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1940 SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE / envelope with Linden Leaves, Pof.23 and str-of-3 Pof.20, total 40h, posting MC BRNO 2/ 14.XI.40 supplemented with cancel. "Sample without value"; good condition, decorative advertising envelope U:A5
1941 double-sheet from příjmací book/-s přespolního postman/-en, fee paid postage stmp Zlín 3 Koruna, Pof.36, CDS PRAG 1/ 15.X.41; good condition, interesting U:A4
1941 NEWSPAPERS / ukrajinský weekly paper "Nástup" (published in Prague) addressed to to Berlin, with Linden Leaves 25h, Pof.23, CDS PRAG 8/ 19.VI.41; good condition U:A4
1942 book přespolního postman/-en, fee paid i.a. stamp. Prague 20K (5x), Prague 10K 1x etc..; good condition, very interesting U:A4
1943 Registered and Express letter to Blanska franked with. Pof.85, 95, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 12.III.43, rare rate 9,20K (late posting after/around 18 hod.), arrival CDS BLANSKO 13.III.43 in front; sound condition U:A5
1944 OMEZENÍ SLUŽBY SPĚŠNÝCH ZÁSILEK / comp. 2 pcs of Ex+R-dopisů addressed to Prague and franked/paid in relation to nálety only as Reg letters, both with Pof.85, 91, CDS BUDWEIS 2/ 14.IV.44, resp. OBORA 22.VII.44, supplemented with red framed pmk "4.-" and "Surcharge", supplement for express delivery was/were paid additionally, supplemented with kopií postal předpisu; good condition, 1x commercial and 1x private correspondence, rare occurrence! U:A5
1944-1945 selection of 17 pcs of letters from 1. of day usage - FDC, 1. anniv of death Heydrich 28.5.1943, 5. anniv of Bohemia-Moravia 15.3.1944 - 9 pcs of, 55. birthday A. Hitler 20.4.1944 - 3 pcs of, Smetana 12.5.1944 - 3 pcs of, postage stmp A. Hitler 4,20 Koruna 1.2.1945, part philatelically motivated mailing as Registered, Reg and Express; good condition U:A5
1945 whole dispatch note on/for 762.000K to bank in/at Náchod, franked on front side by 4 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler 10K, Pof.96 and on reverse Pof.93, 88, 78, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1/ 27.IV.45; only vertical fold, rare usage whole dispatch-notes with unique high franking! U:A5
1945 comp. 2 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments i.a. franked by stmp A. Hitler. 4,20 Koruna, Pof.122, 1x with CDS SVRATKA 8.III.45, 1x with CDS MALÉ SVATOŇOVICE 12.III.45; usual quality, rare usage values 4,20 Koruna on dispatch notes! U:A5
1943 Pof.111, KARTE-MAXIMUM, printed postcard big format Heydrich with mounted stamp. to 1. anniv of death, with CDS PRAGUE 7/ 4.VI.43 - date vzpomínkové celebration; Un, perfect condition U:A5
1940-1945 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. 90 pcs of entires with various issues, contains i.a. 6 pcs of R letters with A. Hitler 4,20 Koruna, 6 pcs of money letters from that 1x as CP+Dobírka, 4 pcs of Reg and C.O.D., 9 pcs of sent as Express and 65 pcs of R letters, high values as A. Hitler. 30K, Prague 20K brown etc.., much determined plate variety and production flaw on stmp., part philatelically motivated mailing, part commercial correspondence, much interesting pieces; mainly good quality, valuable selection of U:K
1939 Pof.NV1-NV9, the first issue., comp. 15 pcs of 10, 20 and 30 bands with plate number, 2h 1+2, 5h 26-41, 7h 2, 9h 1+2, 10h 4-4 triangle 12h 1+2, 20h 1+2, 50h 1 2 pcs of various shades brown, 1 Koruna 2 pcs of with plate number 2; mint never hinged, c.v.. 2.400CZK U:A4
1939 Pof.NV1 plate number, 5h blue (the first issue.), L the bottom corner piece with plate number 1, thin frame; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.500CZK U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, 5h blue (the first issue.), L and R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-39; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, 5h blue (the first issue.), L and R corner piece with plate number 6-39; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, 5h blue (the first issue.), L the bottom corner piece with plate number 1 and thin frame; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, 5h blue (the first issue.), R and L the bottom corner piece with plate number 1-39 + 3 LL corner pieces with plate number 2, 4 and 5, all wide frame; mint never hinged, c.v.. 3.900CZK U:A5
1939 Pof.NV2, 5h blue (the first issue.), selection of 24 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with plate number, contains 7, 12, 16, 19-40 L + R, 26-41, 29-42 L + R, 30-42 L + R, 35-42 L + R, 34-42 + right blocks of four 5x 39, 6x 40; mint never hinged, c.v.. 3.370Kč U:A4
1939 Pof.NV4, NV7, 9h green + 20h dark green (the first issue.), 2x corner blk-of-6 with print horiz. ledge in upper margin; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV5, 10h red (the first issue.), whole 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 3-40 with trigon (!); mint never hinged, without folds, catalogue podhodnocuje, rare usage! U:A3v–
