1945 PRAGUE / Lion trhající swastika, design V. Preissiga on/for revolutionary stamp., 8-známkový printing sheet in red color on white paper without gum (no optically cleared paper); very fine
1945 comp. of stamps with revolutionary overprints, part in blocks of four, complete also incomplete set; mint never hinged also stamp. with postmark in blocks of four, placed on two-sided filled card A4
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS / small collection in older stockbook on 13 variously full sides, contains i.a. Říčany near Prague, Svitavy, Sušice, Holešovice, Plzeň, Rychnov, prevail incomplete set etc..; part hinged
1945 comp. 15 pcs of Reg letters with provisory circular cancel. and provisory R label, from various post, for example. BĚHÁNKY, DOLNÍ LITVÍNOV, FILIPOV, HROB, PRÁCHEŇ, from that 8 pcs of philatelically influenced mailing; good condition
1945 selection of 20 pcs of Reg mailings, from that 1x Reg and Express paid/franked cash and 1x unpaid Reg letter, all with provisory R label and provisional postmark., for example. NEPLACHOVICE, PASEKA on/for M., SEDLNICE, ŠMÍDEBERK, ŠPÁLOV, VEDRYNĚ; mostly nice print
1945-1946 comp. 10 pcs of entires, from that 6x letter and 4x letter-card "Úřad pro uhelné hospodářství", various provisional postmark., for example. DRAHANY, LUŽICE, PETROHRAD, ŠILPERK; mostly nice print, usual quality
1945-1946 comp. 15 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. and provisory R label from various post, for example. FRYŠTÁT, KAPLICE, LIPTAŇ, OKNA, OSOBLAHA; good condition, interesting
1945-1946 selection of 20 pcs of entires, from that 19x letter, 1x PC, all with variously changed German cancel., for example. BREITENBACH, MARKHAUSEN, OPAVA 4, ROSSBACH, VELKÁ ŠTÁHLE; mostly nice print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of entires with 1-řádkovými provisory cancel. from various post, for example. BOHOSUDOV, BYNOV, LOKET, STARÉ SPLAVY, SVATÁ SIDONIE, all paid/franked cash, or uncashed; mostly nice print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of entires with 2-řádkovými provisory cancel. from various post, for example. DOLNÍ GRUNT, DRAHANY, KOMORNÍ LHOTKA, NIVNICE, SADOV; 7 pcs of cash paid, mostly nice print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of entires with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945", from various post, for example. Chřibská, MACHONÍN, MARŠOV IV., NOVÉ HERMÍNOVY, ONDŘEJOVICE, OSKAVA, PERNINK; mostly nice print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945" and with provisory R label from various post, for example. BRNĚNEC, DOBRÁ VODA, MLADÉBUKY, NEJDEJK 1, PUDLOV, TRHANOV, VERNEŘICE; interesting
1945-1946[COLLECTIONS] PROVISORY collection 400 pcs of various entires, from that more than 360 pcs of Reg letters with provisory German Reg label with overprints or přepisy, 4 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, 3 pcs of newspaper address cut-squares with provisory cancel. and several letters franked/paid cash, it contains e.g. TŘISEKERY, VENDRYNĚ, PUDLOV, PRATLSBRUN, NĚMECKÝ BENEŠOV, OLEKSOVICE, LÍŠŤANY, KUNVALD, KOKONÍN, KLIMKOVICE, VESEC U LIBERCE, KUNRATICE U CVIKOVA, HRABIŠÍN, BYSTŘICE N. OLZOU etc.., placed in stockbook for entires and smaller box; mainly chosen quality
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of letters + 1 postcard, all with various provisional postmark with pevným date of printing "1945" (1 pcs of "1946"), for example. KARVINNÁ 1, JAVORNÍK, LOUČKY U KRNOVA, ŠAFOV, ŽALHOSTICE; mostly nice print
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] collection / exhibit on/for more than 80 pages (through/over 150 entires) with German descriptions, contains i.a. more than 40 Reg entires, also official, postage due, dispatch-note, rubber, nationalized and memorial cancel. etc..; interesting
1946 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of entires from various post with provisory cancel. with pevným date of printing "1946", for example. GRÄFENBEERG, LIBEČ, MIKULEČ, STĚBOŘICE, SUNIPERK, from that 8 pcs of request for příděl coal; mostly nice print
Pof.353, 1,50 Koruna brown-carmine, block of 6 (pos. B 8/7-8, 9/7-8, 10/7-8) with lower margin incl. five plate variety, in addition HRUBÝ and SMÍŠENÝPRŮSEK + Pof.357, 9K brown-orange, block of four with lower margin and plate variety B 9/3 and 10/4 (112/2); mint never hinged
Pof.353, 354, 356, 357, 358, selection of bloks of four, pairs and 1 stamp. with various plate variety and production flaw, shift pin hole, oblique pin hole, 2 Koruna 2x with plate number, rough and mixed pin hole at value 13 Koruna and 9K, hair paper crease on stmp 2 Koruna, partial offset at value 6 Koruna; all mint never hinged gum
1945 Pof.354-356, comp. 3 pcs of with DV: value 2 Koruna with DV61/D, round rozkrok lion; 5 Koruna with DV63/D, oblique line by 5; 6 Koruna with DV67/D, white stain by K; mint never hinged
Pof.355, 5 Koruna dark grey, blk-of-12 with R margin and with plate variety oblique light band through/over picture stamp. on pos. 78, 79 and 80, pětidentifikovaných plate variety + other 9 plate variety, pos. D7/5-10, D8/5-10; mint never hinged, rare in big block!
