1917 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / ANK.219UM, 5h green, vertical pair with omitted středovou perf; superb, is known only several pieces, c.v.. 850€ doesn't picture rarity these pairs; ex. Wiener Postarchiv
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK-catalogue. 225x,y-227x,y; 2x set FLUGPOST, grey and white paper, both 2 types 2.50K- type I small dot L, type II big dot L; superb, c.v.. 190€; II. types are 4 rarer then I.
1918 POSTAGE STAMPS / CHARLES + DESKOVÁZNAČKA letter franked with. mixed franking forerunner stamp., Charles 15h brown Mi.221, the bottom corner piece with margin and plate mark + Postage due stmp small number 5h with overprint FRANCO, Mi.P47, CDS MALENOVICE MOR./ 30.XI.18; good condition, only hinged on reverse, very rare usage stamp. with plate mark in/at forerunner franking, from old specialized collection!
1918-1919 POSTAGE / SMALL CAOT OF ARMS comp. 3 pcs of entires franked with Austrian stmp Crown 12h, Mi.189, 1x simple franking with CDS CHTĚBOŘ 12.XI.18, 1x letter franked with. pair with CDS DAUBA 26.XII.18 and 1x letter franked with. parallel stamp. in three-colour franking Crown 3h+6h+12h, Mi.185, 187, 189 with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare franking rarely occurring stamp. Crown 12h, ex Pour
1918 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK / letter with mixed franking express stmp triangle 2h, str-of-3 + 1 pcs of and postage stmp Crown 10h + 3h, Mi.217, 185, 188, CDS OBŘÍSTVÍ/ 2.XII.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek., ex Pour
1918 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK / commercial Reg letter with parallel 9-tuple franking Austrian Express stamp. TROJÚHELNÍK 5h used as postage stmp, Mi.218, contains 7-pásku with polovičnímKUPONEM (!), CDS BUDĚJOVICE 4/ 19.XII.18, right value postage 45h for postal rate I; good condition, very rare and decorative entire from old specialized collection!
1919SPĚŠNÁ / TROJÚHELNÍK + POSTAGE-DUE PORTO letter with mixed franking express and postage-due stamp., Express triangle 5h and 2h + Postage due stmp 1h with overprint PORTO + postage stmp Crown 12h, CDS RAKOVNÍK/ 1.I.19; only on reverse hinged, rare franking
1918SPĚŠNÁ / OBDÉLNÍK / commercial Reg letter with parallel mixed franking Austrian Express stamp. rectangle 5h, str-of-3 with line perforation 11½ used as postage stmp, Mi.220B + postage stmp Charles 30h, Mi.224, CDS BUDĚJOVICE 4/ 29.XII.18, right value postage 45h for postal rate I; good condition, rare franking, decorative entire, from old specialized collection
1918SPĚŠNÁ / OBDÉLNÍK Reg letter franked with. mixed forerunner franking, on face-side Express stamp rectangle 5h green with line perforation 11½, on reverse 2x Charles 20h, 220B, 222, CDS ČÁSLAV/ 4.12.18; hinged, express stmp short teeth, rare franking, originates from big specialized collection!
1918SPĚŠNÁ / OBDÉLNÍK + POSTAGE-DUE / 3x heavier Reg letter with mixed forerunner franking Austrian Express rectangle 5h green with line perforation 11½ + Postage due stmp Small numerals 25h and 30h with overprint FRANCO, Mi.220B, P51, P52, CDS PÍSEK/ 22.XI.18, in corner marked weight/scale 70g ink by pencil; on reverse hinged, from big specialized collection, rare mixed franking!
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with fee after/behind delivery, paid Spěšnými stamp. rectangle 2h brown-red, Mi.219A used as postage-due in mixed franking with postage stmp Crown 3h violet with CDS CHOCEŇ/ 20.12.18 and Hradčany 3h violet (!) with nationalized CDS PŘEROV N. L./ 22.I.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, Karasek, rare non-philatelic documents/attributes usage express stamps as postage-due, ex Pour
1918-1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / TROJÚHELNÍK comp. 5 pcs of entires with mixed frankings Express 2h, from that 1x triangle and other Austrian postage stmp Crown 3, 5, 6 and 12h; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš
1919EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / commercial letter sent as express printed matter (!) to Rajhradu, open pre-printed envelope franked with Austrian stmp Express stamp 5h rectangle with line perforation 11½, Mi.220B, posting MC BENO 2/ 4.I.19; good condition, c.v.. Hirš 10.000CZK kurzivou, decorative entire with sought tarifem and rare perf!
