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1897 SG.140, Victoria $5 olive green; very fine, with light cancel. and fine centreing, c.v.. £700++ U:A5
1984-1990 [COLLECTIONS] in two folders on pages, contains i.a. joined printings, stamp bklt, blocks of four etc.., various interesting motives, supplemented with several entires and FDC; face-value according to owner over 280 CAD U:Z
1852-1859 SG.5, Beaver 3C red, light round cancel., full margins on all sides; very nice piece, cat. min. £275 U:A5
1897-1972 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on ca. 100 pages, from issue Victoria 1897, contains incomplete also complete sets, i.a. SG.188-195 (£375), 266-270, 357-367 etc.., color shades etc., supplemented with several entires; higher catalogue, various quality U:Z
1867 SG.22, Coat of arms 3P pale blue; nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1857-1964 SG.1, 11, 20, set of 3 stamps 1P and 3P unused without gum and 6P with lightly used; good quality U:A5
1897 SG.66-79, 400. anniv of finding Newfoundland, 1C - 60C, complete set of 14; hinged, value 30C small spots, c.v. £325 U:A5
1919 SG.130-141, Karibu 1C - 36C, complete set of 12 stamps; hinged, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1920 SG.149-162, Landscape 1C - 24C, complete set of 14, values 3C and 15C marginal pieces; hinged, SG.161 (*), c.v. £180 U:A5
1931 SG.198-208, Promotional 1C - 20C, complete set of 11, wmk W 106; hinged, c.v. £225 U:A5
1932-1938 SG.222-228, Motives 1C - 48C, complete set of 8 stamps; hinged U:A5
1933 SG.230-234, Airmail 5C -75C, complete se of 5 stams., wmk W 106; hinged, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1851-1860 SG.3-4, Heraldic Flowers 3P, 2 stamps with various shades - light pale blue and light blue; full margins, c.v. £300 U:A5
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL / PROVIDENCE Mi.2, 10C black; very fine, exp. Thier, c.v.. for (*) 1.400€ U:A5
1845 POSTMASTER´S PROVISIONAL NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5c black, "without signature"; very fine unused piece with certificate PSE 2016, cat. $3.750, very rare stamp! U:DR
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL - ST. LOUIS Sc.11X5, Coat of arms 10c, "St. Louis bear", paper "gray lilac"; very nice piece with large margins, small thin place in lower margin outside of picture of stamp, c.v.. $12.500, extraordinary offer, an iconic US classic stamp! U:DR
1898 Sc.291, 292, Trans-Mississippi 50C and 1$ black; light cancellations; usual quality, c.v.. $875, sought stamps! U:A5
1930 Sc.C14-C15, Zeppelin $1.30 and $2.60, lightly used; very fine and sought airmail stamps, c.v.. £900 U:A5
1875 NEWSPAPER STAMPS Sc.PR5-7, Newspaper stamps 5c-25c; issued without gum, value 10c tearing in corner, 25c short bottom corner c.v.. $775 U:A5
1861 Sc.9, King Kamehameha III. 5c blue, thin bluish paper; new gum, c.v. for * $400 U:A5