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1711 MONTGATZ (MUKACHEVO) - contemporary map Transcarpathian Ukraine and přilehlých part/-s Horních and bottom Hungary "Montgatzium oppidum Superioris deditum", author Peter Schenk; good condition, interesting U:A4
1795 N:KÁLLÓ (Nagy Kállobol - Nagykálló) red oval pmk on/for ex offo letter to Nagy Szöllos (Sevluš); very rare postmark U:A5
1806-1839 comp. 4 pcs of ex offo prephilatelic letters sent to Uzhhorod, i.a. from Dolha (Dovké) and Szolyva (Svalava) etc..; good condition U:A5
1815-1843 N.SZÖLLÖS. / V. BEREGHSZÁSZ / UNGVAR/ MUNKÁTS comp. of 4 prephilatelic letters; 1x bend through/over cancel., otherwise solid condition U:A4
1815-1850 N.SZÖLLÖS, HUSZT, TETSÖ, ALSÓ-VERECZKE, UNGVAR, V.MUNKATS (red) etc.., comp. of 8 prephilatelic letters; mainly nice print, good condition U:A4
1815-1850 POLENA, MUNKATS (red), V.MUNKÁTS, TETSÖ, HUSZT, ALSO-VERECZKE, UNGVAR, V.BEREGHSZÁSZ etc..; comp. of 10 prephilatelic letters; mainly very nice print, good condition U:A4
1822-1846 UZHHOROD, POLENA, TETSÖ, BEREGSZÁZ, ALSÓ-VERECZKE, N. SZÖLLÓS / comp. 6 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, i.a. 1x red oval pmk UNGVAR with eagle and horn, then several oválných and line postmarks in/at black and red color; well preserved, interesting selection of U:A4
1826-1831 UNGHVAR black straight line postmark on 4 folded letters, 3x ex offo, 1x "franco" with marked porto "8", 3x very nice postal imprint.; interesting selection of U:A5
1836-1840 V.MUNKATS / comp. of 3 folded letters, 1x cancel. v.MUNKÁTS in red and black color + 1x v.MUNKATS in red color; ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1838 POLENA / confirmation document Francis Filipa count Schönborn-Buchheim, that was/were jmenován Andrea Babiss poštmistrem in/at Poleně; only folds, postal historically very interesting document, ex Öre and Kobelbauer! U:A4
1840 ALSO-VERECZKE (Nižní Verecky) black straight line postmark on folded letter to Uzhhorod; on reverse preserved seal U:A5
1840 BEREGSZÁZ straight line postmark on 2 folded letters, 1x to Uzhhorod with arrival cancel. UNGVAR U:A5
1840? POLENA (Polana by/on/at Svalavy) black straight line postmark on folded letter to Uzhhorod U:A5
1841 HUSZT black straight line postmark on/for folded ex offo letter to Uzhhorod; good condition U:A5
1841-1843 V. BEREGSZÁSZ / selection of two folded letters with cancel. V:BEREGHSZÁSZ big and V.BEREGSZÁZ small; good condition U:A5
1849 NAGY-SZÖLLÖS, UNGVÁR bicircular cancel. on 3 folded letters, 1x UNGVÁR in/at blue (!) color (fold) U:A5
1852 MUNKÁCS the first issue., folded R letter, franked on front side by stamp. Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, MP type III and on reverse stamp. 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, 5, III. types, CDS MUNKÁCS, on reverse BEREGSZÁSZ, supplemented with straight line postmark REGISTERED; rare letter U:A5
1854 TECSÖ / the first issue., folded letter to Debrecínu, with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, CDS TECSÖ 15/10 and two lined NACH ABGANG DER POST; on reverse arrival DEBRECZIN; good condition U:A5
1856-1870 ÖKÖRMEZÖ, RAHO, UNGVÁR, Serednie, Mukacheve, HUSZT, BEREGSZÁSZ etc.., comp. of 9 folded mainly ex-offo letters without frankings + 1x receipt U:A4
