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1943 Pr1B, Admission stmp, imperforated with lower margin; lower small bend, exp. by Gilbert., certificate Brunel, c.v.. 8.500CZK U:A5
1944 Pof.PrA1a, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in brown color, No. 234, size 170,5x131mm, issued on paper without gum; luxury quality, without usual folds and bends, certificate Brunel, exp. Möbs, printing only 1.000 pcs of, as Heydrich's MS, in this quality rare occurrence! U:A5
1944 Pof.PrA1b, Promotional miniature sheet for Red Cross in black color, No. 246, size 170,5x131,5mm, issued on paper without gum; luxury quality, without usual folds and bends, exp. by Mahr BPP, printing only 1.000 pcs of, as Heydrich's MS, in this quality rare occurrence! U:A5
FORGERIES / comp. 4 pcs of forgeries Terezínských miniature sheets in various colors, i.a. 1x perf + 4 pcs of forgeries imperforated stmp.; all marked "Padělek", for comparison purpose U:A4
1939-1940 comp. 4 pcs of entires with postal agency pmk, DOLOPLAZY U NEZAMYSLIC (on/for forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h), DOMANÍN (BZENEC), BUDISLAV U LITOMYŠLE, CHLÍSTOV (MALONICE); good condition, nice print U:A5
1936-1939 comp. 7 pcs of cuts franked with. Czechosl. stamp. with perfins, from period of Protectorate 4 pcs of - Maxa K45 2 pcs of, Maxa F21 and Maxa A20, Maxa N16 2 pcs of from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 cut from international order with with perfin Maxa F36; good condition, rare usage - here in addition on/for forerunner frankings! U:A5
1944 Maxa D9, commercial PC sent as Registered, franked with. str-of-3 stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna all with perfin "D.F.C." f. Races Fantovy, CDS PARDUBICE 28.X.44, redirected with arrival CDS GRULICH 31.10.44; small tearing in R margin card U:A5
1941 PROTECTORATE ARMY - BATTALION 9 complete round violet postmark with lion and fragmentem line black postmark on/for cut money dispatch-note (!) franked with. service stmp the first issue 5K+1K, CDS VYSOKÉ MÝTO 3.V.41, arrival postmark LYSÁ N. L. 4.V.41; good condition, rare occurrence! U:A5
1941 TRANSPORT NEPOVOLENA / letter to France, with Towns 2.50K, CDS BAKOV N. J./ 11.X.41, red three-line cancel. ZURÜCK! POSTVERKHR NOCH NICHT ZUGELASSEN (Postal transport else/yet nepovolen), passed through censorship; interesting U:A5
1939 PR1, Visit leader v Praze, comp. 8 pcs of entires, from that 2 views with stamp. Štefánik, Us PR3a, 3b, 3 letters philatelic obchodníkům, z toho 1x as printed matter s kombinací Czechosl. and German. stamps s téměř with nevyskytujícím date cancel. 16.3. (and), then 3 letters, z toho 1 přefrankovaný 3x 2CZK Fügner s kuponem; all good condition U:A5
1939 PR1/ POB a-a, POB b-b, PR2/ PaL a-a, PaL a-c, PRAGUE, BRNO -Návštěva Führer and empire chancellor v Praze and Brno 15., 16. and 17. March 1939, selection of memorial/special tiskovin: PR2 on special envelope sent to Berlin, right franked with. Zvíkov, 2CZK, 2x memorial. envelope s PR; 2x different small/rare PaL „Der führer in Brünn“ s PR2b, resp.c; good condition U:A4
1939 PR1/PaL a-a, PRAGUE – Visit Führer and empire chancellor 15. and 16. March 1939 – red picture Prague in frame, 5 copy-print PR1b; hints fold, the first issued commemorative sheet - rare! U:A4
1939 PR1/PaL b-a, PRAGUE – Visit Führer and empire chancellor 15. and 16. March 1939 – blue picture Prague, wider bicolored frame, 5 copy-print PR1a, then blue kašetové postmark; fold and vertical slightly cut margins, the first issued commemorative sheet - rare! U:A4
1939 PR1/PaL b-b, PRAGUE – Visit Führer and empire chancellor 15. and 16. March 1939 – blue picture Prague, thin/close bicolored frame, 1 print PR1b and 1 PR2c, then blue kašetové postmark; only fold bottom corner, the first issued commemorative sheet - rare! U:A4
1939 PR1a, PRAGUE – Visit Führer and empire chancellor 15. and 16. March 1939 – black picture Prague in/at red frame, 5 copy-print PR1a, then blue kašetové postmark; vertical side/party oříznuté, the first issued commemorative sheet - rare! U:A4
1939 PR1b, Visit A.H. in Prague, PC sent as express to Zbraslav, 2x print PR1b, supplemented with violet cachet with swastika, right franking 2,50 CZK; good condition U:A5
1939 PR1b, Visit leader in Prague, postcard A. Hitler sent field post 25.3.39 to Germany s PR1 PRAGUE 1/ 18.3.39 on stmp State Coat of Arms 5 h., good condition, rare U:A5
1939 PR2, Visit leader v Brně, comp. 8 pcs of entires, 1x commercial Reg letter to Moravských Budějovice, Us, 2x letters v místě, both s málo with vyskytujícím date PR2, 20.III.39/a,b, 1x postcard with two print PR2c with zpětně set up date 17.III.39/c (!), 1x letter, 1x PC, 1x printed matter, all right franked with PR2a, 1x philatelically influenced Reg letter franked with. řezaným gutter Pofis 344 Mv and 2 German stamp. and 4 print cancel. PR2a; all nice quality U:A5
