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1852 Mi.2, Coat of arms 2Sgr Prussian blue with part of blue cancel. BRUNSWICK; nice piece with wide margins, exp. Richter, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1853 Mi.6-8, Coat of arms 1Gr - 3Gr, value 1Gr in two shades, from that 1x with blue cancel. "38" (minor faults), others fine, cat. min. 340€ U:A5
1861 Mi.10-12b, Coat of arms 1/2Gr - 3Gr, 1Gr in 2 shades, 3Gr in rarer carmine color; very fine, exp. Brettl, c.v.. 920€ U:A5
1859 Mi.2, Coat of arms 1Sh orange, with typical 5-lines cancel.; small fold in left corner, VF, certificates Druot and Brettl, c.v.. 2.500€ U:A5
1859 Mi.3, Coat of arms 2Sh brown, with typical 5-lines cancel.; fine, exp. Brettl, certificate Druot, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1859 Mi.4, Coat of arms 2½Sh rose violet, with typical 5-lines cancel.; very fine piece, exp. Brettl, c.v.. 1.200€; rare stamp U:A5
1859 Mi.5a, Coat of arms 4Sh green; very fine piece, exp. i.a. Thier, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1863-1865 Mi.8A-12A,13, 14, Coats of arms in oval, set, 2½S and 4S with original gum, others with new gum; stamps (*) considered according to catalogue, cat. 370€ U:A5
1864 Mi.7I, Coat of arms 3Sh yellow-orange with rarer CDS HAMBURG 24/10; very fine piece, c.v.. 175€ U:A5
1852 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1/3Sgr bright green on cut-square with blue frame VAREL; very fine, fine color, c.v.. 1.500€ U:A5
1861 Mi.9, Coat of arms 1/4Gr orange-yellow, very fine with original gum, exp. Brettl, c.v.. 380€ U:A5
1861 Mi.10a, Coat of arms 1/3Gr dark yellow-green with blue CDS OLDENBURG; close but full margins, exp. Brettl, c.v.. 1.000€ U:A5
1862 Mi.15A, Coat of arms 1/3gr green, DURCHSTICH 10; very fine piece with blue frame cancel. OLDENBURG 6/2; c.v.. 900€ U:A5
1857-1861 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 letters, i.a. Mi.2,3,6,8, 2x 17 (2x), various quality, some interesting postmarks as RATIBOR, MESEBITZ, PUTTLITZ, ZEHDENICK (2x Prussian + NDP letter); cat. min. 560€ U:O5
1869 Reg letter with Mi.1, 3, 4 and 5, Numerals ¼Gr, ½Gr, 1Gr and 2Gr, CDS ILMENAU 9/6 1869, on reverse arrival postmark.; light bend over 2 Kreuzer, fine U:A5
1859 Mi.15, Coat of arms 18Kr blue, very nice piece with certificate D'Arteyre, c.v.. 1.500€ U:A5
1873 Mi.42a, Coat of arms 70Kr "braunlila", blue cancel. STUTTGART; small fold, very nice piece exp. Brettl, c.v.. 7.000€; very rare stamp U:A5
1860-1878 16 postal stationery covers and postcards, various quality, but also very fine HANNOVER U5, U6, PRUSSIA U23 with blue frame ACHIM, then MECKL. SCHWERIN U11, uprated to WURTTEMBERG U13, HAMBURG, HELIGOLAND, rare PRUSSIA U4B etc.; various quality, c.v.. 1.650€ U:A5
185 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of 14 entires with simple frankings - Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Oldenburg etc.., various cancel. etc..; mainly in good condition U:A5
1850-1872 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on 40 old sheets from Baden to Württemberg, i.a. Bavaria 18Kr, Baden almost complete, strong Brunswiek from No. 1, 4x Bremen, Hannover incl. 10Gr green, rare stamp Oldenburg from No. 1, good Holstein, almost complete Turn-Taxis, Württemberg 1-4 etc..; various quality, c.v. cca 26.300€ U:Z
1921 Mi.181, Numerals 30Pf dark blue-green; certificate Weinbuch BPP, c.v.. 420€ U:A5
1921 STAMP BOOKLET / Mi.280aj. MH15A, complete stamp booklet Germania / Numerals; very fine, c.v.. 850€ U:A5
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, size 104x148mm; overall nice quality, c.v.. 1.600€ U:A5
