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1939 KHUST / PR39/006, ХУСТ-CHUST 15.III.39, special card sent as Registered to Česká Skalice, franked with. krajovou stamp. Pof.351, Opening of Congress 3 Koruna; thinned paper in/at places stržených labels - viewing of quality recommended, exp. Karásek and Šrámek U:A5
1939 KHUST / special postcard franked by Pof.351, Opening of Congress 3 Koruna, Reg, recipient Ota J. Brikcius with red special postmark KHUST 15.III.39, supplemented with mailing sheetlet with same special postmark, ; philatelically motivated entire, good condition, authenticity potvrzena on reverse expert Mrňákem - mark with signature U:A5
1939 KHUST / Reg letter sent from Khust to Brno, with Jasiňa 3 Koruna, Pof.351 with margin, 1. Opening of Congress, black (!) CDS KHUST 15.III.1939/d, on reverse arrival postmark BRNO 19.III.39; envelope open from 2 sides, c.v.. 10.000CZK, superb print rare denního postmark! U:A5
1939 Velykyi Bereznyi / BEREHOVE whole letter also with nefrankovanou envelope with description charitable action institution District care of youth in Velkém Berezném, envelope with CDS Velykyi Bereznyi 28.I.39, mounted Postage due stamp 1CZK and CDS PRAGUE 1/ 27.I.39, on reverse envelope/-s and on letter frame slogan pmk "Trpíme!/ Pomožte", in terms of action mounted cut square with stamp. and CDS BEREHOVE 9.XI.38 - last day before/(in front of) předáním Hungary; good condition U:A4
1939 1. congress Carpathian Ukraine - reminder miniature sheet with forgery stamp. Jasiňa 3 Koruna, undetached joined printing 2 miniature sheets in/at tete-beche/opposite pair with margin, on white paper without gum, so-called. Komínkovo forgery; only several light bends U:A4
1939 DÁRKOVÉ ALBUM / 1. congress Carpathian Ukraine / gift album Ministry economy, folder from blue paper with golden frame with inserted sheet and mounted 9-blokem stamp. Pof.351; on reverse on/for cover hinged, rare usage U:A4
1939 MINISTERSKÉ DÁRKOVÉ ALBUM / 1. congress Carpathian Ukraine / gift album Ministry economy with golden frame, total six sheets with blocks of stamps Pof.351 and inserted nekompletním 100 pcs of archem (partially damaged); in original cover, rare occurrence U:Z
1913-1939 MAĎARSKÁ FIELD POST / comp. of 8 FP cards and postcard from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, with cancel. field post No. 21, 35, 43, 44, 47, in addition supplemented with about/by 5 pcs of entires FP from period of to y 1918; various quality, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1938 MUNKÁCS and BEREGSZÁSZ VISSZATÉRT / propagandistic cancel. on/for compilation of 2 dopisů: 1x commercial Reg and Express and 1x R, nice frankings, on reverse přichozí cancel. BUDAPEST and DRAHOVO; 1x open from 3 sides, after all interesting U:A5
1938 MUNKÁCS, UNGVÁR, BEREGSZÁSZ VISSZATÉRT propagandistic cancel. on/for compilation of 5 pcs of various really Us entires, contains i.a. commercial letter etc..; good condition, nice postal imprints U:A5
1938 propagandistic flyer from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, "Cseszkoszlovenszkó megszünt!...", black print on pink paper, size 155x120mm; small tearing in upper margin, rare, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1938 UNGVÁR VISSZATÉRT / propagandistiská cancel. on/for compilation of 2 dopisů: 1x Reg and 1x ex, with 70f resp. 70+10f, cancel. CDS UNGVÁR 38.XII.3 and 15, přichozí cancel. BUDAPEST; 1x open from 3 sides, decorative U:A5
1938 UNGVÁR VISSZATÉRT selection of two Czechosl. PC sent to Budapest, 1x picture CDV69/304 Jasiňa (!) and 1x Coat of arms 50h, propagandistic cancel. UNGVÁR VISSZATÉRT 1938 and cancel. UNGVÁR 38.XI.14; perfect condition, especially picture p.stat Jasiňa is very rare, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1938-1944 MUNKÁCS, KÖROSMEZÖ, MACSOLA, GÁT, SALÁNK, BEREGSZÁSZ selection of 7KS entires, from that 6x as Registered letter, 1x Ex, 1x addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, various cancel. post offices in Carpathian Ruthenia, 1x returned R mailing with mounted informačním sheetlet, various franking Hungarian stamp.; overall good condition, interesting, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 DOLHA comp. 2 pcs of entires with provisory frame violet cancel. M.KIR.POST JEGYZÉKELÖMENET with emblem and numeral 16, by hand additionally written date 939 VI/26 on/for topographical postcard Dlhé and date 939 V/3 on letter; good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 KHUST Reg letter to Munich, with 70f and 20f, violet rubber hand stamp MAGYAR KIR.POSTA 232 with with provisional registry label "232", on reverse arrival postmark MUNICH 2BZ/1.5.39; interesting U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÁ FIELD POST comp. 3 pcs of FP cards and 3 pcs of letters from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia with postmarks field post No. 14, 19, 42, 44, 47, 57, various uniquely designed postmarks; good condition, very interesting, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 MAĎARSKÁ FIELD POST comp. 6 pcs of FP cards and postcard from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, with cancel. field post No. 16, 19, 42, 44, 47, 68, various uniquely designed postmarks; good condition, very interesting, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 NAGY-SZÖLLÖS (Sevluš) bank letter on/for 200Pengo franked on back side stamp. 1P, 10f and 2x 4f, cancel. M.KIR.POSTA/ 324/ 39.VII.18, arrival BUDAPEST; good condition seal, sound condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 FIELD POST comp. 2 pcs of FP cards and 1x postcard (Uzkokolejná track Terešva-Dubové) from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia (occupation Zóny 3), cancel. TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL No.13/ 939 APR.1., č.17A/ 939 APR.6 and No. 21/ 939.MAR.27, 2x censorship and 2x round military unit postmarks - 1x in blue color; perfect condition, rare occurrence! U:A5
1939 FIELD POST comp. 3 pcs of FP cards from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia (occupation Zóny 3), cancel. TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL No.17/ 939 APR.4., No.31/ 939 MAR.20 and No. 44A/ 939 III.30, 2x censorship and circular military unit postmark.; good condition, rare occurrence! U:A5
1939 comp. 14 pcs of entires from that 5x as Registered with provisory metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, metal cancel. M.KIR. POSTA, i.a. No. 116, 357, 107, 324, 373, 273, etc.., part supplemented with line provisory postmarks with names post offices i.a. DOMBÓ, TISZABORKUT, AKNASZLATINA atd.,vyfrankované letters and postcard, 1x p.stat PC, 1x provisional postmark train post; good condition, interesting multiple, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 selection of 20 pcs of entires supplemented with several cut-squares with provisory metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, all supplemented with line provisory postmarks with names post offices i.a. TISZABORKUT, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, PERECSENY, DOMBÓ, MAJDÁNKA, ISZKA, ALSÓZINEVÉR etc.., metal cancel. M.KIR. POSTA, i.a. No. 355, 108, 115, 116, 314, 323, 331, 332, 342, 347 etc.., franked letters and postcard, 1x p.stat letter-card, official letters without franking; good condition, very interesting multiple, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 occupation PODKARPATSKÉ RUSI / M.KIR.POST 108, Express letter addressed to to Prague, posting provisional metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia MAGYAR KIR. POSTA 108/ 39.IV.1., franked with Hungarian stmps.., on reverse arrival postmark TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE/ 3.IV.39 and arrival postmark PRAGUE 31/ 3.IV.39, Us Prague pneumatic-tube post; good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939-1943 KERECKE, KRÁLYMZÖ, KANASZLATINA, ÖKÖRMEZÖ, MAGYARKOMJÁT comp. 6 pcs of larger parts dispatch-notes from various bilingual postmarks, supplemented with cut dispatch-note and cheque order, interesting frankings - 1x mounted revenue 10f issue 1934 + supplemented with nepoužitou p.stat parcel bill 2f in/at bilingual variety Hungary - Ruthenian; good condition U:A4
1939-1943 SZOLYVA, NAGYBEREZNA, UBLYA, SZÉREDNYE, NAGYLUCSKA, HÁTMEG selection of 7KS entires, from that 6x as Registered letter, 1x Ex, 2x to Bohemia-Moravia (both in worse quality), all with dvojjazyčnými cancel. post offices in Carpathian Ruthenia, 2x provisional R label ,various franking Hungarian stamp.; overall good condition, interesting, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939-1944 POSTAL AGENCY / FELSÖNERESZNICE (Novoselice) + BÓTRÁGY (Batragy) comp. 2 pcs of entires with frame postal agency pmk, 1x whole telegram form with two print bilingual postmark FELSÖNERESZNICE 44 IX.25. and from 3 sides open commercial envelope greater format franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. 1f with jednojazyčným cancel. BÓTRÁGY 39 VII.31.; rare postmark, ex Kobelbauer U:A4