1939 PR2/ PaL d-a, PRAGUE, BRNO - Visit Führer and empire chancellor v Praze and Brno 15., 16. and 17. March 1939, red print, 3 print PR1a and 3 print PR2a,b,c; good condition, rare U:A4
1939 PR3, 50. birthday Führer, comp. 13 pcs of entires, from that 3x postcard, 1x Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h, 7 pcs of letters from that 1x sent to Slovakia with cancel. Foreign control, part philatelically motivated mailing, all with memorial cancel. PR3a, b, c, supplemented with 2 cards with false black print same postmark in black color - marked forgery; good condition U:A5
1939 PR3, 50. birthday Führer, right franked air-mail letter sent Poste restante to France, franked with. Czechosl. air stamp. 50h 2x and 1CZK 2x, Pof.L7, L8, two print red cancel. PR3a, in Paris paid postage due 30 centimů, on reverse arrival postmark PARIS POSTE RESTANTE 22.IV.39; in upper margin tearing envelope/-s U:A5
1939 PR3, PR4/ PaL ch-a, PRAGUE - BRNO, 1. off. Bohemian and Moravian commemorative sheet k 50. birthday Führer, 20.4.1939, inserted double-sheet s 19 stamps oraženými 13x postmarks PR3 and 6x PR4 and insertion z hedvábného paper + including empty wrapping to PaL; superb condition U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL b-a, PaL j-a, comp. 2 pcs of commemorative sheets, PRAGUE – 50. anniv of birth Führer, commemorative sheet A4 s 3 stamps with postmarks PR3b; mounted on/for carton, otherwise very sound condition + commemorative sheet A5 with 3 stamps and print PR3a; good condition U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL d-a, PRAGUE – 50. anniv of birth Führer, commemorative sheet A4 s 5 stamps and postmarks PR3c;pouze slightly wrinkled corners U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL f-a, PRAGUE – 50. anniv of birth Führer, commemorative sheet A4 s 5 stamps and postmarks PR3c, red text also frame; superb U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL g-a, comp. 2 pcs of, PRAGUE - 50. anniv of birth Führer, neoříznutý commemorative sheet „Vstříc upřímné spolupráci“ s portrétem Hitler, se 3 stamp. and postmarks PR3b; good condition with small folds and flaw v obraze + same PaL, but R and at top oříznutý, 5 stamps and copy-print PR3c; very good condition, one from most precious commemorative sheets U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL ch-a, PR4 PaL, PRAGUE - BRNO, 1. off. Bohemian and Moravian commemorative sheet k 50. birthday Führer, 20.4.1939, inserted one sheet s 19 stamps oraženými 6x postmarks PR3 and 4x PR4 + including wrapping k PaL without inserted sheet s 1 stmp on 3 side oraženou PR3; good condition U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL i-a, PRAGUE – 50. anniv of birth Führer, commemorative sheet A4 s obrázkem Plzeň in blue color also with small frame and 3 stamp. with postmarks PR3c; superb U:A4
1939 PR3/ PaL k-a, PR3/ POB c-a, selection of memorial cards and envelope/-s, 50. anniv of birth Führer, PR3/ PRAGUE memorial card s portrétem Hitler and eagle with postmark PR3c + PR4/BRNO, memorial envelope s razítkem PR4b, c.v..; very good condition U:A5
1939 PR3/ POB a-a, POB a-b, comp. 2 pcs of memorial/special envelopes, PRAGUE - 50. anniv of birth Führer, portrait A. Hitler. in circle v provedení without added print and s přítiskem below frame, both with 2 stamp. 5h Coat of arms with postmarks PR3a resp. PR3b; very good condition U:A5
1939 PR3a/ POB b-a, PRAGUE, memorial envelope, sent as Reg letter with philatelic motivací with 3CZK. Pofis. 349, sent 20.4., on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 31/ 21.4.39, including certificate of mailing, black additional printing Presse Hoffmann; good condition U:A5
1939 PR5, Vamberk, Bednářova cottage, comp. 4 pcs of entires, PC s modrým a červeným additional-printing, PaD a-a, a-c, then postcard Bednářovy hut s PR and cachet and letter sent as Printed matter, all with special postmark with date 29.V.39; Us, good condition U:A5
1939 PR5/ PaD a-a,b,c,e,f, comp. 5 pcs of memorial/special cards, Vamberk, Bednářova cottage s přítiskem k výstavě, v barvě green and red (with special postmark), blue, violet and orange (without special postmark), orange and violet are quite unusual; good condition U:A5
1939 PR5/ PaL b-a, b-b, comp. 3 pcs of commemorative sheets, Vamberk, Bednářova cottage s hnědým additional-printing k výstavě and red date statement, without stamps s 1 special postmark, ditto 2x s modrým additional-printing, 1x s PR s obvyklým date 29.5. and 1x s 2 stamp. and special postmark s ojedinělým date 28.5. (!); without defects U:A5
1939 PRAČ1A/1e, 38. jarní Prague sample fair, orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for forerunner postcard, with Štefánik 50h; sound condition U:A5
