1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] in 2 albums A4 + 1x A5, from issue Sitting Helvetia, various complete also incomplete sets as Pro Juventute, air-mail etc.., complete set PAX hinged, then opposite facing pairs, several miniature sheets as Mi.Bl.4, 13, 15 etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1862-1864Mi.1-10, P1-P9, part of very old collection, 1. and 2. issues incl. postage-dues; contains 50 stamps 1. issue TUGRA, from that 12 unused, various types, color shades, 1x "kontrollborte oben", blue postmark etc.., cat. min. 8.500€, rare offer
1920 Mi.707, provisional 500Pia grey-blue, used as postage stamp with Arabian overprint "Osmanli Postalari 1336 (1920)", very fine, exp. Borek, Nasri, Kohler, c.v.. 760€; very rare
1921 Mi.722-723, 10Pa and 1Pia, used as postage stamps with Arabian overprint "Osmanli Postalari 1337 (1921)", very fine, exp. Borek, Nasri, Kohler, c.v.. 380€
1921 Mi.728H, 729, 730, 730+731I, 10Pa-5Pia, used as postage stamp with Arabian overprint "Osmanli Postalari 1337 (1921)", 10Pa overprint hand-made; in addition the same overprints in compined types on pair 20Pa (Theatre tax); all fine, c.v.. 500€
1921 Mi.733, 2Pia grey-black, used as postage stamp with Arabian overprint "Osmanli Postalari 1337 (1921)", very fine, exp. Borek, Nasri, Kohler, c.v.. 400€
1921 Mi.736, 5Pia green, used as postage stamp with Arabian overprint "Osmanli Postalari 1337 (1921)", very fine, exp. Borek, Nasri, Kohler, c.v.. 1.300€, rare stamp
1865 LOCAL ISSUE / Liannos (Constantinopol) - Mi.I-III and IVc, IVd; issue "crescent and star" 5pa-40pa, from that 5Pa as imperforated block of four, then stamps SERVICE MIXTE 1Pia and 2Pia and rare fee stamp for transport of foreign newspapers P.L. JOURN. ENFRANCHISE (Mi. doesn't report), c.v.. 760€; rare offer
1867 LOCAL ISSUE - KUSTENDJE (Constanta), "Ship and train" at the port 20pa green, issue of local post, also 4 other unissued colors, definitive green c.v.. 90€, rare occurrence!
1919 WEST UKRAINE / Mi.83, 84, 86, 88, 89, Austrian FP 2 K and 50h with nominal complete overprints (Stanislau) 2Gr - 10Gr, 2 sets, mint and used on cut-squares; interesting set, cat. min. 380€
1937 promotional Ppc sent in Czechoslovakia on general Horbanjuk, richly franked with and Us by Prague pneumatic-tube post, CDS PRAGUE 13/ 4.VII.37, mounted Ukrainian stamps with round cancel; folds, interesting
1840 SG.2ue, Penny Black black on cut-square, nice regular margins, plate 10, letters J-L with extremely rare cancel. Maltese cross WOTTON UNDER EDGE in black color, supplemented with CDS WOTTON UNDER EDGE FE.21/ 1841; very rare piece with certificate RPS London, cat. £6.500++, on letter £25.000!
1889-1893 PLATE PROOF refused gravure for issue 1890 - VIKTORIA in black color on chalky carton 92x60mm with date 12 JUN. 89, changed on 21 JUN. 89; then 1893 PLATE PROOF Victoria small format (M. Tannenberg) on chalky carton 92x60mm, BEFORE HARDENING, 26.APR 93; rare plate proofs ex. De La Rue archives!
1911 PLATE PROOF for SG.321, George V. 1/2 P green, print of definitive gravure without value from unfinished plate on "proof paper" 100x125mm, in carmine red color for stamp 1P SG.327, plate number 2; SG.Spec."King George V." £2.200; VF, rare
1952-1996[COLLECTIONS] QE II. / nice specialized collection in 5 large albums Safe and Lindner, divided on pre-decimal and decimální period, contains postage stamps, memorial also Postage due stamps, also some wmk, types, shades, prints, dates of print, plate numbers, multiples etc.., unused and part used; it is worth seeing, high catalogue and face-value
1970-2010[COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / interesting selection of ca. 140 stamp booklets, some more times, interesting motives, part also Norman islands, Isle of Man etc..; high face-value and c.v., placed in filled small box
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of stamps and entires on stock-sheets A4 and in stockbook A4, contains i.a. several sets of Deutsches Reich, postwar sets of Austria, several entires Switzerland and ca. 100 modern entires of Israel; various quality, placed in small box
1920-2000 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia, SLOVAKIA, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, POLAND, BAVARIA, HUNGARY selection of smaller collections and selections in stockbooks and on album sheets, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 contains mainly unused stamps, souvenir sheets and PB, Slovakia after 1993 unused stamps, souvenir sheets also PB, Austria Hungary accumulation of used stamps, Poland, blocks of Hungarian stamps with overprint Romanian occupation of Debrecín, Bavaria small selection of used classics; placed in larger box, various quality
1930-1960 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / interesting collection of 34 various miniature sheets, i.a. Switzerland, Albania, Hungary, Romania, Estonia etc..; various quality, it is worth seeing, placed in stockbook A4 and A5
1898-1939 [COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL A ZEPPELIN POST / GERMANY, BRAZIL, USA collection more than 30 various airmail entires, contains i.a. several Ppc from pioneer flights, Zeppelin-card Yellow dog from 1912, 2x card Fahrt Sudetenland, 2x catapult flights, 4x Brasil Zeppelin, several airmail entires addressed to Czechoslovakia etc.., all on pages; estate from abroad
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND, FRANCE, HUNGARY, USA / collection of ca. 100 various entires, larger part from Poland, Carte Max from France and other various correspondence; estate from abroad