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1993 CDV2/PM1, Vosolsobě; sought, very fine, Un U:A5
1993 CDV2/PM1, Vosolsobě; sought, very fine, Un U:A5
1993 CDV2 - PM2, 75 years Postal museum; Un, very fine U:A5
1993 CDV2 - PM2, 75 years Postal museum; Un, very fine U:A5
1994 CDV2/P1, Regen 1994, special postmark; Un U:A5
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CDV / wide collection of stationeries in various šanonech, folders and loosely in/at little-boxes, from CDV1, i.a. CDV1X, CDV2 with additional-printing PM1 - Vosolsobě, then for example. added-print P2, P3P4, P5, then CDV7 with PM 6-15, CDV22 with added-print (without PM6), various other issue, also picture PC, carte max etc.., prevail Un, in addition supplemented with about/by various p.stat CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., first day sheets and several FDC, practically all described, various typology etc..; placed in 2 full IKEA krabicich, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK