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1897 SG.140, Victoria $5 olive green; very fine, with light cancel. and fine centreing, c.v.. £700++ U:A5
1984-1990 [COLLECTIONS] in two folders on pages, contains i.a. joined printings, stamp bklt, blocks of four etc.., various interesting motives, supplemented with several entires and FDC; face-value according to owner over 280 CAD U:Z
1852-1859 SG.5, Beaver 3C red, light round cancel., full margins on all sides; very nice piece, cat. min. £275 U:A5
1897-1972 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on ca. 100 pages, from issue Victoria 1897, contains incomplete also complete sets, i.a. SG.188-195 (£375), 266-270, 357-367 etc.., color shades etc., supplemented with several entires; higher catalogue, various quality U:Z
1867 SG.22, Coat of arms 3P pale blue; nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1857-1964 SG.1, 11, 20, set of 3 stamps 1P and 3P unused without gum and 6P with lightly used; good quality U:A5
1897 SG.66-79, 400. anniv of finding Newfoundland, 1C - 60C, complete set of 14; hinged, value 30C small spots, c.v. £325 U:A5
1919 SG.130-141, Karibu 1C - 36C, complete set of 12 stamps; hinged, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1920 SG.149-162, Landscape 1C - 24C, complete set of 14, values 3C and 15C marginal pieces; hinged, SG.161 (*), c.v. £180 U:A5
1931 SG.198-208, Promotional 1C - 20C, complete set of 11, wmk W 106; hinged, c.v. £225 U:A5
1932-1938 SG.222-228, Motives 1C - 48C, complete set of 8 stamps; hinged U:A5
1933 SG.230-234, Airmail 5C -75C, complete se of 5 stams., wmk W 106; hinged, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1851-1860 SG.3-4, Heraldic Flowers 3P, 2 stamps with various shades - light pale blue and light blue; full margins, c.v. £300 U:A5
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL / PROVIDENCE Mi.2, 10C black; very fine, exp. Thier, c.v.. for (*) 1.400€ U:A5
1845 POSTMASTER´S PROVISIONAL NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5c black, "without signature"; very fine unused piece with certificate PSE 2016, cat. $3.750, very rare stamp! U:DR
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL - ST. LOUIS Sc.11X5, Coat of arms 10c, "St. Louis bear", paper "gray lilac"; very nice piece with large margins, small thin place in lower margin outside of picture of stamp, c.v.. $12.500, extraordinary offer, an iconic US classic stamp! U:DR
1898 Sc.291, 292, Trans-Mississippi 50C and 1$ black; light cancellations; usual quality, c.v.. $875, sought stamps! U:A5
1930 Sc.C14-C15, Zeppelin $1.30 and $2.60, lightly used; very fine and sought airmail stamps, c.v.. £900 U:A5
1875 NEWSPAPER STAMPS Sc.PR5-7, Newspaper stamps 5c-25c; issued without gum, value 10c tearing in corner, 25c short bottom corner c.v.. $775 U:A5
1861 Sc.9, King Kamehameha III. 5c blue, thin bluish paper; new gum, c.v. for * $400 U:A5
1891-1901 SG.51-65, Victoria 1C - $5, complete set of 15 stamps + value 24C orange / blue, SG.60a, wmk Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £730 U:A5
1899 SG.69c, overprint Victoria 50C/1Sh grey, size of overprint 11mm; very fine, c.v.. £425 U:A5
1913-1921 SG.105ax, George V. 10C dark violet, marginal piece, wmk reversed; very fine piece with certificate BPA Londo, c.v.. £550 U:A5
1922-1933 SG.124-137, George V., complete set, 2x value 25C - shades, wmk Mult Crown CA and Mult Script CA; lightly hinged, c.v.. £350, nice set U:A5
1938-1947 SG.150-161, George VI. - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set of 12 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; mainly hinged, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1938-1947 SG.150-161, George VI. - Motives, 1C - $5, complete set of 12 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; MNH, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1934 Sc.C54-61, Airmail set "Pro Universidad" 20C-20Ps; rare set with airmail motive; very fine, 10P mint never hinged marginal piece, c.v.. for * $2.680, extraordinary offer U:DR
1899-1948 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 entires, mostly air-mail letters, censorship, nice frankings, old p.stat i.a. double Mexico from 1910, uprated postal stationery cover Guatemala 1899, letters from PANAMA, advertising added prints, rare letter from Mexico with paid AVIS RECEPTION; various quality U:O5
1893-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 50 entires Brazil and Argentina, mostly air-mail letters, censorships, CONDOR, but also old uprated p.stat and rare uprated frankotype, letter to Protectorate with label of INCONN etc..; various quality U:O5