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK comp. 3 pcs of entires with mixed frankings, Express 2h and 5h and stamp. Hradčany, 1x letter with Express stamp Mi.219B and 220B with line perforation 11½ uprated by. Hradčany 10h and 3h, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY/ 26.I.19, 1x postcard with Express stamp 5h and 5h Hradčany, 1x commercial letter franked with. pair Express stamp 5h and Hradčany 10h; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, ex Pour
1918 POSTAGE-DUE / MALÉ ČÍSLICE / comp. 4 pcs of entires with usage forerunner Postage-due stamps stamp. used as postage stmp, used values 5, 10 and 20h, Mi.P47, P48, P50, 1x Reg letter, 1x on Ppc with transcription "Franco", 2x 1-násobná franking, other mixed, various CDS OPATOVICE N. L., ZBIROH, HLUBOKÁ; only hinged, valuable franking!
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / MALÉ ČÍSLICE Reg letter franked with. Doplatními stamp. 15+30h with overprint FRANCO, posting nationalized CDS VELKÁ VES ČES. SEV. CDS. 17/1 19; only on reverse hinged, philatelically motivated entire
1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting sheet, where taxes were paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamps 2x value 5 K, Mi.P56 and block of four stamps with Opt PORTO 50/42h brown, Mi.P63, cancelled by postmark VYSOKÉ MÝTO 7.1.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
1918 POSTAGE-DUE PORTO / comp. 4 pcs of Ppc franked with bisected Postage due stamps 20/54 orange with overprint FRANCO, all with mailing CDS PÍSEK 18/12, resp. 30/12 18; only hinged
1918 POSTAGE-DUE PORTO / comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. Doplatními stamp. with overprint PORTO used as postage stmp, values 1h, 15/2h, 20/54h, Mi.P58, P59, P62, 2x simple franking 20/54h, other mixed also with stamp. Express stamp rectangle, various CDS; hinged, 1x missing part flap
1919 FISCAL KOLEK 10h / cut Austrian parcel C.O.D. dispatch-note with additionally printed fiscal revenue 10h brown issue 1899, with Hradčany 4x 20h blue-green and 1x 30h yellow, 20h with perfin "A.K.", Maxa A36, f. Kalla, CDS SCHMIEDERBERGFABRIKKALLA/ 13.III.19 ; very rarely used parallel Austrian p.stat, still square known only 2 pieces!
1916-1917[COLLECTIONS] EXPRESS TROJÚHELNÍK A OBDÉLNÍK / rare collection on 4 sides, contains coupons, rare perf, imperforated stamp. etc..; several production bends, otherwise good quality, c.v.. ca. 6.000€, extraordinary offer!
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE STAMPS / POSTAGE-DUE PROVISORY collection of entires and stamps on/for 40 unbound album pages, contains postage stmp provisory from Austrian also Czechosl. Postage-due stamps stamp., Postage due stmp provisory on stmp Hradčany, contains set Un stamp. with overprints FRANKO, FRANCO, DOPLATIT (surtax) from various post offices, lot of cut-squares and TESTER as 70 pcs of entires, from that 13 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with usage Postage-due stamps stamp. used as postage stmp, part philatelically motivated entires; good condition, placed on philatelic labels, originates from big specialized collection!
1919 [COLLECTIONS] VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI small collection 23 pcs of entires franked/paid cash in/at I. postal rate, 20x mailing as Registered, from that 1x as Registered, 2x Reg and Express, various cancel. as FRANKO, FRANCO, or by hand "F.H." or "Bf", various CDS, on 8 unbound album pages on/for philatelic. labels, interesting Austrian Reg labels also smaller post, i.a. KLOBOUKY, BOHEMIA and RADONITZ with number 1; good condition
1916 Mi.183U-185U, War 10f-40f imperforated pairs, in addition taktéž Express stamp Mi.180 2f; very fine and very rare, according to available pramenů with dochovalo only 100 pcs of from every values, c.v.. doesn't report, important item for every collection beginning Czechoslovakia!
1918TURUL / large cut square from celinového telegram franked with. blk-of-20 already invalidated stamp. Turul 6f olive, CDS KASSA/ 918 Dec.20; in the middle block yellowy perf after all very interesting příklad rare franking
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 100 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, mainly Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note, franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. (ca. 40 pcs of), part with Hradčany (ca. 30 pcs of), part off. mailing without franking, all various forerunner postmark from Slovak territory; good condition
1918-1919[COLLECTIONS] collection 142 pcs of larger parts Hungarian p.stat dispatch notes with postmarks post from Slovak territory, on/for 79 unbound album pages with descriptions, mainly franked with. Hungarian forerunner and parallel stamp., part with Hradčany, several dispatch-notes with dodacím fee in/at Hungarian postage-due stamp., stamp. with overprints KÖZTÁRSASÁG, part off. mailing without franking, money p.stat dispatch-note, telegraph whole dispatch-note, cuts excluded from sum; various quality, interesting postmarks
1918 Pof.RV43-83, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), almost complete set with red overprint on cut-squares, missing only postage-due 50h; all exp. by Gilbert resp. Vrba, c.v.. for cancel. 6.400Kč