1927 Mi.234Klb, Surcharge 5Fr + 1Fr violet block-of-10, at top cancel. DEPOT 1927; 1x light horiz. bend in perforation and production paper flaw, c.v.. 450€, rare
1928 Mi.235I-243I, Orval (I), 5C+5C - 10Fr+10Fr with overprint "Monogram of Prince Leopold"; hinged, certificate P. Kaiser A.I.E.P., rare offer, c.v.. ** 1.600€
1934 Mi.386-392, Tubeculose 10C+5C - 5Fr+5Fr; complete mint never hinged set, marginal pcs., end 5Fr corner piece; hinges on margins out of stamps, c.v.. €420++
1952-1953 BLOCKS OF 4/ selection of two complete sets in blocks of four, part corner pieces with plate nr.: Mi.952-959 and 967-972; very fine, cat. only as single stamps 500€
1857-1861 4 folded letters with single frankings of stamps "Medailon", i.a. 1x with 40C issue 1851, wmk without frame, other franked with 20C; very fine
1880-1950[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / strong accumulation of single values and complete sets in two full large stockbooks A4 + 1x smaller stockbook A4, from 1880´s, various issues, more times, shades, several bloks of four etc.., contains better sets as Mi.191-203, 244-249, 287, 342-343, 344-346, 347-353 etc.., also air-mail, occupied territories etc.; in addition supplemented with two smaller stockbooks A4 with telegraph and railway stamps + 1x large A4 with modern issues afte 1970; mainly hinged, smaller part mint never hinged or used., high catalogue value, lot of material, it is worth seeing!
1879-1944[COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection in stockbook A4, from Mi.1-467 (except Mi.258), contains all sets, used, inter-war set mainly mint hinged, supplemented with postwar issues, cat. according to owner more than 5.000€
1874-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on 17 sheets, from the first issue 1874, various perf, types and shifts of overprints, blocks of four, complete sets, also delivery, postage-due etc..; all with descriptions
1852 Mi.2II, AFA 2b, Coat of arms 2 RIGSBANK SKILLING, Thiele, very wide margins, on small cut-square with round cancel. "1"; very nice piece, c.v.. Michel 900€+
1894 postal stationery cover 8Ore, Mi.U10, sent as Reg to Olomouc, uprated with stamps 4+2x 12Ore, Mi.23, 26 2x, CDS ODENSE 15/4, on reverse arrival postmark OLMÜTZ 17/4 94; good condition
1849 Mi.3, 4; selection of CERES 20C (7), 25C (5 + 6 pairs), organised according to colors and papers, incl. rarer shades; c.v.. Maury min. 1.650€; very fine set
1849 Mi.4, Maury 4b, Ceres 25C pale blue (cheapest color); very fine marginal piece with original gum, c.v.. 7.600€, extraordinary offer, very rare classic stamp!
1930 Mi.248MH, Sinking Fund as booklet issue,blok-of-4; hinged in margins out of stamps; stamps FV, c.v. for booklet 900€, only MNH stamps min. 480€, rare occurrence
1939-1943 SHEETS / selection of 6 complete sheets of 25, Mi.552, 561, 553 (2x), 594 (2x), in addition supplemented with block-of-25 of stamp Mi.511 and 493; very fine, interesting
1939-1944 INTERNMENT CAMPS selection of 12 envelopes and cards sent to and from camps in France, i.a. CAMP ARGELES, CAMP DE NOÉ, CAMP RIVESALTES, CAMP PORTET SUR GARONE, CAMP DE GURS etc.., 1x Reg letter, 2x official Red Cross to Geneva, 1x letter from Spain, censorship etc..; good condition
1924 ALEXANDRIA / Reg letter to Nairobi, franked on back side with color franking with overprint Allegory, CDS ALEXANDRIA, transit REUNION, arrival NAIROBI 3.DE.1924; good destination
1904-1908 SG.56-64, Edward VII., ½P - £1, complete set of 9 stamps + SG.60a + SG.62a on chalke paper, all wmk Mult Crown CA, supplemented with shades of values ½P and 2P; hinged, c.v.. £1.250, rare set!
1938-1951 SG.121-131, George VI. ½P - £1, rare selection of 36 stamps, nominal complete set supplemented with many types and color shades; mainly mint never hinged
1944 C.C. JASENOVAC / Sabirni logor Jasenovac - front part from pre-printed card without franking, CDS JASENOVAC 15.III.44, censor oval SLUŽEBENO/ PREGLEDANO with emblem; light fold, ex Procházka
1944 C.C. CAMP STARA GRADIŠKA / Sabirni logor Stara Gradiška - front part from pre-printed card with 2 K, CDS STRA GRADIŠKA 12.IV.44, censor oval SLUŽEBENO/ PREGLEDANO with emblem, this C.C. was a part of C.C. Jasenovac - Tábor VII; good condition, ex Procházka
1852-1859 Sass.1-4, 6, 8-10, 13, 15; Coat of arms 5C-40C i. e. complete 1. issue, 5C-40C from 2. issue from that 5C rarer olive, in addition GOVERNO PROVISORIO 15C and 20C; very nice set, c.v.. 8.600€
1940-1944 ITALIAN PRISON A CONCENTRATION CAMPS / selection of 13 entires sent from or to C.C., i.a. CAIRE MONTENOTTE, ALBEROBELLO, PADUA, MONZA, FERRAMONTI DI TARSIA (to Tel-Aviv), CORROPOLI, CASOLI, CASTEL DI GUIDO etc..; various quality, ex Procházka