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1939 Sy.D2Xz production flaw, 10h blue, horizontal pair with production flaw - significant shift horiz. perf to picture of adjacent stamp.; sought U:A5
1939 Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smooth gum, vertical pair with production flaw - hair paper crease; mint never hinged, interesting U:A5
1939-1942 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE-DUE + DELIVERY collection 3 issues postage-due stamp. and stamp. delivery, total on 13 unbound pages in glassine envelopes, small defects, horiz. grid, issue with wmk etc..; various quality, part mint never hinged and used stamps, from old collection U:Z
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] part from old specialized collection with postage-due frankings, total 8 pcs of entires and 2 pcs of cut-squares, contains 1x mixed franking with Czechosl. parallel Postage due stamp 40h, 3x entire with mixed franking 2 postage-due issues, 1x postage stmp Hlinka 50h as postage-due, plate number etc.., on 5 unbound album pages; various quality, c.v.. 2.500CZK U:Z