1858-1865 TISZA-UJLÁK, HUSZT, NAGY-SZOLLOS, BERGSZÁSZ / 1x larger part of letter with Franz Joseph 10Kr 1858; 1x Reg letter with 5+10Kr Eagle; 1x letter with Eagle 5 Kreuzer and 1x part newspaper wrappers with 1.05Kr 1863; various condition, as multiple interesting U:A5
1859-1865 ALSO-VERECZKE, TECSÖ, KISFALUD, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, UNGVÁR, HUSZT, MUNKÁCS / comp. of 7 mainly ex-offo folded letters U:A5
1869 HUSZT VI. issue, Reg letter franked on front side by stamp. 5 Kreuzer and on reverse 10Kr (stamp. damaged before/(in front of) usage), CDS HUSZT 28/1/69 and arrival postmark U:A5
1869 VI. issue, letter to Uzhhorod with 2Kr+3Kr, CDS KISALMÁS (Romania), on reverse UNGVAR and redirected to Pest; decorative and rare letter, cat. Ferchenbauer 250€++ U:A5
1869-1870 BUSTYAHÁZA (Buštyno) 2x, TISZA-UJLAK, BEREGSZASZ, UNGVAR / VI. issue, comp. of 5 letters with 5 Kreuzer + 1x receipt; nice selection of U:A5
1870 UNGHVAR Hungarian "yellow" 2 Kreuzer addressed to to Košice with frame cancel. and arrival KASSA; nice print U:A5
1870 UNGVÁR VI. issue, Reg letter to Timişoara, franked on front side by stamp. 5 Kreuzer and on reverse 10Kr, posting oval CDS UNGVÁR 6.JUL. and Hungarian Reg cancel. AJÁNLOTT, on reverse arrival TEMESVAR; nice letter, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1871-1873 MEZÖ-KASZONY (Kosino) and KHUST I. Hungarian issue / selection of two entires, 1x printed matter with Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer copper print with CDS HUSZT and 1x letter with 5 Kreuzer copper print, CDS MEZÖ-KASZONY; good condition U:A5
1872-1890 TREBUSASZEREDNYE, TECSÖ, OKÖRMEZÖ, RAHÓ etc..; comp. of 9 entires, from that 4x R - various combinations frankings issue psaníčka, in addition supplemented with about/by letter with Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer with CDS MUNKÁCS; small defects, as multiple interesting U:A5
1873 RAHO (Rachov) I. Hungarian issue, Reg letter to Viennese Nové Město, franked on front side by stamp. Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer copper print and on reverse 2x 5 Kreuzer copper print, CDS RAHO 7/8 and Hungarian Reg cancel. AJÁNLOTT, on reverse transit pmk SZEGET and arrival Wr. NEUSTADT; rare letter in good quality, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1874 BEREGSZÁSZ / I. Hungarian issue, larger part of money dispatch-note Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer, uprated with stamp Franz Joseph I. 10Kr, copper print, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 1.4.74; very rare, ex Öre and Kobelbauer U:A5
1880-1918 [COLLECTIONS] NAGYBEREZNA / KÖRÖSMEZÖ / UNGVÁR / NAGYDOBRONY / HUSZT / comp. of 15 entires, from that 1x R, 7x larger part dispatch-notes etc.., various franking issues Reaper, Turul, War etc..; various quality U:A5
1888-1917 UNGVÁR / selection of two p.stat telegram with printed stmp 2f, with issue Turul and Reaper, various combinations, CDS UNGVÁR/, in addition supplemented with about/by two forms telegrams without frankings with CDS UNGVÁR; small tearing in margins U:A4
1889-1892 BEREGSZÁSZ / UNGVÁR comp. of 8 letters franked with. issues Letter with cipher, sent from or on/for Zakarpatskou Ukraine, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ etc.., i.a. 1x franked with. value 20f etc..; as multiple interesting U:A5
