1945 ROŽŇAVA / black Opt Czechoslovak Post with double line on/for 31 pcs of Hungarian stamp. various issues, 17 postage values (missing 30f Mi.778) + in addition 30f Crown with inverted opt + Postage due stmp 13 values; outside value Postage due stmp 40f all mint never hinged, exp. Blaha
1945 RUMBURK / ÚSTÍ n.L. / TEPLICE / KOSTELEC n.O. etc..; selection of 47 pcs of stamps with various overprints, i.a. 2x overprint Rumburk on German stamp. and commemorative sheet Kostelec n. O. with CDS 7.V.45; mainly unused stamp., mint never hinged, 1x minor gum fault, 1x fold, interesting collection
1945 OLOMOUC / two complete set so-called. Olomouckého issue, Eagle 80h - 420h in čtyřblocích corner and marginal, from that 420h blue with skartačním hole; mint never hinged, 2 pcs of minor gum fault
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISORY selection of more than 300 pcs of various entires, contains more than 100 pcs of R letters from that part cash franked/paid with provisory German R labels with overprints and přepisy, i.a. SOBĚSUKY, POBĚŽOVICE, NOVÁ VES U CHRASTAVY, MIMOŇ, NEJDEK, KOŠŤANY U TEPLIC, KRÁLIKY, JABLONEC N. J., ERVĚNICE etc.., placed in smaller box; mainly chosen quality
Pof.353-359 - A360/362 plate variety, complete set of with color shades single values - total 56 pcs of stamp. + miniature sheet with plate variety "broken paw"; mint never hinged, on 3 pages in glassine envelopes
Pof.353-359, complete set of in blocks of four, in addition 2 Koruna red and 6 Koruna light blue with plate number A1, value 2 Koruna pair vertical 2-stamps gutter.; mint never hinged, only 1x daktyloskopická hint
Pof.353, 1,50 Koruna brown-carmine, block of 6 (pos. B 8/7-8, 9/7-8, 10/7-8) with lower margin incl. five plate variety, in addition HRUBÝ and SMÍŠENÝPRŮSEK + Pof.357, 9K brown-orange, block of four with lower margin and plate variety B 9/3 and 10/4 (112/2); mint never hinged
Pof.353+357-359, 1,50 Koruna, 9K, 13 Koruna and 20K, study selection of 50 pcs of stamps with identified plate variety, on/for single pos. marked varieties in/at printings; mint never hinged, interesting
Pof.354 plate variety, 2 Koruna red, pos. 61/C with plate variety - "round rozkrok", picture lion in lower part significantly deformován; mint never hinged, still uncatalogued, very significant typická plate variety!
Pof.354-356, values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, study selection of 50 pcs of stamps with identified plate variety, on/for single pos. marked varieties in/at printings; mint never hinged, interesting
Pof.354, 2 Koruna red, two blocks with significantly odlišnými shades - dark red in/at marginal block of 6, very light red in/at block of 8; mint never hinged, interesting
Pof.355 production flaw, 5 Koruna dark grey, horizontal pair with lower margin and significant offset on gum both stamp.; mint never hinged, decorative
Pof.355, 5 Koruna dark grey, 2x block of four, 1 pcs of with distinct plate variety 79, 80 / D + 1 pcs of with plate variety 79, 80 / D in stage zániku and other plate variety - white line on/for bradě; mint never hinged
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / / Pof.353-359 plate number, selection of corner pairs, resp. corner blk-of-4 values 2 Koruna and 6 Koruna with plate number A1; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.870Kč
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / / Pof.353-359, 1,50 Koruna - 20K, complete set of in blocks of four with plate mark both plates incl. all retouch, value 1,50 Koruna in addition with shift vertical perf to to stamps, color shades; mint never hinged, nice quality, cat. over 6.500CZK
DESKOVÉZNAČKY / Pof.354-359, comp. 8 pcs of bloks of four with plate marks; value 2 Koruna red - both folder; Pof.356b 6 Koruna light blue plate C; 9K brown-orange - 1x plate A and 2x B; 13 Koruna brown plate B; 20K plate A; mint never hinged, 2 Koruna plate C 2x small spot, interesting, cat. over 2.400CZK
PLATE PROOF lithography předlohy design/sketch košických stamps vzoruPŘILBA from of author LeaGajdzici on/for stronger paper without gum in violet black and red color, format 55x74mm; rare, see Kassay, Stefan and Pásztor, Belo: Košice-issue stamps, issued. 1972, page. 33 and 39, where with i.a. shows "format design/sketch bolštvornásobnezväčšený..."