1933 Mi.496-498, CHICAGO FAHRT 1RM, 2M and 4RM (pair); very fine and complete set; c.v.. 1.250€ U:A5
1933 Mi.497-498, CHICAGO FAHRT 2M and 4M, marginal block-of-4 (!); value 2M two stamps hinged., value 4M gum faults - viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting, c.v.. for * ca. 1.000€ U:A5
1933 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Nothilfe, size 209x146,5mm; in perfect quality, exp. Peschl and Schlegel, c.v. 6.000€, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1945 Mi.909, 910, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, corner blocks-of-15 with control-numbers, VF, cat. min. 1.800€ U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA; DEUTSCHES ZIEL A.H 12+38Pfg perforated, Brit. issue according to stamp Mi.744 "Birthday A.H.", Michel Special 2016 page. 1143; VF, rare! U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA; DEUTSCHES ZIEL 12+38Pfg, miniature sheet according to stamp Mi.744 "Birthday of A.H.", Michel Special 2016 page. 1143; rare U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA Mi.1, value ½P green, issue Silver Jubilee with picture of Stalin instead of George VI., marginal piece on stamp paper with wmk with LONDON SPECIAL STAMP; c.v.. 160€, minimum printing U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA Mi.2, value 1½P brown, issue Coronation with Stalin and inscription Tehran, corner piece on stamp paper with wmk with LONDON SPECIAL STAMP; c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1944 WAR FORGERIES / PROPAGANDA Mi.3-8, complete set of 6 values George VI. with Jewish star, corner or marginal pieces, all with postmark LONDON SPECIAL STAMP, stamp paper with wmk; c.v.. 350€, minimum printing U:A5
1872 three-colour franking on Reg letter sent from Bytom (Silesia) to Berlin, with Eagle Small Emblem values 1+2+5Gr, Mi.4, 5, 6, posting frame cancel. BEUTHEN 29/1 72, on reverse arrival blue cancel. BERLIN 30/1 ; good condition U:A5
1923-1924 INFLATION / 8 letters to Czechoslovakia with inflationary frankings, 2x as Registered, various frankings; overall in good condition U:A5
1936-1938 5 airmail letters, with nice frankings to USA, on ship "Usukuma" to Southampton, on "Njassa" to Mombasa and 2x to Tanganyika (GEITA); fine U:A5
1919-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Weimar republic and Deutsches Reich, incl. better sets and miniature sheets, i.a. 2x Block No.1, IPOSTA, Buildings, Wagner, Airmails, Coats of arms, block-of-9 SA/SS etc.,; various quality of gum, incl. new gums etc.; however valuable lot U:Z
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of Deutsches Reich, more complete from 1920´s, contains many complete sets as Mi.351-354, 423-424, 499-507, 556-564, 609-616, 695-697, also souvenir sheets, i.a. Bl.5X, 6, 10, 11 etc.., also postage-due etc..; mainly hinged, part also mint never hinged, c.v.. for */** quality more than 4.000€ U:K
1940 FRANCE - DUNKIRCHEN / letter with Mi.3, pair 50C Mercure, as occupation provisional stamps with overprint BESETZTES GEBIET NORDFRANKREICH, cancel. GHYVELDE NORD, very fine and rare letter, exp. Roumet + 1, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1942 FRANCE - Franzosische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I PF I; "Polar Bear" 100Fr; VF, at top plate variety "line in upper perforated margin" , see. Mi.2016 page. 1123, c.v.. 1.200€, rare! U:A5
1941 FRANCE - Franzosische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I, "Polar Bear" 100Fr; popular miniature sheet with size 94x 116mm, at right small production gum fault, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 850€ U:A5
