1935 CDV57, CDV58, Pictorial PC for near and far abroad, T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK brown and 1,50CZK red, CDV57 comp. 13 pcs of from that 3x addressed to abroad, 1x as Express inlandly, other 10 pcs of Un or with special postmark + CDV58 comp. 8 pcs of from that 3x Ex inlandly, other Un with special postmark; good condition, high catalogue value, originates from big specialized collection p.stat
1935-1936 CDV59/14 + CDV61/13, comp. 3 pcs of pictorial post cards T. G. Masaryk 50h with frame, CDV59/14 Uzhhorod with CDS ťačovo 9.I.36, 2x CDV61/13 Huklivý with CDS UZHHOROD 12.VIII.36 and BÁNSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA 9.X.36; good condition
1937 CDV67/1-8, Promotional abroad, T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK brown, (marked selling price), complete set of + other 18 pcs of numbers 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8, various color, papers; standard quality, originates from big specialized collection p.stat
1937-1939 CDV67/1-8, Promotional abroad, T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK brown, (marked selling price), selection of 19 pcs of Us PC, complete set of + other 11 pcs of numbers 2-8, addressed to to Germany, Austria and 1x uprated by. to Italy, various color, papers; good condition, high catalogue value, originates from big specialized collection p.stat
1938 CDV70/1-8, CDV71/1-8 two complete line pictorial post cards, Winter Sokol Games with stamp. Beneš 50h and Sokol festival 1938 with stamp. Tyrš 50h; nice quality
1927-1946 SELECTION of / Pof.CZL2, CDV42, 49, 50, 65, CAZ1A, comp. 9 pcs of PC and letter cards, i.a. contains Coat of arms 50h double, Zálepku Coat of arms 1CZK, Adresní address label Coat of arms 50h blue - Czech text, supplemented with 3 pcs of letter cards after/around year 1945; all Un, nice quality
1919-1924[COLLECTIONS] big collection of ca. 500 pcs of Us also Un PC Hradčany, letter cards Hradčany and PC issue Chainbreaker, double, values 10, 15 also 20h, issue Chainbreaker 40 also 50h, much variously uprated, addressed to abroad etc..; mainly very good quality, high catalogue value, rare offer for specialist, originates from big specialized collection p.stat!
1926-1936[COLLECTIONS] big collection of ca. 500 pcs of picture also postage PC with printed stmp T. G. Masaryk, contains Us also Un PC i.a. double CDV34, CDV36, picture CDV39, CDV40, Festival CDV48, CDV53, 55, 56, 59, 60, 63, 64 etc..; mainly very good quality, high catalogue value, rare offer for specialist, originates from big specialized collection p.stat!
1937 [COLLECTIONS] CDV69/1-407, Know Your Country, picture PC T. G. Masaryk 50h, incomplete basic line without 301-305, in addition 5A, 24B, 102A, much item/-s in more pcs.; standard to very nice quality, c.v.. ca. 25.000CZK, rare usage practically complete line these pictorial post cards with wide specialisation various vydání
1937-1938[COLLECTIONS] big collection of ca. 500 pcs of Us also Un pictorial post cards Know Your Country T. G. Masaryk 50h, CDV69, more than 250 pcs of, Festival CDV70 ca. 70 pcs of, Festival Tyrš 50h CDV71 ca. 30 pcs of and Promotional postcards Beneš 50h CDV72 ca. 100 pcs of; mainly very good quality, high catalogue value, rare offer for specialist, originates from big specialized collection p.stat!
