1949 Pof.ZT 505 + Pof.503, 504, 505, Personalities, plate proof stamp. Fučík 2Kčs in brown color without perf (L close margin, minor gum fault) + issued same stamp. with stain before/(in front of) čelem (minor gum fault), Šverma 1Kčs with double obloukem on forehead + Vančura 80h 3 pcs of with color line in margin at top, L and lower
1949 Pof.507, Jirásek 8Kčs, block of four hledaného shade c) grey-green z roku 1953, this shade in the market is rare, mostly is after/behind it mylněvydávána variant shade a), catalogue very misvalues, on request exp. by Arbeit + k tomu marginal block-of-4 shade and) + corner piece shade b); exceptional offer
1950 Pof.A564 production flaw, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950 with special postmark with production flaw - significant oblique print grey color, plate G; decorative
1951PLATE PROOF Pof.574, Fučík 5Kčs, plate proof in horiz. imperforated str-of-3 on/for smooth cardboard paper (advertisement poster automobilky Škoda) z původní printing plate v modrošedé color with upper margin; finger-print tiskaře, v této form unique rarity, including certificate labour, extraordinary offer!
1953 Pof.702, Museum Smetana 1,50Kčs, corner str-of-5 s datem 9.II.53; very sought surplus print v tmavě brown color, this date first-time v jakékoli auction!, light folded, otherwise very good condition
1953 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.730, Agriculture 1,50Kčs brown, complete 100 stamps sheet incl. plate variety 37/1, in vertical perf between 2. and 3. column neproražený perf hole in/at every line, color points in upper margin; mint never hinged, folded in perforation - short permit in margins
1945-1953DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉVADY / selection of 21 pcs of blocks, stripe and single stamp. with plate variety and flaw print, contains i.a. Pof.487 type II in str-of-3, Pof.543 plate variety 41/1, Pof.545 plate variety 17/1, Pof.644 PLATE PROOF in light blue color, Pof.542-545 in blocks of four with plate variety 41/1 on/for 543, Pof.651 and 653 with 2x omitted perforation hole, Pof.654 plate variety 25/1, Pof.701 with plate variety 96/1 etc..; mint never hinged
1945-1953DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉVADY / Pof.421, 459, 464-465, 474, 503, 504, 506, 507, comp. 15 pcs of stamp. and blocks with plate variety, plate variety and production flaw; mint never hinged
1945-1949 PLATE FLAWS / Pof.427, 459, 503-504, selection of čtyř sought plate variety and plate variety, 1x T. G. Masaryk 4Kčs with plate variety 1/31 - oblique roll embossing coupon, 1x Vančura 80h with plate variety 1/89 - oblique red line R from head, 2x Šverma 1Kčs with plate variety 1/33 - wavy line on forehead and plate variety 2/52 - line above nose, 1x T. G. Masaryk 15Kčs with plate variety 1/99; Pof.427 used, c.v.. 1.020Kč
1945-1954 PLATE FLAWS / comp. of 8 various stamps with plate variety, plate variety and VV: 2x Pof.421 (types I + II..), 1x Pof.459 with coupon and plate variety - oblique moleta, 1x Pof.474 corner blk-of-4 with name of author, 1x Pofis. 639 carmine stain through/over upper margin, 3x Pof.644 white stain above pěstí, two vertical lines above head and rozmáznuté "...OVENSKO", block of four stain between stamp. and long line from bottom margins and two horiz. lines above head, 1x Pof.736 in lower margin blue line, 1x Pof.792 plate variety 31/1; mint never hinged
1953-1960DATATISKU / selection of 19 date print z nejhledanějšího period, except one all complete and nepřetržená (in this period corner blocks of four date ničily), contains i.a. Pof.713, Václavek 3Kčs 13.IV.53 (very sought surplus print), Pof.718 basic print also surplus print z 24.III.53, Pof.722, Peace Race basic print also surplus print z 30.IV.53; unusual selection of
1945 comp. 5 pcs of interesting letters issue London-issue, 1x Ex above 50g s 20x 50h and uprated.; 1x to Switzerland, 1x certificate of mailing s hodnotou 1CZK, 1x Reg, multiple franking 50h and 1x mixed with Služebními; interesting selection of (ex Koupal)
1950 [COLLECTIONS] miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, Pof.A564, comp. of 12 miniature sheets with identified plate, in addition supplemented with 2x Reg letter franked with. this miniature sheet; on pages with descriptions, only basic souvenir sheets c.v.. 6.000CZK
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.363-371, Bratislava's, selection of blocks and stamps with plate variety, i.a. value 4 Koruna with plate variety 188, 189, RE 191, slitá "4", rozlitý cross, value 10K rozlitý cross etc..; on 3 pages A4
1953 Pof.740A, Zápotocký 30h, six pieces z rotačkyWIFAG, significantly different color shades and gum (six various editions); v aukci still unoffered, nice selection of
1953 Pof.741, Zápotocký 60h, set of all five basic color shades incl. dark carmine and rare light carmine in/at upper marginal pair; minor gum fault, small spots, exceptional offer
1953-1960 Pof.742, Charles Bridge 5Kčs, selection of three corner blk-of-4 ze tří various reprints, any other one color odstín: 17.XII.59, 28.IX.60 and 14.XI.60 (dotiskyz roku 1960 first-time v jakékoli auction), in addition corner Pr common shade from basic print; 1x significant gum skips typical for daný printing, evidently unrepeatable chance
