Public Auction 63 / Collections
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1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / strong accumulation of single values and complete sets in two full large stockbooks A4 + 1x smaller stockbook A4, from 1880´s, various issues, more times, shades, several bloks of four etc.., contains better sets as Mi.191-203, 244-249, 287, 342-343, 344-346, 347-353 etc.., also air-mail, occupied territories etc.; in addition supplemented with two smaller stockbooks A4 with telegraph and railway stamps + 1x large A4 with modern issues afte 1970; mainly hinged, smaller part mint never hinged or used., high catalogue value, lot of material, it is worth seeing! U:Z
1879-1944 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection in stockbook A4, from Mi.1-467 (except Mi.258), contains all sets, used, inter-war set mainly mint hinged, supplemented with postwar issues, cat. according to owner more than 5.000€ U:Z
1874-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on 17 sheets, from the first issue 1874, various perf, types and shifts of overprints, blocks of four, complete sets, also delivery, postage-due etc..; all with descriptions U:Z
1939-1943 SHEETS / selection of 6 complete sheets of 25, Mi.552, 561, 553 (2x), 594 (2x), in addition supplemented with block-of-25 of stamp Mi.511 and 493; very fine, interesting U:A3v–
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps issues Declaration of independence 1918 - stamps, plate proofs and joined printings, on 4 pages from stockbook, issue Sailor 1919 on 5 pages from exhibit and issue Chain Breaker 1919 - perforation flaws, offsets, PLATE PROOF etc.. on 4 pages of stockbook U:Z
1919 COUNTER SHEET / NEU-RUMÄNIEN / selection of 28 complete sheets of Hungarian stamps with overprint., postage-due, postage stamps, war, KÖZTARSASAG etc..; rare collection U:Z
1919 [COLLECTIONS] BANÁT, BÁCSKA, TEMESVÁR, BARANYA, ARAD, NEU-RUMÄNIEN, DEBRECEN, SZEGEDIN / very interesting collection in full 12-pages album A4, postage stamps, postage-due etc..; without guarantee, it is worth seeing! U:Z
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] BARANYA / TEMESVÁR / NEU ROMANIA / very interesting specialized collection of stamps with overprint from occupied territory, various types, colors, blocks, corner and marginal pieces etc..; with 19 certificates or expert's statements, rare! U:Z
1871-1968 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in 3 stockbooks, contains many complete sets as Mi.383-388, 430-437, 467-470, 528-537, 985-992, 1069-1082 (!), 1201-1203, 1243 etc.., also souvenir sheets Bl.2, 3, 4, 28A-C etc..; nice quality, mostly MNH, high catalogue value, by estimation more than 4.000€ U:Z
1871-1945 [COLLECTIONS] two incomplete collection used / mint in spring folder KABE on pages + on ca. 80 pages with Czech descriptions, without the first issue, from issue "Letter", various complete also incomplete sets, some better inter-war issues, postage-due etc.., without miniature sheets, various, mainly good quality U:K
1917-1918 [COLLECTIONS] TOWN POST / PRZEDBÓRZ I. - VIII. issue / rare specialized collection on 8 pages with descriptions, all identified, with total of 16 certificates or expert statements, i.a. 4x letter, types, perf, imperforated stamps etc..; high catalogue value, rare U:Z
1850 [COLLECTIONS] the first issue / very nice selection of all types on hand-made and machine paper, values Coat of arms 1Kr - 9 Kreuzer, all described, i.a. 1 Kr brown-orange, 2 Kreuzer silvery grey, 9 Kreuzer MP IIIa etc.., better pieces with certificates Ferchenbauer; overall nice quality, on 6 pages c.v.. 3.200€, rare collection U:Z
1867-1883 [COLLECTIONS] over 200 letters from nobiliary correspondence with stamps of 6. and 7. issue, i.a. Reg, 5x 3 Kreuzer, 2x heavier letters etc.., in addition several later issues and telegrams U:K
1867-1914 [COLLECTIONS] LEVANT and CRETE / collection on 14 sheets in old album, both except postage-due sets complete, also various print types, colors, perf, colors of cancel. etc..; many better stamps, interesting set, cat. min. 3.500€ U:Z
1920-1925 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION 1920-1925 / collection of 36 PC from II. - XIV. postal rate, mostly with various supplementary frankings addressed to Czechoslovakia, some also as Printed matter, interesting rates (near abroad), supplemented with 1 letter and 14 Ppc; total 50 pc, it is worth seeing, good condition, in stockbook A5 U:Z
