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1867 Ferch.39II, 40IIb, 41II, blocks of four Franz Joseph I. 15 Kreuzer, 25kr, 50kr fine print, from that 25kr in better color grauviolet; very fine, certificates Steiner, c.v.. * 565€ U:A5
1860-1864 6 letters with III. - issue V., contains i.a. Printed matter with 2 Kreuzer Mi.30, letter franked with. pair 15 Kreuzer, Mi.34 etc.., CDS NEUSOHL (Bánská Bystrica), TRIESTE, SCHEMNITZ (Bánská Štiavnica), RAAB, EIBENSCHITZ; good condition U:A5
1874-1886 9 entires with VI. issue, contains i.a. p.stat envelope 5 Kreuzer sent as Registered and on reverse uprated with stamp 10Kr, commercial Reg letter 5+10Kr, Reg letter franked with 15 Kreuzer, 3x Printed matter with 2 Kreuzer etc..; mainly good condition U:A5