1940 PDR1, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK 7.XI.40 on cut-square with postage stmp Brno 1,50 Koruna; very nice print, rarest Bohemian and Moravian postmark! U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA / label "V"/ Deutschland (Germany) siegt an all Fronten (fronts) für Europe!, white label with red text on reverse commercial letter, red posting "V" postmark OLOMOUC 15.VIII.41; good condition, decorative, rare occurrence! U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA / comp. of 4 entires with various cancel. VIKTORIA, i.a. letter with four-line cancel. EMPIRE VÍTĚZÍ NA VŠECH FRONTÁCH!, 1x official printed matter with violet 2-lines cancel. EMPIRE VÍTĚZÍ NA VŠECH FRONTÁCH FOR EVROPU!, 1x straight line postmark VIKTORIA! WIR SIEGEN supplemented with "V" cancel. PARDUBICE 30.VIII.41; good condition U:A5
1942 commemorative sheet format A4 with paste-in postcard Heydrich and several special postmark; without defects U:A4
1942 selection of 1 card with additional-printing Victoria and 3 pcs of small commemorative sheets, postmark PR86, PR101, PR105, PR110; superb condition U:A5
1943 1. anniv of death R .Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with black printing and with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with CDS PRAGUE 1 / 9e/ 28.V.43 - first day issue stamps; small bend U:A5
1943 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with black printing on yellow paper with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111, CDS PARDUBICE/ 1a/ 10.VII.43; small bend U:A5
1943 1. anniv of death R .Heydrich - first day sheet with black paspartou paste-in on/for larger carton with additional-printing and with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111, CDS BUDWEIS 1/ 3a/ 28.V.43 - first day issue stamps; very fine U:A5
1943 1. anniv of death R. Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS BRÜNN 12/ f/ 4.VI.43, 1. Anniv Heydrichova death, on paper with wmk in form of character "H" and black wide small frame; sought U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS + CELISTVOSTI collection cut-squares and commemorative sheets with print hundreds commemorative postmarks, postmarks Victoria and postmarks Autopošty, much in more pcs., i.a. contains 2x cut square with green cancel. NYMBURK PDR1 (FORGERIES), cut square with cancel. ZLÍN/ Untergau ... PR73 and 2 pcs of cut-squares with black cancel. PRAGUE/ Bolševismus... PR117, then postmark IGLAU/ 2. Kriegsmuttertag... in red color on card etc.., supplemented with several entires with special postmark, used letters with cut-squares from dispatch-notes with various frankings as high values Krajinek, A. Hitler or Official and cuts dispatch-notes franked with. print postage machines, all on unbound album pages; originates from abroad U:K
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] NĚMECKÁ FIELD A OFFICIAL POST / collection more than 130 pcs of entires with postmarks German Dienstpost in/at Protectorate - various also mimopražská postmark, doplňková line cancel., 5 pcs of Reg letter, etc.., supplemented with about/by correspondence German field post - mainly from period of occupation borderland and consequently vnitrozemí, German units put on/for our territory, correspondence from front addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia and Sudetenland, from that 5x as Registered letter, 1x SS Feldpost (Field-Post) etc.., larger part placed on free album sheets with descriptions; various quality, estate from abroad! U:K
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / unpaid PC from ghetto from period of February - May 1942, 5-řádkové red cancel. "Transport/ Name/ Vorname/ Kaserne/ Zimmer Nr.", Transport No. AC 434, Kas. Kavalier, big red censorship mark "Z", three-line cancel. ŽNO in Prague "Answer nur ...", supplemented with blue straight line postmark "Při undeliverableness vraťte ŽNO Praha...", burdened by postage-due 60h, CDS PRAG 36/ 8.IV.42; good condition, sought entire from early period existence Terezín ghetto! U:A5