Pof.354-356Ms(2)+Mv(2), values 2K-6K, complete set vertical and horiz. 2-stamps gutter.; mint never hinged, nice quality, horiz. gutter 6 Koruna exp. by Karasek
Pof.354-356, comp. 9 pcs of vertical and horiz. 4-stamp gutter., various shades, contains vertical gutter Pof.354+354a, Pof.355+355a, Pof.356+356b and horiz. gutter Pof.354-355 and Pof.356b; mint never hinged, interesting collection
Pof.354DČ, 355RE, 366RE, selection of 4-stamps. marginal horiz. gutter, 2 Koruna with DĆ A1, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna with retouch plate number; mint never hinged, c.v.. 3.900CZK
Pof.A360/362, comp. 2 pcs of Košice miniature sheets, 1x MS pos. 7 (according to J. Čtvrtečka) combination 222 with strong shift red stamp. 2 Koruna crossways L up and 1x MS pos. 9 combination 112 with small shift red stamp. 2 Koruna transport and downward and with 2x plate variety - circle between legs lion on/for 2 Koruna and after/behind value numeral on/for 5 Koruna; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/62, Kosice MS, sought variant according to Čtvrtečka 8/211, production flaw - red stain R from right upper corner stamps 2 Koruna; mint never hinged, v pravém bottom corner smaller fold, after all very interesting and unusual
SELECTION of / Pof.A360/362, interesting comp. 14 pcs of Košice miniature sheets with various plate errors/flaws, rings in the picture of stmp or in big state emblem / symbol, guide mark or other interest; all mint never hinged, 1x small tearing in margin, 2x minor gum fault, price according to owner ca. 3.600CZK, podrobně described (according to J. Čtvrtečka) in/at přiloženétabulce
1945 Registered and Express letter franked with. 4-stamps. vertical gutter values 2 Koruna, Pof.354Mv(4), CDS KREMNICA/ 22.X.45, sent to expert Mrňáka, redirected with by hand written notices, several postmarks; good condition
1945 comp. of 2 letters with 2 Koruna red, Pof.354, 1x Reg letter with pair, CDS JELŠAVA/ 30.VIII.45 and provisional Hungarian Reg label with hand-made transcription, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 63/ 4.IX.45 + letter with line provisory cancel. Postal office VELKÝ ŠARÍŠ with date stamp 27.Jun.1945 and by hand censorship; good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters with 2 Koruna, Pof.354, with provisory posting cancel., line TREBIŠOV (good condition) and round LUČENEC (here open envelope from 2 sides)
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with 1-zn. franking 6 Koruna, Pof.356, CDS VYŠNÉ HÁGY/ 30.VI.45 and LUČENEC/ 25.VII.45 - here with provisional Hungarian Reg label with overprint; good condition
1945 comp. 3 pcs of R entires, 1x CDV73 uprated to Registered with stamp pair stamp. 2 Koruna red with CDS BREZNO N. H. 16.IV.45, 1x Reg letter franked with. value 6 Koruna blue with CDS LIPTOVSKÝ HRÁDOK 16.VIII.45 and 1x letter franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna red with provisory cancel. LUBNICA27.JÚNA 1945, from that 2x censorship; good condition
1945 comp. 3 pcs of Reg and Reg and Express letters, 2x with whole sets 2, 5 and 6 Koruna with special postmark NÁVRATPREZIDENTAREPUBLIKY 3.4.1945/ KOŠICE and Reg letter with special postmark BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA/ I. VÝROČIESLOV. POVSTANIA and 1x service letter franked with. 2+2+6K with CDS KROMPACHY/ 29.V.45; good condition
1945 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters, 2x franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354, with mailing CDS KOŠICE, from that 1x provisional drawn Reg label, 1x commercial letter with mixed franking Bratislava's 2x and Košice 2 Koruna with CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES; good condition