1901-1918 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIAN-HUNGARY K.u.K KRIEGSMARINE (navy) collection 100 od Ppc with postmarks of war ships i.a. SMS KAISERIN M. TERESIA, ARPÁD, BELLONA, BLITZ, BODROG - Danube Flotilla, DINARA, GÖA, HUSZÁR, LEOPARD, MAGNET, PELIKAN, SATELIT, USKOKE, VULKAN, COMPO - Danubian boating, torpédovky SM BOOT 50, 50E, 56, 57T, 59, 59T, 85F, 90, 91, 98, SMS STEAMER VII etc., supplemented with 8 Ppc with picture of ships, all placed in photoalbum; mainly good quality, very nice collection U:Z
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] RAKOUSKO-UHERSKÁ K.u.K KRIEGSMARINE (navy) collectionof 99 with scenes from the life of sailors, contains i.a. 36 photo postcard with descriptions of marine fight for island Palegruža, then 24 photo postcards with views of sailors during their work on ships, 6 Ppc with views of submarines etc.; placed in photoalbum, very nice and rare collection! U:Z
1916-1918 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / selection of 70 cards, Ppc and letters sent on also from Czech war prisoners in Italy + supplemented with ca. 100 pcs of prisoner cards from Czech soldiers in Russian imprisonment, censorship; mainly good condition U:K
1890-2012 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection of unused stamps in 8 stockbooks A4, from ca. 1890, complete also incomplete sets, to 1940 */**, part more times, i.a. 2x set of blocks Mi.406-410, also joined printings, coupons, souvenir sheets, stamp bklt etc..; higher catalogue and face-value, lot of material U:K
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ITALY, Czechoslovakia, GERMANY, EUROPE accumulation of unused stamps and miniature sheets from European countries, lot of envelopes with unstuck used stamps, supplemented with smaller collection of stamps Italy and Vatican; all placed in one middle box, from estate U:K
1800-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ITALY, Czechoslovakia, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, HUNGARY disparate selection several set entires and Ppc, prevails postcard and entires Italy, part C.C. Germany, FP, entires Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and II., Austria post in Levant etc..; various quality, estate from abroad - it is worth seeing, ex Procházka U:K
1938-1954 SG.131ac,131ad,135a, George VI., 1C - DAMAGED VALUE TABLET, 1C - RETOUCHED VALUE TABLET, 10C - MOUNTAIN RETOUCH; cat. min. £230 U:Z
1892-1940 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on old sheets from Alegory Issue 1892 to 1939; 1892 complete, 1900 "changed colours" complete, 1904 5F, 1906-07 complete, 1913-17 to 5F and other much complete sets to 5Fr, 20Fr etc.; high c.v. U:Z
1916-1957 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on old sheets, i.a. issue 1916 "overprints on" stamps Dahomey 1c - 5Fr, 1921-26 1c - 5Fr, 1924-38 1.75 Fr, 1941 to 20Fr, 1947 air-mail, then overprint, high face-values to 500Fr, Feuillet de Luxe 20fr, etc..; high c.v. U:Z
1930-1948 [COLLECTIONS] small specialized collection on old sheets - i.a. Indian George V. to 15Rs (!) with postmarks of Burma, complete set of Japanese occupation J73-J81 also J88-97, Brit. military administration - blocks of four 1Rs-10Rs, issue INTERIM BURMESE GOVT. SG.68-82; interesting U:Z
1879-1894 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY collection 25 of various unused PC and envelopes Victoria, contains 14 single PC, 8 double PC, 3 Reg postal stationery covers, from that 5 PC with overprint values, 1x PC with overprint SPECIMEN, various shades and papers; mainly good quality U:O5
1994-1997 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / collection of ca. 700 exhibition miniature sheets, i.a. Bangkok 93 and Hongkong 97; high catalogue value, face-value H$ 8.700 = 26.000CZK U:K
1931-2016 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION of stamps, printing sheets and miniature sheets, contains several better items from 1950´s. i.a. Mi.76, 85, mainly sheets, various motives as fauna, flora, cosmos etc., high catalogue value U:Z
1937 [COLLECTIONS] OMNIBUS / KURUNOVACE 1937 / complete set 202 stamp.; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £200 U:O4
1855-1975 [COLLECTIONS] Gold Coast, old Malaysie, Caribbean, Canada, B.C.A., Sierra Leone, Zanzibar, BIOT, Bushire, Japanese occupation Barmy, Tanzánie (PLATE PROOF) and oths.; lot of better sets incl. pound and dollar highest values; much popular and of valuable stamps on/for cards and pages, very high catalogue value, in no way unworked - ideální for other sale! U:K
