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1873 SHANGHAI Mi.56, Small Dragon 9 candarins with blue overprint 1 CAND., left missing tooth (common fault in this issue), otherwise perfect piece of this rare stamp U:A5
1894 Mi.11a, "Karps" 5C orange; very fine stamp., c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1894 Mi.13a, "Dragons" 9C green, yellowish paper with wmk Jingjang; c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1894 Mi.15b, "Boats" 24 Candarins dark pink, yellowish paper with wmk Jingjang; very fine and rare highest value; c.v.. 1.500€ U:A5
1897 Mi.29I, so-called. "RED REVENUES" ONE CENT / 3C red, overprint I. type; without gum, c.v.. 450€ U:A5
1929 Mi.215-218, Chiang Kai-shek 1C-$1; very fine set, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1944 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet $2-$20; c.v.. 280€, SG.MS730, £325, sought miniature sheet in perfect quality! U:A5
1961 Mi.Bl.7, popular miniature sheet Tennis 8F-22F; very fine, issued without gum, c.v.. 1.400€ U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.9, miniature sheet Peonies 2Yen, correct size 77/136mm; issued without gum, very fine, cat. Michel 2015 4.000€, cat. Gibbons £4.000, extraordinary quality U:DR
1945-1949 selection of 11 air-mail letters addressed to Czechoslovakia and Great Britain, rich franking of postage stamps., part with overprints, CDS SHANGHAI; various quality U:A5
1950-1959 selection of 4 entires, 1x addressed to Czechoslovakia as Registered, franked by multicolor frankings on front also back side; very good condition U:A5
1950-1966 [COLLECTIONS] selection of used but also several mint stamps on ca. 40 pages A5 + 1x card A4, contains i.a. complete mint set Mi.527-529 etc..; c.v.. by estimation more 800€, various quality U:K