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV5, Newspaper stamps the first issue 10h red, whole 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 4-40 with trigon (!) + print vertical ledge in R margin; mint never hinged, without folds, catalogue podhodnocuje, rare usage! U:A3v–
1939 Pof.NV5, the first issue., comp. 3 pcs of L corner blk-of-4 and 2 corner pieces with plate number triangle 3-40 and 4-40, from that 2x corner blk-of-4 with plate number 4-40; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV8, 50h brown (the first issue.), whole 100 stamps sheet with plate number 3-42; mint never hinged, without folds U:A3v–
1939 Pof.NV8, value 50h brown (the first issue.), whole upper bnd-of-20 with print ledge (!) in upper margin; irregular gum after/around bad placing and cut between stamp. in lower line, catalogue doesn't report, very rare! U:A4
1943 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV10-NV18, issue II., nominal complete set 9 pcs of whole 100 pcs of counter sheet 2h - 1 Koruna, plate number 1-43 by/on/at 1 Koruna, 10h, 7h, 2h, plate number 24-44 by/on/at 5h, other plate number 2-43; overall fine, zalisováno in/at protective covers U:A3v–
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV10, issue II 2h, comp. 4 pcs of complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, 1x plate number 2-43 and 3x plate number 1-43, from that 1x with DV- circle on pos. 68 + 1x with plate variety circle on pos. 68 and 73 and 1x without plate variety; interesting selection of U:A3v–
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV14, 10h red (issue II.), complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 2-43, 9x interrupted frame; mint never hinged without folds, c.v.. 5.000CZK, rarest counter sheet with plate number this issue! U:A3v–
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV14, 10h red issue II.), complete 100 pcs of counter sheet, 9x interrupted frame, plate number 2-43; mint never hinged, without fold, c.v.. 5.000CZK, rarest counter sheet with plate number this vydání!- U:A3v–
1943 Pof.NV14, value 10h red (issue II.), L and R corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-43 - 1x interrupted protective frame; mint never hinged, c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1939-1942 comp. 10 pcs of address cut-squares from parcel cover newspapers, with the first issue values 1 Koruna, 50h, 20h, 12h, 10h, 7h (str-of-5), 5h also 2h; good condition U:A5
1940 address cover newspaper parcel franked with. 8 pcs of stamp. 5h the first issue., from that 5x corner piece with plate number 16 and 2x corner piece with plate number 40; good condition, rare U:A5
1944 address part newspaper parcel cover on/for mailing 60 pcs of newspapers franked with. 60-blokem (!) stamp. 5h, Pof.NV11, arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 3.II.44; torn off corner and part margins from cover, over stmp only light fold, quite rare franking newspaper stmp! U:A4
1939 Pof.OT1, overprint GD-OT, comp. 4 pcs of with plate number and trigon, L + R the bottom block of four with plate number 1, L corner piece with plate number 2 and perf + used corner piece with plate number 1; mint never hinged + 1x used with postmark U:A5
1939-1940 comp. 7 pcs of entires with for commercial printed-matters, 3x used forerunner Czechosl. stamp. 10h, Pof.OT1 and 4x used Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 10h with overprint GD-OT, Pof.OT1, various posting postmark; good condition U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL1-3, values 5h, 10h and 20h in/at 50 pcs of sheets, comp. 5 pcs of various, 5h 2A-39 x-x, 10h 1A-39 x-x + 2A-39 x-y, 20h 3-40 y-x + 4A-40 x-y; rare 50 pcs of complete counter sheets U:A3v–
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL8 plate number, 80h red, 80ti-pás with plate number 4-40 / 4A-40 from 100 pcs of counter sheet (without upper bnd-of-20); nice quality U:A3v–
1939 Pof.DL1-DL14, Postage due stmp, complete set of 14-zn. cut "counter sheet"; all mint never hinged, c.v.. 5.700CZK U:A4
1939 Pof.DL2-DL12, comp. 15 pcs of pairs and 3 pcs of single 4-stamp gutter with lower margin and various plate number; all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 5.000CZK U:A4
1939 Pof.DL2-DL14, sestva 29 pcs of 2-stamps gutter with lower margin and various plate number, smaller part imperforate, major-part detached gutter, pair 2-stamps gutter., outside 5h contains all values; all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 11.000CZK U:A4
1939 Pof.DL3, DL4, DL8, DL10-DL13, selection of 17 pcs of bottom 20- and bnd-of-10 with various plate number; all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 6.300CZK U:A4
1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, 2-stamps. detached gutter with plate number 3-40 / 3A-40; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, rare usage, c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, LR corner piece with plate number 1A-39 with print part/-s protective ledge on/for bottom horiz. margin; hinged, rare occurrence!, c.v.. -,- U:A5
