 1. BALKAN WARS - RED CROSS / collection of 12 photo postcards from military hospital in Cetinji in Montenegro with descriptions, supplemented with postcards; good condition, rare collection U:A5
1935-1943 comp. 9 pcs of Ppc with nazism propaganda; good condition U:A5
1940 Erwin Rommel (1891-1944), postcard Generalmajor Rommel, portrait from W. Wilricha; in upper margin thin place after sticking, sought U:A5
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SOKOL, SLETY, DĚLNICKÁ OLYMPIC GAMES, D.T.J. (Worker Gymnastic Association), OREL (movement) big collection hundreds Ppc with Sokol theme, ball invitation-cards, letters with added-print and postmarks, documents, journals i.a. 1x from year 1887 (!), identity-card, entrance tickets etc.., part also Sokol postcard and documents Sokol from USA, Yugoslavia, Poland, contains lithographic postcard, photo postcard i.a. from Carpathian Ruthenia, also picture PC Czechoslovakia I., moho special postmarks i.a. ZNOJMO FESTIVAL 1919 etc.., smaller part freely, other on album sheets with descriptions; various quality, total 25kg of material in/at Ikea box, estate from abroad, very high market price, ATTENTION ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1910? MELA KOEHLER / WHOLE WORLD No. 521; Un, light wrinkled corners, rare U:A5
1910? MELA KOEHLER / WHOLE WORLD No. 552; Un, L lower bend in corner, rare U:A5
1910? MELA KOEHLER / WHOLE WORLD No. 555, comp. 2 pcs of, with and without added print "FROHE OSTERN"; both Un U:A5
1910? Wiener Werkstaette No.190, "Frohe Ostern"; Un, very sound condition U:A5
1918? Wiener Werkstaette No.710, Dancing pair; upright, Un, superb condition U:A5
1899 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Champenois, Serie 2 (Weill.40B), Zodiac, red frame, lithography; long address, Us, very good condition U:A5
1910-1930 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), selection of 20 pcs of Ppc, issue decoration Municipal House in Prague - 15 pcs of, Šestero blahoslavenství - 2 pcs of, VIII. Sokol festival and Remembrance on/for native town Ivančice, mainly Us; good condition, wrinkled corners U:A5
1918 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Šestero blahoslavenství, incomplete comp. of 4 picture-postcards: Blessed be the Pure of Heart - Us, Union Prague; Milosrdní - Us, Pešl; Lkající - Un, Pešl; Chudí Duchem - Un, Pešl; very sound condition U:A5
1918-1925 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), SLAVIA vzájemně insurance bank, comp. 2 pcs of promotional Ppc bank with figure Slavie, various advertising added prints, 1x publisher Štenc Prague - Us on/for strong carton, second Un; both very sound condition U:A5
1920-1928 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Slovanská epopej, sestava 6 pohlednic: Slavnost Svatovítova v Rujaně 2 různé - vše prošlé, Milíč z Kroměříže - prošlá, Zrušení nevolnictví na Rusi - fotopohled, neprošlá, Korunovace cara Dušana Silného - fotopohled, neprošlá U:A5