1870-1960 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection duplication on/for 27 sides in stockbook A4 - Africa, Asia, Europe, Caribbean, Oceania; obsaženy various incomplete also complete set (mainly joined issue), then some better middle values, shades, perf etc.., mainly unused, smaller part used; various quality, it is worth seeing! U:Z
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly cancel., modern duplication in 12 variously full stockbooks, Europe also overseas, also 1x album with Austria-Hungary revenues and 1x mainly incomplete collection Switzerland in album Schaubek; various quality, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1880-1950 [COLLECTIONS] FRENCH COLONIES / collection on 16 sides in stockbook A4, contains various incomplete also complete set, AEF, Morocco, Congo, St. Pierre ar Miquelon, Tangier etc..; as multiple interesting U:Z
1900-1950 [COLLECTIONS] PERFINS - EUROPE Germany, Austria, Hungary, France, England etc.. stovky stamps with perfins, scattered in box U:K
1970-1990 [COLLECTIONS] 50 years U.N. - motive collection in 3 stockbooks on hingeless sheets, without Block No.1 etc.. + UPU 1974 (100. Anniv) - contains stamp. and and souvenir sheets various countries to danému Anniv + Madona - motive collection in 3 albums U:K
1957-1980 [COLLECTIONS] COSMOS / USSR motive collection on 16 cards A4 + in/at smaller fold, contains souvenir sheets, printing sheet, imperforated stamp., various sets etc.., contains also signature astronaut A. Leonova and výtvarníka Sokolov U:Z
1971-1977 [COLLECTIONS] ROWLAND HILL / motive collection of stmp and miniature sheets with motive of creator of post. reform and iniciátorem origin postal stamps in 5 spiral albums + supplemented with about/by album Silver Jubilee 1977 U:Z
1976-1980 [COLLECTIONS] SPORT / Olympic Games 1980 - official motive collection Deutsche Sporthilfe, placed in 4 big spring folder (part 2x), contains souvenir sheets, set etc.. various countries + 1x spring folder with Olympic Games 1976 in folder on pages Borek +1x AUSTRIA - collection of entires with special postmark to Olympic Games 1976 (FDC, balloon mail etc..) U:K
2013 POFIS / Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939-1945, specialized catalogue, issue 2013, printing vyprodán; totally new U:Z
1903 AUSHÜLFSMARKEN VON TSINGTAO UND IHRE FÄLSCHUNGEN / issued in Leipzig 1903; fine, ex Rieger U:O4
2009 AUSTRIA / Die Bildpostkarten Österreich (Austria), Michael Bockisch, spacializovaný catalogue Austrian pictorial post cards, 1. issue 2009; as new U:Z
1990 AUSTRIA / Inflation in Österreich (Austria) 1918-1925, Heinrich Karasek; fine condition U:Z
1995 AUSTRIA / Österreich 1925-1938, Heinrich Karasek; catalogue with valuation of 1. republic entires; VF condition U:Z
1984-2014 GREAT BRITAIN / comp. of 3 catalogues: Stanley Gibbons Concise 2014, Queen Elizabeth II. Pre-Decimal Issues 1984 and Collect British Posmarks, J. T. Whitney; interesting set U:Z
[COLLECTIONS] selection 12 pcs of older interesting specialized literature, i.a. postmark, forgeries, coats of arms right/genuine stamps etc..; for example. Vademecum der Fälschungen; Altdeutschland, 5. issue; Zumstein - Hanbuch über die Poststamps der Schweizerischen...(včetně krásných color picture, issue 1924), etc..; overall sound condition, line interesting and today hard available titulů! U:Z
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS / small collection in older stockbook on 13 variously full sides, contains i.a. Říčany near Prague, Svitavy, Sušice, Holešovice, Plzeň, Rychnov, prevail incomplete set etc..; part hinged U:Z
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISORY collection 400 pcs of various entires, from that more than 360 pcs of Reg letters with provisory German Reg label with overprints or přepisy, 4 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, 3 pcs of newspaper address cut-squares with provisory cancel. and several letters franked/paid cash, it contains e.g. TŘI SEKERY, VENDRYNĚ, PUDLOV, PRATLSBRUN, NĚMECKÝ BENEŠOV, OLEKSOVICE, LÍŠŤANY, KUNVALD, KOKONÍN, KLIMKOVICE, VESEC U LIBERCE, KUNRATICE U CVIKOVA, HRABIŠÍN, BYSTŘICE N. OLZOU etc.., placed in stockbook for entires and smaller box; mainly chosen quality U:K