1939 Pof.DL7, 60h red, block 5 pcs of horiz. 2-stamps gutter with print part/-s bend in upper margin; mint never hinged, only minor gum fault between 2. and 3. gutter, isn't known usage on this value! U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL9, 1 Koruna blue, 80-pás with plate number 1-39 / 1A-39 from 100 pcs of counter sheet (without upper bnd-of-20); nice quality U:A3v–
1939 Pof.DL9 plate number, 1 Koruna blue, L the bottom corner piece with plate number 2-39 x, significant shift comb perf in L margin; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DL13, 10K blue, 80-pás with plate number 1-39 / 1A-39 from 100 pcs of counter sheet (without upper bnd-of-20); nice quality, very rare usage U:A3v–
1939 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Delivery list for payment instructions, fee paid mixed franking parallel Czechosl. Postage due stamp 10CZK and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamp. 1 Koruna, 2 Koruna, Pof.DL65 + DL9, DL11, cancelled by postmark VELKĚ MEZIŘÍČÍ 19.XII.39; format A4, cross fold, rare usage mixed postage-due frankings! U:A4
1939-1942 comp. 6 pcs of entires burdened by postage-due, from that 3 pcs of with mixed frankings Czechosl. and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA postage-due stamp., then for example. 1x Reg letter franked with. krajovým blk-of-10 Pof.DL2 with plate number 1A-39, 1x unpaid postcard; common quality, rare franking postage-due stamps! U:A4
1940 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Delivery list for payment instructions where fee are paid mixed franking parallel Czechosl. Postage due stamp and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamp. 50h + 1 Koruna, 4x 5 Koruna, Pof.DL60, DL9, DL12 4x, cancelled by postmark VELKÁ N. VELIČKOU 4.I.40; format A4, good condition, rare usage mixed postage-due frankings! U:A4
1940 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA Delivery list for payment instructions where fee are paid mixed franking parallel Czechosl. postage-due stamp. 50h + 2x 1CZK and Bohemian and Moravian postage-due stamp. 2x 10K, Pof.DL13, cancelled by postmark NOVÝ HROZENKOV 23.I.40; format A4, good condition, rare usage mixed postage-due frankings! U:A4
1940 off. unpaid letter in the place liable for postage, receiver paid total 1,20 Koruna - on reverse used 24 pcs of postage-due stamp. 5h, Pof.DL1 in 2 blocks with margin, cancelled by postmark TÁBOR 29.VII.40, CDS TÁBOR 27.VII.40; good condition, quite rare franktura postage-due stamps! U:A5
1941 POSTAGE-DUE provisional / unpaid official card customs služebny in/at Tišnově, CDS TIŠNOV/ 22.IV.41, supplemented with cancel. "T in circle" and bilingual "Matter off., postage podrobena", mounted pair postage stmp Pof.24 with handwriting transcription "doplatit" and arrival CDS DOUBRAVNÍK/ 23.IV.41; rare occurrence, sound condition U:A5
1941 Pof.SL5, SL7-SL12, Official I., selection of corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-41 and 2-41, values 5 Koruna, 4 Koruna, 3 Koruna, 2 Koruna, 1,50 Koruna and 80h, value 1,20 Koruna with plate number 3-41, supplemented with 7 pcs of corner stamp. with plate number values 5 Koruna and 4 Koruna; mint never hinged, c.v.. 3.690Kč U:A4
1941 Pof.SL12, SL9, SL5, SL2, Official I, comp. 3 pcs of corner blk-of-4 and 3 pcs of corner pieces with plate number and print protective frames, i.a. 5 Koruna wide, 2 Koruna high and 60h wide print; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 3.000Kč
1943 Pof.SL15, SL16, SL17, SL22, Pof.SL12, SL9, SL5, SL2, Official II, comp. 3 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with plate number, corner piece plate number and 1 upper corner blk-of-4, all with print protective frames, i.a. 3 Koruna with thin/close, 60h high and 50h wide print; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 1.600CZK U:A5
1940-1943 comp. 15 pcs of entires franked with. service stmp the first issue., 8x Reg from that 1x with mixed franking official and postage stmp., 6x ordinary letter and 1x reply form, high franking with usage stamp. 5 Koruna 4x, 4 Koruna 2x etc..; good condition U:A4
1941-1944 comp. 5 pcs of interesting entires franked with. service stmp., 1x commercial PC with Pof.SL4 and plate number 1-41, 1x zúčtovatelný printed matter as Registered burdened with postage-due, 1x reply form, 1x whole court letter with mixed franking service stmp both issues and 1x Registered and Express letter franked with. 2 rohovými 4-páskami Pof.SL7 with plate number 2-41 and red cancel. PRAGUE Victoria greater format; as multiple sound condition U:A4
1943 exceptional comp. 15 pcs of entires with mixed frankings service stmp (11x), resp. official and postage stmp (4x), from that 6x as Registered, 2x Ex and 1x Reg and Express; 7 pcs of larger format, Registered and Express letter vyšisované margins, otherwise good condition, rare usage mixed frankings! U:A4
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp; superb marginal piece, expert Benes., c.v.. 7.000CZK U:A5
1944 Pof.PrA1a, Admission stmp, UL corner piece from miniature sheet with complete margin; issued without gum U:A5