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2016 Pof.887 production flaw, Bartered bride 16CZK, upper corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 2/1 - yellow circle R from "150" and production flaw 22/1 - significant yellow circle R from "bride" + corner Pr with production flaw 11/1 - yellow circle L from sukně; mint never hinged, all catalogue vady U:A5
2017 Pof.A925, Operace Anthropoid 46Kč, comp. 5 pcs of miniature sheets with significant shades numeral value – light brown, red-brown, brown, dark brown and grey numeral(s) (very rare variant a significantly different shade, known only several pieces, catalogue misvalues.); mint never hinged, exceptional offer U:A5
2017 Pof.A936/393, miniature sheet Zoologické garden II, 3 pcs of with various shades on pos. 1, 1x zubr light brown, 1x grey-brown and 1x hnědošedý; mint never hinged, catalogue shows, but doesn't evaluate, nice selection of U:A5
2017 Pof.942 production flaw, Mauricius in Czech Rep. A, light blue shade stamps, marginal block-of-6 with katalogovou production flaw 26/2 - zahnutá blue line below "K" (J.K.); for comparison including common dark blue piece, still unpublished, rare usage this výrazného shade U:A5
2017 Pof.A955/6 production flaw, miniature sheet History poštovnictví, oblique perf (above pos. 2 is crossways up); mint never hinged, unusual U:A5
2017 Pof.A955/956, miniature sheet History poštovnictví, 3 pcs of, 1x significantly darker red color vozatajova kabátu, 1x very light color kabátu and yellow peak/plate; rare shades, 1x common piece for comparison; mint never hinged U:A5
2018 Pof.965/972 production flaw, State symbols, complete booklet incl. stamp. Pof.970 production flaw 6/2 - violet circle in/at blue area; catalogue defect U:A5
2018 Pof.A991/994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, pos. 3 with plate variety - osm black stains in/at characters "RE", big red stain by character "R"; mint never hinged, rare significant variant defects! U:A5
2018 Pof.A991/994 production flaw, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, significant shift die stamping against ofsetu L-wards up; mint never hinged, still known only two pieces, decorative and exceptional! U:A5
2018 Pof.1008-1009 production flaw, Christmas A, marginal strip-of-3 with production flaw - significant shifted perforation L-wards and crossways downward to picture of stmp; mint never hinged, last nabízené pieces from prozatím jediného doloženého sheet and sole offered horiz. gutter pair (and + b + a), decorative and rare! U:A5
2019 Pof.A1019/20, miniature sheet Hanzelka and Zikmund, 3 nonstandard pieces: 1x R part miniature sheet significantly lighter, above notice "Evropa-Asie" violet map, gate R lower and her surroundings light brown, grey obelisk; 1x blue-violet map, gate and her surroundings also light brown, in addition but significantly St. brown also middle obelisk (rarest variant, known only several kusů!); 1x dark blue map, gate and her surroundings grey, obelisk hnědošedý, in addition vzájemný shift OT and ofsetu (double outlines kontinentů, die-stamping above ofsetem); mint never hinged, fine selection of U:A5
2019 Pof.A1038/1041, miniature sheet Zoologické garden IV, significantly lighter ofsetové background (green-blue color place dark green); mint never hinged, for comparison including common piece, very rare! U:A5
2014 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0028, Company collectors p.stat with neoficiálním additional-printing, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp., various printings values A and E, printing 600 pcs of U:A4
2015 PERSONALISED STAMP VZ 0040 / Crystal Caviar, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp., all value A, printing 600 pcs of U:A4
2015 PERSONALISED STAMP / VZ 0045, ARCO - komíny and building/-s, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp., various printings values A, printing 600 pcs of U:A4
