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1944 heavier Registered and Express letter to own by hand, franked with. 10ti-násobnou franking postage stmp Tiso 0,70Ks and Delivery stmp 50h blue, Sy.DR1, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 8.VIII.44; good condition, right usage delivery stamp. on/for R_dopise, rare! U:A5
1939 Sy.D1Xx-D11Xx, the first issue 5h - 20Ks without watermark, horiz. grid; complete set, overall fine, c.v.. 47€ U:A5
1939 Sy.D1Xy-D11Xy plate number, the first issue 5h - 20Ks without watermark, vertical grid, complete basic set corner pieces with plate number 1; 1Ks (type II.) and 2 Koruna hinged, other mint never hinged, i.a. incl. 10 Koruna and 20Ks; c.v.. after/around zohlednění quality ca. 200€ U:A4
1939 Sy.D1Xy-D11Xy, the first issue 5h - 20Ks without watermark, vertical grid; complete set, overall fine, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1939 Sy.D2Xz, D3Xz, D5Xz, the first issue 10h, 20h and 40h without watermark, smooth gum, rohov blocks of four in/at complete miniaturách, total 12 pcs of bloks of four; mint never hinged, only 1x minor gum fault U:A4
1939 Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smooth gum, vertical pair with production flaw - 2x vertical hair paper crease in paper; mint never hinged, interesting 1939 Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smooth gum, vertical pair with production flaw - hair paper crease; mint never hinged, interesting U:A5
1939 Sy.NZD8XxN, the first issue 1Ks red, unissued imperforated blk-of-4 (!); hinged, slightly stripped paper, but nesvítí (viewing of quality recommended), exp. by Gilbert and Nov, c.v.. 320€++, as blk-of-4 rare occurrence! U:A5
1940 Sy.D1Y-D11Y P1, issue II 5h - 10 Koruna with wmk P1, complete set of with plate number in/at L bottom corner blocks of four, value 1Ks plate number 1 and 2, total 12 pcs of bloks of four; mint never hinged, only bend in corner values 20h, c.v.. 150€ U:A4
1939 Sy.D8Y plate number production flaw, 1Ks, L the bottom corner piece with plate number and production flaw - vertical line after/around scrap color, wmk P2; mint never hinged, interesting U:A5
1942 Sy.D13-D27, Postage due stmp III., complete set of 10h - 10 Koruna, LL corner blocks of four, set of all (!) plate numbers, total 23 pcs of bloks of four, value 1Ks in two variants placing plate number 1 (catalogue for the present doesn't report); mint never hinged U:A4
1939 POSTAGE-DUE provisional / off. unpaid letter where porto paid by receiver, as postage-due used postage stmp 50h Hlinka, pair Sy.29A with provisory overprint "T", CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 4.VIII.39, stamp. with CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN 5.VIII.39; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1939 mixed franking postage-due stamp., letter from Protectorate franked in parallel valid Czechosl. stamps Pof.249 (2x), 352, CDS BRNO 16/ 15.XI.39 burdened with postage-due, mixed franking Slovak Postage due stamp 1Ks with parallel Czechosl. Postage due stamps 2x 30h, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 16.XI.39; envelope on reverse unprofessionally open, front side good condition U:A5
1939-1942 comp. 3 pcs of entires with surtax, 1x mixed frnkatura Czechosl. stamp. 60h and Slovak 40h on card field post with CDS HLINÍK N. H. 18.X.39, 1x service letter where recipient zaplatil postage mixed franking postage-due stamp. 2 issues 1939 and 1942, 60h + 2x 10h with CDS BRATISLAVA 6.X.42, supplemented with letter franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler 12Pf zaslaným through/over German FP from Belgrade to Bratislava with surtax Slovak stamp. 1Ks+60h with CDS BRATISLAVA 6.VIII.42; folds, small tearing, rare franking postage-due stamps! U:A5
1940-1944 comp. 2 pcs of parcel cards from abroad with mounted Postage due stamps on reverse (vyclívací poplatek): 1x from Switzerland with stamp. Alb.D2, D8, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 12.XI.40 and 1x from Wien (Vienna) with stamp. D20, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 24.VII.44; vertical fold, rare usage U:A4
1939 Maxa K5K, identification commercial PC to Poland, with Hlinka Sy.27 and 30, both with perfin "K" f. Mechanická spinning mill konopí Michael Kann - Bratislava, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 28.IV.39; good condition, c.v.. Synek. 100€, decorative piece! U:A5
1939 Maxa O16, identification envelope sent as Printed matter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Hlinka 20h and 30h, Sy.27, 28, from that 30h orange with perfin "O.P./C." f. Oscar Pischinger /cukrovinky - Bratislava, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 13.XI.39; toned in envelope, perfin the highest category F (3-4 known pieces), this identification entire is UNIKÁT! U:A5
1939 German field post in Slovakia, photo postcard Nové Mesto above V. to St. Ägyder in Austria German soldier, with CDS FP 3.4.39; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1942 card German field post addressed to to Prievidze, CDS ÚSTREDŇA POLNÝCH POŠT/ 30.III.42, sender Š. K., Feldpost (Field-Post) 40301; sound condition U:A5
1942 German field post in Slovakia, photo postcard Malacky to Wien (Vienna) German soldier without denního FP-postmark., according to text 26.4.1942, supplemented with blue FP cachet cancel. Ers. Bat. II/134/ 5. Kompanie; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1943 German field post in Slovakia, photo postcard Zvolen to Graz German soldier without denního FP-postmark., according to text 29.8.1943, supplemented with blue FP cachet cancel. Deutsche Luftwaffenmission i.d. Slowakei and cancel. Feldpost (Field-Post), supplemented with CDS ENGERAU AN DER DONAU 1.9.43 (today Bratislava - Petržalka) - some unit vozily post on/for German territory; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1945 card German field post sent to Slovakia from Slovak soldier in Italy, CDS POĹNÁ POST 52/ 26.I.45, additional cancel. Cenzurované and frame "ZPÄŤ/ service suspended" (through přechodu front); sound condition U:A5
1939 in parallel used Czechosl. frankotype Žinostenská bank / branch office Bratislava, values 50h with cancel. BRATISLAVA 1/ 16.5.39, uprated by. krajovou str-of-3 stmp with overprint Beneš 50h, Sy.8 with hand-made CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 17.V.39, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition, parallel usage Czechoslovak frankotypes in time Slovak Rep. is rare! U:A5
1943-1944 comp. 2 pcs of envelopes with print meter stmp, 1x Registered and Express letter, commercial window envelope with meter stmp 7Ks/ Co-operation sber textilných and iných odpadkov Horný Kamenec, CDS ZEMIANSKÉ KOSTOLANY 25.5.43, 1x imprint of meter franking 1,30Sk/ Automatické mills Jozef Hýbal Skačany Broďany/ CDS VELKÉ BIELICE 27.7.44; superb print U:A4
1944 meter stmp Úradovňa Robotnickej sociálnej posťovne in/at Nitre, CDS NITRA 17.3.44 with value 30h on/for platebním výměru sent as Printed matter, supplemented with 4 pcs of documents this insurance company, Un cheque order and cut from her and 2x certificate of odhlášce; only fold U:A4
1939 POLSKÝ occupation / letter franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. Hlinka 2x 10h + 30h and Polish stamp. 10Gr, cancelled Polish CDS JABLONKA ORAWSKA 10.IX.39, supplemented with violet Slovak official cancel. Postal office/ JABLONKA with national emblem; good condition, rare occurrence U:A5
1939-1944 comp. 14 pcs of entires with special postmark and postmarks Autopošty, various franking, 1x as Registered, part philatelically motivated; mainly good condition U:A5
1939-1944 STRANICKÉ STAMPS / Hlinka's Slovak people's party, comp. 3 pcs of, from year 1939 letterprint **, from y 1940 (*) and 1944 ** both recess printing U:A5
1939 CDV2, Hlinka 50h olive green sent as express to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Hlinka 20h, Tiso 50h and National Motives 5 Koruna, CDS ŽILINA 1/ 9.X.39; very fine U:A5
1939 CDV3/I, address I. part from double PC 50h Hlinka green, sent as express inlandly, uprated by. pair Hlinka 1 Koruna red, CDS KYSUCKÉ NOVÉ MESTO 14.XI.40, supplemented with on address-side arrival CDS IVANKA PRI NITRE 15.XI.940; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1939 CDV4/18a, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna - Smolenice castle - tree L, rare pictorial PC; very fine, c.v.. 230€ U:A5
1941 CDV4/18b, 25, 2 picture PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, Smolenice castle - printing error tree R and Tatras, both sent to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x Flight uprated by. airmail stamp 1Ks - without attributes of air forwarding, CDS TURČIANSKÉ TEPLICE 9.IX.41 and PREŠOV 10.XII.41, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1939 CDV5, double unilaterally Us PC 1.20Ks Hlinka addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS TGF BRATISLAVA 14.IV.41, passed through German censorship; good condition, small usage neoddělených Us double PC U:A5
1939 CDV5/I, address part from double PC 1.20Ks Hlinka sent as Reg to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Sy.50 2x, 53 2x, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 20.XII.43, passed through German censorship incl.. chemical; good condition, decorative piece, very rare usage! U:A5
1939 CDV5X, Hlinka 1,20 Koruna, CHYBOTISK double international post card in red color; without defects, c.v.. 250€, rare, rare usage! U:A5
1941 CDV8, Tiso 50h green sent as express to Vienna, richly uprated to general postage 6,20Ks, CDS BRATISLAVA 24.III.41 and arrival on face-side WIEN 26.III.41; good condition U:A5
1941 CDV10/1, Memorandum, picture view card with imprinted stamp sent as express to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Memorandum, Sy.56-58, 52, CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVATÝ MARTIN 31.V.41 passed through German censorship; good condition, bumped corners, rare usage U:A5
1941 CDV10/2, Memorandum, picture view card with imprinted stamp to Protectorate, uprated with stamp Hlinka 1 Koruna, CDS MEDZILABORCE 21.X.41, passed through German censorship; fold in corner, good condition, rare usage U:A5
1941 CDV10/2, Memorandum, picture view card with imprinted stamp sent by air mail to Germany, uprated by. airmail stamp 2 Koruna, CDS BRATISLAVA 10.X.41, passed through German censorship; good condition, without attributes of air forwarding, after all rare usage these Us p.stat U:A5
1942-1943 CDV11, Tiso 70h brown, comp. 3 pcs of, 1x Reg and Express addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, richly uprated by., CDS DUBNICA N. V. 21.I.43 and on reverse arrival, 2 pcs of sent Flight to empire, uprated by. air stamp. - without attributes of air forwarding, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1944 CDV13/ 1-18, Promotional 1944, Rázus 1Ks green, complete set of 18 pcs of pictorial post cards; very fine, c.v.. 380€, rare usage, big specialisation see. new Monograph Földes - Havlíček U:A5
1944 CZL2, letter-card Hlinka 1,30 Koruna, addressed to to Leopoldova, uprated with stamp Tatra 20h, Sy.107, CDS ZVOLEN 22.XII.44, without margins; good condition U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete basic collection on pages Růžička in spring folder, i.a. complete overprint issue ** (10CZK small production gum flaw, exp. by Mrnak.), blue Štefánik, several more interesting perf stamp. Hlinka, gum, wmk, also miniature sheet For Children-issue, 2- and 4-stamp gutter Tiso, newspaper, postage-due, i.a. 2 Koruna horiz. grid etc..; mainly mint never hinged U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in old spiral album K.U.S., contains incomplete overprint issue, miniature sheet For Children-issue, 4 stamp. gutter Tiso etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by duplication in 6 sheet stockbook A4; various quality U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] DESKOVÉ A VÝROBNÍ VADY collection especially plate flaws from overprint after/around postage-due issue, catalogue also uncatalogued plate variety - all with mark pos., part production defects as shifts overprints, perf, smudges, offsets, Postage due stmp III. on/for carton paper etc.., blocks, strips also single stamp.; mainly mint never hinged stamp., placed on 20 sides stockbook A4 U:Z
1939-1996 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA 1939-45 + 1993-96 collection used stamp. in 20 sheet stockbook, mainly complete, from overprint missing only value 10CZK Bratislava, (other all exp. Synek), Postage due stmp with also without watermark + modern Slovensko,-zn., souvenir sheets also PB, supplemented with 11 pcs of stamp. booklets, 10 pcs of carte-max, 20 pcs of postal stationery cover + CDV U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in big stockbook A4 on/for ca. 40 sides, cross section issues, single set often more times, also part with plate number, air-mail, postage-due, newspaper, 2-stamps gutter Tiso etc..; larger part mint never hinged U:Z