Pof.356, 6 Koruna blue, block of 6 with plate variety large white circle before/(in front of) "6" + other 5 plate variety, pos. D8/3-5, D9/3-5; mint never hinged
Pof.357 production flaw, 9K brown-orange, horizontal strip of 3 with L margin with shift vert. pin hole to picture all 3 stamp., plate 2, pos. 1-3; mint never hinged
Pof.357 VV+DV, 9K brown-orange, vertical pair with lower margin and significant shift vert. pin hole to to picture of adjacent stamp. + other 3 identified plate variety, pos. B9/3 and 10/3; mint never hinged, significant shifts are sought!
PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.354C+D, 356D, comp. 3 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with plate number, Pof.356D retouch; mint never hinged, 1x value 2 Koruna with minor gum fault
Pof.354-357, 359, comp. 6 pcs of corner pieces with plate number, Pof.354C, 355C, 355D - retouch, 356C, 357A(1) and 359A(1), mint never hinged, only value 20K hinge in margin
Pof.354-356 Mv(4), comp. of 3 horiz. 4-stamps gutter with lower margin, value 2 Koruna red with plate number A1, values 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna with retouch plate number; mint never hinged
Pof.354Ms(4) + Mv(4), value 2 Koruna red, comp. 4 pcs of blk-of-16, 2x horiz. 4-stamp gutter - 1x with plate number A1 and 2x vertical 4-stamp gutter., blocks contains total 32 identifikovaných plate variety; mint never hinged, small folds
PLATE PROOF lithography předlohy stamp design "PŘILBA" 5 Koruna, opposite facing pair with signature, from of author LeaGajdzici on/for stronger paper without gum in black color, format 55x74mm; see Kassay-Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps, page. 33 and 39
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 7 pcs of with interesting production errors/flaws, 1x shift red L-wards, 1x shift red transport, 1x stranovýobtah and partial print on/for ribbed corner, 3x rings in/at grey-black color etc.., description including; all mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, 3 pcs of s různýmizajímavostmi: 4/112 „výrazný circle above last „K“ on stmp 5 Koruna and other dull circle v obličeji on stmp 2K“; 5/111 „kroužek above star on/for helmet on stmp 5K“ and 6/112 shift red downward closely k naznačené perf; interesting selection of
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, complete set all 15 souvenir sheet fields - all combination 222, AP8 - circle in large emblem and in stamp. 5 Koruna circle in/at helmet, AP9 - light shift background print L-wards, AP14 corner mark RZ-AP14-M2, AP15 - in stamp. 5 Koruna circle after/behind numeral "5"; all mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 18 pcs of miniature sheets with several rohovými and registered marks, interesting production flaw - rings, stains, see. description in/at tabulce; 17 pcs of mint never hinged, 1 pcs of with label (AP15), estimation owner 4.200CZK
1945 Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, 3 pcs of with production flaw, from that 2x white circle by/on/at 5 Koruna and 1x white circle in emblem + shifted background print; mint never hinged, on/for plate A4
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, 4 pcs of, with parts soutiskových marks in lower corners, in the middle bottom margins and in L margin; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with production flaw - significant shift red color downward - at value 2 Koruna inscription with author outside frame; lightly hinged
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 2 (according to J. Čtvrtečka), sought combination 221, at value 6 Koruna blue spot above přilbou and in large emblem circle; mint never hinged