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1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue Mercury Ib geripptes paper, on left close margin, on cut-square with atypical oval cancel. RAAB; c.v.. 250€ + postmark U:A5
1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue Mercury, ribbed paper, with whole rare DUMB PMK PESTH; certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. Müller č.2116f - 2.100b! U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIb, Blue Mercury in rare type IIb, marginal - 6mm, CDS TEMESVÁR; very fine, sign. Seitz with wrong statement of type IIc, certificate Kopřiva, c.v.. 1.300€, rare U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIc, 6IIIa, Blue Mercury type IIc with interesting plate flaw "white S left lower", wide margins; then Blue Mercury type IIIa in rare light blue on complete stripe with cancel. KAPOSVAR, with common irregular margins, c.v.. 910€ U:A5
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, marginal strip-of-5 Blue Mercury type IIIb, cancel. PRAG ZTGS EXP; in left upper corner small fold, otherwise very fine multiple with perfect margins, c.v.. 1.700€ U:A5
1851 Ferch.7, YELLOW MERKUR, ochre yellow, cancel. PRAG ZTGS EXP; very nice piece with light thin place at right, complete margins (!), certificate Ferchenbauer 2008 - 14.000€; cat. ANK 2019 - 16.000€, exclusive offer U:DR
1858 Ferch.17a, Franz Joseph I. 1,05kr graulila; VF piece with whole cancel. BRUNN 25/2, c.v.. 440€ U:A5
1861 Ferch.23a, 23aa, 23b, Franz Joseph I. 1,05kr light grey, grey and dark grey; very fine, nice postmark, i.a. atypical TEPLITZ, c.v.. 1.000€ U:A5
1861 Mi.23, newspaper Franz Joseph I. (1.05Kr) grey, straight line postmark with small original cut-square; very wide margins, ex Dr. Rieger, c.v.. 200€++ U:A5
1867 Ferch.42, Mercure 1,05kr "lilac" type I., rough print, with large omission of print lower; CDS TESCHEN, (also with normal stamp same type, print also color with CDS GORZ); very fine U:A5
1867 Ferch.42, 15 pcs of Mercure 1,05kr, mostly rarer I. and II. types, chosen cancel., 2x blue type Ib and Ic, 7 thumb pks etc..; cat. min. 320€ U:A5
1867 Ferch.42, specialized set of all types and printings: rough print types Ia-Ie, IIa in rare color "dunkel violett"; fine print types If, IIa, IIb; type III as block-of-15 used and block of four MNH with plate mark, in addition rare strip-of-5 type IIa fine print, c.v.. 680€ U:A4
1900 complete newspaper wrapper with Mercure L 2h, 6h, 10h and 20h, Ferch.97-100, CDS PRAGUE/ 4.3.1900, early usage; rare 4-coloured franking, cat. Ferchenbauer LP! U:A4
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, newspaper wrapper with Blue Mercure, cancel. BAGNOLO, in mixed franking with revenue signete 2 Kreuzer (only November and December 58), very fine, very rare, Ferchenbauer. II. page. 568, RR! U:A5
1853 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMPS / Ferch.1, 5x Coat of arms 1 Kr green, types 1a + 1b, various colors, very fine margins, cat. min. 510€ U:A5
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMPS / Ferch.4, Coat of arms 4Kr brown; wide margins, c.v.. 870€ U:A5