1940 KÖVESLIGET (Drahovo) money letter to Budapest, franked on back side 6 pcs of stamp. 1f - 1P, bilingual CDS KÖVESLIGET/ 40.IX.5 and arrival BUDAPEST; perfect condition, valuable letters are rare, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1940-1942 NÁDRAŽNÍ SCHRÁNKY/ comp. 7 pcs of cards with railway station mailbox pmk, i.a. JASINA, RACHOVO, MUKACHEVO, BEREHOVE, KIRÁLYHÁZA, 5x postcard, 1x FP card, good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1940-1944 DOPLATKY / NAGYBOCSKO, KIRÁLYMEZÖ, KÖRÖSMEZÓ, TISZABOGDÁNY etc.. / comp. of 10 entires burdened by postage-due, i.a. 1x Reg letter, various cancel. from Transcarpathian Ukraine; sound condition, as multiple interesting U:A5
1940-1944 POSTAL AGENCY / RAKASZ (Rokosva) + SZÁLDOBOS (Saldoboš) + FELSÖNERESZNICE (Novoselice) comp. 3 pcs of entires with frame postal agency pmk, 2x without franking off. blank form and certificate of mailing; good condition, rare postmark, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1940-1944 comp. 11 pcs of Hungarian p.stat PC, 2 pcs of in bilingual variety Hungary - Ruthenian, 1x I. part from double PC, various issue 6, 10, 12, 16 also 18f, much pieces uprated, various bilingual postmark i.a. PERECSENY, KÖRÖSMEZÖ, LYUTA, KERECKE etc..; mainly good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1941 POSTAL AGENCY / BEREGDÉDA (Didovo) + HORLYO (Gudlovo) + NAGYRÁKÓC (Big Rakovec) comp. 3 pcs of entires with frame postal agency pmk, franked letter., postcard and FP card; good condition, rare postmark, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1941 POSTAL AGENCY / FANCSIKA (Fančíkovo) Reg letter addressed to to Berehovo with 10+20+50f and on reverse 4+2f with frame postal agency pmk FANCSIKA 41.II.6, mounted R label Postal Agency, on reverse arrival UNGVÁR 41 II.7; light fold, rare entire, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1941-1942 IRHÓC, KÖKÉNYES, TÉCSÖ comp. 4 pcs of p.stat pass blank forms 10f Szállítójegyzék without franking, CDS IRHÓC 41.X.28 and KÖKÉNYES 42.XI.27 resp. 42 XII.18, TÉCSÖ 42 XI.28 , on reverse arrival postmark ; only light folds U:A4
1941-1944 ESZENY, TIZSAUJLAK, MUNKÁCS, FEKET ARDO, CSAP etc..; comp. 10 pcs of larger parts dispatch-notes from various postmarks, interesting frankings, 1x 5f revenue etc..; good condition U:A5
1943 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL ZNÁMEK financial contract, off. fee was/were paid Hungarian stamp. values 1Pengo and 20f, Mi.657 and 715, with postal CDS UNGVÁR/ 43 X.3. on paper sheet format A4; only light folds, rare, ex Kobelbauer U:A4
1943-1944 POSTAL AGENCY / DERCEN (Drisina) + HUSZTSÓFALVA (Danilovo ) comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian PC with framed pmk postal-agencies DERCEN 43 VIII.11. (card with filling holes) and bilingual HUSZTSÓFALVA 44 XII.23.; rare postmark, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1944 POSTAL AGENCY / TISZAÚJHELY (Ujhel) Reg letter addressed to to Berehovo with 10f + 3x 30f with frame postal agency pmk TISZAÚJHELY/ 42.IV.18, mounted R label Postal Agency, on reverse arrival BEREGSZÁSZ 44 IV.18; missing back flap, rare entire, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1939 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 45 pcs of entires with provisory metal numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, M.KIR. POSTA, i.a. No. 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 337, 320, 346, 394, 337, 341, 312, 345, 313, 395, 376, 383 etc.., contains franked with. letters, official letters without franking, postcard also several p.stat PC; various quality, interesting multiple, ex Kobelbauer U:O5
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 28 pcs of Ppc with dvojjazyčnými postmarks, i.a. SZÓLYVA, KÖRÖSNEZÖ, NYGYBEREZNA, ALSÓVERECKE, HAJASD, KIRÁLYMEZÖ etc.., 1x with surtax, 1x with label Parti, 1x card on/for birch kůře etc..; good condition, mainly very nice postal imprints, ex Kobelbauer U:O5
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 pcs of entires with various postmarks from Carpathian Ruthenia, i.a. contains 5 pcs of p.stat PC, 16 pcs of Ppc, 14 pcs of franked with. letters and cards, 3 pcs of entires with special cancel.; mainly good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:O5