1862 SG.116, Royal Gazzete 1C pink, signature in the middle and cancel. A04 (New Amsterdam); small thin place lower, fine margins, corner piece!, c.v.. £850 ++ U:A5
1862 SG.124, Royal Gazzete 4C blue, signature in the middle; good-fine piece with close margins, c.v.. £1.400; rare stamp! U:A5
1889 SG.193-205, Ship 1C - 96C, complete set of 10 stamps, wmk Crown CA; lightly hinged, c.v. £170 U:A5
1898 SG.216-221, Jubilee 1C - 15C, complete set of 5 stamps, wmk Crown CC; very fine, c.v.. £130 U:A5
1913-1921 SG.259-269, George V. - Ship, 1C - 96C, complete se of 11, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v. £250 U:A5
1954-1963 SG.331-345, Elizabeth II. - Motives, 1C - $5, complete se of 15 + 3 shades of values 12C, 24C and 48C, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v. £110 U:A5
1954-1963 SG.345a, Elizabeth II. - Motives $5 ultramarine and black, bottom marginal piece, print De La Rue (19. 6. 1961), wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, sought issue U:A5
1874 SG.Z75, marginal strip-of-3 Victoria 6P grey, wmk "rose" plate 16, with cancel. C30 (VALPARAISO); rare forerunner, cat. min. £360 U:A5
1934 Sc.436, airmail Condor 10P black / grey with fragmentem of cancel. CORREOS...; perfect piece with certificate BPA, exp. Diena, c.v.. $525, rare stamp! U:A5
1930-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 45 airmail letters, URUGUAY, CHILE, BOLIVIE, VENEZUELA, EKVÁDOR, nice frankings, uprated frankotypes, US and German censorship, rarer simple franking Uruguay Mi.524 and Mi.575, favourite issue 1929 and issue Constitution USA 1938; various quality U:O5
1903-1907 SG.31-40, Seal and Edward VII. ½P - 5Sh, complete set, wmk Crown CC; lightly hinged, c.v. £325 U:A5
19 SG.51, George V. 5Sh violet; c.v.. £95, very fine U:A5
1921-1929 SG.55-61, George V. 3P - £1, complete set of 7 stamps, wmk Mult. Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1938-1951 SG.98-109, George VI. - Motives ½P - £1; complete set, several cheap values hinged, highest values mint never hinged, c.v.. £130 U:A5
1953-1962 SG.120a-134, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½C - $4,80, selection of 19 stamps, complete basic set + shades, wmk Mult Script CA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £90+ U:A5
1884-1890 SG.47-57, Victoria 1P - £1, i.a. various shades values 1P and 2½P, wmk Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. ca. £620 U:A5
1902-1907 SG.62-70, Edward VII. 1P - £1, complete set of 7 stamps, wmk Crown CA; hinged, very fine, c.v. £375 U:A5
1912-1919 SG.81-89, George V. ½P - £1, complete set, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, very fine, c.v. £225 U:A5
1921-1929 SG.111-114, Stairways 1P - 3Sh, complete set of 4 stamps, wmk Script CA; hinged, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.149-157a, George VI. - Portraits ½P - £1; complete set, only 3P hinged, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1948 SG.178-193, George VI. ½P - £1, complete set of 16 stamps, values 4P and 5Sh marginal; mint never hinged, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1965 SG.247-261, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½P - £1, complete set of 15 stamps; mint never hinged U:A5
1871 SG.49, Britannia 4P dull rose red, wmk "Small Star"; very fine piece with original gum, c.v.. £1.300 U:A5
1882-1886 SG.89-1403, Victoria ½P - 5Sh, set of 12 stamps - complete basic set of 9 + shades, wmk Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £750 U:A5
1897-1898 SG.116-124, Jubilee ¼ P - 2/6Sh, complete set, wmk Crown CC; hinged, value ¼P spots, otherwise good quality, c.v. £300 U:A5
1907 SG.158-162, Nelson ¼P, 2P, 2½P, complete set of 3 values, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged U:A5
1916-1919 SG.181-191, Seal ¼P - 3Sh, complete set of 11, wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v. £140 U:A5
1920-1921 SG.202+202a, Allegory ½P green, marginal block-of-4 with plate number, left with missing "C" in wmk "CA"; c.v.. £450+ U:A5
1920-1921 SG.209-211, Allegory Victory 1S - 3S; very fine highest values, c.v.. £125 U:A5
1925-1935 SG.229-239, Seal ¼P - 3Sh, selection of 24 stamps, complete set 12 stamps + types of perf, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged U:A5
1938-1947 SG.252a, Allegory 3P brown with plate variety - vertical line by horse head, in addition SPECIMEN (!); certificate RPS London, cat. only for basic stamps with plate variety £150, rare U:A5