1891-1900 TECSÖ, ÖKERMEZÖ comp. of 2 postcard Crown 4f and 5f, both sent as Registered to Hungary, uprated with stamp Turul 25f, arrival postmark U:A5
1895 POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE KÖRÖSMEZÖ - STANISLAU N93112 two lined cancel. on/for Austrian letter cards 5 Kreuzer, sent from Jasina to Germany, arrival KALK 10.12.95; good condition and extremely rare, ex Dr. Kobelbauer U:A5
1900-1913 HERINCSE (Horynčovo), BEREG RÁKOS, FEKETE ARDÓ, CSAP etc.., issue Turul, comp. of 7 entires, from that 5x Reg letter and 1x letter to Washingtonu, 1x postcard, all with various frankings issue Turul; interesting U:A5
1906 TECSÖ (Ťačovo) money letter with Turul 30f and 60f, CDS TÉCSÖ/ 906.JUN.29; nice good condition seal U:A5
1906 TECSÖ (Ťačovo) money letter with Turul 30f, CDS TÉCSÖ/ 906.JUL.22; good condition U:A5
1908-1917 MEZÖKASZONY, HANDALBUSTYAHÁZA, DOMBO, DOLHA, ESZENY, BILKE etc.., comp. 10 pcs of larger parts of dispatch-note (1x whole) with various cancel., all with various frankings issue Turul; mainly nice postal imprints, as multiple interesting U:A5
1915 UNGVÁR TARNÓCZ whole dispatch-note 10f, uprated with stamp Franz Joseph I. 1 Kr and Turul 2f and 6f, CDS UNG - TARNÓCZ/ 915/FEB/17, on reverse arrival SIMONTORNA; sound condition U:A5
1917 NAGYBOCSKÓ (TESTER Bočkov) PC 8f Crown sent as Reg to Germany, uprated with stamp Reaper 5f and 2x 10f, CDS NAGYBOCSKÓ/ 917.DEC.11, arrival postmark HALLE/ 18.12.17 U:A5
1800-1850 [COLLECTIONS] selection 21 prephilatelic letters sent to Zakarpatskou Ukraine, various CDS.; various quality U:O4
1815-1850 [COLLECTIONS] ALSÓ-VERECKE, V.MUNKATS, N.SZÖLLOÖS, HUSZT, UNGVAR, BEREGGSZÁZ etc.., selection 19 prephilatelic letters; various quality, interesting multiple U:O4
1919 BEREHOVE / Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete small/rare blank form with parallel franked. Hungarian and Hungarian stamp. on reverse, pair Charles 25f and Reaper 20f with overprint KÖZTÁSASÁG (torn off corner zn.), CDS BEREGSZÁSZ/ 919 Apr.11.; exp. by Karasek., exceptional parallel franking also blank form, ex Pour U:A5
1918-1930 MUNKÁCS, NAGYBEREZNA, BEREGSZÁSZ / comp. of 3 forerunner entires franked with Hungarian stmps.., 3x part dispatch-note, 1x Reg letter and 1x postcard, supplemented with about/by 5 other entires, i.a. letter from Japan addressed to to Uzhhorod etc..; various quality U:A5
1919 BEREHOVE / Hungarian blank form Távbeszélö - jegy / Telephone confirmation, complete large blank form in red color, on face-side fee paid Hungarian stamp. Charles 25f and Hungarian stamp. Reaper 10f with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG (!), CDS BEREGSZÁSZ/ 919 Apr.4.; decorative piece rare blank form/-s, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1919-1921 MUKACHEVO / comp. 2 pcs of entires with halving postage-due franking, 1x parcel dispatch card segment with fee paid halving Postage due stamp 20h, Pof.DL4, with Hungarian CDS MUNKÁCS/ 919 Nov.10. + 1x more/larger part parcel C.O.D. dispatch-note with fee paid Postage due stamp 20h and halving 20h, Pof.DL4, CDS MUKACHEVO/ 16.III.21; good condition, rare usage, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1920 PEREČÍN / blank form Request sheet on/for mailing from Prague to Perečína, with Hradčany 30h violet and 20h blue-green with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 22.V.20, supplemented with cancel. PEREČÍN 22.IX.20; damaged in/at folds also margins - viewing of quality recommended, rare occurrence U:A4