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 39 pcs of entires with metal postmarks with domicile and numbers 1, 2 UNGVÁR various distinctive letters from that 4x as Registered letter, No.61 VOLÓC - MUNKÁCS, No.72 SIANKI - UNGVÁR and number 306, 396 and 384, several interesting topographical Ppc; mainly nice postal imprints, good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:O5
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 45 pcs of entires with various dvojjazyčnými postmarks, part official correspondence without franking, larger part franked with., 1x returned with label Refuse, 2x service letter as Registered, 5 pcs of letters addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, censorship; good condition, interesting set with nice postal imprints, ex Kobelbauer U:O5
1944 MUKACHEVO / local issue overprint "Czechoslovakia" on/for Hungarian picture PC 16f Tihanyi, Majer Md6, with additionally mounted overprint stamp. M84N; nice quality, exp. Blaha U:A5
1944 MUKACHEVO / Hungarian FP card franked with. overprint stamp. Patrona Hungariae 18f with inverted opt Czechoslovakia (!), Majer M10Pp, straight line postmark MUKACHEVO, nationalized CDS with date 5.XII.44 and violet censorship mark; nice quality, exp. Blaha, catalogue value for MNH 25.000CZK, for entires doesn't report, printing stamps with inverted opt only 5 pcs of! U:A5
1944 MUKACHEVO / local issue overprint "Czechoslovakia" on/for Hungarian picture PC 16f Tihanyi, Majer Md6, with additionally mounted overprint stamp. M84N, cancelled broken out Hungarian CDS, supplemented with straight line postmark MUKACHEVO, by hand filled recipient also sender; very fine, interesting, exp. Blaha U:A5
1945 UŽHORODSKÝ OVERPRINT / II. VYDÁNI / comp. of 6 values, Majer CU1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9, Hungarian 1f, 2f, 4f, 8f, 10f, 30f; mint never hinged, on reverse stamp. marked mark Mirko Verner, offered as jest U:A5
1945 UZHHOROD / black Opt NRZU (C) with shift on/for Hungarian stationery 18f green with Khust overprint Czechoslovak Post, Majer Ud9a; nice quality U:A5
1945 BEREHOVE grey shifted overprint NRZU on/for Hungarian stationery 18f green, Majer Ud4I; very fine U:A5
1945 BEREHOVE grey shifted overprint NRZU on/for Hungarian stationery 18f green, Majer Ud4I; very fine, exp. Bulat BPP U:A5
1945 UZHHOROD / Vynohradiv Us overprint PC NRZU on/for Hungarian stationery 18f, Majer Ud2, posting provisional postmark Vynohradiv with by hand written date 18.IV:45, in text side pre-printed message; light vertical bend in margin, c.v.. 30.00Kč, Us overprint p.stat are very rare, ex Simády and Kobelbauer U:A5
1945 DOLHA, IRŠAVA, SOLOTVINSKY KOPALNI, PEREČÍN, UZHHOROD comp. 6 pcs of court summons, reply forms and official blank forms with rubber postmarks and by hand dopsanými date or datovými postmarks; good condition, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1945 RAKOČIN, ČERNOHLAVA, ČOP comp. 3 pcs of entires with definitive issue NRZU, value 60 on/for printed matter with cancel. ČORNOGOLOVJA + small envelope franked with. 2 pcs of values 100 (1x tearing stamp.) with cancel. ČOP, on reverse censor framed pmk + envelope with values 200+10+20 from that value 10 corner piece with plate mark 1., rubber hand stamp RAKOČIN; ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1945 SELCE folded service letter addressed to to Iršavy, with Hvězda 10F yellow, Mi.81, 2. definitive issue (significant shifted perforation), hand-made řepis SILCE with date 26.VI.45; good condition, rare occurrence, ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1945 Vynohradiv, VELIKIJ BEREZNY, UZHHOROD comp. 6 pcs of folded blank forms with definitive issue NRZU values 10 and 40 various shades, 2x significant shifted perforation, provisional postmarks; ex Kobelbauer U:A5
1945 TREBUŠANY Us telegram form (Tavirat), rubber violet cancel. TREBUŠANI with additionally written date 22.XI.45, back side with advertising added print; light folds, rare, ex Simády and Kobelbauer U:A4
1945 UZHHOROD / card Hungarian field post in/at green color with overprint NRZU, value -,40, c.v.. Majer Ud21, uprated with stamp definitive issue 60F red, Majer 1aI, cancel. UZHHOROD with date stamp 18.VI.45, addressed to to Hungary, censorship mark on address-side; good condition, c.v.. 11.900Kč, rare occurrence really Us PC, ex Simády and Kobelbauer U:A5