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] collection / exhibit on/for more than 80 pages (through/over 150 entires) with German descriptions, contains i.a. more than 40 Reg entires, also official, postage due, dispatch-note, rubber, nationalized and memorial cancel. etc..; interesting U:Z
[COLLECTIONS] small collection on/for ca. 15 sides in stockbook A4, contains values 1,50 Koruna, 13 Koruna and 20K, mainly blocks, corner etc..; various quality, suitable for study purposes U:Z
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.353, 357-359, values 1,50 Koruna, 9K - 20K, collection intended stamp fields from 2x 120 pcs of plate (elaborated according to complete sheets), every pos. contains only 1x (plate variety, color, papers); total 700 stamp. in stockbook A4 with descriptions + complete soupisem, determination pos. garantováno expert Federation of Czech Philatelists; quite unrepeatable offer especially for specialist zabývajícími with rekonstrukcemi printing plates U:Z
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.354-356, values 2 Koruna - 6 Koruna, collection intended stamp fields from 240 pcs of plate (elaborated according to complete sheets), every pos. contains only 1x (plate variety, color, papers); total 477 stamp. in stockbook A4 with descriptions + complete soupisem, determination pos. garantováno expert Federation of Czech Philatelists, quite unrepeatable offer especially for specialist zabývajícími with rekonstrukcemi printing plates U:Z
1950 [COLLECTIONS] miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, Pof.A564, comp. of 12 miniature sheets with identified plate, in addition supplemented with 2x Reg letter franked with. this miniature sheet; on pages with descriptions, only basic souvenir sheets c.v.. 6.000CZK U:Z
1966 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.1517-1522, Fishes, specialized selection of plate variety and production flaw mainly in blocks, contains i.a. 30h with plate variety 3/2; 2x str-of-3 1Kčs I+II+II; str-of-3 with plate variety 59/1; 1,20Kčs with plate variety 45/1 and 51/1; 1,60Kčs with plate variety 33/1, in addition supplemented with about/by several small nahodilých production flaw; only catalogue defects 2.200Kčs, popular issue U:Z
1966 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.1517-1522, Fishes, specialized selection of multiblocks with various plate variety, joined types etc.., i.a. LL blk-of-20 Kapr 1Kčs, 4x ST I. + II. (c.v.. 1.800CZK); blk-of-20 1,40Kčs with plate variety 67/1 - stain below tail etc..; very interesting, various plate variety described U:Z
1961 [COLLECTIONS] BUTTERFLIES / very nice collection blk-of-10 with identified plate, contains total 7x 15h, 1x 20h - 1,60Kčs and 4x 2Kčs, in addition 6 pcs of entires; all described, overall fine U:Z
1945 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER STAMPS / MINIATURY collection 25 complete corner miniatures in blocks of four with plate number, 5h - 5Kčs, i.a. 10h with plate number 3-45, 4-45, 5-45 and 6-45; very nice quality, c.v.. more than 3.000CZK U:Z
1966-1989 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 41 pcs of black-prints CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 and Czech Republic, contains i.a. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 PT5, Hradčany and PT14, Pigeon-issue - black and red; c.v.. 9.810Kč U:O5
1950-1991 [COLLECTIONS] postal stationery cover collection postal stationery covers, total 88 pcs of envelopes placed in box on/for 54 pages unbound pages with descriptions, i.a. contains COB1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 26, 76X etc..; very sound condition, c.v.. 11.580Kč U:Z
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / interesting slightly specialized collection on pages Trojan in 11 perových cover, contains souvenir sheets, PB, blocks of four, coupons etc.., i.a. Košice-issue in blocks of four, Kosice MS, blocks of four Kozina with coupons, miniature sheet May type II., souvenir sheets Prague 1950, Praga 1955, Bratislava 52, "Praga 1962", complete counter sheet I. art, several cancel. also clear blk-of-10, chosen plate variety and production flaw etc..; mainly nice quality, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1945-1985 [COLLECTIONS] 4-BLOKY / accumulation 193 corner blk-of-4 or also significantly larger parts of sheets in 24-stránkovém stockbook; c.v.. price single stamp. 1.860 CZK, like that multiply higher, unusual research material U:Z