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1917 PREDBÓRZ / Fischer 1-2, Coat of arms 2Gr and 4Gr on cut-square with CDS Etappenpostamt; exp. Falkowski, c.v.. 250Zl U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.10, miniature sheet Polish Culture 1Zl-20Zl, size 211x128mm; very nice quality, c.v.. 300€, sought miniature sheet U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.11, miniature sheet 160 years of constitution in USA, 80Zl-120Zl, small minor faults in right corner, c.v.. 450€, sought miniature sheet U:A5
1954 Mi.Bl.AI and Bl.AI DP; 2x "Air-mail" miniature sheet 5Zl blue, from that once - doppelprägung; VF, c.v.. 1.000€ U:A5