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking sent from ghetto to Protectorate after/around obnovení postal contact (8.2.1942), violet 5-řádkové cancel. "Transport ... No. .../ Name/ Vorname/ Kaserne/ Zimmer" (type 1c - "Kaserne"), sender R. W., Transport No. U 702; receiving PC potvrdila post in ghetto date-stamp "13.IV.1942", censorship potvrzena hand-made "Z 11", evidence cancel. "344" (důkaz about/by registraci mailing), from ghetto to ŽNO in Prague transported courier, three-line violet cancel. "Answer nur durch (through)/ jüd. Kultusgemeinde/ Prag", on reverse 30 Slovak; perfect condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1942-1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / two PC without franking addressed to to Protectorate, with krycími addresses odesílatelů, transported courier SS on/for ŽNO in Prague and adresátům outside Prague doručené Jewish poslem; 1x small spots, otherwise good condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1942-1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / comp. 5 pcs of PC, from that 3 pcs of without franking transported kurýry to Hořic, Kroměříž and Prague + 2 pcs of transported on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, here paid stamps and předány post to other transport; sound condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking addressed to to Hranice, sent by branch Council of Jewish Elders in Olomouc, bilingual off. cancel. "Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag/ Aussenstelle OLMÜTZ", on reverse hand-made 21.6.43; good condition U:A5
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking addressed to to Kroměříž, sent by branch Council of Jewish Elders in Olomouc, bilingual off. cancel. "Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag/ Aussenstelle OLMÜTZ", on reverse hand-made 28.XII.43; minor faults - brown spot and oblique fold over the postmark, after all interesting, ex Hanzl U:A5
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking addressed to to Rakovník, sent by branch Council of Jewish Elders in Kladno, evidence No. 0413, bilingual framed pmk "Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag/ Aussenstelle KLADNO/ 1.XII.1943/ Č.j. 10998" - light imprint, on reverse hand-made 8.XI.43; pictured in book Beneš - Tošnerová "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 105 and in/at Mo. 11, sound condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1943-1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / comp. 6 pcs of PC, from that 3 pcs of without franking transported kurýry to Prague (2 pcs of), resp. to Hranice + 3 pcs of transported on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, here paid Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler, 1x 30h (thanks for parcel), 1x 50h, 1x 60h and předány post to other transport; sound condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC without franking sent from ghetto courier to Prague was/were from 1.3.1943 předávány Jewish radě older, where si is recipients vyzvedávali in person; sender R. R., Hauptstr. 1 (repaired on/for Norimbergstr. 32), perfect condition U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC confirming taking parcel addressed to in time from September 1943 - to March 1944 to Bohemia-Moravia BOHEMIA-MORAVIA nepodléhaly cenzuře and was/were podávány to transport by/on/at p. ú. in/at Bohušovicích as common mailing, addressed to to Bzence, with 30h A. Hitler, CDS BAUSCHOWITZ ad EGER/ 5.I.44; sound condition U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto addressed to to Holic, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague and from here on/for branch in Olomouc, red four-line off. cancel. "Rückantwort nur/ auf Postkarten..../ Philip de Monte Gasse 18.", evidence cancel. 06017, with 60h A. Hitler and předána to other dopravě, CDS OLOMOUC 3/ 21.VIII.44, on reverse obsáhlý text writing typewriter with date 29.7.1944; interesting, good condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / PC from ghetto addressed to to Turnova, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague and from here on/for branch in Mladá Boleslav, straight line postmark "Došlo.... č.j. ...." supplemented with date-stamp 12.V.1944 and evidenčním No. "3565", here with 60h A. Hitler and předána to other dopravě post with CDS MLADÁ BOLESLAV/ 12.V.1944, on reverse obsáhlý text with date 29.4.1944; sound condition, ex Hanzl U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / comp. of 2 PC to same addressee to Čáslav by branch Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, branch Kolín, bilingual violet cancel. "Ältestenrat der Juden in Prag/ Aussenstelle Kolin", supplemented with four-line příkazovým cancel. "Rückantwort nur/ auf Postkarten..../ Philip de Monte Gasse 18." various shape and color; 1x with light fold U:A5
1945 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - PROTECTORATE / written traffic between ghettem and pracovními camps, PC without franking sent from ghetto to work camp in Bystřice by/on/at Benešov, "SS-Truppen Übungsplatz, Sonderlager A", without CDS, transported courier SS on/for Council of Jewish Elders in Prague, four-line cancel. "Answer nur über day/ Ältestenrat ..../ Phillip de Montegasse18" with signature censor, on reverse dated 21.2.1945; vert. fold, otherwise sound condition, PC from ghetto to work camps are exceptional, ex Hanzl U:A5