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE / private issue Mi.3II, letter franked with label TAXE PERCUE 4,50 (Fr), cancel. BATZE SUR MER 28/2 45; very fine, exp. Calves, c.v.. 300€, rare U:A5
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE, Reg letter with Mi.1 "Front Atlantique" Ship 50C and tricolour French. franking, cancel. LA BAUIE, very fine, exp. Tust, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1945 FRANCE - ST. NAZAIRE, Reg letter with Mi.2 "Front Atlantique" Ship 2Fr + 2x 2Fr Pétain, cancel. PIRIAC s/ Mer 21/4 45; open from two sides, nice letter, certificate Tust, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1942 GUERNSEY / Mi.4-5, Coat of arms 1/2P and 1P, each 3 grey bank paper, in various color shades; superb, c.v. 180€ U:A5
1941-1943 KANALINSELN - GUERNSEY / JERSEY; 20 stamps various colors, papers etc.., i.a Guernsey Mi.1a,b,d,g, 2a,c(2), 3a; Jersey set i.a. Mi.2z; very fine, cat. min. 370€ U:A5
1941 KANALINSELN - GUERNSEY Mi.1-3 and JERSEY 2, on 4 letters, from that 3 FDC, various color and papers; Mi.3 damaged corner before mounting, otherwise very fine, GUERNSEY Mi.2 is in colour "zinnober" i. e. 2c; cat. min. 200€ U:A5
1941 LATVIA/ two Reg letters sent in the place, franked with mixed frankings, CDS RIGA; good condition U:A5
1941 LITHUANIA / - ZARASAI / Mi.AIIB + PFI, 5 K with overprint type B and plate variety LIEUVA ... instead LIETUVA; very fine piece, exp. Keiler BPP, rare U:A5
1943 SERBIA / Reg airmail letter small and airmail postcard franked with Mi.75, 76(2), 80; very fine, censorship, to Vienna and Protectorate, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1944 UKRAINE / Mi.25-28, Wladimir-Wolynsk "Deutsche Hilfspost" 6Pfg-60Pfg; very fine and complete set, c.v.. ** 800€ U:A5
1944 VLASOV ARMY R.O.A. lower left corner block-of-4, highest value 10P; ordinary paper without gum U:A5
1941-1943 [COLLECTIONS] SERBIA / nice and almost complete collection incl. good sets, types and miniature sheets Mi.Bl.1-3; cat. min. 2.200€ U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] General Government / OCCUPIED TERRITORIES / used collection on hingeless sheets in album Lindner, contains General Government, SERBIA, ESTLAND, OSTLAND etc.., many complete sets, miniature sheets etc..; various quality, cancel. without guarantee U:Z
1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION / Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheets Philatelic Exhibition in Berlin, 2 pcs, perf + imperforated; very fine U:A5
1949 BIZONE / Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Fair Hannover; superb, c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1946 SOVIET ZONE / Mi.Bl.3AX, 3AY, souvenir sheets National theatre, 2 pcs - imperforated and perforated; very fine U:A5
1949 SOVIET ZONE / Mi.Bl.6, miniature sheet Goethe, size 105x105mm, very fine, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1949 SOVIET ZONE / Mi.Bl.6, miniature sheet Goethe, size 105x105mm, superb, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1949 US+GB ZONE / Reg and airmail letter with Flugpost- Zulassungsmarke Mi.1, then Berlin Notopfer, postage stamp Mi.92 and Mi.Bl.1a (miniature sheet Hannover), CDS HANNOVER MESSE FLUGPOST/ 20.5.49, to Vienna and censored; very fine, cat. min. 850€, rare U:A5
1920-1935 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 4 pages A4, contains complete also incomplete sets, overprints, postage-due etc..; part of stamps exp. Dr. Dub, cat. according to owner more than 1.000€ U:O4