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued values 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011), except 54CZK all with production flaw 12 – short L nib „H“ (Castle); 54CZK s jinou production flaw - oblique line through the bottom part character "Č" in/at name state; mint never hinged, rare and sought, c.v.. without production flaw 7.500CZK U:A5
2005 Pof.424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, polooficiální booklet ČTÚ International workshop Digitální dividenda II (March 2009) with advertising miniature sheet with additional-printing to this action, distance from loga to číslu 106mm, field A; very sought variant U:A5
2017 ZSt54, Traditions stamp. production - Pošmurný, comp. of 2 complete pieces, 1x common light, 1x rare dark orange value on all stamps.; c.v.. shows, but doesn't evaluate, unusual U:A5
1994-2000 SELECTION of / 14 pcs of stamp booklets ČR: stamp-booklet 18, 19, 22-24, 2x 25 (vlepení L and R), 27-29, 2x 31, 83 and 84; c.v.. 1.460Kč U:O5
1997-2007 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of more ca. 140 pcs of stamp-booklet and ZSt, practically all 2x, various formats, it contains e.g. issue Nature Protection, Chovatelství, Švejk, For Children-issue, Historical traktory, supplemented with about/by black prints, commemorative sheets, PC and FDC; only face-value over 5.600CZK, placed in smaller box U:K
2018 PT37C/b, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), unnumbered, lower with additional-printing David Feldman and logo firm; very rare variant; in addition card DF and envelope Bombay U:A4
2018 RT1, 100 years Postal museum, unnumbered (!), numbered insert to Monograph No. 25/III on stamp paper with gum; superb U:A4
2018 RT1, 100 years Postal museum, with zero (!), numbered insert to Monograph No. 25/III on stamp paper with gum; superb U:A4
2019 RT2, Hradčany 1h - print original printing plate, unnumbered (!), insert to Monograph No. 1/II on stamp paper with gum, superb U:A4
2019 RT2, Hradčany 1h - print original printing plate, with zero (!), numbered insert to Monograph No. 1/II on stamp paper with gum; superb U:A4
1980-2010 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. commemorative prints special commemorative print, Mercure and graphic sheets from J. Herčík; without defects, high catalogue value U:O4
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] BLACK PRINTS MERKUR REVUE / rare collection more than 80 pcs of (!) commemorative prints, incl. line sought variants without numbers, with zero etc.., i.a. Dvořák, Butterflies, Mucha New York 2000, Barrand, Straet, T. G. Masaryk, Mucha, Aleš, Liesler, etc..; high catalogue value Mercure ca. 60.000CZK, rare offer! U:O5
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] selection more than 50 pcs of commemorative prints, contains i.a. PT6b, 9b, 11b etc.., supplemented with about/by faksimilii Terezin miniature sheet, 10 pcs of PPM and 8 pcs of inquiry about/by Czechosl. post. stamp. U:O5
1997 special envelope with miniature sheet Jewish Monuments in Prague, Pof.A142/143 and postmarks 1. of day issue, mounted miniature sheet without plate variety on pos. 3 (interrupted paw) (!); very fine, rare occurrence miniature sheet without plate defects! U:A5
1994 comp. 12 pcs of PC with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), postcode 110 01, 186 00, 269 01, 293 01, 350 02, 370 01, 500 02, 625 00, 735 14, 760 01, 763 02, 770 08; nice quality, rare occurrence U:A5
1994 comp. 6 pcs of money letters, off. envelope/-s with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), postcode 150 00 (2x), 353 01, 370 01, 460 01, 736 01; addressed to on/for Živnostenskou bank, nice quality, rare occurrence U:A4
1994 comp. 8 pcs of Reg entires with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), postcode 140 00, 150 00, 400 01, 530 02, 682 01, 736 01, 751 51, 767 01; all small format, nice quality, rare occurrence U:A5
1994 comp. 9 pcs of money letters, off. envelope/-s with labels APOST, type I (big hinge / label), all sent on/for úvěr(!), postcode 280 01, 339 01, 350 02, 415 01, 460 01, 466 01, 695 01, 738 01, 767 01; addressed to on/for Živnostenskou bank, nice quality, rare occurrence! U:A4
