Public Auction 62 / Philately / Europe / Italy / Italian States

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217438 - 1851-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  selection on 8 sheets from old coll
1851-1920 [COLLECTIONS] selection on 8 sheets from old collection, contains i.a. Sicily issue 1859, then Sardinia 1854-1861, Papal States, Romagna etc..; various quality, part also reprints, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
217698 - 1858 Sass.14, Coat of arms 50Gr rose- brown, cancel. ANNULLA
1858 Sass.14, Coat of arms 50Gr rose- brown, cancel. ANNULLATO; very fine piece, certificate Avi, c.v.. 5.000€
Starting price: CZK
217913 - 1852 Sass.4C, Coat of arms 25C printing error with OMITTED N
1852 Sass.4C, Coat of arms 25C printing error with OMITTED NUMERAL "2" and with transcription "I" , grid pmk.; certificate Avi, c.v.. 11.000€; rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
217697 - 1859 Sass.18, GOVERNO PROVVISORIO 80C bistro oliva; nice pie
1859 Sass.18, GOVERNO PROVVISORIO 80C bistro oliva; nice piece with certificate BPA London, c.v.. (*) 6.000€; rare classic stamp, printing only 2.400!
Starting price: CZK
217426 - 1851 Sass.P6, block of four Lion 4Cr green, PLATE PROOF in d
1851 Sass.P6, block of four Lion 4Cr green, PLATE PROOF in definitive color on paper without gum and without watermark, from 1851; usual spots, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 1.125€
Starting price: CZK