1922 BEŇA / POSTAL AGENCY black framed pmk Postal Agency BEŇA (VELIKOJE MUŽIJOVO), c.v.. Geb.2505, on Ppc, with issue Chainbreaker 50h green with retouch C "egg in waist", exp. by Karasek., this type of cncl Postal Agency catalogue doesn't report, in/at A30 sold after/behind 10.000CZK, very rare! U:A5
1923 UZHHOROD / complete newspaper "Czechosl. legionnaire" sent to Carpathian Ruthenia, mounted newspaper stmp Falcon in Flight (issue) 5h with CDS UZHHOROD 12.I.23, supplemented with envelope with additional-printing Czechoslovak. community legionaire for Carpathian Ruthenia; good condition U:A4
1928 UZHHOROD / off. Reg letter without postage, CDS UZHHOROD 5.IV.28, off. cancel. Presidium civil management Carpathian Ruthenia, on reverse additional printing on/for flap Víceguvernér Carpathian Ruthenia with paper seal, returned back with pink label Nevyzvednuto. Stanovená/ lhůta vypršela, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 1/ 23.IV.28; filling holes in envelope, toned U:A5
1928 VELIKIJ BIČKIV / postcard with T. G. Masaryk 50h with CDS VELIKIJ BIČKIV (without Č.S.P.)/ 29.VII.28; good condition, rare postmark! U:A5
1936 KHUST / cut square with print frankotype District health insurance in/at Khust 255, cancel. KHUST 9.1.36; existují only 2 various frankotypes in Carpathian Ruthenia, rare U:A5
1936 MUKACHEVO / international pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK, CDV46/3 Tatras, CDS MUKACHEVO 9.IX.36; good condition U:A5
1937 KŘIVÁ / POSTAL AGENCY postal imprint Postal Agency KŘIVÁ - TRAINING TÁBOR (KHUST) on Ppc with railway pmk TERESVA-KOŠICE/ 991/ 18.XI.37, photo postcard Khust; good condition, interesting U:A5
1939 1. congress Carpathian Ukraine, first day sheet with picture stamp. Jasiňa 3 Koruna Pof.351 with mounted 2 Hungarian stamp. with black cancel. MAGYAR KIR. POSTA/ 101; vertical in margins cut U:A4
1939 complete newspaper " Karpatsko - Ukrainian Svoboda" from 24. February 1939, mounted newspaper stmp Pigeon-issue 5h with mailing MC PRAGUE 25/2 39, interesting texts contemporary articles; good condition U:A4
1939 KHUST / CENTRÁLNÍ UKRAJINSKÁ NATIONAL RADA/ 21.I.39, bicircular modro-žluté special postmark on R letter to Sarajevo (!), with Poděbrady 4CZK, Pof.311, cancelled special postmark, supplemented with CDS KHUST/ 16.II.39, on reverse arrival postmark SARAJEVO/ 20.II.39, sender chief post Khust!; light brownish in perforation, after all rare entire, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 KHUST / Express letter sent from Khust to Bílku in Carpathian Ruthenia, with Jasiňa 3 Koruna, Pof.351, red special postmark KHUST/ 15.III.1939; vertical fold, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1939 KHUST / OTEVŘENÍ PRVNÍHO SNĚMU, 2x card with red special postmark, 1x cut square emblem / symbol Carpathian Ukraine with two print right red special postmark KHUST 15.III.39 + sheet paper with mounted stamp. Jasiňa 3 Koruna blue - corner piece with right coupon, Pof.351K with two print padělaného red special postmark KHUST 2.III.39 with distinctive character a/b (!), marked forgery, supplemented with R-dopisem with additional-printing and with mounted stamp. Jasiňa 3 Koruna with margin (yellowy in perforation), 2x print right special postmark KHUST / 15.III.39 U:A5