1953 Pof.767 plate variety, Transport 1Kčs, marginal piece with date of print + Pof.773 plate variety, Stalin and Gottwald 60h, marginal horizontal pair, both stamp. with imprint of transfer roll in L margin; mint never hinged
1954 Pof.776, Profession 20h, selection of expressive color shades and sorts gum, total 9 editions, three rare dotisky as blk-of-4, 2 editions glrilled gum; unusual selection of
1954 Pof.A813 production flaw, miniature sheet Zápotocký 2Kčs with production flaw - expressive shift of cut transport up, for comparison common piece (hinged); mint never hinged, rare
1955Ministerské gift album issued to exhibition PRAGA 1955, mounted souvenir sheets Pof.A853/857A+B, after/around 2 pcs of perf also imperforated from that 1x with special postmark + 3 special envelope/-s with stamp. from miniature sheet and 1x with whole miniature sheet; good condition
1957 Pof.PL930 production flaw, Comenius 60h, V. type, PB with production vadami: on pos. 1 significant incomplete-printing on/for hrudi, in addition on pos. 3 and pos. 4 smudge color, in background on pos. 3 vertical brown line; interesting
1957 Pof.A967, miniature sheet Zápotocký, comp. 8 pcs of miniature sheets, contains plate A1, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1 + D1 type II berry (without gum, exp. by Gilbert.) + B1 with brown gum; outside type II mint never hinged
1958 Pof.999, Novotný 30h blue, comp. of 4 corner blk-of-4, z toho three with dates of print reprints (various odstíny): 6.VI.59 (grey-blue), 3.XII.59 (significantly thin/light print, „bílýobličej“, rare also single stamps from this of day), 5.XII.59 (light grey-blue, sought shade, date first-time v jakékoli auction), k tomu common basic print z roku 1958 (dark blue); from same zdroje as ticket 1159 v minulé auction, quite exceptional offer
1959 Pof.1078 production flaw + 1084 plate variety, Birds 20h, pair with production flaw 2/A - missing blue in corner + 1,20Kčs, block of four with plate variety 3/1 - stain in branches; mint never hinged
1960 Pof.1103, Castles 20h, comp. of 9 date print, from that 6 v rohových blocks of four, various editions and shades (5.XI.59, 20.IX.60, 28.VIII.61 s podpisem Jaroslav Šváb, 9.X.61, 20.VII.62, 10.XII.62, 13.II.63, 21.XI.63 and 17.XII.64); contains all distinctive shades, some z těchto date first-time v jakékoli auction, very good supplement k losům this issue z dřívějšíchaukcí, v této form unrepeatable offer
1960 Pof.1104, Castles 30h, lower corner blok of 4 z dotiskuz 19.IV.62 (lower outside date number sheet by pencil) - minor faults (L the bottom stamp. thin place) and block of 6 extremely light green color s nevykreslenýmikonturami castle („bílýhrad“); very rare, first-time v aukci
1960 Pof.1117 plate variety, III. congress Czechosl. Red Cross 30h, vertical marginal strip-of-3 with plate variety 40/1 + samostatný piece with plate variety 50/2; mint never hinged, sought defects
1961 Pof.1217-1225, Butterflies, corner str-of-3 20h with 1x DO/A, marginal block-of-4 1,60CZK with plate variety 1,2 and comp. of 8 single stamp. - i.a. 15h type II, 20h with plate variety 8/A, 80h with plate variety 1/A, 1,60Kčs with plate variety 2,3/A etc..
1965 Pof.1482, Nitra 20h, comp. of stamps from 8 editions, with various color shades also gum, 3x marginal and 1x corner piece + marginal Pr with plate variety 1/84 (later variant); interesting
1966 Pof.A1508, miniature sheet Bartered bride 3Kčs, 2 pcs of, 1x transparent paper (on reverse bright visible complete print red color) and 1x for comparison common miniature sheet; very interesting
1966 Pof.1517-1521, Fishes, selection of types, flaws and posunů: value 1,40 Koruna with plate variety 1/50 and uncatalogued significant plate variety 1/79 (horiz. line above „oven“); value 1Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4, 2x ST I. + II., in addition shift green color up; 1,20Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4, shift orange downward; value 60h significant shift orange downward, 30h smaller shift brown R; interesting selection of on/for favourite issue, only c.v.. defects 1.040Kč
1966 Pof.1518, Fishes 60h, L the bottom corner blk-of-10 s výrazným shift grey and green color downward; postmark from favor, original gum, after all very interesting, unstamped still wasn't submitted
1966-1969TYPY, DESKOVÉ A TISKOVÉVADY comp. 5 pcs of pairs with ST and plate variety, Pof.1519 ST I. + II., Pof.1570 ST I. + II. and II + I, Pof.1587 ST II + I, Pof.1592 plate variety 4/1 and 5/1 - circle on/for of throat; all mint never hinged
1966 Pofis. 1567, 1572, Game 30h and 1,20 Koruna, value 30h corner piece with very rozostřeným print (quite zdeformovaný name state and numeral value) and 1,20 Koruna s hledanou plate variety 40/1 - cut UR corner; very sought
1966 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1570 ST, Hare 80h, complete 50 pcs of print sheet, 5x ST I+II+I and 5x I. + II.; mint never hinged, vertical folded in perforation, without defects