1928 Mi.235I-243I, Orval (I), 5C+5C - 10Fr+10Fr with overprint "Monogram of Prince Leopold"; hinged, certificate P. Kaiser A.I.E.P., rare offer, c.v.. ** 1.600€
1880-1950[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / strong accumulation of single values and complete sets in two full large stockbooks A4 + 1x smaller stockbook A4, from 1880´s, various issues, more times, shades, several bloks of four etc.., contains better sets as Mi.191-203, 244-249, 287, 342-343, 344-346, 347-353 etc.., also air-mail, occupied territories etc.; in addition supplemented with two smaller stockbooks A4 with telegraph and railway stamps + 1x large A4 with modern issues afte 1970; mainly hinged, smaller part mint never hinged or used., high catalogue value, lot of material, it is worth seeing!
1879-1944[COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection in stockbook A4, from Mi.1-467 (except Mi.258), contains all sets, used, inter-war set mainly mint hinged, supplemented with postwar issues, cat. according to owner more than 5.000€
1874-1918 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on 17 sheets, from the first issue 1874, various perf, types and shifts of overprints, blocks of four, complete sets, also delivery, postage-due etc..; all with descriptions
1852 Mi.2II, AFA 2b, Coat of arms 2 RIGSBANK SKILLING, Thiele, very wide margins, on small cut-square with round cancel. "1"; very nice piece, c.v.. Michel 900€+
1849 Mi.4, Maury 4b, Ceres 25C pale blue (cheapest color); very fine marginal piece with original gum, c.v.. 7.600€, extraordinary offer, very rare classic stamp!
1930 Mi.248MH, Sinking Fund as booklet issue,blok-of-4; hinged in margins out of stamps; stamps FV, c.v. for booklet 900€, only MNH stamps min. 480€, rare occurrence
1924 ALEXANDRIA / Reg letter to Nairobi, franked on back side with color franking with overprint Allegory, CDS ALEXANDRIA, transit REUNION, arrival NAIROBI 3.DE.1924; good destination
1904-1908 SG.56-64, Edward VII., ½P - £1, complete set of 9 stamps + SG.60a + SG.62a on chalke paper, all wmk Mult Crown CA, supplemented with shades of values ½P and 2P; hinged, c.v.. £1.250, rare set!
1938-1951 SG.121-131, George VI. ½P - £1, rare selection of 36 stamps, nominal complete set supplemented with many types and color shades; mainly mint never hinged
1852-1859 Sass.1-4, 6, 8-10, 13, 15; Coat of arms 5C-40C i. e. complete 1. issue, 5C-40C from 2. issue from that 5C rarer olive, in addition GOVERNO PROVISORIO 15C and 20C; very nice set, c.v.. 8.600€
1938 RHODES / PC Rhodes 30C sent as airmeil to Berlin, uprated with color franking of 7 stamps issue Motives, CDS PIROSCAFO POSTALE FIUME, transit TRIESTE and VENICE CORRISP/ POSTA AEREA 23.3.38; very fine, rare
1918-1936 selection of 11 various entires, contains i.a. 1x whole p.stat post. parcel card with issue 1920, 1x II. part C.O.D. dispatch-note, 4x p.stat PC from that 2x as Registered and 1x Flight to Czechoslovakia, 3x overprint letter-card from that 1x as Registered, 1x Reg and Express letter; good condition, interesting
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps issues Declaration of independence 1918 - stamps, plate proofs and joined printings, on 4 pages from stockbook, issue Sailor 1919 on 5 pages from exhibit and issue Chain Breaker 1919 - perforation flaws, offsets, PLATE PROOF etc.. on 4 pages of stockbook
1938-1951 SG.151-163, George VI. - Landscape ½Pi - £1, complete set of 19 stamps + 3 different shades and perf of values 1Pi, 2Pi and 18Pi, wmk Mult Script CA; superb, c.v.. £250
1912-1990[COLLECTIONS] large, almost complete collection in 3 spiral albums on pages Lindner and SAFE, from the first issue Mi.1-3, then for example. Mi.53-60, 65-70, 78-81, 82-89, 90-93, 94-107, 108-113, Mi.113 with omitted right vertical perf, then Mi.114-115, 116-118, 122-124, 140-142, miniature sheet Vaduz (** - superb), 149-150 etc.., also Postage due stamps, several printing sheets and FDC, in addition ditto collection from 1962 - 1990 in 10 ring folders SAFE and then supplemented with about 5 folders with FDC from 1957; c.v. according to the quality quality (* included to sum as 30% **) min. 15.000€, a lot of material, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1873-1898 SLOVAKIA / selection of 20 reply receipts Térti - vevény, from that 9 with Letter with cipher 5 Kreuzer or 10Kr mainly with single-circle cancel. MALCZA - Malčice, 11 pcs part with stamps of the first issue 1871 all with 1-circle cancel. VÁSÁRHELY ZEMPLÉNY - Trhoviště; good condition
1920 Mi.319-321, Airmail stamps with overprint LÉGI POSTA on stamps Parlamet 10K, complete set of 3-12K in vertical block-of-28 with upper and bottom margin; mint never hinged, c.v.. 180€
1947 Mi.985-992Klb, Roosevelt, set of 8 PB, all OPPOSITE FACING pairs (!); mint never hinged, only 2x bend in corner, rare occurrence, missing also in collections, cat. 750€, rare offer
1931 Mi.478-479, Airmail Zeppelin 1931 1P and 2P on cut-squares + single 1P used + zeppelin envelope franked with i.a. 2P 1931 with round blue flight cancel. (on reverse torn flap); nice selection
1919 [COLLECTIONS] BANÁT, BÁCSKA, TEMESVÁR, BARANYA, ARAD, NEU-RUMÄNIEN, DEBRECEN, SZEGEDIN / very interesting collection in full 12-pages album A4, postage stamps, postage-due etc..; without guarantee, it is worth seeing!
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] BARANYA / TEMESVÁR / NEU ROMANIA / very interesting specialized collection of stamps with overprint from occupied territory, various types, colors, blocks, corner and marginal pieces etc..; with 19 certificates or expert's statements, rare!
1871-1968[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in 3 stockbooks, contains many complete sets as Mi.383-388, 430-437, 467-470, 528-537, 985-992, 1069-1082 (!), 1201-1203, 1243 etc.., also souvenir sheets Bl.2, 3, 4, 28A-C etc..; nice quality, mostly MNH, high catalogue value, by estimation more than 4.000€
1860-1884 SG.3-19, Victoria 1½P, selection of 6 stams, 4x unused, 1x without watermark (short tooth), 2x wmk CC, 1x CA + 2x used - 1x wmk CC and CA; cat. min. £1.190
1928 SG.174-192, George V. - Motives ¼P - 10Sh, complete set of 19 stamps with overprint "POSTAGE and REVENUE", wmk Mult Script CA, values 1/6Sh - 10Sh marginal pieces; mainly hinged, value 10Sh minor faults, c.v.. £200
1859Mi.15, Coat of arms 18Kr blue; unused piece with wide margins and large part original gum, small bend and underlaid middle, c.v.. 4.000€, very rare stamp in good quality with certificate Heinrich BPP, this stamp always missing in collections!