1938 [COLLECTIONS] CDV72/ 1-376 Promotional picture PC Beneš 50h, complete set 79 pieces + in addition 4 pcs of CDV72/75, 143, 157 and 216, (without 222 Jihlava); all standard to very good quality, c.v.. 19.900Kč, rare usage complete line these pictorial post cards
1933-1934 CPO2, pneumatic tube postcard Coat of arms 90h green, comp. 4 pcs of Us PC, 1x sent as express and uprated with stamp 1CZK, Pof.277, 1x uprated with stamp 1CZK T. G. Masaryk, 2x without uprating, type I. and II. after/around 2 pcs of; good condition
1919-1930 CPL1, CPL2, selection of more than 50 pcs of Podacích cards for telegram, contains Un CPL1A+B, used CPL1A+B+C - all language variety, used CPL2A 33 pieces + CPL2B 15 pcs of, color, papers, various posting postmark; various quality, high catalogue value, originates from big specialized collection p.stat
1931-1936 CPL3, Certificate of mailing for telegram with stamp. Coat of arms 50h, comp. 14 pcs of, Un CPL3A 2 pcs of, CPL3B + used in all language varieties CPL3A 7 pcs of, CPL3B 3 pcs of and CPL3C, various papers, color; good condition, high catalogue value
1919-1921 stationery CPV1, CPV2, stationery CPV3, CPV12 Postal order cards with printed stmp Hradčany 10h and 20h, various variety and issue, selection of contains 5 pcs of larger part/-s I. parts (2x stationery CPV1, CPV2, stationery CPV3, CPV12), 1x whole I. part CPV2 with filled address without CDS, 5 pcs of posting cuts + supplemented with 2 pcs of blank forms without printed stmp Postal order forerunner and Un double blank form; good condition, very rare usage Us postal příkazek, originates from big specialized collection p.stat!
1919-1937 Postage zmocnění + Postal order comp. 6 pcs of whole postal orders, 2x Us complete Postage zmocnění with official cancel. POSTAL POUKÁZKOVÁ TESTER + 4 pcs of whole various poukázkových blank forms; good condition, rare Us blank form/-s!
1926-1936PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ, comp. 2 pcs of formulářových envelopes sent as Registered, 1x envelope from year 1921 with T. G. Masaryk 3CZK with CDS KRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 7.IV.26 + 1x envelope from year 1921 in/at česko-německé variety, with Orava 3CZK with CDS POLEVSKO 24.IX.36; good condition
1935 Postal order, two-piece without printed stmp with emblem and valuable 30h, additionally mounted stamp. Beneš 50h, Pof.301, 2 pcs of, Un; only light fold in perforation, very fine
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 100 pcs of various p.stat PC and dispatch-notes, contains i.a. 2x Us international dispatch-note with stamp. Hradčany 10h, CPP16 (both version), Un whole order card with stamp. Coat of arms 80h, CPV11, lot of various issues PC sent abroad, upratings etc.., part on free album sheets with descriptions; various quality, estate from abroad
1918-1939[COLLECTIONS] smaller basic collection on free album sheets in glassine envelopes, contains all issue outside SO1920 (overprint), part marked forgeries; mainly hinged, but also mint never hinged, several items exp. Vrba, higher catalogue, originates from abroad
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting used collection in larger album A4, from issue Hradčany, also letterprint - i.a. T. G. Masaryk 120h ultramarine, tetebeche 20h and 50h, Festival, Congress, then for example. SO1920 (overprint) etc.., supplemented with about/by basic collection BOHEMIA-MORAVIA; various quality, part stamp. examined
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamp. various issues, as Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, SO1920 (overprint), single stamp, blocks of four, margins etc.., all in/at 1 stockbook A4; prevail stmp hinged., part mint never hinged
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in two stockbooks, contains more/larger complexes, coupons, prevail 30. years, part also Hradčany and other issue; various quality, mainly hinged
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION/ cancel. also unused stamp. in 3 albums A4, various issue, also postage-due, newspaper, air-mail etc.., i.a. I. provisional air mail stmp. **/*, Postage due stmp DL24 violet overprint, also several PLATE PROOF, maculature etc..; various quality
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 4 stockbooks and albums, part Un stamp. on/for labels, part used, strongly contains issue SO1920 (overprint), Airmail - definitive issue - blocks of four, margins plate number, issue T. G. Masaryk 1920, larger part sheets issue Legionaire etc..; estate from abroad
1937 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A329/330, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, accumulation more than 100 pcs of miniature sheets, small part with special postmark, 4x original distributive wrapping; mint never hinged
FORGERIES / comp. of 15 stamp., 9 pcs of issue Hradčany + 4 stamp. Legionaire, all forgeries i.a. 120h "silvery grey" etc..; all marked as "forgery", for study and comparison purpose
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI selection of letters and cards CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 franked with. i.a. issues stamp. issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, Pigeon-issue, Hradčany and 30. years, big part mailing addressed to abroad, Germany, England, Austria, Switzerland also USA, various mono also multiple franking, various postmark etc.., supplemented with several entires from period of Protectorate and occupied Sudetenland, part on/for unbound album pages with descriptions, part in box; various quality, estate from abroad