1993 CDV2/PM1, Vosolsobě; sought, very fine, Un U:A5
1993 CDV2/PM1, Vosolsobě; sought, very fine, Un U:A5
1993 CDV2 - PM2, 75 years Postal museum; Un, very fine U:A5
1993 CDV2 - PM2, 75 years Postal museum; Un, very fine U:A5
1994 CDV2/P1, Regen 1994, special postmark; Un U:A5
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CDV / wide collection of stationeries in various šanonech, folders and loosely in/at little-boxes, from CDV1, i.a. CDV1X, CDV2 with additional-printing PM1 - Vosolsobě, then for example. added-print P2, P3P4, P5, then CDV7 with PM 6-15, CDV22 with added-print (without PM6), various other issue, also picture PC, carte max etc.., prevail Un, in addition supplemented with about/by various p.stat CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., first day sheets and several FDC, practically all described, various typology etc..; placed in 2 full IKEA krabicich, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1993-2003 [COLLECTIONS] NOMINÁL / GENERAL / collection on/for more than 120 album pages Schaubek, contains especially souvenir sheets and PB (i.a. Beauties of Our Homeland, Art, Europe, Nature Protection apod.), then kopóny and stamp booklets (for example. Traditions stamp. production, For Children-issue), in/at smaller lot of stmp from automatic m.; placed in screw folder, face-value over 8.500CZK U:Z
1993-2006 [COLLECTIONS] NOMINÁL / GENERAL / semifinished collection in 4 big spiral cover on album sheets, contains souvenir sheets, PB, stamps, coupons, joined printings, supplemented with about/by stmp from automatic m., several booklets, then black prints, first day sheets, FDC and cartes-max; placed in larger box, face-value over ca. 20.000CZK U:K
1993-1994 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / all values issue Towns (Pof.12-19), total 34 date, any other one (also sought dotisky), several plate variety, color shades + in addition Brno 3CZK (Pof.35) - forgery to defraud the post (block of four), on 3 pages Lindner + supplemented with about/by 2 sheets Venkovské motives 40h (Pof.70), 1.III.00 from Wifagu 2 and 29.XI.00 from Wifagu 3, folded; cat. only single stamps min. 2.160Kč, like that value much higher U:Z
1995-2001 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / on/for postage stmp issues Zodiac, Stavební folder and Havel 5,40CZK, date various editions from postal transport to y 2001 incl., color shades, print on various strojích, varieties of paper etc.., total 28 date Zodiac (at value 2CZK also BTS and KBZ with hints roll embossing by/on/at numeral value, by/on/at 5,40CZK BTS basic print), 3 date Havel and 16 date Stavební folder (any other one), also with complete unfolded sheet Zodiac 40h (B); very interesting selection of, cat. only single stamp. without date 3.200CZK, like that price significantly higher U:Z
1993 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE MĚSTA / plate variety / study collection various flaws and varieties on issue Towns 1993 in/at šanonech in/at smaller box, various values etc..; all described U:K
1993-2003 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / basic collection in two stockbooks A4, contains souvenir sheets, PB, pairs etc..; face-value 12.000CZK U:Z
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] PLATNÝ NOMINÁL / ACCUMULATION / supply of stamps, miniature sheets and PB, for example. Art, Beauties of Our Homeland, St. Vojtěch, Anniv UPU etc.., contains also stmp from automatic m and several stamp. booklets, some pieces more times, from part/-s on album sheets, placed in smaller carton box; face-value over 6.800Kč U:K
1993-2016 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / NOMINÁL / three filled stockbooks A4, 2x 30-sheet and 1x 16-sheet, contains mainly souvenir sheets and PB, supplemented with about/by stmp from automatic m (Pof.AT1-4) and own stamp. (VZ TL0021, resp. TL0031); face-value over 43.000Kč, placed in larger box U:K